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1. Two types of gemmules were found, each in a different species of sponge, from the warm monomictic Lake Kinneret: (i) clustered gemmules, sharing the pneumatic layer of the gemmular capsule and resembling gemmules of Eunapius ; (ii) gemmules that develop non-synchronously, containing amphidisc spicules within the gemmular capsule and resembling those of Ephydatia . Algal cells were not detected within either type of gemmule although they exist in the developed sponges.
2. Sponges began producing gemmules in the lake with the onset of lake drawdown and ceased when lake level was minimal. The gemmules hatched when the lake level began to rise.
3. Under experimental conditions gemmules hatched between 13 and 35 °C. Germination was optimal at 20–25 °C. Chilling of young gemmules prior to incubation at 25 °C improved germination rate.
4. The percentage of germinating dry gemmules diminished 4–6 months after their collection from the lake. None germinated after 10 months. Submerged gemmules maintained high viability with ageing (up to 100% germination 18 months after collection). Desiccation influenced gemmule viability over time, by both decreasing the percentage of germinating gemmules and increasing the lag time before onset of germination.
5. Gemmules kept in the dark germinated significantly less than those illuminated for 12 h day  相似文献   
Abstract: Microconchid tubeworms (Tentaculita) encrusting brachiopod shells have been investigated from the upper Frasnian – lower Famennian (Upper Devonian) deposits of the Central Devonian Field, Russia. The condition of microconchids and associated encrusting taxa is reported for the first time from the early Famennian recovery interval (crepida Chron) following the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction. Two species, one new (Palaeoconchus variabilis sp. nov.) and the second one in open nomenclature (Palaeoconchus sp.), are described. Compared to lower Famennian specimens, they seem to be preferentially grouped on the anterior parts of the brachiopod host shells, which are interpreted as the most suitable sites away from the sea‐bottom and sediment. During the late Frasnian (Late rhenana Chron), microconchids, outnumbered by cornulitids and as abundant as foraminifers, were also associated with trepostome bryozoans, tabulates, rugose corals and various problematic encrusters. During the early Famennian recovery interval encompassing the crepida Chron, microconchids greatly outnumbered all associated encrusters, including the previously dominant cornulitids, while foraminifers, tabulates and rugose corals vanished. Early Famennian microconchids, represented by the single, albeit very abundant, species Palaeoconchus variabilis sp. nov., were opportunists that rapidly colonised the environment during the ongoing transgression following the regression‐driven biotic crisis in the area of the Central Devonian Field. In comparison to their late Frasnian predecessors and even other Middle Devonian specimens, no size reduction (the so‐called Lilliput effect) of early Famennian microconchid tubes was observed. It is probable that microconchids either rapidly attained their ‘normal’ sizes or they did not suffer any dwarfism following the Frasnian–Famennian event.  相似文献   
Filipiak, P. & Zatoń, M. 2010: Plant and animal cuticle remains from the Lower Devonian of southern Poland and their palaeoenvironmental significance. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 397–409. Assemblages of plant and arthropod remains are reported from the Lower Devonian clastic deposits of the Upper Silesian and Ma?opolska blocks in southern Poland. Most of the plant and animal remains are palynologically dated as Pragian–Emsian/Eifelian. The plant material comprises higher plant cuticles with stomata classified as Drephanophycus and Sawdonia, and more enigmatic remains (nematophytes) classified as Nematothallus, Cosmochlaina and tubular banded tubes. They are associated with abundant and diverse miospores. Animal remains consist of eurypterid respiratory organs, the morphology of which may presumably point to their advance physiological properties, and cuticular remains of eurypterid and probably scorpion origin, as well as some remains of unknown affinity. The presence of such mixed assemblages in the Lower Devonian of Poland indicate marginal‐marine and/or alluvial environments spreading in the southern margin of the Old Red Continent. The dominance of land‐derived plant remains and simultaneous scarcity of marine acritarchs indicate that the environment was very weakly influenced by marine conditions. If nematophytes were really related to extant liverworts, as suggested by some workers, they, together with the other associated spore‐producing plants, may strongly indicate moist environmental conditions, which may have offered suitable habitats for temporary eurypterid migrations onto land. □Cuticles, eurypterids, Lower Devonian, nematophytes, Poland, spores.  相似文献   
Refuges provide shelter from predators, and protection from exposure to the elements, as well as other fitness benefits to animals that use them. In ectotherms, thermal benefits may be a critical aspect of refuges. We investigated microhabitat characteristics of refuges selected by a heliothermic scincid lizard, Carlia rubrigularis, which uses rainforest edges as habitat. We approached lizards in the field, simulating a predator attack, and quantified the refuge type used, and effect of environmental temperatures (air temperature, substrate temperature and refuge substrate temperature) on the amount of time skinks remained in refuges after hiding (emergence time). In respone to our approach, lizards were most likely to flee into leaf litter, rather than into rocks or woody debris, and emergence time was dependent on refuge substrate temperature, and on refuge substrate temperature relative to substrate temperature outside the refuge. Lizards remained for longer periods in warmer refuges, and in refuges that were similar in temperature to outside. We examined lizard refuge choice in response to temperature and substrate type in large, semi‐natural outdoor enclosures. We experimentally manipulated refuge habitat temperature available to lizards, and offered them equal areas of leaf litter, woody debris and rocks. When refuge habitat temperature was unmanipulated, lizards (85%) preferred leaf litter, as they did in the field. However, when we experimentally manipulated the temperature of the leaf litter by shading, most skinks (75%) changed their preferred refuge habitat from leaf litter to woody debris or rocks. These results suggest that temperature is a critical determinant of refuge habitat choice for these diurnal ectotherms, both when fleeing from predators and when selecting daytime retreats.  相似文献   
1. Full sunlight conditions in open clear‐cuts may limit the activity of ants as soil surface temperatures reach lethal levels. Therefore, differences may be expected between the diurnal and nocturnal activity of ants, and in the interactions between ant species. These predictions, however, have been poorly investigated so far. 2. The circadian activity of ants in clear‐cuts in managed forests in Poland was investigated. Repeated counts of ants were performed during the day and the following night at the clear‐cut edge and in the clear‐cut interior. Interspecific interactions and the effect of plant coverage were also considered. 3. Abundances of Formica fusca Linnaeus and red wood ants were higher during the day, whereas Myrmica were more common at night. Formica fusca, Lasius and red wood ants were more common at the clear‐cut edge than in the interior. Myrmica showed the opposite pattern, but at night, its numbers increased at the edge. Plant coverage positively affected F. fusca and red wood ants. 4. Red wood ants tended to be negatively associated with Lasius, whereas they were neutral for F. fusca. The negative association of red wood ants and Myrmica was stronger during the day compared to night. 5. The time of day was a strong driver of ant activity in the clear‐cuts, whereas the distribution of red wood ants was of lesser importance. It is concluded that circadian activity may substantially contribute to niche separation between coexisting species, therefore, studies performed exclusively during the day cannot reflect the real structure of the community.  相似文献   
A rich assemblage of exceptionally preserved marine and terrestrial fossils occurs in fine‐grained limestones in the upper part of the Late Tithonian (Middle Volgian) shallowing upward carbonate sequence in Central Poland. The richest horizon, a deposit known locally as the Corbulomima horizon, is named after the shallow burrowing suspension feeding bivalve Corbulomima obscura, moulds of which occur in densities of up to 500 per square metre on some bedding planes. The fauna in this bed also includes organic and phosphatic remains of a wide range of other creatures including the exuviae of limulids and decapods, disarticulated fish skeletons and rare isolated pterosaur bones and teeth. There are also perfectly preserved dragonfly wings and beetle exoskeletons. The average stable carbon and oxygen isotope values for ostracod shells and fine‐grained sediment from this horizon suggest precipitation of the calcium carbonate from warm seawater of normal marine salinity. The carbonate sediments overlying the fossiliferous horizon have been interpreted as nearshore to shoreface facies. These pass abruptly into coarse reworked intraclastic sediments interpreted as possible tsunami or storm surge over‐wash deposits. The clasts in this deposit have more positive oxygen isotope values than those in the underlying limestone, which may indicate that they were lithified in a slightly more evaporative, perhaps intertidal, setting. The succession terminates with silicified fine‐grained limestones likely to have formed in extremely shallow lagoonal environments. In contrast with the Solnhofen limestones of Lower Tithonian age in south‐central Germany the Corbulomima horizon is interpreted as a transitional deposit formed in a shallow marine setting by rapid burial with elements of both Konservat‐ and Konzentrat‐Lagerstätte preservation. □Konzentrat and Konservat‐Lagerstätte, Taphonomy, Palaeoenvironment, Paleogeography, Late Jurassic, Poland.  相似文献   
Quaternary aeolian deposits of the Canary Islands contain well‐preserved terrestrial gastropods, providing a suitable setting for assessing the taphonomy and compositional fidelity of their fossil record over ~13 kyr. Nine beds (12, 513 shells) have been analysed in terms of multivariate taphonomic and palaeoecological variables, taxonomic composition, and the stratigraphic and palaeontological context. Shells are affected by carbonate coatings, colour loss and fragmentation. Shell preservation is size‐specific: juveniles are less fragmented and show colour preservation more commonly than adults. In palaeosols, the adult shell density correlates negatively with the proportion of fragmented adults, negatively with the proportion of juveniles, and positively with the proportion of adults with coatings. High bioturbation intensity in palaeosols is associated with low shell fragmentation and high proportion of shells with coatings. These relationships imply that high adult density in palaeosols was driven by an increase in shell production rate (related to a decrease in predation rates on adults and a decrease in juvenile mortality) and a decrease in shell destruction rate (related to an increase in durability enhanced by carbonate precipitation). In dunes, the relationships between taphonomic alteration, shell density and bioturbation are insignificant. However, dune assemblages are characterized by a lower frequency of shells with coatings and higher rates of colour loss, indicating lower shell durability in dunes than in palaeosols. Additionally, non‐random differences in the coating proportion among palaeosols imply substantial temporal variation in the rate of carbonate crust formation, reflecting long‐term changes in bioturbation intensity that covaries positively with shell preservation. Dunes and palaeosols do not differ in species abundances despite differences in the degree of shell alteration, suggesting that both weakly and strongly altered assemblages offer data with a high compositional fidelity. Carbonate‐rich terrestrial deposits originating in arid conditions can enhance the preservation of gastropods and result in fossil assemblages that are suitable for palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental studies of terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   
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