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The genus Laminaria has a wide distribution range compared with other kelp genera because it is found in both the North and the South Atlantic, on both sides of the North Pacific, as well as in the Mediterranean. Hypotheses behind this biogeographical pattern have been discussed by several authors but have not yet been fully evaluated with time‐calibrated phylogenies. Based on the analysis of four molecular markers (ITS2, rbcL, atp8 and trnWI), our goal was to reassess the Laminaria species diversity in South Africa, assess its relationship with the other species distributed in the South Atlantic and reconstruct the historical biogeography of the genus. Our results confirm the occurrence of a single species, L. pallida, in southern Africa, and its sister relationship with the North Atlantic L. ochroleuca. Both species belonged to a clade containing the other South Atlantic species: L. abyssalis from Brazil, and the Mediterranean L. rodriguezii. Our time‐calibrated phylogenies suggest that Laminaria originated in the northern Pacific around 25 mya, followed by at least two migration events through the Bering Strait after its opening (~5.32 mya). Today, the first is represented by L. solidungula in the Arctic, while the second gave rise to the rest of the Atlantic species. The colonization of the North Atlantic was followed by a gradual colonization southward along the west coast of Europe, into the Mediterranean (~2.07 mya) and two recent, but disconnected, migrations (~1.34 and 0.87 mya) across the equator, giving rise to L. abyssalis in Brazil and L. pallida in southern Africa, respectively.  相似文献   
The metabolism of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug flobufen, 4-(2',4'-difluorobiphenyl-4-yl)-2-methyl-4-oxobutanoic acid, was studied in primary cultures of human hepatocytes prepared by two-step collagenase perfusion of livers from four donors. Racemic flobufen or its individual enantiomers, R-(+)- and S-(-)-flobufen were used as substrates. Aliquots of culture medium were collected during 24-h incubation. The time-dependent disappearance of flobufen enantiomers and the formation of metabolites (stereoisomers of dihydroflobufen (DHF)) in hepatocytes were measured by chiral HPLC. The reduction of flobufen in human hepatocytes was stereoselective ((+)-R-flobufen was preferentially metabolized) and stereospecific ((2R;4S)-DHF and (2S;4S)-DHF stereoisomers were mostly formed). Although the structure of flobufen is different from the profens (2-arylpropionates), flobufen undergoes chiral inversion in human hepatocytes. The inversion of R-(+)-flobufen to S-(-)-flobufen predominates. The individual DHF stereoisomers were incubated in hepatocyte cultures and their biotransformation studied. The unidirectional chiral inversion of (2S;4S)-DHF to (2R;4S)-DHF and (2R;4R)-DHF to (2S;4R)-DHF was observed. Stereoselective oxidation of the DHFs to flobufen was also detected. Thus, flobufen metabolism in primary cultures of human hepatocytes is much more complicated (via chiral inversion and DHF re-oxidation) than was presumed from a preliminary achiral point of view.  相似文献   
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) functions as a peptide neurotransmitter and as a neuroendocrine hormone. The active NPY peptide is generated in secretory vesicles by proteolytic processing of proNPY. Novel findings from this study show that cathepsin L participates as a key proteolytic enzyme for NPY production in secretory vesicles. Notably, NPY levels in cathepsin L knockout (KO) mice were substantially reduced in brain and adrenal medulla by 80% and 90%, respectively. Participation of cathepsin L in producing NPY predicts their colocalization in secretory vesicles, a primary site of NPY production. Indeed, cathepsin L was colocalized with NPY in brain cortical neurons and in chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla, demonstrated by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed the localization of cathepsin L with NPY in regulated secretory vesicles of chromaffin cells. Functional studies showed that coexpression of proNPY with cathepsin L in neuroendocrine PC12 cells resulted in increased production of NPY. Furthermore , in vitro processing indicated cathepsin L processing of proNPY at paired basic residues. These findings demonstrate a role for cathepsin L in the production of NPY from its proNPY precursor. These studies illustrate the novel biological role of cathepsin L in the production of NPY, a peptide neurotransmitter, and neuroendocrine hormone.  相似文献   
Cross-talk between nuclear receptors involved in the control of drug metabolism is being increasingly recognised as a source of drug side effects. Omeprazole is a well known activator of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). We investigated the regulation of AhR by omeprazole-sulphide, a degradation metabolite of omeprazole, using CYP1A mRNA induction, reporter gene assay, receptor DNA binding, ligand binding, nuclear translocation, trypsin digests, and drug metabolism analysis in mouse Hepa-1c1c7, human HepG2 cells and primary human hepatocytes. Omeprazole-sulphide is a pure antagonist of AhR in Hepa-1c1c7 and HepG2 hepatoma cell lines. In Hepa-1c1c7 cells, omeprazole-sulphide is a ligand of AhR, inhibits AhR activation to a DNA-binding form, induces a specific pattern of AhR trypsin digestion and inhibits AhR nuclear translocation and subsequent degradation in response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. However, in highly differentiated primary human hepatocytes treated with rifampicin an agonist of the pregnane X receptor (PXR), omeprazole-sulphide behaves as an agonist of AhR. Inhibition of drug metabolizing enzymes by ketoconazole restores the antagonist effect of omeprazole-sulphide. Metabolic LC/MS analysis reveals that omeprazole-sulphide (AhR antagonist) is efficiently converted to omeprazole (AhR activator) by cytochrome P450 CYP3A4, a target gene of PXR, in primary human hepatocytes but not in hepatoma cells in which PXR is not expressed. This report provides the first evidence for a cross-talk between PXR/CYP3A4 and AhR. In addition, it clearly shows that conclusions drawn from experiments carried out in cell lines may lead to erroneous in vivo predictions in man.  相似文献   
Halimeda is a genus of calcified and segmented green macroalgae in the order Bryopsidales. In New Caledonia, the genus is abundant and represents an important part of the reef flora. Previous studies recorded 19 species that were identified using morphological criteria. The aim of this work was to reassess the diversity of the genus in New Caledonia using morpho‐anatomical examinations and molecular analyses of the plastid tufA and rbcL genes. Our results suggest the occurrence of 22 species. Three of these are reported for the first time from New Caledonia: Halimeda kanaloana, H. xishaensis, and an entity resembling H. stuposa. DNA analyses revealed that the species H. fragilis exhibits cryptic or pseudocryptic diversity in New Caledonia. We also show less conclusive evidence for cryptic species within H. taenicola  相似文献   
T G Mattio  M L Kirby 《Life sciences》1982,30(17):1435-1442
The action of chronic morphine administration on catecholamine levels in the cervical (SCG) and iris of the rat pup was studied by radioenzymatic assay. Catecholamine levels in the SCG and iris were unaltered after chronic morphine administration and withdrawal. Norepinephrine (NE) uptake was unchanged throughout drug treatment. beta-adrenergic receptors were increased 30.8% in the iris of morphine-dependent animals. This increase in beta receptors closely parallels the increase in beta receptors found in the brainstem of adult morphine-dependent animals.  相似文献   
Brown algae of the order Laminariales, commonly referred to as kelps, are the largest and most productive primary producers in the coastal inshore environment. The genus Ecklonia (Lessoniaceae, Phaeophyceae) consists of seven species with four species in the Northern Hemisphere and three in the Southern Hemisphere. It was recently transferred to the family Lessoniaceae based on phylogenetic analyses of nuclear and chloroplastic markers, though the type of the genus was not included and its relationship with allied genera Eckloniopsis and Eisenia remained unresolved. The present study is the first to produce a phylogeny focussed on the genus Ecklonia. It included sequences from nuclear, mitochondrial, and chloroplastic DNA, for most of the distribution range of the three current Southern Hemisphere species (Ecklonia radiata, Ecklonia maxima, and a sample of a putative Ecklonia brevipes specimen), sequences for East Asiatic species (Ecklonia cava, Ecklonia kurome, and Ecklonia stolonifera), as well as the closely related genera Eckloniopsis and Eisenia. Results confirmed E. radiata and E. maxima as two distinct species in South Africa, E. radiata as a single species throughout the Southern Hemisphere (in South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand) and East Asiatic species as a distinct lineage from the Southern Hemisphere clade. Results further pointed out a close sister relationship between Eckloniopsis radicosa and two Eisenia species (including the type species: Eisenia arborea) to the genus Ecklonia suggesting that the genera Eckloniopsis and Eisenia are superfluous.  相似文献   
The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a cryptic species complex that contains some of the most damaging pests in tropical and subtropical regions. Recent studies suggested that this complex is composed of at least 24 distinct species. We use the approach from these studies to consider the identity of B. tabaci in Argentina. Previous studies have suggested the presence of a B. tabaci presumably indigenous to the Americas and referred to as the BR biotype in Argentina. We placed the entity referred to as the BR biotype within the B. tabaci cryptic species complex using whiteflies collected in soybean and bean crops in northern and central Argentina. The whiteflies were assigned using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (mtCOI) gene. Four unknown haplotypes plus two Argentina sequences from GenBank formed a cluster that was basal to the rest of the New World sequences. These sequences diverged from the consensus sequence across the range of 3.6 to 4.3%. Applying the species assignment rules of recent studies suggests that the individuals from Argentina form a separate species. A fifth unknown haplotype fell within the New World putative species and formed a distinct cluster with haplotypes from Panama. These results suggest that Argentina has two indigenous species belonging to the B. tabaci cryptic species complex. Rather than using mtCOI sequencing for all B. tabaci collected, a simple random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction diagnostic was used and tested along with previously published primers designed to work specifically with the BR biotype from Brazil. These primers were either unable to distinguish between the two indigenous members of the complex in Argentina or indicated a difference when none was evident on the basis of mtCOI sequence comparison.  相似文献   
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