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玉米大斑病是严重危害玉米生产的一个世界性真菌病害。由于玉米大斑病菌(Exserohilum turcicum)在无性生长过程中迅速产生黑色素,致使原生质体难以分离。测试了包括Fungase、Funcelase、Novozyme、Glucanex、Driselase、Uskizyme、Kitalase在内的7种细胞壁降解酶及其组合、病原菌菌株和培养基对原生质体分离效果的影响。结果表明菌株的培养形态和菌丝的生长状态显著影响原生质体的分离效率;酶组合Kitalase Glucanex Driselase,Kitalase Glucanex和Kitalase Uskizyme能够有效地分离玉米大斑病菌的原生质体。初步的转化试验表明,质粒pAN71可以用于该病原菌的转化。这些结果将为E.turcicum和Exserohium属其它真菌的基因克隆提供一些有用的信息。  相似文献   
The subtype of β-adrenergic receptors in melanophores of the marine gobies Tridentiger trigonocephalus and Chasmichthys gulosus was studied. Pigment of denervated melanophores in isolated, split caudal fins was preliminarily aggregated by incubating the specimens in a physiological saline containing 10 μM phentolamine and 30–100 μM verapamil or 2–10 nM melatonin, and the responses of the melanophores to a β-adrenergic agonist added to the incubating medium were recorded photoelectrically. The β-adrenergic agonists noradrenaline, adrenaline, isoproterenol, salbutamol and, dobutamine were all effective in evoking a dispersion of melanophore pigment in the presence of phentolamine and verapamil or melatonin. The pigment-dispersing effect of noradrenaline (β1-selective agonist) was inhibited by metoprolol (β1-selective antagonist), propranolol, and butoxamine. Whereas, the effect of salbutamol (β2-selective agonist) was hardly inhibited by metoprolol, though it was considerably inhibited by propranolol and ICI-118551. It was estimated that β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors coexist at ratios of 8.6:91.4, in the melanophore of Tridentiger trigonocephalus, and 25:75, in the melanophore of Chasmichthys gulosus, through the analyses of Hofstee plots of the effects of the β-adrenergic drugs. It was suggested that the relation between the pigment-dispersing effect of a β-adrenergic agonist on the melanophores and the concentration of the drug follows mass action kinetics, when the effect is mainly caused by the activation of β2-adrenergic receptors of the melanophores. However, when it is mainly caused by the activation of β1-adrenergic receptors of the melanophores, the relation does not follow mass action kinetics.  相似文献   
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