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Eleven microsatellites were isolated from the vairone Leuciscus souffia (Risso 1826), an endangered fish that inhabits river systems in and around the Alps in Europe. The level of genetic diversity was assessed in 29 individuals of the subspecies L. s. souffia, and their variability was further estimated in seven individuals of a different subspecies, L. s. muticellus. Eight of these microsatellite loci were also applied to seven closely related cyprinid species. Availability of the reported microsatellite loci will facilitate the investigation of population genetic structure of these species with applications for the development of conservation strategies and phylogeographical approaches.  相似文献   
Frequent fires reduce the abundance of woody plant species and favour herbaceous species. Plant species richness also tends to increase with decreasing vegetation biomass and cover due to reduced competition for light. We assessed the influence of variable fire histories and site biomass on the following diversity measures: woody and herbaceous species richness, overall species richness and evenness, and life form evenness (i.e. the relative abundance or dominance among six herbaceous and six woody plant life forms), across 16 mixed jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Corymbia calophylla) forest stands in south‐west Australia. Fire frequency was defined as the total number of fires over a 30‐year period. Overall species richness and species evenness did not vary with fire frequency or biomass. However, there were more herbaceous species (particularly rushes, geophytes and herbs) where there were fewer shrubs and low biomass, suggesting that more herbaceous species coexist where dominance by shrubs is low. Frequently burnt plots also had lower number and abundance of shrub species. Life form evenness was also higher at both high fire frequency and low biomass sites. These results suggest that the impact of fire frequency and biomass on vegetation composition is mediated by local interactions among different life forms rather than among individual species. Our results demonstrate that measuring the variation in the relative diversity of different woody and herbaceous life forms is crucial to understanding the compositional response of forests and other structurally complex vegetation communities to changes in disturbance regime such as increased fire frequency.  相似文献   
Bioethanol production from sugarcane is discussed as an alternative energy source to reduce dependencies of regional economies on fossil fuels. Even though bioethanol production from sugarcane is considered to be a beneficial and cost‐effective greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategy, it is still a matter of controversy due to insufficient information on the total GHG balance of this system. Aside from the necessity to account for the impact of land use change (LUC), soil N2O emissions during sugarcane production and emissions of GHG due to preharvest burning may significantly impact the GHG balance. Based on a thorough literature review, we show that direct N2O emissions from sugarcane fields due to nitrogen (N) fertilization result in an emission factor of 3.87±1.16% which is much higher than suggested by IPCC (1%). N2O emissions from N fertilization accounted for 40% of the total GHG emissions from ethanol–sugarcane production, with an additional 17% from trash burning. If LUC‐related GHG emissions are considered, the total GHG balance turns negative mainly due to vegetation carbon losses. Our study also shows that major gaps in knowledge still exist about GHG sources related to agricultural management during sugarcane production, e.g. effects of irrigation, vinasse and filter cake application. Therefore, more studies are needed to assess if bioethanol from sugarcane is a viable option to reduce energy‐related GHG emissions.  相似文献   
Current models of leaf water enrichment predict that the differences between isotopic enrichment of water at the site of evaporation (Δe) and mean lamina leaf water enrichment (ΔL) depend on transpiration rates ( E ), modulated by the scaled effective length ( L ) of water isotope movement in the leaf. However, variations in leaf parameters in response to changing environmental conditions might cause changes in the water path and thus L . We measured the diel course of ΔL for 18O and 2H in beech seedlings under well-watered and water-limited conditions. We applied evaporative enrichment models of increasing complexity to predict Δe and ΔL, and estimated L from model fits. Water-limited plants showed moderate drought stress, with lower stomatal conductance, E and stem water potential than the control. Despite having double E , the divergence between Δe and ΔL was lower in well-watered than in water-limited plants, and thus, L should have changed to counteract differences in E . Indeed, L was about threefold higher in water-limited plants, regardless of the models used. We conclude that L changes with plant water status far beyond the variations explained by water content and other measured variables, thus limiting the use of current evaporative models under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Volcanic eruptions impact the global and the hemispheric climate, but it is still unknown how and to what degree they force the climate system and in particular the global carbon cycle. In this paper, the relationships between individual eruptions (reconstructed for the past using written records), tree primary productivity (estimated using ring widths), photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance (assessed by carbon and oxygen isotope data) are investigated, to understand the impact of volcanic eruptions on net primary production. Data from a mixed stand of Fagus sylvatica L. and Acer pseudoplatanus L. located in the area of the Vesuvio volcanic complex (Southern Italy) showed a significant decrease in ring width following each eruption. Isotope analyses indicate a change in climatic conditions after such events. Specifically, the lower oxygen isotope ratio in the tree‐ring cellulose strongly suggests an increase in relative humidity and a decrease in temperature, with the latter resulting in a strong limitation to tree‐ring growth. The carbon isotope ratio was only moderately but not significantly reduced in the years of volcanic eruption, suggesting no major changes in C fixation rates. This work is a case study on the effects of volcanic eruptions resulting in strong climatic changes on the local scale. This is an opportunity to explore the process and causal relationships between climatic changes and the response of the vegetation. Thus, we propose here a realistic model scenario, from which we can extrapolate to global scales and improve our interpretations of results of global studies.  相似文献   
1. Cyclical parthenogens, organisms switching between sexual and asexual mode of reproduction, are common in aquatic habitats. In permanent waterbodies with year‐round persistence of populations, the relevance of sexually produced resting eggs for population dynamics and structure is still largely unexplored. 2. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of recruitment from resting eggs to Daphnia spp. in a deep dimictic reservoir with overwintering populations (Saidenbach Reservoir, Germany). We linked field studies on Daphnia population dynamics, hatching rates and diapausing egg abundances in the sediment with allozyme analysis of the genetic variability of both the pelagic population and hatchlings from resting eggs. 3. We found higher hatching rates at intermediate depths (10–18 m), although highest diapausing egg abundances were found in the deeper parts of the reservoir. From the extensive field data, we calculated a population budget for the main basin of the reservoir, which showed that hatched daphnids accounted for <1% of the total abundance and explained only a tiny fraction of population growth. 4. The genetic composition (MultiLocus Genotypes, MLG) of the pelagic population was relatively stable throughout the stratified period with up to five among 39 detected MLGs attaining frequencies >5% per date. From 11 MLGs differentiated among hatched daphnids, three were recovered in the pelagic population in perceptible, albeit low frequencies (1–4%). 5. We conclude that the contribution of hatched animals to the spring population dynamics is negligible in situations with an overwintering population present and will only become relevant if densities are extremely low. In this type of system, the significance of the resting egg bank is presumably mainly related to the maintenance of genetic diversity.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of seminatural grasslands to ozone (O3) pollution is not well known, in spite of the important function of these common ecosystems for agriculture and nature conservation. A 5‐year field experiment was carried out at a rural, mid‐elevation site at Le Mouret (Switzerland) to investigate the effect of elevated O3 on yield and species composition of a permanent, extensively managed, species‐rich old pasture. Using a free‐air fumigation system, circular plots of 7 m diameter were exposed to either ambient air (control plots) or to air containing O3 of approximately 1.5 × ambient concentrations. The resulting accumulated O3 exposure over the threshold of 40 ppb for one season ranged from 13.3 to 59.5 ppm h in the elevated O3 plots, and from 1.0 to 20.7 ppm h in the control plots. Subplots in each ring were harvested three times each year, and harvested biomass was separated into functional groups (FGs) (grasses, legumes, forbs). Productivity in both treatments decreased over time, but the yield of O3‐exposed plots decreased faster than that of the control plots, with the reduction being twice as large by the end of the fifth season. Compared with the ambient air control, loss in annual dry matter yield was 23% after 5 years. The change in annual biomass production because of O3 stress was accompanied by a change in the fractions of FGs, with the legume fraction showing a strong negative response. Such long‐term effects of O3 stress could have negative implications for the maintenance of biological diversity in rural landscapes across large areas of Europe. The results from this first long‐term experiment show that a moderately elevated O3 level reduces the productivity of intact grasslands during a 5‐year exposure under real field conditions.  相似文献   
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