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The DNA complements of 9S messenger RNA thought to code for histones in sea urchins are reiterated, closely clustered, relatively stable in evolution and development and potentially separable from other nuclear DNA.  相似文献   
A PROCESS called “excitation-contraction coupling” has been generally accepted to take place only in the direction of excitation to contraction. Through this mechanism a propagated action potential initiates an active state in skeletal or cardiac muscle and the muscle contracts. We propose that, in the mammalian ventricular myocardium at least, the process is not unidirectional and an important reverse coupling between the contractile system and the excitable plasma membrane has been overlooked. Through this feedback interaction the mode of contraction (that is, isotonic or isometric) not only determines the instantaneous electrical state of the plasma membrane, but also influences the mechanical events of the subsequent beats. Thus when Kaufmann et al.1 recorded intracellular action potentials from cat papillary muscle, the time course of the repolarization was altered depending on the mode of contraction. Some kind of contraction-excitation feedback has also been suggested by Stauch2 and Lab3,4. They showed a difference in the shape of the monophasic action potential, as recorded by a suction electrode, when comparing isotonic and isovolumic contraction of the intact ventricle. But their experimental conditions did not allow satisfactory analysis of the phenomenon.  相似文献   
A reconsideration of the reptilian relationships of Archaeopteryx   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cladistic relationships of Archaeopteryx , the earliest known bird, are re-examined and previous hypotheses of relationships evaluated. The morphology of Archaeopteryx is redescribed. New interpretations of the fossils are presented, particularly in regard to the morphology of the pectoral girdle, manus, pelvic girdle, tarsus and pes. These new interpretations challenge some of the phylogenetic hypotheses recently presented and a new version of thecodontian relationships is suggested.  相似文献   
From the fluvial Old Red Sandstone (ORS) of the Lower to Middle Devonian Wood Bay Formation (NW-Spitsbergen), a diverse trace fossil assemblage, including two new ichnotaxa, is described: Svalbardichnus trilobus igen. n., isp. n. is interpreted as the three-lobed resting trace of an early phyllocarid crustacean (Rhinocarididae). Cruziana polaris isp. n. yields morphological details that point towards a trilobite origin. This occurence of presumably marine trace makers in a fluvial red bed sequence raises the question of whether we are dealing with marine ingressions that are not sedimentologically expressed, with homeomorphy, or with an adaptation of marine groups to non-marine environments.  相似文献   
In Cyclamen subgenus Psilanthum , previous authors have recognized three species ( C. repandum, C. balearicum and C. creticum ), with C. repandum subdivided into three subspecies (ssp. repandum , ssp. peloponnesiacum and ssp. rhodense ), and two varieties (var. vividum and var. peloponnesiacum ) within C. repandum ssp. peloponnesiacum . To examine the validity of this classification and the degree of morphological differentiation among closely related endemic taxa with disjunct distributions, we undertook analyses of three quantitative and eight qualitative morphological traits of flowers and leaves, most of which have previously been used without statistical comparison in the classification of the different taxa. Cyclamen balearicum showed high levels of morphological differentiation from all other taxa in subgenus Psilanthum consistent with its specific status. In contrast, morphological differentiation between C. creticum and subspecies of C. repandum was similar to that among the three subspecies of C. repandum . When compared with a recent molecular phylogeny of this subgenus, our results suggest that C. creticum may best be described as a geographical subspecies of C. repandum . The two varieties of C. repandum ssp. peloponnesiacum showed few significant differences for individual traits and their overall morphology is very similar to each other. The morphology of plants at three sites on Corsica strongly suggest, consistent with molecular data, the occurrence of hybrid populations between C. balearicum (outside of its previously recognized distribution) and local C. repandum .  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 133–144.  相似文献   
The study aimed to explore the suicidal process, suicidal communication and psychosocial situation of young suicide attempters in a rural community in Hanoi, Vietnam. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, in a community setting, with 19 suicide attempters aged 15-24 who had been consecutively hospitalized in an intensive care unit. In 12 of 19 cases, the first pressing, distinct and constant suicidal thoughts appeared less than one day before the suicide attempt in question. However, distress and mild, fleeting suicidal thoughts had been present up to six months before the suicide attempt in 16 cases. Five respondents had a suicide plan one to three days before attempting suicide. Altogether, 13 engaged in some form of suicidal communication before their attempt. This communication was, however, difficult for outsiders to interpret. Twelve of the respondents were victims of regular physical abuse and 16 had suffered psychological violence for at least one year before attempting suicide. Eighteen of the respondents used pesticides or raticides in their suicide attempts. None sought advice or consultation in the community despite long-standing psychosocial problems. The strategy of reducing the availability of suicide means (e.g., pesticides or raticides) in Asian countries should be complemented with a long-term suicide-preventive strategy that targets school dropouts and domestic violence, and promotes coping abilities and communication about psychological and social problems as well as recognition of signs of distress and suicidal communication.  相似文献   
Some integrated patterns of behavior have been studied in coloniesof Veretillum cynomorium, whose various parts often act as ifthey were those of an individual consisting of the whole colony.The entire colony is involved in slow rhythmical movements,in which phases of contraction alternate with expansion. Thisbehavior corresponds to a permanent reciprocity (or duality)between the zooid-bearing rachis and the peduncle; overall behavioris determined by the number of "functionally active units" whicheither contains at any given time. This number is influencedby the excitatory or restraining effects of external factorssuch as light intensity or the entry of water. In this way,when contraction proceeds, activity of the rachis predominates,whereas during swelling of the colony, activity of the peduncleprevails. Observations on intact colonies and on specimens without peduncles,experiments using light and electrical stimuli, and the studyof peristalsis, all suggest that the mutually reciprocal natureof activity in the rachis and peduncle may be attributed tothe differential influence of external factors on the functionalstate of centers of spontaneous activity or of conduction pathwaysin the colony. Zooids present on the rachis are responsibleboth for the reciprocal activity of the colony and for its morphologicalpolarity.  相似文献   
Recent theoretical studies suggest that the distribution of species in space has important implications for the conservation of communities in fragmented landscapes. Facilitation and dispersal are the primary mechanisms responsible for the formation of spatial patterns. Furthermore, disruptions in the formation of patterns arise after degradation, which can serve as an early indicator of stress in plant communities. Spatial dispersal ability and pattern formation were evaluated in 53 linear transects of 500 m in length within 14 fragments of natural vegetation within a matrix of abandoned crop fields in Cabo de Gata National Park, Almería, Spain. Fragments were classified into three size classes (< 300, 300–900, and > 900 ha). Fragment connectivity was quantified using the distances between fragments. Spatial dispersal ability was quantified for the 187 species recorded in the study. Species with restricted dispersal had the highest degree of long‐range spatial autocorrelation and, species that disperse by biotic vectors (e.g. vertebrates), the lowest. In addition, species most susceptible to fragmentation are vertebrate‐dispersed shrubs, which declined in abundance and was associated with loss of spatial organization in the smallest fragments. It is postulated that the positive feedback between abundance of recruitment and vertebrate visits influences the colonization and persistence of vertebrate‐dispersed shrubs, explaining its abundance in large fragments. Indeed, fragments lower than a certain threshold reduced spatial organization not only in shrubs with biotic dispersal, but also in species with abiotic dispersal (mainly wind) and with restricted dispersal. Fragments lower than a certain threshold may be vulnerable to a cascade of species loss because of reduced recruitment, establishment and patch biomass as a result of natural senescence, finally breaking up facilitative plant interactions. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 935–947.  相似文献   
Despite the fact that certain prominent structures such as theeight comb-rows at first suggest an octomerous radial symmetryin ctenophores, close examination of their anatomy reveals ratherthe existence of two main planes, the sagittal and the transverse.Further, in certain forms in which one plane or the other hasbecome predominant, an apparent bilateral symmetry emerges. Relationships between anatomical and physiological symmetrywere looked for by studying the behavior of Beroe ovata andBeroe forskalii, both with regard to coordinated ciliary movementsbetween the comb-rows, and to the postures assumed during locomotion,balance, and rest in intact animals, and in animals from whichthe aboral organ had been removed. Swimming behavior is found to exhibit an octomerous functionalsymmetry. Bendings and vertical balance, however, show a tetramerousorganization. In the last case the unique properties of thestatocyst, with a structure characteristic of a regulator ofcybernetic patterns, the machines of which are the comb-rows,permit the most efficient integration of all the phenomena involvedin maintaining the vertical position. Finally the resting horizontalposition reflects a physiological bilateral symmetry basic tothe sagittal plane.  相似文献   
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