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Plant‐invasive success is one of the most important current global changes in the biosphere. To understand which factors explain such success, we compared the foliar traits of 41 native and 47 alien‐invasive plant species in Oahu Island (Hawaii), a location with a highly endemic flora that has evolved in isolation and is currently vulnerable to invasions by exotic plant species. Foliar traits, which in most cases presented significant phylogenetic signal, i.e. closely related species tended to resemble each other due to shared ancestry, separated invasive from native species. Invasive species had lower leaf mass per area and enhanced capacities in terms of productivity (photosynthetic capacity) and nutrient capture both of macro‐ (N, P, K) and microelements (Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn). All these differences remain highly significant after removing the effects of phylogenetic history. Alien‐invasive species did not show higher efficiency at using limiting nutrient resources, but they got faster leaf economics returns and occupied a different biogeochemical niche, which helps to explain the success of invasive plants and suggests that potential increases in soil nutrient availability might favor further invasive plant success.  相似文献   
The byssus is a structure produced by marine bivalve molluscs to adhere, usually permanently, to substrata under water. As the adhesion of synthetic polymers to surfaces is predictably compromised by the presence of water, particularly bulk water, it is of particular interest to discover the mechanism of byssal adhesion. In most species, the byssus consists of at least four essential components: acid mucopolysaccharides, adhesive protein, fibrous proteins, and an oxidative enzyme, polyphenoloxidase. The function of the mucopolysaccharide component is still uncertain, but it can conceivably be used by the animal as a temporary adhesive, a surface modifying agent, and/or a stabilizing filler for the permanent adhesive. The adhesive protein known as the polyphenolic protein in Mytilus is but a thin plaque applied to the substrate surface by the foot of the animal. The molecular and physical properties of this adhesive protein conform remarkably well to what one expects of an ideal synthetic polymer, i.e. high molecular weight, abundance of large and polar side chains, near-zero surface contact angle, and total water-insolubility after setting. The fibrous proteins constitute the major portion of the thread or ribbon-like material connecting the animal to the adhesive plaque on the substrate surface. These proteins are packed in ordered crystalline arrays, e.g. β-pleated sheet and collagen helix (in mytilids) as is to be expected from structural tensile elements of Nature. The enzyme polyphenoloxidase is presumed to induce intermolecular cross-linking of proteins in the fibrous and adhesive portions of the byssus. In Mytilus the natural substrates of the enzymc may be the dopa-containing polyphenolic protein and accessory gland protein.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic analyses based on mtDNA cytochrome  b were performed in 42 lizards of the Gymnodactylus darwinii complex from three regions within Brazil's Atlantic Forest. Mainland regions and continental shelf islands in the south-eastern range and mainland areas from the north-east were sampled. The criteria of maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods were explored, with the robustness for nodes assessed by bootstrapping (MP and ML) and posterior probabilities (Bayesian searches). By all methods, three distinctive phylogroups were recovered: a south-eastern clade (SE) and two clades from northern regions (NE1 and NE2). The pattern of genetic structure of the major clades coincided with the presence of river systems in the Atlantic Forest, and based on corrected genetic distances between those clades, divergence times were tentatively estimated using mtDNA rates calibrated for squamate reptiles. The putative role of Atlantic Forest rivers in generating differentiation is discussed. We present a hypothesis of species limits for G. darwinii , based on concordant lines of evidence including cytogenetic and mtDNA analyses. Two chromosome races (cytotype A, 2n = 38; and cytotype B, 2n = 40) had distributions concordant with clades SE and NE1 + NE2, respectively. These races are interpreted to be full species on the basis of a number of empirical criteria.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 13–26.  相似文献   
1. To help define areas and ecological parameters critical to the survival and recovery of the remnant population of North Pacific right whales, habitat use was investigated by examining all available sighting and catch records in the south-eastern Bering Sea (SEBS) and Gulf of Alaska (GOA) over the past two centuries. 2. Based on re-analyses of commercial whaling records, search effort, and resultant catches and sightings, waters of the: (i) SEBS slope and shelf, (ii) eastern Aleutian Islands and (iii) GOA slope and abyssal plain were important habitat for North Pacific right whales through the late 1960s. 3. Since 1980, the only area where right whales have been seen consistently is on the SEBS middle shelf. However, acoustic detections and single sightings have been reported in all other regions except the SEBS slope and oceanic GOA (areas where little, if any, acoustic and visual effort has occurred). 4. Sightings since 1979 were in waters < 200 m deep which may simply reflect the paucity of search effort elsewhere. From the commercial whaling era to the late 1960s, right whales were commonly seen in waters > 2000 m deep, indicating that their distribution is not restricted to shallow continental shelves. 5. North Pacific right whale sightings through the centuries have been associated with a variety of oceanic features, and there is little in common in the bathymetry of these regions. These whales appear to have a greater pelagic distribution than that observed in the North Atlantic, which may be related to the availability of larger copepods across the SEBS and GOA.  相似文献   
Ophrys sphegodes is a rare species in the United Kingdom. The largest extant population of the species, at Castle Hill National Nature Reserve in Sussex, has been monitored each year since 1975. At each annual census, which is conducted during the peak period of flowering (May), the co-ordinates of each plant are recorded, allowing the fate of individuals to be followed from one census to the next. In the present study the population was monitored throughout one complete year. The data collected allow the phenology of the species to be described and the effectiveness of the annual census to be assessed. The study shows that a substantial number of Ophrys sphegodes plants emerge above ground and re-enter the below ground phase before the census date. These results suggest that reliance on annual census records alone may result in the size of the population being underestimated and incorrect life-histories being ascribed to individual plants. True counts of the population may be obtained only if 'dormant' plants are retrospectively added to the population.  相似文献   
In Britain, where it reaches the north-westerly limit of its European distribution, Orchis militaris L. is extremely rare. Well-established and persistent populations of O. militaris are known to exist at only two sites. The largest extant population of O. militaris occurs in a disused chalk pit in Suffolk. A preliminary demographic analysis of this population, covering the period 1975 to 1991, along with estimates of key life stage transition probabilities are presented here. From 1975 to 1986 the number of separate identifiable plants in the population declined substantially. Until 1986 recruitment of rosettes was poor. The largest cohort of new plants, recorded in 1976, was 35. Approximately 48% of new individuals recruited between 1976 and 1985 failed to flower. Of those flowering, approximately 55% flowered during their first year above ground. Of the original population recorded in 1975, 67.8% flowered at least once during the study. The reproductive performance, i.e. the frequency of flowering and the period between episodes of flowering, varied considerably between individuals. Some plants flowered every year while others only flowered once during the study. Few plants remained below ground for more than one year, while several apparently persisted below ground for more than 6 successive years. Although the number of plants that can be identified as separate individuals has declined, the total number of rosettes in the population has, from 1986, increased dramatically. Because of the dense clumping of these recruits it is not possible to determine whether they are derived from seed or vegetative propagation. When post 1986 recruitment is combined with the number of plants that established before 1986 and survive, the apparent number of plants present at the site has more than doubled between 1975 and1991.  相似文献   
Abstract: We quantified indirect effects of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on ground-dwelling herpetofauna and invertebrates in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio, USA. We placed cover boards at 12 sites, each consisting of a 10 × 10-m fenced (exclosure) plot and an unfenced (control) plot. Periodically, during May-December 2004 and May-September 2005, we counted salamanders, snakes, and a variety of invertebrate taxa. Salamander, snake, and gastropod abundance as well as invertebrate richness (no. of species or higher level taxa) were higher in control than exclosure plots. Our findings suggest that management actions taken to regulate deer densities could have the unintended effect of reducing local animal diversity.  相似文献   
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