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Many winter-active temperate rodent species show seasonal, photoperiod-mediatedchanges in body mass that correlate with changes in food availability,gaining mass when food is abundant. The collared lemming (Dicrostonyxgroenlandicus), an arctic species, also undergoes a seasonaltransition in body mass, but one that is temporally out of phasewith that observed in species from lower latitudes; whereastemperate species increase in mass when exposed to relativelylong day lengths, collared lemmings do so under long but decreasingday lengths. This adaptation may be in response tothe timingof peak above-ground biomass in the arctic. Validation of thishypothesis requires a more thorough examination of both collaredlemmings and other arctic species. In the collared lemming, photoperiod-mediated changes in bodymass are correlated with changes in serum concentrations ofprolactin, thyroid hormones, corticosterone, and growth hormone,and pineal concentrations of melatonin. These observations arecompared to those obtained with temperate small mammals, andpossible cause-and-effect relationships between body mass andhormonal parameters are discussed.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Red chromatophores(erythrophores) of the prawn, Palaemonetesvulgaris, are controlled by pigment—dispersing and -concentratinghormones. Recent experiments on the modes of action of thesehormones are described, followed by a theory which satisfactorilyexplains the data. Red pigment-concentrating hormone is dependentupon sodium ions for a strong response to occur. There is asimilar dependency of red pigment—dispersing hormone uponcalcium ions. Ouabain inhibits the response to red pigment—concentratinghormone; tetrodotoxin enhances it. Erythrophores with maximallydispersed pigment had a transmembrane potential of 55±15mv inside negative in one series of experiments and 56±4mv in another. No appreciable changes in permeability occurwhen depolarizing and hyperpolarizing currents are passed througha microelectrode within the chromatophore. Red pigmentconcentratinghormone causes hyperpolarization of the transmembrane potential.The magnitude of hyperpolarization is directly related to thedegree of pigment concentration. Adenosine 3`;, 5`-monophosphate(cyclic AMP) causes dispersion of the red pigment but has nopigment-concentrating effect. The primary action of red pigmentconcentratinghormone is most likely stimulation of a pump which exchangessodium ions from inside the chromatophore with potassium ionsfrom the outside, whereas red pigment-dispersing hormone quitelikely stimulates entry of calcium ions into the chromatophore.  相似文献   
The neuropeptides methionine enkephalin and FMRFamide, when injected into intact fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, produce dark adaptation of the distal retinal pigment. Furthermore, both neuropeptides stimulate release of distal retinal pigment dark-adapting hormone activity from the isolated eyestalk neuroendocrine complex. It is hypothesized that both neuropeptides, when injected into intact fiddler crabs, act only indirectly on the distal retinal pigment, by stimulating release of this dark-adapting hormone.  相似文献   
A new species, Ilex mucugensis Groppo sp. nov. (Aquifoliaceae), is described and illustrated. The species is known only from 'campos rupestres' (vegetation of rock outcrops at high altitude) in the vicinity of Mucugê, Bahia State, Brazil, in the mountains of the Espinhaço Range. Comments on affinities, geographical distribution and phenology of the new species are also provided.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 153–156.  相似文献   
Mammals (mainly aardvark Orycteropus ufer , porcupine Hystrix austro-africanae , bat-eared fox Otocyon megalotis and Cape fox Vulpes chama ) which excavate holes in hard-capped soils in Karoo shrubland and inter-dune pans create microsites where seeds, detritus and water accumulate, and seeds germinate. Holes with seedlings were significantly deeper (6.7 ± 0.4 cm) than holes without seedlings (4.5 ± 0.3 cm). In open, inter-shrub sites, significantly more seedlings germinated in diggings than on the flat soil surface, but there was no difference in the proportion of seedlings germinating under shrubs and in diggings. In inter-dune pans, 96% of all seedlings found were growing in diggings.


Les mammifères (surtout l'oryctérope Orycreropus afer , le porcépic Hystrix austro-ajricanae , l'otocyon Otocyion megalotis , et le renard du Cap Vulpes chama ) qui creusent des trous dans les régions buissonneuses du Karoo et dans les creux entre les dunes créent des microsites où les semences, les déchets et l'eau se rassemblent, et les semences germent. Les trous où elles germent sont significativement plus profonds (6,7 ± 0,4 cm) que ceux où elles ne germent pas (4,5± 0,3 cm). Aux endroits buissonneux ouverts, il pousse plus de jeunes plantes dans des creux qu'à la surface du sol, mais il n'y a pas de différence entre les proportions de celles qui poussent sous les buissons et dans les creux. Dans les creux entre les dunes, 96% des jeunes pousses croissent dans les excavations.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The neuroendocrine system of crustaceans, crayfishin particular, has been extensively studied. As among vertebrates,a wide variety of processes are hormonally regulated, includingreproduction, growth, carbohydrate metabolism and color changes.The sinus gland, a neurohemal organ in the crayfish eyestalk,is the major neuroendocrine center. Herein, crayfish reproductivecycles and their hormonal control, particularly by the gonad-stimulatingand gonad/inhibiting hormones, are a major focus. In addition,the aminergic and peptidergic neuroregulators identified incrayfish central nervous organs that either have been or likelymay be shown to have neurotransmitter/neuromodulator roles incontrolling hormone release are discussed with respect to localizationand identified roles.  相似文献   
At the slow walk tetrapods avoid lateral couplets gaits to minimizesupport by ipsilateral bipods. Most of them use the lateralsequence because tripods then make larger triangles than forthe diagonal sequence. Of the running symmetrical gaits thesingle foots (in each sequence) permit the smoothest and fastesttravel without suspensions. The trot and pace allow two legsto thrust in unison, the former giving the most stability toanimals not placing the feet well under the body and the latteravoiding interference for long legged runners. The bound andhalf bound are most used by small agile mammals for bursts ofspeed and for maneuvering on rough terrain by a series of leaps.Such animals use the extended suspension. Large cursors on openterrain usually select the shorter more economical, gatheredsuspension. The fastest runners use both suspensions to gainlong strides. At moderate speed the transverse gallop has theadvantages over the rotary gallop that both bipods and tripodsare more stable and that interference may be avoided. At highspeed using both suspensions, none of these advantages pertains.The rotary gallop may then increase maneuverability.  相似文献   
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