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The objective of this study was to develop single‐step PCR species‐specific primers that reliably discriminate four economically important Xiphinema species (X. brevicolle, X. elongatum, X. ifacolum and X. longicaudatum) and X. diffusum that is taxonomically very similar to X. brevicolle. Each species‐specific reverse primer was located in the ITS‐1 rDNA region and was used in combination with a universal forward primer located in the 18S rDNA gene. Primer reliability was confirmed by screening seven and 11 populations, respectively of X. diffusum and X. elongatum. Potential species‐specific primers were also identified for X. brevicolle, X. longicaudatum and X. ifacolum, however too few populations of these species were available to thoroughly assess their reliability. For all species‐specific primers, specificity was demonstrated by the absence of cross‐reactions with 14 non‐target Xiphinema species. Multiplex PCR was effective and reproducible for two (X. longicaudatum and X. ifacolum) or three (X. brevicolle, X. diffusum and X. elongatum) of the target nematode species, thus improving the applicability of the diagnostic primers.  相似文献   
Clones of the peach–potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), mostly from Scotland, UK were examined using an rDNA fingerprinting technique. Eighty patterns (genotypes) were found amongst the 276 clones. A large number of clones (30%) from all sample areas in Scotland exhibited the same simple pattern, suggesting the presence of a single M. persicae clone. There was no difference in genotype distributions between M. persicae collected from brassica or potato crops, suggesting that host-adapted genotypes have no advantage in the field. Different fingerprints were randomly distributed in the environment, although clones taken from the same leaf were more often the same fingerprint. Highly distinctive fingerprints, which were more widely distributed, suggest that this technique could be used to follow individual clones. In addition to the common clonal type, multiple fingerprint bands were found over successive years, implying that, in Scotland, local overwintering asexual populations are the most common source of M. persicae in the following year.  相似文献   
A study has been made of the ionic relations of stomata of Aster tripolium L., a maritime halophyte which colonizes coastal saltmarshes. The results obtained allow us to add this species to the growing list for which an involvement of K+ transport in stomatal movements has been demonstrated. However, an additional and ecologically important characteristic was found: there was a suppression of stomatal opening by increasing NaCl concentrations. A new hypothesis is offered of the mechanism for controlling salt and water relations in A. tripolium, a species which does not possess glands or other means of excreting salt. It is suggested that when the capacity of the tissues to accumulate salt in cell vacuoles is exceeded, the concentration of Na+ ions in the apoplast around the guard cells begins to rise. This causes partial stomatal closure, reduces transpiration and increases water-use-efficiency. Therefore, the flow of salt into the leaves is reduced but growth (and the manufacture of the new photosynthates required to support it) can continue. Aster tripolium can be added to the small list of known species which readily yield isolated epidermis suitable for detailed stomatal studies. Throughout this study, we have compared its stomatal physiology with C. communis, which has been thoroughly investigated in the past.  相似文献   
The effects of applied ethylene on the growth of coleoptilesand mesocotyls of etiolated monocot seedlings (oat and maize)have been compared with those on the epicotyl of a dicot seedling(the etiolated pea). Significant inhibition of elongation by ethylene (10 µll–1for 24 h) was found in intact seedlings of all three species,but lateral expansion growth was observed only in the pea internodeand oat mesocotyl tissue. The sensitivity of the growth of seedlingparts to ethylene is in the decreasing order pea internode,oat coleoptile and oat mesocotyl, with maize exhibiting theleast growth response. Although excised segments of mesocotyland coleoptile or pea internode all exhibit enhanced elongationgrowth in IAA solutions (10–6–2 ? 10–5 moll–1), no consistent effects were found in ethylene. Ethyleneproduction in segments was significantly enhanced by applicationof auxin (IAA, 10–5 mol l–6 or less) in all tissuesexcept those of the eat mesocotyl. Segments of maize show a slow rate of metabolism of applied[2-14C]IAA (30 per cent converted to other metabolites within9 h) and a high capacity for polar auxin transport. Ethylene(10 µl l–1 for 24 h) has little effect on eitherof these processes. The oat has a smaller capacity for polartransport than maize and the rate ef metabolism of auxin isas fast as in the pea (90 per cent metabolized in 6 h). Althoughethylene pretreatment does not change the rate of auxin metabolismin oat, there is a marked reduction in auxin transport. It is proposed that the insensitivity of maize seedlings toethylene is related to the supply and persistence of auxin whichcould protect the seedling against the effects of applied orendogenously produced ethylene. Although the mesocotyl of oatis sensitive to applied ethylene it may be in part protectedagainst ethylene in vivo by the absence of an auxin-enhancedethylene production system. The results are discussed in relationto a model for the auxin and ethylene control of cell growthin the pea.  相似文献   
Cecidophyopsis mites were studied by PCR amplification of parts of their ribosomal DNA, followed by restriction enzyme analysis. Mite specimens on Ribes nigrum (black currant) from six countries gave the same digestion pattern, which was distinct from the pattern for mites found on R. rubrum from Poland and Finland and for R. grossularia from the USA. This suggests that each Ribes species is host to a different mite species: C. ribis, C. selachodon and C. grossulariae, respectively. Two other mite samples from R. alpinum and R. aureum were identical but were distinct from each of the other species.  相似文献   
Ribosomal DNA from Cecidophyopsis mites from different Ribes species was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction and the products digested using restriction enzymes. After separating the DNA fragments on gels, it was possible to identify specimens of mites obtained from field samples by comparing the profiles of their DNA banding patterns with those of known Cecidophyopsis species. Using this analysis, a non-gall forming mite found infesting blackcurrant buds in New Zealand was identified as the gooseberry mite (C. grossulariae). On wild red currant (Ribes spicatum) from Finland showing two sizes of galled buds, the red currant gall mite (C. selachodon) was identified in the larger galls located at the tips of branches and a distinct mite in the smaller galls located on the lower parts of the branches. A mite with a DNA banding profile indistinguishable from this latter mite from R. spicatum was also identified in galled buds of blackcurrant genotypes growing in Finland, including those containing the blackcurrant gall mite (C. n'ftw)-resistance genes P or Ce. The DNA banding profile of this mite resembled most closely that of C. ribis , but was distinct from it. The occurrence of C. grossulariae and this distinct Cecidophyopsis mite on blackcurrant has implications for the genetic control of Cecidophyopsis mites and possibly for the spread of the reversion disease agent in this crop.  相似文献   
Fourteen colonies of the peach‐potato aphid, Myzus persicae, were taken either from French peach trees or weeds in 2001. Thirty five apomictic parthenogenetic lineages (APLs) were established. Ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer (IGS) fingerprinting was used to characterise these and 28 fingerprints were duly obtained. Those lineages with different fingerprints were considered different genotypes and those with the same fingerprint as the same. The genetic identity of APLs was further tested using four microsatellite loci. APLs that differed by IGS fingerprint had distinct microsatellite allele combinations and those that had the same IGS fingerprint had the same microsatellite allele combinations. The results confirmed that IGS types corresponded to different aphid genotypes. Independent APLs with identical IGS and microsatellite genotype were therefore considered different representatives of the same clone. APLs from M. persicae found on Scottish crops in 1995, 1996 and 2001, as well as a long‐term laboratory line were also examined by the same methods. Their IGS fingerprints were similar or identical suggesting that they all belonged to the same clone. Microsatellite markers also suggested that these lineages were derived from a single clone. Some field lineages exhibited slight modifications to their IGS fingerprints confirming that the IGS evolves more rapidly than these microsatellite alleles. Thus, IGS will continue to provide a useful marker for aphid fieldwork.  相似文献   
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