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The first example of pollination by fungus gnats in the eudicots is reported. The genus Mitella (Saxifragales) is characteristically produces minute, inconspicuous, mostly dull-coloured flowers with linear, sometimes pinnately branched, petals. To understand the function of these characteristic flowers, we studied the pollination biology of four Mitella species with different floral traits and different sexual expression: dioecious M. acerina , gynodioecious M. furusei var. subramosa , and hermaphroditic M. stylosa var. makinoi and M. integripetala. Flower-bagging experiments showed that wind pollination did not occur in the dioecious and gynodioecious species. Two years of observations of flower visitors at six study sites in Japan revealed that the principal pollinators of all four Mitella were specific species of fungus gnats (Mycetophilidae), which landed on the flowers with their long spiny legs settling on the petals. Characteristically, numerous pollen grains were attached to the fungus gnats in specific locations on the body. Although, on average, 1.3–2.6 fungus gnats visited each inflorescence per day, the fruit set of both bisexual and female flowers exceeded 63%. These results suggest that fungus gnats are highly efficient pollinators of Mitella spp., and that Mitella flowers are morphologically adapted to pollination by fungus gnats.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 449–460.  相似文献   
Role of water in centrifugal root promotion, effect of centrifugation on ethylene concentration of cuttings, and effect of ethylene on root formation were investigated using Salix jragilis softwood cuttings. When cuttings were centrifuged with water, more roots formed with increasing water depth. Soaking of cuttings upright in water for 24 h stimulated root formation and produced more roots as the depth of water was increased, with submerged cuttings producing the highest number of roots. Soaking of cuttings upright in hot water for 1 h also stimulated root formation with the best root formation occurring at 40°C. Submerging in, or centrifuging with water increased ethylene concentration in cuttings. Ethylene gas and Ethrel treatments stimulated root formation. It is suggested that submerging in water increases the ethylene concentration in Salix fragilis softwood cuttings which in turn stimulates root formation of the cuttings. Centrifuging cuttings with water increased water content of the cuttings. It is suggested that this increase in water content plays a role similar to the submersion of cuttings as described above.  相似文献   
WE wish to report that reconstituted sperm whale myoglobin prepared by the method of Breslow1 (except that pH 2 was found sufficient to remove all the haem) (I) crystallizes2 in a different habit from those prepared by the method of Rossi-Fanelli et al.3 (II) using haemin of Sigma lot 77B-0220 and our own 57Fe photoporphyrin preparation and the native myoglobin (III). Although all three form type A3 monoclinic prisms, the best developed plane is [001] for II and III, it is [100] for I. There seems to be great interest in reconstituted haemoproteins4,5, so it is important that crystallization habit may be a sensitive test for subtle changes in protein structures.  相似文献   
Virus Specific RNA in Cells transformed by RNA Tumour Viruses   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Virus specific RNA comprises 5% of the nuclear RNA and 0.5–1.0% of the cytoplasmic RNA of cells transformed by murine sarcoma viruses. Even cryptically transformed cells which possess no detectable virus or viral proteins synthesize detectable amounts of viral RNA.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that experimental type 1 diabetes induced by streptozotocin causes alterations in the biochemical and functional properties of several receptor systems in the rat bladder. However, the exact mechanism involved in the pathophysiology of voiding dysfunction in type 2 diabetic patients is unknown. Because the GK rat is a widely accepted genetically determined rodent model for human type 2 diabetes, we investigated diabetes-induced changes in the bladder smooth muscle of the GK rats at several time points. Male GK rats and age-matched Wistar rats, as controls, were maintained for 4, 8, 16, and 32 weeks. Contractile responses to KCl, carbachol, ATP, and electrical field stimulation (EFS) were measured by using the isolated muscle bath techniques. Acetylcholine (ACh) release induced by EFS from bladder muscle strips was measured by using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a microdialysis procedure. Maximum contractile responses to carbachol and ATP, the release of ACh, and tissue sorbitol levels were similar in bladders from GK and control rats until 8 weeks of age. At 16 weeks of age, however, the contractile responses to carbachol and ATP, and tissue sorbitol levels were increased, and the EFS-induced ACh release was decreased in GK rats compared with controls. Although the maximum contractile responses to EFS were unchanged until 16 weeks of age, they were decreased in 32-week-old GK rats, compared with controls. Our data indicate the presence of age-related alterations in the biochemical and functional properties of the bladder in type 2 diabetic GK rats.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The Lower Cretaceous Tetori Group of Japan has yielded diverse freshwater and terrestrial vertebrate assemblages. The most productive small vertebrate locality is the 'Kaseki-Kabe' or 'fossil-bluff' at Kuwajima, Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture. These deposits have produced at least six distinct lizard taxa of which one, described and named here as Kuwajimalla kagaensis , has lanceolate denticulate teeth convergent on those of the living Iguana . This type of dentition is rare among living lizards and is usually considered indicative of herbivory and, more specifically, folivory. Kuwajimalla kagaensis provides the earliest unambiguous record of squamate herbivory. Comparisons with modern and fossil lizards suggest that Kuwajimalla may be an early relative of the macrocephalosaurines, a group of large herbivores well represented in the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia.  相似文献   
Morphological differences in body shape between females of different reproductive conditions (in terms of insemination and ovarian development) were examined in two species of the Neotropical polistine genus Parachartergus: P. smithii and P. fraternus. The present study shows, for the first time, that non‐size‐based morphological divergence between queens and workers occurs in Parachartergus, an epiponine genus once believed to have little or no morphological caste differences. In the P. smithii colony examined, queens were significantly larger than workers in five of the eight body parts measured (head width, eye width, genal width, mesosomal length, wing length, first metasomal tergum width, and width and length of the second tergum), but the mean values of wing length and first and second tergum widths were not significantly different between them. The queen : worker size ratios tended to be greater anteriorly and smaller posteriorly, although the size ratio was greatest in second tergum length. Analysis of covariance (ancova ) with mesosomal length as covariate showed that queens had proportionally wider heads and narrower first terga than did workers. In the P. fraternus colony, size differences between queens and workers were not significant, and there was little or no difference in shape, but queens had significantly proportionally wider first terga than did workers.  相似文献   
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