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J S Eisen 《Neuron》1992,8(2):231-240
The role of cellular interactions in determining the fates of two identified motoneurons in the embryonic zebrafish was investigated by transplanting individual motoneurons from labeled donor embryos to unlabeled hosts. The results suggest that although these cells normally adopt different fates, they form an equivalence group in which one fate is primary and the other is secondary. Both cells are able to adopt the primary fate. A cell that has adopted the secondary fate can be induced to switch to the primary fate by ablating the cell that has adopted the primary fate, even many hours after axogenesis. Although interactions between the two cells appear to regulate which cell adopts the secondary fate, these interactions seem to be independent of neuromuscular activity.  相似文献   
We have searched among E. coli M72 (D, bio11cI857H1) temperature resistant survivors and have found two bacterial mutants, gro100 and gro101 which block λiλ and λi434 phage development but allow growth of their N-independent derivatives λiλ nin and λi434nin. It is not known yet whether these two mutants interfere with the production of the N gene product or with its function. At least part of the gro genotype maps at 12′ of the E. coli genetic map and is co-transductible by Pl with the lac locus.  相似文献   
Summary Replicated within full-sib family single-trait selection was conducted for 10 generations in mice for (1) high or low 12-week epididymal fat pad percentage (100 x epididymal fat pad weight/body weight) or (2) high or low 12-week hind carcass percentage (100 x hind carcass weight/body weight). Pooled realized heritabilities based on high, low and divergent selection were 0.66±0.09, 0.65±0.13 and 0.66±0.05 for epididymal fat pad percentage and 0.48±0.08, 0.33±0.08 and 0.40±0.04 for hind carcass percentage. The pooled realized genetic correlation (rG R) between epididymal fat pad percentage and hind carcass percentage based on divergence was –0.67±0.04. Other estimates of (rG R) were: epididymal fat pad percentage with body weight (0.57±0.05); epididymal fat pad percentage with epididymal fat pad weight (1.17±0.05); hind carcass percentage with body weight (–0.61±0.09); hind carcass percentage with hind carcass weight (–0.05±0.11). Indirect measures of fat and lean tissue percentages were highly heritable, and (rG R) between them would be desirable from the standpoint of analogous types of traits in livestock. In the same context, undesirable (rG R)'s were found between epididymal fat pad percentage and body weight and between hind carcass percentage and body weight.Paper No. 10957 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7601, USA. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   
Recent evidence has shown that cloned, murine CTL cell lines are resistant to the cytotoxic components of the toxic granules they release upon specific interaction with their target cells. Inasmuch as the resistance might be due to selection in culture over many months by repeated exposure to these cytolytic components (which are released repeatedly as a result of the cultured CTL being periodically stimulated by target cells), we asked whether primary CTL are also resistant. The primary CTL were elicited in vivo by i.p. injection of allogeneic tumor cells or in vitro by 5- to 6-day MLC or by 48-h exposure to the lectin Con A. The responding cells were separated into purified CD8+ (i.e., CD4-, CD8+) and purified CD4+ (i.e., CD4+, CD8-) T cell populations that were analyzed for cytolytic activity and for resistance to lysis by toxic secretory granules derived from cloned CTL cell lines. The CD8+ T cells were highly cytolytic and relatively resistant; they retained their cytolytic activity and were lysed to a minimal extent (0 to 10%) by quantities of isolated granules that lysed 80 to 90% of the P815 tumor cell line (tested as a representative standard cell line). The CD4+ T cells, in contrast, had only minimal cytolytic activity and were far more susceptible to granule-mediated lysis. Although the resistance of primary CD8+ T cells is impressive, it is not as pronounced as the resistance of the cloned CTL cell lines, indicating that during long-term culture there is some selection for increased resistance to granule-mediated lysis. In contrast to T cells (especially CD8+ T cells), Ia+ macrophages, isolated from primary immune peritoneal exudates, were highly susceptible to granule-mediated lysis.  相似文献   
We compared male-reproductive-tract polypeptides of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans by using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Approximately 64% of male-reproductive-tract polypeptides were identical between two randomly chosen isofemale lines from these two species, compared with 83% identity for third-instar imaginal wing-disc polypeptides. Qualitatively similar differences were found between reproductive tracts and imaginal discs when D. sechellia was compared with D. melanogaster and with D. simulans. When genic polymorphism was taken into account, approximately 10% of male- reproductive-tract polypeptides were apparently fixed for different alleles between D. melanogaster and D. simulans; this proportion is the same as that found for soluble enzymes by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Strikingly, approximately 20% of male-reproductive- tract polypeptides of either D. melanogaster or D. simulans had no detectable homologue in the other species. We propose that proteins of the Drosophila male reproductive tract may have diverged more extensively between species than have other types of proteins and that much of this divergence may involve large changes in levels of polypeptide expression.   相似文献   
Individually identified primary motoneurons of the zebrafish embryo pioneer cell-specific peripheral motor nerves. Later, the growth cones of secondary motoneurons extend along pathways pioneered by primary motor axons. To learn whether primary motor axons are required for pathway navigation by secondary motoneurons, we ablated primary motoneurons and examined subsequent pathfinding by the growth cones of secondary motoneurons. We found that ablation of the primary motoneuron that pioneers the ventral nerve delayed ventral nerve formation, but a normal-appearing nerve eventually formed. Therefore, the secondary motoneurons that extend axons in the ventral nerve were able to pioneer that pathway in the absence of the pathway-specific primary motoneuron. In contrast, in the absence of the primary motoneuron that normally pioneers the dorsal nerve, secondary motoneurons did not pioneer a nerve in the normal location, instead they formed dorsal nerves in an atypical position. This difference in the ability of these two groups of motoneurons to pioneer their normal pathways suggests that the guidance rules followed by their growth cones may be very different. Furthermore, the observation that the atypical dorsal nerves formed in a consistent incorrect location suggests that the growth cones of the secondary motoneurons that extend dorsally make hierarchical pathway choices.  相似文献   
Maturation and fertilization of the starfish oocyte are putative calcium-dependent events. We have investigated the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of this calcium dependence in single oocytes of Asterias forbesi. We used the calcium photoprotein, aequorin, in conjunction with a microscope-photomultiplier and microscope-image intensifier. Surprisingly, in contrast to earlier work with Marasthenias glacialis, there is no detectable increase in intracellular-free calcium in the oocyte of A. forbesi in response to the maturation hormone 1-methyl adenine. During fertilization of the same, matured, A. forbesi oocyte there is a large increase in intracellular-free calcium. The calcium concentration increases to approximately 1 microM at the point of insemination and the region of elevated free calcium expands across the oocyte in approximately 20 s (17-19 degrees C). After the entire oocyte reaches an elevated concentration of free calcium, the concentration decreases uniformly throughout the oocyte over the next several minutes.  相似文献   
Summary Correlated responses to selection for increased 3–6 week postweaning gain in male mice were estimated for seven internal organs (testes, spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, small intestine (S intest) and stomach) weighed at specific degrees of maturity in body weight (37.5, 50.0, 62.5, 75.0, 87.5 and 100%). Correlated responses in organ weights were generally large, but the magnitude and direction of response depended upon whether 1) comparisons were made at the same age, degree of maturity or body weight and 2) absolute or proportional organ weights were used. The selected line (M16) weighed more and had larger organ weights than controls (ICR) when compared at either the same degree of maturity or the same age, indicating positive genetic correlations between body weight and the respective organ weights. Positive correlated responses were found in spleen weight/body weight at all degrees of maturity and in liver and S intest weights as a proportion of body weight at some degrees of maturity. Testes, kidneys, heart and stomach weights as a proportion of body weight had negative correlated responses, though this was consistent only for kidneys across all degrees of maturity. Correlated responses in organ weights adjusted for body weight by covariance analysis were positive for spleen, S intest and stomach and negative for testes and kidneys. Based on the constrained quadratic model, degree of maturity in organ weight relative to degree of maturity in body weight responded positively for testes, kidneys and S intest and negatively for spleen and liver. Selection for increased growth caused negative correlated responses in allometric growth of testes, kidneys, S intest and stomach.Paper No. 10,545 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, 27695-7601. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   
W Gibbs  H Eisen    R Calendar 《Journal of virology》1983,47(3):392-398
We have used a cell-free, DNA-dependent protein-synthesizing system to study the stimulation of phage P2 late gene expression by satellite phage P4. An activity is present in extracts prepared from P4-infected cells, which, when added to the in vitro system with P2 DNA template, stimulates the synthesis of a number of P2 proteins. These stimulated proteins include the major P2 capsid protein (N gene product) and a major component of the P2 phage tail (FII gene product). Extracts prepared from P4-infected cells are also able to stimulate the synthesis from P4 DNA of two low-molecular-weight proteins (18,500 and 17,000 Mr). The stimulating activity has no effect on the synthesis of proteins from lambda plac5 template. Extracts prepared from cells infected with P4 alpha amber mutants lack this stimulating activity.  相似文献   
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