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Ejaculate size varies with socio-sexual situation in an insect   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
  • 1 Males operate within a finite energy budget and cannot produce limitless supplies of sperm. On the other hand, when a female mates with a second male while still containing fertile sperm from a rival male, selection should favour the male that inseminates more sperm. Optimal strategy should thus be for males to exercise discretion in the allocation of sperm to individual females. Assuming the outcome of sperm competition to be based on either the raffle or kamikaze principles, the sperm competition hypothesis predicts a positive association between the probability that the sperm will find themselves in competition with sperm from rival males and the number of sperm inseminated.
  • 2 The beetle, Tenebrio molitor L., behaves in accordance with this hypothesis. Males accompanied by a rival male before and during mating inseminate more sperm per ejaculate than unaccompanied males. Accompanied males are also faster to initiate mating and more likely to show post-copulatory guarding. Adjustment of number of sperm inseminated was shown by males subjected to both long-term (5 days) and short-term (5 min) exposure to potential intrasexual competitors. Individual males exposed to both levels also demonstrated the ability to adjust their ejaculate according to socio-sexual situation.
  • 3 We conclude that male T.molitor adjust the number of sperm they inseminate according to some perception of the risk of sperm competition.
On nonparametric discrimination using density differences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HALL  PETER; WAND  MATTHEW P. 《Biometrika》1988,75(3):541-547
The floral and vegetative anatomy of the small Australian genus Aphanopetalum were studied. Wood is described for the first time and is characterized by predominantly solitary pores, scalariform vessel element perforation plates with low bar numbers, imperforate tracheary elements with distinctly bordered pits, sparse axial parenchyma, and a combination of homocellular and heterocellular rayS. Starch occurs in both axial and ray parenchyma of the wood. Stems possess unilacunar, one-trace nodes and the uncommon feature of an endodermis with well-defined Casparian stripS. Leaves have anomocytic stomata, a bifacial mesophyll and semicraspedodromous venation or a combination of semicraspedodromous and brochidodromous venation. The tetramerous flowers are apetalous or have minute petals. The compound, half-inferior gynoecium consists of essentially totally united carpels. The pattern of floral vascularization resembles different Saxifragaceae sensu lalo in that the compound sepal-plane and petal-plane traces give rise to staman bundles as well as sepal, petal, and carpel wall venation in their respective planes. The ventral ovarian bundles are fused into a single ventral complex that subdivides at the top of the ovary to form ventral bundles and to supply the one ovule in each locule. Vegetative and floral features provide compelling evidence to suggest that Aphanopetalum has its nearest relatives among the Saxifragaceae sensu lato rather than Cunoniaceae. The genus is probably best treated as forming its own subfamily (or family) among the saxifragaean alliance.  相似文献   
Stimulation of the rate of photosynthesis at 2·0 kPaO2 in comparison with 21 kPa O2 and carbohydrate accumulationover 4h were measured during exposure of sunflower (Helianthusannuus L.) and rape (Brassica napus L.), grown at 30 °Cand 13 °C, to temperatures between 7 °C and 35 °C.The effect of reducing source: sink ratio by shading on theresponse of photosynthetic rate to temperature was also determined.Stimulation of photosynthesis by 2·0 kPa O2 in comparisonwith 21 kPa O2 decreased over 4 h at cool temperatures in sunflowerplants grown at 30 °C but not in rape grown at 30 °C.Stimulation did not decrease over 4 h in plants grown at 13CC. Sucrose was the main carbohydrate accumulated over 4 h;its accumulation increased with decreasing temperature. Starchaccumulation either decreased or remained the same with decreasingtemperature. In plants grown at 30 °C more carbohydrateaccumulated between 8 °C and 21 °C in sunflower thanin rape, but more carbohydrate accumulated at 30 °C in rapethan in sunflower. In plants grown at 13 °C much less carbohydrateaccumulated between 13 °C and 23 °C than in plants grownat 30 °C. Photosynthetic rate in plants grown at 30 °Cexposed to between 20 °C and 35 °C over 32 h (14 h light-10h dark-8 h light), declined over 32 h at 20 °C and 25 °Cin sunflower and at 20 °C in rape. This fall over 32 h,especially at 20 °C in sunflower, was significantly reducedby shading the rest of the plant. Shading had little effecton photosynthetic rate above 25 °C. The work confirms thatlow temperature imposes a sink-limitation on photosynthesiswhich occurs at higher temperatures in sunflower than in rape.This limitation may be relieved by decreasing the source:sinkratio. Key words: Sunflower, rape, photosynthesis, carbohydrates, sink demand, temperature  相似文献   
Fever in Ectotherms: Evolutionary Implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fever, an elevated thermoregulatory "set-point," occurs in vertebratesfrom fishes through mammals in response to infection with appropriatepathogens. The long phylogenetic history of fever supports thehypothesis that fever has an adaptive or beneficial role (i.e.,fever is a component of the host's immunological defenses).Besides providing insight into determining the role of feverin disease, ectothermic vertebrates have also served as excellentanimal models to specifically answer many questions relatingto fever and disease. For example, survival studies using goldfishes,lizards, and newborn mammals which are also virtually ectothermic)have shown that an elevated body temperature increases the survivalrate of the infected organism. Furthermore, by using ectothermsit has been possible to demonstrate that the reduction in serumiron which accompanies most infections is not directly attributableto an elevation in body temperature. Nevertheless, a rise inbody temperature, coupled with a fall in serum iron, appearsto constitute a coordinated host defense mechanism in responseto at least some bacterial infections in reptiles and mammals,and perhaps other groups of vertebrates.  相似文献   
Infrared heater arrays for warming ecosystem field plots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is a need for methodology to warm open‐field plots in order to study the likely effects of global warming on ecosystems in the future. Herein, we describe the development of arrays of more powerful and efficient infrared heaters with ceramic heating elements. By tilting the heaters at 45° from horizontal and combining six of them in a hexagonal array, good uniformity of warming was achieved across 3‐m‐diameter plots. Moreover, there do not appear to be obstacles (other than financial) to scaling to larger plots. The efficiency [ηh (%); thermal radiation out per electrical energy in] of these heaters was higher than that of the heaters used in most previous infrared heater experiments and can be described by: ηh= 10 + 25exp(? 0.17 u), where u is wind speed at 2 m height (m s? 1). Graphs are presented to estimate operating costs from degrees of warming, two types of plant canopy, and site windiness. Four such arrays were deployed over plots of grass at Haibei, Qinghai, China and another at Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA, along with corresponding reference plots with dummy heaters. Proportional integral derivative systems with infrared thermometers to sense canopy temperatures of the heated and reference plots were used to control the heater outputs. Over month‐long periods at both sites, about 75% of canopy temperature observations were within 0.5 °C of the set‐point temperature differences between heated and reference plots. Electrical power consumption per 3‐m‐diameter plot averaged 58 and 80 kW h day? 1 for Haibei and Cheyenne, respectively. However, the desired temperature differences were set lower at Haibei (1.2 °C daytime, 1.7 °C night) than Cheyenne (1.5 °C daytime, 3.0 °C night), and Cheyenne is a windier site. Thus, we conclude that these hexagonal arrays of ceramic infrared heaters can be a successful temperature free‐air‐controlled enhancement (T‐FACE) system for warming ecosystem field plots.  相似文献   
1. Palaeolimnological data were used to investigate drivers of the community of primary producers in Lake Mattamuskeet, North Carolina, U.S.A. This is a large, shallow lake with two basins currently dominated by phytoplankton and macrophytes. The two basins were divided in 1940 by the building of a roadway across the lake, which also corresponded with the divergence in their ecosystem state. 2. Photosynthetic pigments, organic matter and nutrients (P, N, C, S) were analysed in sediment cores from each basin to reconstruct the primary producer community over the past c. 100 years. We sought to answer two questions. First, what changes to the ecosystem resulting from the building of the roadway caused the development of different primary producer communities in the two basins? Second, why have the alternative ecosystem states persisted despite a variety of human perturbations since 1940? 3. K‐means cluster analysis and principal component analysis were applied to identify three sediment types based on photosynthetic pigment data: sediments indicating low productivity (low pigment concentrations), sediments associated with macrophytes (chlorophyll a and b) and with phytoplankton (alloxanthin and aphanizophyll). In addition, other palaeolimnological proxies measured, such as loss on ignition, total phosphorus, total organic carbon/total nitrogen and other nutrients, were different in post‐1940 sediments within the two basins. 4. These differences suggest characteristics, such as nutrient cycling, water depth and other physical changes resulting from roadway construction, combined to establish and maintain the differing communities of primary producers in the two basins. Furthermore, Fe/S dynamics and waterfowl herbivory probably contributed to the development of the two ecosystem states.  相似文献   
This study reports the isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA markers in a mahseer species, Tor tambroides (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Of a total of 14 loci evaluated, 10 were polymorphic in T. tambroides samples, with an average of 2.86 alleles per locus. Deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were observed at one locus and there was no indication of linkage disequilibrium among loci. A high level of cross‐amplification among four congeners was achieved, with 12 loci successfully amplifying and 11 loci showing polymorphism in at least one other species. These markers will be a useful resource for population genetic studies and broodstock management of closely related mahseer species.  相似文献   
Within Sphagnum cribrosum, a dioicous aquatic peatmoss, a unique morphological variant (the ‘waveform’), found at only two lakes in North Carolina, has a branching architecture that is extremely differentiated from anything otherwise known in Sphagnum, although the plants are microscopically indistinguishable from S. cribrosum. At one site where the two morphologies co‐occur, 60 years of field observations demonstrate the persistence of each morphology, even where the two forms grow intermixed. We conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment in which waveform and normal plants maintained their divergent morphologies for 8 months. We sampled populations throughout the range and conducted genetic and phylogenetic analyses with microsatellite markers and DNA sequences to investigate the genetic context of the waveform morphology within S. cribrosum. Haplotype networks from DNA sequences showed the two waveform populations are separated by 11 substitutions across three loci. Microsatellite analyses using nonparametric clustering and admixture models also indicated genetic dissimilarity between genotypes with waveform morphology at the two lakes. Both molecular datasets suggest that the waveform morphology had at least two independent origins, despite the proximity of the two lakes where it occurs uniquely. Given the clonal nature of the waveform, it is unlikely to form a cohesive evolutionary lineage deserving of taxonomic status. The analysis also revealed a genetically diverse population in Georgia as the potential source of variation found in all other populations of S. cribrosum. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 137–153.  相似文献   
Distribution and regulation of urea in lakes of central North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Urea accounts for ~50% of global nitrogen (N)‐based fertiliser; however, little is known of the factors regulating its distribution and abundance in freshwaters. Improved understanding of urea biogeochemistry is essential because its use as fertiliser is expected to double by 2050 and because pollution with urea can promote outbreaks of toxic cyanobacteria in phosphorus (P)‐rich lakes in regions with intensive agricultural or urban development. 2. Biweekly measurements of urea concentration and diverse limnological variables (water chemistry, hydrology, algae, zooplankton) were taken during two summers (2008, 2009) in a chain of seven productive lakes within a 52 000‐km2 catchment in central Canada to quantify environmental and anthropogenic correlates of temporal and spatial patterns of urea occurrence. 3. Mean (±SD) urea concentrations varied between 29 ± 14 and 132 ± 65 μg N L?1, generally increased from headwater to downstream sites and represented 10–50% of bioavailable N (as sum of , and urea). Principal components analysis demonstrated that urea concentrations were elevated in agriculturally impacted lakes with abundant dissolved organic and inorganic nutrients (N, P, C) and low O2 concentrations, but were not correlated consistently with plankton abundance or community composition. Urea concentrations were more than twofold greater in lakes receiving N from cities than in agriculturally affected basins, despite low summer concentrations of urea in tertiary‐treated urban effluent (c. 50% of lake values). Multiple regression models evaluated using Akaike Information Criterion showed that mean water‐column O2 concentration was the single best predictor of in situ urea concentrations (r2 = 0.91, P = 0.002), but that urea concentrations were also correlated significantly with changes in longitudinal position and Secchi depth and with concentrations of , non‐urea dissolved organic N (DON) and dissolved inorganic carbon. 4. Additional seasonal surveys of up to 69 closed‐basin lakes within a 100 000‐km2 region during 2004 and 2008 revealed that urea was abundant in 100% of measured sites and exhibited concentrations (81 ± 48 μg N L?1) similar to those observed in lakes with surface drainage (58 ± 38 μg N L?1). Further, non‐urea DON accounted for 50–99% of the total dissolved N pool in both open‐ and closed‐basin lakes. 5. When combined with an extensive literature review and previous mass‐budget analyses of the study lakes, these findings allowed the development of a first‐generation model of the mechanisms regulating urea content of P‐rich lakes of central North America. In this model, water‐column concentrations of urea are predicted to be regulated mainly by algal decomposition in anoxic environments (sediments, hypolimnion), followed by redistribution into surface waters. Consequently, anthropogenic activities can increase the urea content of lakes by stimulating primary production, sedimentation and deepwater anoxia and by increasing influx of undegraded urea from agricultural and urban sources.  相似文献   
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