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1. Over the course of this 17‐month study, we assessed the potential loss of plankton (bacteria, algae, heterotrophic flagellates) to consumers (ciliates and rotifers) within mature biofilms established on natural substrata exposed to the main current of the River Rhine (Germany). Once a month, in flow cells in a bypass system to the River Rhine, we measured the clearance rates of the biofilm‐associated consumers on the different groups within the natural plankton. 2. Ciliates were the most dominant consumers, among which planktivorous groups, particularly peritrichs and (in spring and summer) heterotrichs dominated. Consumer biomass varied with season, with the highest density occurring directly after the appearance of the phytoplankton spring peak. 3. Clearance rates on plankton ranged from 96 to 565 L m?2 d?1 for bacteria and 66–749 L m?2 d?1 for algae, with a preference for algae in summer and for bacteria in winter. This pattern coincided with seasonal changes in the structures of the grazer communities. The consumers (both ciliates and rotifers with total standing stocks ranging between 19 and 572 mg C m?2) imported a substantial amount of organic matter (between 15 and 137 mg C m?2 d?1) into the biofilm. 4. These results highlight the potential importance of consumers in the biofilm as a trophic link between the plankton and the benthos, a function that has hitherto mostly been attributed to filter‐feeding bivalves. In contrast to bivalves, the biofilm‐dwelling consumers show a more dynamic response towards the plankton density and composition. Such dynamic components need to be considered when estimating total plankton consumption by the benthos.  相似文献   
Body size affects almost every aspect of the biology of a species. According to the ‘resource rule’, decreasing resource availability (e.g. prey density) will lead to a reduction in body size or, alternatively, a decline in mass‐independent energy expenditure. In the present study, we provide a test of this hypothesis, assessing the effect of significantly decreasing prey density on endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) body size and energy expenditure over a 20‐year period. As predicted from the ‘resource rule’, decreasing resource availability resulted in energetic re‐allocation: wild dogs' body size decreased significantly (both shorter and slimmer), whereas our fitness‐related measure of energy expenditure (i.e. litter size) remained constant over time. A phenotypic change of up to 17% within 20 years, as found in the present study, appears to be unprecedented in a nonharvested large mammal, thus advancing the emerging field of eco‐evolutionary dynamics. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 8–12.  相似文献   
1. We assessed sex‐specific seasonal changes in major energy storage compounds (triglycerides, glycogen) in Gammarus fossarum and Gammarus pulex collected from the field, with respect to their reproductive activity. 2. The dynamics of stored energy followed a seasonal pattern in both species and sexes. Moreover, over a 4‐year period, these changes were independent of the year in which they were investigated. Stored energy reached a peak in late winter, but was depleted in late summer and early autumn, coinciding with the reproductive periods. 3. Triglyceride (annual mean ± SD) accounted for 79.7 ± 11.9% of the total stored energy and was responsible for the seasonal pattern. In contrast, glycogen contributed a lesser percentage (20.3 ± 11.9%). Over the study period, the amount of stored energy ranged between 0.39 and 4.08 kJ g?1 dry mass (triglyceride: 0.19–3.69 kJ g?1 dry mass; glycogen: 0.14–0.80 kJ g?1 dry mass). 4. In both species, the energy reserves of males were drastically depleted shortly before the cessation of precopulatory mate guarding in the field, thus offering a bioenergetic explanation for the reproductive period in these two widespread species.  相似文献   
The permeability of seed coats to solutes either of biological or anthropogenic origin plays a major role in germination, seedling growth and seed treatment by pesticides. An experimental set‐up was designed for investigating the mechanisms of seed coat permeation, which allows steady‐state experiments with isolated seed coats of Pisum sativum. Permeances were measured for a set of organic model compounds with different physicochemical properties and sizes. The results show that narrow aqueous pathways dominate the diffusion of solutes across pea seed coats, as indicated by a correlation of permeances with the molecular sizes of the compounds instead of their lipophilicity. Further indicators for an aqueous pathway are small size selectivity and a small effect of temperature on permeation. The application of an osmotic water potential gradient across isolated seed coats leads to an increase in solute transfer, indicating that the aqueous pathways form a water‐filled continuum across the seed coat allowing the bulk flow of water. Thus, the uptake of organic solutes across pea testae has two components: (1) by diffusion and (2) by bulk water inflow, which, however, is relevant only during imbibition.  相似文献   
According to sperm competition models, a male spawning in a disfavoured role should have spermatozoa with higher velocity but shorter longevity compared with a male spawning in a favoured role. Moreover, immunosuppressive androgens are needed to produce both secondary sexual characters and sperm cells. The 'sperm protection' hypothesis suggests that the immunosuppressive action of androgens has evolved to protect haploid spermatozoa, which are antigenic, from autoimmune attacks. Therefore, a male with high sexual ornamentation may be more susceptible to diseases but may possess better quality ejaculate than his less ornamented rival. We studied sexual ornamentation (breeding tubercles), ejaculation quality (sperm concentration, longevity and spermatozoal velocity) and intensity of parasitism in the cyprinid, Rutilus rutilus . Sperm longevity and spermatozoal velocity were positively correlated. Males having elaborated sexual ornamentation had longer-lived sperm and more Myxobolus mülleri parasites in the liver compared with males with low ornamentation. However, no difference was found between males with different degrees of ornamentation with respect to sperm concentration, spermatozoal velocity or other parasites. Since the highly ornamented males had higher sperm longevity, the present results are partly consistent with the predictions of the sperm competition models and the 'sperm protection' hypothesis.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 111–117.  相似文献   
The European CARBOEUROPE/FLUXNET monitoring sites, spatial remote sensing observations via the EOS‐MODIS sensor and ecosystem modelling provide independent and complementary views on the effect of the 2003 heatwave on the European biosphere's productivity and carbon balance. In our analysis, these data streams consistently demonstrate a strong negative anomaly of the primary productivity during the summer of 2003. FLUXNET eddy‐covariance data indicate that the drop in productivity was not primarily caused by high temperatures (‘heat stress’) but rather by limitation of water (drought stress) and that, contrary to the classical expectation about a heat wave, not only gross primary productivity but also ecosystem respiration declined by up to more than to 80 gC m−2 month−1. Anomalies of carbon and water fluxes were strongly correlated. While there are large between‐site differences in water‐use efficiency (WUE, 1–6 kg C kg−1 H2O) here defined as gross carbon uptake divided by evapotranspiration (WUE=GPP/ET), the year‐to‐year changes in WUE were small (<1 g kg−1) and quite similar for most sites (i.e. WUE decreased during the year of the heatwave). Remote sensing data from MODIS and AVHRR both indicate a strong negative anomaly of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation in summer 2003, at more than five standard deviations of the previous years. The spatial differentiation of this anomaly follows climatic and land‐use patterns: Largest anomalies occur in the centre of the meteorological anomaly (central Western Europe) and in areas dominated by crops or grassland. A preliminary model intercomparison along a gradient from data‐oriented models to process‐oriented models indicates that all approaches are similarly describing the spatial pattern of ecosystem sensitivity to the climatic 2003 event with major exceptions in the Alps and parts of Eastern Europe, but differed with respect to their interannual variability.  相似文献   
Climate warming is discussed as a factor that can favour the success of invasive species. In the present study, we analysed potential fitness gains of moderate warming (3 °C above field temperature) on the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea during summer and winter. The experiments were conducted under seminatural conditions in a bypass-system of a large river (Rhine, Germany). We showed that warming in late summer results in a significant decrease in the clams' growth rates (body mass and shell length increase) and an increase in mortality rate. The addition of planktonic food dampens the negative effect of warming on the growth rates. This suggests that the reason for the negative growth effect of temperature increase in late summer is a negative energetic balance caused by an enhanced metabolic rate at limited food levels. Warming during early summer revealed contrasting effects with respect of body mass (no warming effect) and shell length (increased shell growth with warming). This differential control of both parameters further enhances the loss of the relative (size-specific) body mass with warming. In contrast, warming in winter had a consistently positive effect on the clams' growth rate as demonstrated in two independent experiments. Furthermore, the reproduction success (as measured by the average number of larvae per clam) during the main breeding period (April) was strongly enhanced by experimental warming during winter, i.e. by eight times during the relatively cold winter 2005/2006 and by 2.6 times during the relatively warm winter 2007/2008. This strong, positive effect of moderate winter warming on the clams' fitness is probably one reason for the recent invasion success of C. fluminea in the northern hemisphere. However, warm summer events might counteract the positive winter warming effect, which could balance out the fitness gains.  相似文献   
1. Human land‐use has altered catchments on a large scale in most parts of the world, with one of the most profound changes relevant for streams and rivers being the widespread clearance of woody riparian vegetation to make way for livestock grazing pasture. Increasingly, environmental legislation, such as the EU Water Framework Directive (EU WFD), calls for bioassessment tools that can detect such anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem functioning. 2. We conducted a large‐scale field experiment in 30 European streams to quantify leaf‐litter breakdown, a key ecosystem process, in streams whose riparian zones and catchments had been cleared for pasture compared with those in native deciduous woodland. The study encompassed a west–east gradient, from Ireland to Switzerland to Romania, with each of the three countries representing a distinct region. We used coarse‐mesh and fine‐mesh litter bags (10 and 0.5 mm, respectively) to assess total, microbial and, by difference, macroinvertebrate‐mediated breakdown. 3. Overall, total breakdown rates did not differ between land‐use categories, but in some regions macroinvertebrate‐mediated breakdown was higher in deciduous woodland streams, whereas microbial breakdown was higher in pasture streams. This result suggests that overall ecosystem functioning is maintained by compensatory increases in microbial activity in pasture streams. 4. We suggest that simple coefficients of breakdown rates on their own often might not be powerful enough as a bioassessment tool for detecting differences related to land‐use such as riparian vegetation removal. However, shifts in the relative contributions to breakdown by microbial decomposers versus invertebrate detritivores, as revealed by the ratios of their associated breakdown rate coefficients, showed clear responses to land‐use.  相似文献   
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