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为获得辽东丁香(Syringa villosa subsp. wolfii)叶绿体全基因组的基本特征,采用高通量测序技术分析了其叶绿体基因组序列信息,并讨论其系统演化位置。结果表明:(1)辽东丁香叶绿体基因组全长156 517 bp,具有典型的四分体结构;具有131个功能基因,包括36个tRNA基因、8个rRNA基因和87个蛋白质编码基因。(2)该叶绿体基因组蛋白编码区的总密码子偏好性(RSCU)分析显示,RSCU值>1的密码子有31个,其中以A/U碱基结尾的有21个;RSCU值<1的密码子有34个,其中以G/C碱基结尾的密码子有22个。(3)在辽东丁香的叶绿体基因组中,检测出334个散在重复序列,包括170个正向重复序列和164个回文重复序列;检测到227个SSR位点,其中226个位点成功设计出PCR引物。(4)最大似然法构建系统进化树分析显示,辽东丁香与云南丁香(S. yunnanensis)亲缘关系最近。本研究通过对辽东丁香叶绿体基因组重复序列、IR边界、系统发育等进行分析,为辽东丁香后续的分子标记开发、系统发育分析、物种资源鉴定评价、DNA条形码开发等提供参考。  相似文献   
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is recognized as a leading human food-borne pathogen. A TaqMan PCR assay based on the gyrase B gene (gyrB) sequence of V. parahaemolyticus was developed for quantitative detection of V. parahaemolyticus in seafood. The study involving 27 V. parahaemolyticus and 10 strains of other species indicated that the real-time PCR test was highly specific. The sensitivity of the assay was approximately a single CFU per PCR in pure culture and six to eight CFU per PCR in spiked raw oyster, respectively. Real-time PCR values of artificially inoculated oyster homogenates correlated well with plate counts determined using culture methods. A total of 300 seafood samples were analyzed and 78 (26%) of these samples were positive for V. parahaemolyticus using a conventional culture method and 97 (32.3%) using the real-time PCR assay. All culture-positive samples were PCR-positive. However, 19 samples positive by PCR were culture-negative. The results show that retail seafood is commonly contaminated with V. parahaemolyticus in harvest season in eastern China. These data also indicate that real-time PCR can provide sensitive species-specific detection and quantification of V. parahaemolyticus in seafood without prior isolation and characterization of the bacteria by traditional microbiological methods.  相似文献   
赵陆滟  李唯奇  王丹丹 《广西植物》2019,39(12):1636-1647
该文以云南春季野外采收灯盏花种子为材料,研究了不同储存湿度、储存温度、储存时间及不同光照、温度、吸胀条件等对其萌发率的影响。结果表明:(1)降低储存湿度(15%RH)和储存温度(-20、4℃)有利于种子保存,种子寿命可延长2 a多,萌发率在80%以上;高温(35、45℃)和高湿(60%RH)加快了种子衰老,不利于保存,种子为短命种子。(2)光照与否对种子萌发率无显著影响,为光中性种子,但光照有利于种子萌发后幼苗的形成。(3) 25℃为该种子萌发的最适宜温度,萌发率可达84.37%。(4)生产上播种时,尽量避免低温(4℃)和高温(30、35℃),有利于提高出苗率。(5)该种子对吸胀冷害不敏感,为抗冷型种子。因此,在种子研究和药材生产上,成熟种子采收后应及时干燥并密封存于低温下,来年春季及早播种;在育苗生产上,应提供适宜的光照条件,设置单独的恒温(25℃)育苗间,并避免低温季播种。通过研究灯盏花种子的适宜储存条件和萌发特性,为该珍稀药用物种的合理储存和高产栽培提供有效指导。  相似文献   
用荧光标记O-I噬菌体快速检测食品源沙门氏菌   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]利用O-I噬菌体几乎可裂解沙门氏菌属细菌的特性建立快速检测食品中沙门氏菌的方法.[方法]用核酸荧光染料SYBR gold染料标记O-I噬菌体侵染100株试验菌及120份食品样品菌,荧光显微镜鉴定沙门氏菌;并测灵敏度.[结果]100株试验菌中40株沙门氏菌可见杆状荧光,而10株变形杆菌、20株志贺氏菌、20株大肠杆菌和10株葡萄球菌均无荧光;沙门氏菌检测灵敏度达10 CFU/100 μL;120份食品样品中沙门氏菌的O-I噬菌体检测与生化鉴定结果的阳性率分别为9.17%和10%,符合率为91.7%.[结论]试验表明用荧光标记的O-I噬菌体可以快速、直观、准确、大量地检测食品中沙门氏菌.  相似文献   
Kernel size is an important component of grain yield in maize breeding programs. To extend the understanding on the genetic basis of kernel size traits (i.e., kernel length, kernel width and kernel thickness), we developed a set of four-way cross mapping population derived from four maize inbred lines with varied kernel sizes. In the present study, we investigated the genetic basis of natural variation in seed size and other components of maize yield (e.g., hundred kernel weight, number of rows per ear, number of kernels per row). In total, ten QTL affecting kernel size were identified, three of which (two for kernel length and one for kernel width) had stable expression in other components of maize yield. The possible genetic mechanism behind the trade-off of kernel size and yield components was discussed.  相似文献   
Mathematically-derived traits from two or more component traits, either by addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, have been frequently used in genetics and breeding. When used in quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, derived traits sometimes show discrepancy with QTL identified for the component traits. We used three QTL distributions and three genetic effects models, and an actual maize mapping population, to investigate the efficiency of using derived traits in QTL mapping, and to understand the genetic and biological basis of derived-only QTL, i.e., QTL identified for a derived trait but not for any component trait. Results indicated that the detection power of the four putative QTL was consistently greater than 90% for component traits in simulated populations, each consisting of 200 recombinant inbred lines. Lower detection power and higher false discovery rate (FDR) were observed when derived traits were used. In an actual maize population, simulations were designed based on the observed QTL distributions and effects. When derived traits were used, QTL detected for both component and derived traits had comparable power, but those detected for component traits but not for derived traits had low detection power. The FDR from subtraction and division in the maize population were higher than the FDR from addition and multiplication. The use of derived traits increased the gene number, caused higher-order gene interactions than observed in component traits, and possibly complicated the linkage relationship between QTL as well. The increased complexity of the genetic architecture with derived traits may be responsible for the reduced detection power and the increased FDR. Derived-only QTL identified in practical genetic populations can be explained either as minor QTL that are not significant in QTL mapping of component traits, or as false positives.  相似文献   
Glioma is one of the most highly angiogenic tumors, and glioma stem cells (GSCs) are responsible for resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as recurrence after operation. Stathmin is substantial for mitosis and plays an important role in proliferation and migration of glioma-derived endothelial cells. However, the relationship between stathmin and GSCs is incompletely understood. Here we isolated GSCs from glioma cell lines U87MG and U251, and then used siRNA targeting stathmin for silen- cing. We showed that silencing of stathmin suppressed the proliferation, increased the apoptosis rate, and arrested the cell cycle at G2/M phase in GSCs. Silencing of stathmin in GSCs also resulted in inhibited the migration/invasion as well as the capability of vasculogenic mimicry. The suscep- tibUity of GSCs to temozolomide was also enhanced by stathmin silencing. Our findings suggest stathmin as a po- tential target in GSCs for glioma treatment.  相似文献   
Double labeling of resistance markers and report genes can be used to breed engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains that can assimilate xylose and glucose as a mixed carbon source for ethanol fermentation and increased ethanol production. In this study Saccharomyces cerevisiae W5 and Candida shehatae 20335 were used as parent strains to conduct protoplast fusion and the resulting fusants were screened by double labeling. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to assess the ethanol yield following the fermentation of xylose and glucose, as both single and mixed carbon sources, by the fusants. Interestingly, one fusant (ZLYRHZ7) was demonstrated to have an excellent fermentation performance, with an ethanol yield using the mixed carbon source of 0.424 g g−1, which compares with 0.240 g g−1 (W5) and 0.353 g g−1 (20335) for the parent strains. This indicates an improvement in the ethanol yield of 43.4% and 16.7%, respectively.  相似文献   
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