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Local application of retinoic acid to wing buds of chick embryos leads to dose- and position-dependent changes in the pattern of cellular differentiation. Early effects of retinoid treatment on the apical ectodermal ridge coordinate pattern changes and morphogenesis. The length of the apical ridge increases when additional digits will form but decreases when digits are lost. These changes in length can be understood in terms of a threshold response to the local retinoid concentration that results in either disappearance or maintenance of the ridge (Lee & Tickle, J. Embryol. exp. Morph. 90, 139-169 (1985)). Here, we have analysed the mechanisms involved in ridge disappearance by locally applying retinoic acid to the apex of stage 20 chick wing buds. With this treatment regime, low doses give duplicated digit patterns and higher doses truncations. The height of the apical ridge is progressively reduced with increasing doses of retinoid and the time course of ridge flattening indicates that the height of the ridge is correlated with bud outgrowth. With high doses of retinoic acid, the typical ridge, a pseudostratified epithelium in which the columnar cells are tightly packed, disappears and the epithelium at the tip of the bud consists of loosely packed cuboidal cells. Shortly after treatment, there is a decrease in the number of gap junctions between ridge cells. This early change in cell contacts suggests that gap junctions may be involved in maintaining epithelial morphology. When treated epithelium is recombined with untreated mesenchyme, an apical ridge is reestablished and distal structures can be generated. In contrast, when treated mesenchyme is recombined with the epithelium from normal buds, only proximal structures are formed. Therefore, retinoids can lead to a reorganization of the apical ectodermal ridge which is mediated and maintained by the mesenchyme.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES--(a) To compare current vocational training in general practice with that ascertained by a survey in 1980; (b) to compare the training of trainees in formal training schemes with that of trainees arranging their own hospital and general practice posts. DESIGN--National questionnaire survey of United Kingdom and armed services trainees who were in a training practice on 1 April 1989. Questionnaires were distributed by course organisers. SETTING--Research project set up after an ad hoc meeting of trainees at the 1988 national trainee conference. SUBJECTS--2132 Of the 2281 trainees (93%) known to be in a training practice on 1 April 1989. RESULTS--1657 Trainees returned the questionnaires, representing 73% of all trainees known to be in a training practice on 1 April 1989. Between 1980 and 1989 there were significant improvements in the trainee year, and there was also evidence of improvements in general practice study release courses. There was no evidence of improvement in other aspects of training. General practice trainees spent an average of three years in junior hospital posts, which provided very little opportunity for study related to general practice. Training received during tenure of hospital posts differed significantly between trainees in formal schemes and those arranging their own hospital posts. During the trainee year training was almost the same for those in formal schemes and those arranging their own posts. Regions varied significantly in virtually all aspects of general practice training. CONCLUSIONS--The trainee year could be improved further by enforcing the guidelines of the Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice. The poor training in junior hospital posts reflected the low priority that training is generally given during tenure of these posts. A higher proportion of general practice trainees should be attached to vocational training schemes. More hospital trainees could attend general practice study release courses if these were designed specifically with the needs of hospital doctors in mind.  相似文献   
The pathogenesis of shock in the rhesus monkey given intravenous staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is not understood. Several cardiovascular changes produced by a highly purified preparation of SEB were studied after administration of doses ranging from 50 to 1,000 mug/kg. Irreversible arterial hypotension was found consistently at the higher doses. Arterial blood pressure and cardiac output declined substantially as shock developed. Total peripheral vascular resistance did not rise at any time, but showed a significant fall during the late stages of shock. Portal and central venous pressures remained essentially unchanged. Venous O(2) content and pO(2) declined gradually throughout the period of toxemia, but arterial O(2) content remained constant until just prior to death, when a slight fall was noted in some monkeys. These changes were consistent with a pooling of blood in the peripheral vascular beds and seemed to resemble cardiovascular responses reported to occur in monkeys during shock due to bacterial endotoxin. Epinephrine, administered in the late stages of shock, caused arterial pressure to increase almost immediately and cardiac output to return to normal about 1 min later. Although life could occasionally be prolonged for several hours by continuous or intermittent epinephrine infusions, this therapy never succeeded in reversing the lethal effects of high doses of SEB.  相似文献   
VH gene family usage was determined in both spontaneous, in vivo activated plasma cells and LPS-induced plasma cells from individual MRL/lpr mice by using in situ hybridization. It was found that VH gene family expression in spontaneous plasma cells varied from mouse to mouse. Some mice expressed VH families in an apparently random manner similar to that obtained with polyclonal activation. Other mice showed an exaggerated expression of particular VH gene families. VH J558 was overrepresented most frequently, but overrepresentation of VH 7183, Q52, and 36-60 was also observed. Importantly, LPS-induced VH gene family expression in these same mice displaying biased VH family usage in spontaneous plasma cells, appeared normal with no evidence for similar biases in the LPS-induced repertoire. Anti-DNA antibody concentrations and the degree of glomerulonephritis were determined for each mouse to measure the severity of disease. The level of expression of the J558 family was positively correlated with disease severity. The results suggest that the initial autoantibody response is highly diverse but becomes more restricted as the disease progresses.  相似文献   
Repeated patterns, of a type that would be expected to result from limitations to species coexistence (i.e. assembly rules) were sought in the Park Grass experiment. This classical grassland experiment was sampled in two years, using replicated biomass samples. Variance in a number of measures was examined, and compared to the variance expected under appropriate null models, the latter based on assumptions of no interactions between species. In each case, an assembly rule would result in low variance. Examining variance in species richness between quadrats within a treatment, there was no indication of constraint on species co-occurrences; variance in richness was actually greater than expected under the null model, attributable to environmental variation or perhaps positive interactions between species. However, there was control on biomass, evidenced by variance in total biomass (i.e. over all species) within a treatment being significantly lower than expected under the null model. There was no indication of community structure based on guilds (i.e. functional types). Although there was in 1991 some, non-significant, indication of a constant proportion of species from the legume guild, there was no sign of such an effect in 1992. Searches for intrinsic guilds failed to converge. There was no indication at all of constancy in the proportional representation of guilds by biomass. Thus, there is good evidence for competitive control on plant growth, but none for control of species occurrences. There is no convincing evidence for guild structure in this community at the scale sampled. Possible conflict is discussed between the existence of evidence for temporal stability but the absence of evidence for spatial uniformity. It is concluded that most of the mechanisms proposed for temporal stability will not necessarily lead to control on spatial variation. For many mechanisms, this would depend on the spatial scale examined.  相似文献   
Previous studies have identified the (4-10) heptapeptide sequence as the central core of alpha-MSH/ACTH peptides required for mediation of important biological activities. In the present study, the structure-activity relationships of Nle4-substituted and Cys4,Cys10-bridged cyclic alpha-MSH analogues, which were previously shown to exhibit a wide range of melanotropic potencies from weak agonism to super potency, were examined for grooming behavioral activity in the rat following intracerebroventricular injections. The results showed that stepwise C-terminal elongation of the linear Nle4-substituted Ac-alpha-MSH4-10-NH2 increased grooming potencies of the peptides in a manner similar to their actions on melanocytes. The most interesting finding was the observation that cyclization of the inactive linear "central (4-10) core" of alpha-MSH (Ac-alpha-MSH4-10) to form Ac-[Cys4,Cys10]-alpha-MSH4-10-NH2 resulted in a super potent agonist in the grooming assay. However, while cyclization of the (4-10) heptapeptide produced potent agonists on grooming behavior, the structure-activity relationships were different than the frog skin bioassay. These findings support the hypothesis that appropriate structural and confirmational modifications of alpha-MSH-related peptides can produce profound effects on the bioactivities of the peptides, and suggest that different structural-conformational requirements exist for alpha-MSH interactions with its various receptors.  相似文献   
Secretin modulation of behavioral and physiological functions in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of secretin on behavioral and physiological functions in the rat was investigated. Secretin injected intracerebroventricularly (ICV) significantly increased defecation and decreased novel-object approaches in rats. The peptide showed no significant effects on stereotypic behavior (gnawing, grooming and rearing), open-field locomotor activity however was significantly decreased, an effect that was probably due to a decreased propensity for the rats to initiate locomotor responses. In addition, secretin showed significant effects on respiration rate in anesthetized rats. When the peptide was injected in the lateral ventricle a decrease in respiration rate occurred, but when the brain was perfused from the lateral ventricle to the cisterna magna increases in respiration rate occurred. These data, combined with the facts that secretin and secretin receptors have been identified in the brain indicate that secretin may play a neurotransmitter or neuroregulator role in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Cholecystokinin (CCK) has been implicated as a signal for the syndrome of satiety in a variety of species. Several lines of evidence point to a peripheral site of action for the behavioral effects of CCK. Peripheral CCK receptors appear to activate a gut-brain pathway involving the sensory fibers of the vagus nerve. To investigate the central anatomical substrate of this visceral-behavioral control system, the terminal regions of the sensory tract of the vagus were lesioned. Radiofrequency lesions of the nucleus tractus solitarius abolished the effects of acute doses of CCK on exploratory behaviors. Sham lesions had no effect on baseline exploratory behaviors and did not influence the ability of CCK to decrease spontaneous exploratory behaviors. These findings delineate the first central site along the ascending sensory pathway which appears to mediate the satiety-related behavioral effects of CCK.  相似文献   
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