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Hansen, A. P., Pate, J. S. and Atkins, C. A. 1987. Relationshipsbetween acetylene reduction activity, hydrogen evolution andnitrogen fixation in nodules of Acacia spp.: Experimental backgroundto assaying fixation by acetylene reduction under field conditions.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1–12 Glasshouse grown, symbiotically-dependent seedlings of Acaciaalata R.Br., .A. extensa Lindl., and A. pulchella R.Br. wereexamined for acetylene reduction in closed assay systems usingundisturbed potted plants, excavated whole plants, nodulatedroots or detached nodules. Nitrogenase activity declined sharplyover the first hour after exposure of detached nodules to acetylene(10% v/v in air), less steeply or not at all over a 3 h periodin assays involving attached nodules. Using detached nodules,rates of acetylene reduction, nitrogen (15N2) fixation, andhydrogen evolution in air (15N2) and acetylene-containing atmosphereswere measured in comparable 30 min assays. Total electron flowthrough nitrogenase in air was determined from rates of nitrogen(15N2) fixation ( ? 3) plus hydrogen evolution, that in thepresence of acetylene from rates of acetylene reduction andhydrogen evolution in air: acetylene. Values for the ratio ofelectron flow in air: acetylene to that in air ranged from 0?43to 0?83 in A. pulcheila, from 0?44 to 0?66 in A. alala and from0?37 to 0?70 in A. extensa, indicating substantial inhibitionof electron flow through nitrogenase of detached nodules byacetylene. Relative efficiencies of nitrogenase functioningbased on hydrogen evolution and acetylene reduction were from0?15 to 0?79, those based on nitrogen (15N2) fixation and hydrogenevolution from 0?53 to 0?87. Molar ratios of acetylene reducedto nitrogen (15N2) fixed were 2?82 ? 0?24, 201 ? 0?15, and 1?91? 0?11 (?s.e.; n = 7) for A. pulcheila,A. extensa and A. alata respectively A standard 5–10 min acetylene reduction assay, conductedon freshly detached unwashed nodules in daytime (12.00–14.00h), was calibrated for field use by comparing total N accumulationof seedlings with estimated cumulative acetylene reduction overa 7-week period of glasshouse culture. Molar ratios for acetylenereduced: nitrogen fixed using this arbitrary method were 3?58for A. alata, 4?82 for A. extensa and 1?60 for A. pulchella.The significance of the data is discussed. Key words: Acacia spp, nitrogenase functioning  相似文献   
Relationship between Photosynthesis and Plasmalemma Transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hansen, U.-P., Kolbowski, J. and Dau, H. 1987. Relationshipbetween photosynthesis and plasmalemma transport.—J. exp.Bot. 38: 1965–1981. The yield of chlorophyll-fluorescence (F), of oxygen evolution(PAS, photo-acoustic signal) and the light-induced changes ofplasmalemma potential (V) were measured in the presence of red(633 nm) background light with blue or far-red (720 nm) sinusoidallymodulated actinic light. The kinetic study based on curve-fittingof the measured frequency responses led to the following: theresponse of chlorophyll-fluorescence (F) to blue actinic lightcomprises four time-constants located at 2·7,50,400 and4000 s. Membrane potential (V) displays five time-constants:2· 50, 160±330, —1, 4000 s. These time-constantswere assigned to the reactions involved as follows: from thecomparison of the effects of blue and far-red actinic lightthe time-constants of 2·7 s and 400 s were related tothe plastoquinone pool and to the state-transition controller.The time-constant of 4000 s was not investigated. The complextime-constants of V are known to be related to the controllerof cytoplasmic pH from previous studies. The time-constant of50 s was common to V, F, and PAS. From the sign of the 50 scomponent in F and in PAS (qE-component), the following modelof the light action on membrane transport was developed: theuptake of protons into the inner space of the thylakoids causesan alkalinization of the cytoplasm which slows down the plasmalemmaH+-pump via a substrate effect. Key words: Chlorophyll-fluorescence, frequency responses, kinetic analysis, plasmalemma potential, photo-acoustic effect, proton flux, spinach, state-transitions, thylakoid membrane, time-constants  相似文献   
Utilization of assimilates for growth and maintenance of tops and roots of Lolium multiflorum was determined for plants supplied with either nitrate or ammonium. Carbon dioxide exchange rates were measured continuously for tops and roots separately. Three-day periods were applied for two irradiation levels. On the last day of each three-day period no nitrogen was supplied to the two treatments. In the nitrate treatment, the coefficient of utilization for converting assimilates into constructive growth (YG) remained unaffected in absence of nitrate. However, in absence of nitrate the maintenance respiration (M) for both tops and roots was only one third of that in presence of nitrate. In the treatment with ammonium the maintenance respiration of the plants was not influenced by the absence of ammonium. However, especially for the tops YG increased in absence of ammonium. In both the treatments, growth respiration of the roots was inefficient compared to that of the tops. Only in the case of absence of nitrate, maintenance respiration of the roots was similar to that of the tops.  相似文献   
Sucrose was supplied to stock plants of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska grown at different levels of irradiance. There was no significant effect on the rooting of the cuttings by sucrose supply to intact plants regardless of the irradiance. However, an increase in the number of roots per cutting was obtained at increasing concentrations of sucrose when the stock plants had been grown at 4 W m?2 and their cotyledons had been removed two days before the cuttings were excised. Cotyledons were removed from stock plants at different times before the excision of cuttings with the intent to regulate the endogenous supply of carbohydrate. The number of roots per cutting was reduced by removal of the cotyledons and this reduction was correlated to the number of days the stock plants had grown without cotyledons as well as to the irradiance pre-treatment. A greater reduction occurred in cuttings from plants grown under 4 W m?2 than from those grown under 38 W m?2. The growth of the stock plants and the subsequent stem growth of the cuttings was determined by the irradiance to the stock plants and by the time of removal of the cotyledons. Exogenous supply of sucrose had no effect on the stem growth of the cuttings.  相似文献   
Lecocarpus pinnatifidus is an endemic member of the Asteraceae occurring on only one island in the Galápagos archipelago. The capitula are large with female ray florets and male disc florets. They are self-compatible but this study suggests fruit set is pollen limited. Visits from Xylocopa darwini and other larger insect pollinators are rare, and small insects seem to be the main pollinators. Small insects carry few pollen grains and most likely mediate self-pollinations. Self-compatibility and seed set after selfing are the most common reproductive strategy in the Galápagos Islands and L. pinnatifidus seemingly fits well into this group.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 171–180.  相似文献   
Fully symbiotic or nitrate treated (3 d, 4·0 mol m–3)soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) cv. Bragg and a nitrate tolerantsupernodulating soybean mutant nts 1007 were exposed to 13Cenriched CO2 for a period of 10 h. During this period and forthe subsequent 24 h, continuous measurements of 13CO2 and 12CO2evolution of their root systems were undertaken. Three harvestsduring the experiment allowed determinations of the distributionof recently fixed carbon in different plant organs. These measurementsindicated higher dependence of N2 fixation in nts 1007 on recentlyfixed carbon (RFC) by showing elevated RFC concentrations innodules as well as their augmented respiration. Root respirationof both genotypes was generally more reliant on stored carbon. Nitrate induced in all measured parameters a clear responsein the mutant analogous to the wild type, but quantitative differencesremained throughout. Nodule respiratory activity, the relativespecific activity (RSA), and the utilization of RFC were substantiallyreduced, but remained higher in nts 1007 than in Bragg, whilethe demand of roots for RFC increased in Bragg more than inthe supernodulator. The elevated carbon requirement of the nodulecomplement of the mutant and a high dependence on recently fixedcarbon could be attributed to higher nodule growth and maintenancecosts of the supernodulating genotype and were not associatedwith augmented nitrogen fixation activity. This less efficientutilization of carbon and the associated almost parasitic characterof the nodule complement of nts 1007 is considered to be thecause of reduced growth of the mutant. No evidence was foundfor a physiologically based nitrate tolerance in terms of nitrogenfixation. Key words: Glycine max, nitrate, N2fixation, respiration, carbon partitioning, steady-state labelling  相似文献   
The marine environment provides an opportunity to examine population structure in species with high dispersal capabilities and often no obvious barriers to genetic exchange. In coastal waters of the western North Atlantic, common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, are a highly mobile species with a continuous distribution from New York to Florida. We examine if the highly mobile nature coupled with no obvious geographic barriers to movement in this region result in a large panmictic population. Mitochondrial control region sequences and 18 microsatellite loci indicate dolphins are partitioning the habitat both latitudinally and longitudinally. A minimum of five genetically differentiated populations were identified among 404 samples collected in the range of New Jersey to northern Florida using both genetic marker types, some inhabiting nearshore coastal waters and others utilizing inshore estuarine waters. The genetic results reject the hypothesis of a single stock of coastal bottlenose dolphins put forth after the 1987–1988 epizootic that caused a large‐scale die‐off of dolphins and suggest instead the disease vector was transferred from one population to the next as a result of seasonal migratory movements of some populations. These coastal Atlantic populations also differ significantly from bottlenose dolphin samples collected in coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico, implying a long‐term barrier to movement between the two basins.  相似文献   
For about a decade shell structures have formed the basis of the main taxonomic subdivision of the Foraminifera. Recent investigations have shown that within the monolamellar nodosariaceans no evolution with respect to wall structure has taken place since the Permian. The bilamellar aragonitic forms have remained stable at least since the Jurassic (Triassic?). The bilamellar calcitic forms have remained stable since the Jurassic (Triassic?). The wall structure of the non-lamellar porcellaneous forms has shown no change since the Carboniferous. The non-lamellar monocrystalline forms first occurred in the Upper Carboniferous and appear to have remained stable ever since. The microgranular Foraminifera, first appearing in the Cambrian, disappeared in the Triassic. Their primary structure is not known. The agglutinated forms seem to have started in the Cambrian, if not before. Evolutionary development leading to a higher degree of complexity of shell structure seems to be present (agglutinated—porcellaneous—monocrystalline—monolamellar and bilamellar), and may culminate in a more phylogeny-oriented systematic subdivision than the one we have today.  相似文献   
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