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The magnitude of immunologic defects observed in HIV-1-infected individuals before the development of overt AIDS is disproportionately high in comparison to the levels of infectious virus in these patients--suggesting that factors other than direct virus-induced cytopathology may be involved. With this in mind, we investigated the immunologic consequences of the interaction between purified HIV-1 gp120 and the CD4 molecules expressed by uncommitted as well as Ag-specific lymphocytes. HIV-1 gp120 exhibited a dose-dependent immunosuppressive effect on: 1) Ag-driven proliferation of cloned CD4+ lymphocytes, 2) OKT3-driven proliferation of cloned CD4+ lymphocytes, and 3) cytolytic activity of CD4+, EBV-specific CTL. Thus, HIV-1 gp120 can, in a manner similar to OKT4A antibodies, suppress T cell activation and the expression of cytolytic activities through its interaction with CD4. Additionally, activated CD4+ lymphoblasts can be rendered susceptible to immune cytolysis by virtue of their binding of purified gp120. This "targeting" of activated lymphoblasts can occur with levels of gp120 far below that which is needed to saturate all OKT4A-defined CD4 epitopes. Adsorbed gp120 could be demonstrated on the surface of these cells for up to 12 h, a sufficient time for interaction with host cytolytic elements. The data from these in vitro modeling experiments highlight one of many potential mechanisms of HIV-1 induced immunosuppression and lymphocyte destruction that can occur in the absence of infectious virus and that is based on the unique interaction between HIV-1 gp120 and its cellular receptor, CD4.  相似文献   
We recently demonstrated that Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus-based replicon particle (VRPs) encoding tumor antigens could break tolerance in the immunomodulatory environment of advanced cancer. We hypothesized that local injection of VRP-expressing interleukin-12 (IL-12) at the site of injections of VRP-based cancer vaccines would enhance the tumor-antigen-specific T cell and antibody responses and antitumor efficacy. Mice were immunized with VRP encoding the human tumor-associated antigen, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) (VRP-CEA(6D)), and VRP-IL-12 was also administered at the same site or at a distant location. CEA-specific T cell and antibody responses were measured. To determine antitumor activity, mice were implanted with MC38-CEA-2 cells and immunized with VRP-CEA with and without VRP-IL-12, and tumor growth and mouse survival were measured. VRP-IL-12 greatly enhanced CEA-specific T cell and antibody responses when combined with VRP-CEA(6D) vaccination. VRP-IL-12 was superior to IL-12 protein at enhancing immune responses. Vaccination with VRP-CEA(6D) plus VRP-IL-12 was superior to VRP-CEA(6D) or VRP-IL-12 alone in inducing antitumor activity and prolonging survival in tumor-bearing mice. Importantly, local injection of VRP-IL-12 at the VRP-CEA(6D) injection site provided more potent activation of CEA-specific immune responses than that of VRP-IL-12 injected at a distant site from the VRP-CEA injections. Together, this study shows that VRP-IL-12 enhances vaccination with VRP-CEA(6D) and was more effective at activating CEA-specific T cell responses when locally expressed at the vaccine site. Clinical trials evaluating the adjuvant effect of VRP-IL-12 at enhancing the immunogenicity of cancer vaccines are warranted.  相似文献   
Adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) has been widely used in clinical trials because it expresses inserted transgenes robustly and augments the innate immune response. Strategies to improve Ad5 vectors that can circumvent Ad5 immunity have become a critical issue, especially for use as a cancer immunotherapeutic in which repeated immunization is required. In this study, we constructed a novel Ad5 vector with unique deletions of the viral DNA polymerase and the pre-terminal protein region (Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]). This vector contains the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene insert and is designed to induce cell-mediated immunity (CMI) against the tumor-associated target. The CEA immunogenicity and in vivo anti-tumor effects of repeated immunizations with Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-CEA compared with those observed with current generation Ad5 [E1-]-CEA were tested in Ad5 pre-immunized mice. We report that Ad5-immune mice immunized multiple times with Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-CEA induced CEA-specific CMI responses that were significantly increased over those detected in Ad5-immune mice immunized multiple times with a current generation Ad5 [E1-]-CEA. Ad5 immune mice bearing CEA-expressing tumors that were treated with Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-CEA had increased anti-tumor response as compared with Ad5 [E1-]-CEA treated mice. These results demonstrate that Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-CEA can induce CMI immune responses which result in tumor growth inhibition despite the presence of pre-existing Ad5 immunity. Multiple re-immunizations using the same vector platform are now possible with the novel Ad5 [E1-, E2b-] platform.  相似文献   


Campylobacter jejuni is the predominant cause of antecedent infection in post-infectious neuropathies such as the Guillain-Barré (GBS) and Miller Fisher syndromes (MFS). GBS and MFS are probably induced by molecular mimicry between human gangliosides and bacterial lipo-oligosaccharides (LOS). This study describes a new C. jejuni-specific high-throughput AFLP (htAFLP) approach for detection and identification of DNA polymorphism, in general, and of putative GBS/MFS-markers, in particular.  相似文献   
Recent studies have implicated the dying cell as a potential reservoir of modified autoantigens that might initiate and drive systemic autoimmunity in susceptible hosts. A number of subunits of the exosome, a complex of 3'→5' exoribonucleases that functions in a variety of cellular processes, are recognized by the so-called anti-PM/Scl autoantibodies, found predominantly in patients suffering from an overlap syndrome of myositis and scleroderma. Here we show that one of these subunits, PM/Scl-75, is cleaved during apoptosis. PM/Scl-75 cleavage is inhibited by several different caspase inhibitors. The analysis of PM/Scl-75 cleavage by recombinant caspase proteins shows that PM/Scl-75 is efficiently cleaved by caspase-1, to a smaller extent by caspase-8, and relatively inefficiently by caspase-3 and caspase-7. Cleavage of the PM/Scl-75 protein occurs in the C-terminal part of the protein at Asp369 (IILD369↓G), and at least a fraction of the resulting N-terminal fragments of PM/Scl-75 remains associated with the exosome. Finally, the implications of PM/Scl-75 cleavage for exosome function and the generation of anti-PM/Scl-75 autoantibodies are discussed.  相似文献   
Recent reports revealed that dendritic cell (DC)–natural killer (NK) cell interaction plays an important role in tumor immunity, but few DC vaccine studies have attempted to evaluate the non-specific, yet potentially clinically relevant, NK response to immunization. In this study, we first analyzed in vitro activation of NK cells by DCs similar to those used in clinical trials. Subsequently, NK cell responses were analyzed in a phase I clinical trial of a vaccine consisting of autologous DCs loaded with a fowlpox vector encoding CEA. The data were compared with the clinical outcome of the patients. DC enhances NK activity in vitro, partly by sustaining NK cell survival and by enhancing the expression of NK-activating receptors, including NKp46 and NKG2D. Among nine patients in our clinical trial, NK cytolytic activity increased in four (range 2.5–5 times greater lytic activity) including three who had increased NK cell frequency, was stable in two and decreased in three. NKp46 and NKG2D expression showed a good correlation with the patients’ NK activity. When patients were grouped by clinical activity (stable disease/no evidence of disease (stable/NE, n=5) vs progressive disease (N=4) at 3 months), the majority in the stable/NE group had increases in NK activity (P=0.016). Anti-CEA T cell response was enhanced in all the nine patients analyzed, but was not significantly different between the two groups (P=0.14). Thus, NK responses following DC vaccination may correlate more closely with clinical outcome than do T cell responses. Monitoring of NK response during vaccine studies should be routinely performed.  相似文献   
Laboratory isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) that utilize CXCR4 as a coreceptor infect primary human macrophages inefficiently even though these express a low but detectable level of cell surface CXCR4. In contrast, infection of primary macrophages by primary CXCR4-tropic HIV-1 isolates is readily detectable. Here, we provide evidence suggesting that this difference in cell tropism results from a higher requirement for cell surface CXCR4 for infection by laboratory HIV-1 isolates. Transfected COS7 cells that express a high level of CD4 but a low level of CXCR4 were infected significantly more efficiently by two primary CXCR4-tropic HIV-1 isolates compared to the prototypic laboratory HIV-1 isolate IIIB. More importantly, overexpression of either wild-type or signaling-defective CXCR4 on primary macrophages dramatically enhanced the efficiency of infection by the laboratory HIV-1 isolate yet only modestly enhanced infection by either primary CXCR4-tropic virus. Overexpression of CD4 had, in contrast, only a limited effect on macrophage infection by the laboratory HIV-1, although infection by the primary isolates was markedly enhanced. We therefore conclude that the laboratory CXCR4-tropic HIV-1 isolate exhibits a significantly higher CXCR4 requirement for efficient infection than do the primary CXCR4-tropic isolates and that this difference can explain the poor ability of the laboratory HIV-1 isolate to replicate in primary macrophages. More generally, we propose that the cell tropisms displayed by different strains of HIV-1 in culture can largely be explained on the basis of differential requirements for cell surface CD4 and/or coreceptor expression levels.  相似文献   


Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) belong to a family of endocrine factors that share a highly conserved N-terminal region (amino acids 1-34) and play key roles in calcium homeostasis, bone formation and skeletal development. Recently, PTH-like peptide (PTH-L) was identified in teleost fish raising questions about the evolution of these proteins. Although PTH and PTHrP have been intensively studied in mammals their function in other vertebrates is poorly documented. Amphibians and birds occupy unique phylogenetic positions, the former at the transition of aquatic to terrestrial life and the latter at the transition to homeothermy. Moreover, both organisms have characteristics indicative of a complex system in calcium regulation. This study investigated PTH family evolution in vertebrates with special emphasis on Xenopus and chicken.  相似文献   
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