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The RAINFOR database: monitoring forest biomass and dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Problem: Data from over 100 permanent sample plots which have been studied for 10–20 years need a suitable system for storage which allows simple data manipulation and retrieval for analysis. Methods: A relational database linking tree records, taxonomic nomenclature and corresponding environmental data has been built in MS Access as part of the RAINFOR project. Conclusion: The database allows flexible and long‐term use of a large amount of data: more than 100 tree plots across Amazonia, incorporating over 80 000 records of individual trees and over 300 000 total records of tree diameter measurements from successive censuses. The database is designed to enable linkages to existing soil, floristic or plant‐trait databases. This database will be a useful tool for exploring the impact of environmental factors on forest structure and dynamics at local to continental scales, and long term changes in forest ecology. As an early example of its potential, we explore the impact of different methodological assumptions on estimates of tropical forest biomass and carbon storage.  相似文献   
The influence of parental spleen cells on the postnatal development of brush border microvillus membrane structure and the ability to transport lysine and alanine has been studied in the mouse jejunum during the second week of postnatal life. Control tissue taken from 7-11 day old mice has an unchanging crypt-villus structure and a low enterocyte migration rate of about 1 micron hr-1. Microvillus elongation in crypt enterocytes takes 6 days to complete under these conditions. Lysine and alanine transport begin 2 days after structural differentiation has ceased. Parental spleen cells injected into 1-2-day-old F1 mice cause crypt cell hyperplasia, villus shortening and a 3-6-fold increase in enterocyte migration rate after a period of 8 days. These effects are associated with large reductions in the time needed to complete microvillus membrane development and first express absorptive function. Lysine and alanine transport begin approximately 6 hr after structural differentiation has ceased under these conditions. Adaptive changes in the development of enterocyte structure and function, induced by injection of parental spleen cells, bear some resemblance to other changes found to occur normally at weaning and in adult animals subjected to controlled changes in diet and environmental temperature. The possibility that common principles govern enterocyte adaptation and that some of these still apply in an intestine undergoing an immune reaction is discussed.  相似文献   
The radiation sensitivity of two small-cell lung carcinoma cell lines growing as multicellular spheroids in static culture was determined using clonogenic cell survival and growth delay as endpoints. Growth delay determination suggested that clonogenic cell kill was less than was obtained by direct assay of cell survival. Recovery from potentially lethal damage was assayed in one line (HC12) but was not demonstrable, and clonogenic cell survival decreased with time in treated spheroids with diameters greater than 300 microns which contained a hypoxic cell population. Microscopic examination of the treated spheroids showed the emergence of an abnormal giant-cell population, and the progressive clonogenic cell loss that occurred after treatment was thought to be due to oxygen and nutrient deprivation of the remaining viable cells by this doomed cell population. Correction of the growth delay measurements for changes in cell size and clonogenic cell population allowed correlation of the growth delay and cell survival data.  相似文献   
Incubation of human plasma with 27 nM [gamma-32P]ATP in the presence of 20 mM MnCl2 results in the phosphorylation of several proteins detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. About 60% of the incorporated radioactivity is found in a 75-kDa protein containing [32P] phosphoserine. The amino-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified 75-kDa [32P]phosphoprotein is identical to that of vitronectin (also termed serum spreading factor or complement S protein). Rabbit antiserum against vitronectin precipitates greater than 90% of the 75-kDa [32P]phosphoprotein from plasma. Reverse phase chromatography of [32P]vitronectin degraded sequentially with CNBr and chymotrypsin yields one major labeled peptide. The sequence of the peptide, Ser-Arg-Arg-Pro-[32PO4]Ser-Arg-Ala-Thr, corresponds to residues 374-381 which are located in the heparin-binding fragment of vitronectin identified by Suzuki et al. [1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 15307-15314). Vitronectin could potentially be phosphorylated in vivo with ATP released from injured cells or secreted by platelets activated during hemostasis.  相似文献   
Various cooling (0.1-5,100 degrees C min-1) and warming (20-6,800 degrees C min-1) rates, stepped cooling schedules and four cryoprotective additives (dimethyl sulphoxide, methanol, ethanediol and glycerol) were investigated in cryopreservation studies with Dictyocaulus viviparus third-stage larvae. Exsheathment with sodium hypochlorite was essential to achieve significant survival. With uninterrupted cooling, highest survival (30% normally motile) was achieved with rates of 10-70 degrees C min-1. Survival was higher (50-75%) using 1 degree C min-1 to -10 degrees C followed by plunging into liquid nitrogen. The optimum warming rate was 6,800 degrees C min-1. The use of cryoprotectants led to marginally lower survival while varying the suspending media had no significant effect on survival. X-irradiated, exsheathed third-stage larvae cryopreserved by the optimum protocol yielded 38.3 +/- 4.2% survival. Two calves each infected with 45,000 (15,000 viable) exsheathed, unirradiated, cryopreserved third-stage larvae harboured 494 worms (1.1% infectivity) and 355 worms (0.8%) at necropsy. Numbers of first-stage larvae in the faeces reached 420/g and 105/g respectively 27 days after infection.  相似文献   
Heparin cofactor II (HCII) inhibits thrombin rapidly in human plasma in the presence of heparin or dermatan sulfate. To determine the minimum structure of dermatan sulfate required to activate HCII, the glycosaminoglycan was partially degraded by sequential treatment with periodate, [3H]borohydride, and sulfuric acid. Labeled oligosaccharide fragments were separated by gel filtration chromatography. Purified fragments were then applied to a column of HCII bound to concanavalin A-Sepharose, and bound oligosaccharides were eluted with a gradient of sodium chloride. Di-, tetra-, and hexasaccharide fragments did not bind to HCII, while 15% of the octasaccharides and up to 45% of larger fragments bound. Octasaccharides that bound to the HCII column had a greater negative charge than the run-through material based on anion-exchange chromatography, suggesting that they contained a greater number of sulfate groups per molecule. Fragments of dermatan sulfate containing a minimum of 12-14 sugar residues accelerated inhibition of thrombin by HCII. Fragments of this length that bound to the column of immobilized HCII had molar specific activities greater than those of the fragments that did not bind. These studies suggest that HCII is activated by dermatan sulfate fragments greater than or equal to 12 residues in length that contain a specific octasaccharide sequence required for binding to the inhibitor.  相似文献   
Knob heterochromatin homology in maize and its relatives   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary We have characterised the major DNA sequence component of knob heterochromatin in maize, teosinte andTripsacum. Sequence analysis of this DNA gives strong support to the proposal that maize originated by selection of variants in teosinte. In situ hybridization has confirmed that this repeating DNA sequence, which is the major component of maize knob heterochromatin, is also the major component of knobs in teosinte,Zea diploperennis andTripsacum. In Southern blot hybridizations the repeat has a similar basic organization in all taxa;Tripsacum, however, is differentiated from maize and teosinte by a number of sequence features. Maize and teosinte knob heterochromatin are indistinguishable with regard to the distribution of mutations in the 180-bp repeat and the presence and organization of a 202-bp variant sequence. The knob DNA sequence was not detectable in three species ofCoix, an Old World genus of the Maydeae.Within the repeat unit is a 27-bp region that shows no sequence changes in maize, teosinte orTripsacum. The remainder of the repeat unit has randomly distributed nucleotide changes. The presence of the conserved sequence region suggests that knob DNA may have a functional role in the nucleus.  相似文献   
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