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Seventy-eight strains of avian paramyxoviruses (PMV) were isolated from cloacal and/or tracheal swabs taken from 1,342 feral ducks, comprised of spot-bill ducks, mallards, pintails, teals, falcated teals, wigeons and buffie-heads, in Wakuya-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, between 1976 and 1979. Five and a half percent of the ducks were positive for virus. Serological and structural characterization indicated that three different avian paramyxoviruses arc prevalent in the Japanese feral duck population. The first group of PMV was Newcastle disease virus (NDV), and in vivo pathogenecity tests in embryonated chicken eggs and 1-day-old chicks revealed that all the NDV strains isolated were avirulent. The second and most prevalent strain was closely related to PMV-4, duck/Hong Kong/D3/75 strain. The viruses of the third group were recovered only from pintails. They cross-reacted antigenically with PMV-3 when antisera to the PMV-3 reference strains, turkey/Wisconsin/68 and parakeet/Netherlands/449/75, were employed. However, no cross-reaction was observed when antiserum to pintail/ Wakuya/20/78, the prototype of this group, was used. The viruses of the third group also differed in viral polypeptide profile from the reference strains of PMV-3.  相似文献   
Nonphotochemical transformations of the far-red absorbing formof phytochrome, such as its decay or dark reversion to Pr, werestudied with solutions obtained from etiolated pea epicotyltissues at various steps of purification. At pH 7.8, the rateof dark Pfr reversion became significantly faster after thecrude extract was purified by gel filtration, but that of wellpurified solutions was quite low. Decay of Pfr was not seenduring any purification step at an alkaline pH, but it occurredin the acidic range of pH even in the presence of sulfhydrylcompounds. The rate of Pfr reversion was also influenced bypH; it increased with an increasing pH. Dark reversion of Pisum Pfr was confirmed to proceed in a short,rapid initial phase followed by a slow phase. (Received September 9, 1970; )  相似文献   
When dark grown cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii y-1 mutantwere exposed to continuous light, an immediate transformationof small amounts of protochlorophyll(ide), which had been presentin the dark grown cells, to chlorophyll was observed. Afterthis, there was a slow accumulation of chlorophyll lasting for2.5-3 hr before the start of exponential synthesis. Initialaccumulation of chlorophyll was distinctly slower at a highlight intensity (13,000 lux) than it was at moderate intensitiesof light (2,000–5,000 lux). However, the exponential synthesisof chlorophyll started after the same 2.5–3 hr of illumination. A brief pre-illumination of cells followed by incubation indarkness was effective in promoting chlorophyll synthesis undersubsequent continuous illumination at high, as well as moderatelight intensities. Pretreatment alleviated retardation of theinitial chlorophyll accumulation by light of high intensity.The promoting effect of preillumination on chlorophyll synthesiswas sufficient, even when a light impulse as short as 10 secwas given. However, the effect was dependent on length of thedark period after the short pre-illumination. The full extentof this effect was observed when the dark period was about 2.5–3hr long. Further dark incubation gradually decreased the effect. On the basis of these findings, it is assumed that a factor(s)responsible for promotion of chlorophyll (or chloroplast) synthesisin the process of greening of dark grown cells is produced duringthe dark period after a brief pre-illumination, and that thefactor is turned over at a relatively fast rate. The possiblenature of the presumed factor is discussed in relation to chloroplastdevelopment. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Kobe University, Nada-ku, Kobe, Japan. (Received August 18, 1970; )  相似文献   
The requirement of protein synthesis for amoebo-flagellate transformation of Physarum polycephalum was re-examined. When amoebae were grown on nutrient agar in association with live food bacteria and harvested in mid-exponential phase of growth, it took ca. 2 hours for half the cells to form flagella after suspension in phosphate buffer. The transformation was completely inhibited by 5 μg/ml cycloheximide. To the contrary, when the amoebae in mid-exponential phase were starved for 3 hr on non-nutrient agar and then suspended in phosphate buffer, the duration required for this process was shortened to ca. 8 min and it was not inhibited by up to 100 μg/ml cycloheximide. A similar result was obtained using bactobolin, another inhibitor of protein synthesis. When amoebae were starved on non-nutrient agar containing 5 μg/ml cycloheximide, however, the starvation effect described above was not observed. The results indicate that protein(s) necessary for the transformation might be synthesized during the starvation period, and that the amoebo-flagellate transformation may or may not require concomitant protein synthesis depending upon preculture conditions.  相似文献   
Antheridia were induced by exogenously applied GA3 at concentrations between 10−6 and 3 × 10−4 M in very young filamentous protonemata of Lygodium japonicum grown in darkness; the longer the dark preculture of protonemata, the lower was the sensitivity of the protonemata to GA3. Antheridial initials were discernible after 36 hr of GA3 treatment in the most sensitive protonemata, and the timing of antheridial initiation was delayed with increasing protonemal age.
This quantitative response of the protonemata provided the basis for a new method of assaying gibberellins in terms of the degree of antheridial formation. According to this method, all the gibberellins tested and one of their precursors were active in inducing antheridia in the protonemata, and the activity spectrum of the gibberellins was as follows: GA7>GA4>GA9>GA3>GA5>GA1>GA8.
The amounts of antheridiogen contained in conditioned media were measured by the present bioassay. A semi-logarithmic relation was shown between the percentage of antheridial formation and the concentration of conditioned medium within a certain dilution range. The amounts of antheridiogen secreted by the prothallia were quantitatively compared by transferring samples onto fresh media for a short period of time.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that experimental type 1 diabetes induced by streptozotocin causes alterations in the biochemical and functional properties of several receptor systems in the rat bladder. However, the exact mechanism involved in the pathophysiology of voiding dysfunction in type 2 diabetic patients is unknown. Because the GK rat is a widely accepted genetically determined rodent model for human type 2 diabetes, we investigated diabetes-induced changes in the bladder smooth muscle of the GK rats at several time points. Male GK rats and age-matched Wistar rats, as controls, were maintained for 4, 8, 16, and 32 weeks. Contractile responses to KCl, carbachol, ATP, and electrical field stimulation (EFS) were measured by using the isolated muscle bath techniques. Acetylcholine (ACh) release induced by EFS from bladder muscle strips was measured by using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a microdialysis procedure. Maximum contractile responses to carbachol and ATP, the release of ACh, and tissue sorbitol levels were similar in bladders from GK and control rats until 8 weeks of age. At 16 weeks of age, however, the contractile responses to carbachol and ATP, and tissue sorbitol levels were increased, and the EFS-induced ACh release was decreased in GK rats compared with controls. Although the maximum contractile responses to EFS were unchanged until 16 weeks of age, they were decreased in 32-week-old GK rats, compared with controls. Our data indicate the presence of age-related alterations in the biochemical and functional properties of the bladder in type 2 diabetic GK rats.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis during photoinduced, synchronous progression of the cell cycle in single-celled protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris was studied by tracer techniques. Nuclei of the protonemata were labelled with 3H-thymidine during spore germination so that the amount of 3H incorporated into the TCA-insoluble fraction of the cells could be used as a measure of the cell number in each sample. The rate of the incorporation of 14C-amino acids into TCA-insoluble materials was not significantly varied at different stages of the cell cycle or by treatment with blue light. Extracts of cells labelled with 35S-methionine at various times after the transfer from red light condition (G0) to darkness (G1 to S) were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. At least 3 of about 200 spots showed significant changes in intensity on fluorograms. Spot A (molecular weight 20,000, isoelectric point 6.3) was detectable only in early G1, whereas spot B (molecular weight 19,500, isoelectric point 6.3) was found only in the late G1 and S phases. When the cells were exposed to blue light before the dark incubation, the times of disappearance of spot A and appearance of spot B were advanced depending upon the progression of the cell cycle but not upon the clock time.  相似文献   
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