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Chronic schistosomiasis is associated with T cell hypo-responsiveness and immunoregulatory mechanisms, including induction of regulatory T cells (Tregs). However, little is known about Treg functional capacity during human Schistosoma haematobium infection.


CD4+CD25hiFOXP3+ cells were characterized by flow cytometry and their function assessed by analysing total and Treg-depleted PBMC responses to schistosomal adult worm antigen (AWA), soluable egg antigen (SEA) and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in S. haematobium-infected Gabonese children before and 6 weeks after anthelmintic treatment. Cytokines responses (IFN-γ, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13, IL-17 and TNF) were integrated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Proliferation was measured by CFSE.

Principal Findings

S. haematobium infection was associated with increased Treg frequencies, which decreased post-treatment. Cytokine responses clustered into two principal components reflecting regulatory and Th2-polarized (PC1) and pro-inflammatory and Th1-polarized (PC2) cytokine responses; both components increased post-treatment. Treg depletion resulted in increased PC1 and PC2 at both time-points. Proliferation on the other hand, showed no significant difference from pre- to post-treatment. Treg depletion resulted mostly in increased proliferative responses at the pre-treatment time-point only.


Schistosoma-associated CD4+CD25hiFOXP3+Tregs exert a suppressive effect on both proliferation and cytokine production. Although Treg frequency decreases after praziquantel treatment, their suppressive capacity remains unaltered when considering cytokine production whereas their influence on proliferation weakens with treatment.  相似文献   
Reactive metabolites have been putatively linked to many adverse drug reactions including idiosyncratic toxicities for a number of drugs with black box warnings or withdrawn from the market. Therefore, it is desirable to minimize the risk of reactive metabolite formation for lead molecules in optimization, in particular for non-life threatening chronic disease, to maximize benefit to risk ratio. This article describes our effort in addressing reactive metabolite issues for a series of 3-amino-2-pyridone inhibitors of BTK, e.g. compound 1 has a value of 459 pmol/mg protein in the microsomal covalent binding assay. Parallel approaches were taken to successfully resolve the issues: establishment of a predictive screening assay with correlation association of covalent binding assay, identification of the origin of reactive metabolite formation using MS/MS analysis of HLM as well as isolation and characterization of GSH adducts. This ultimately led to the discovery of compound 7 (RN941) with significantly reduced covalent binding of 26 pmol/mg protein.  相似文献   
AimsWe investigated the effects of riboflavin (vitamin B2) on the kinetics of zymosan-induced peritonitis in three strains of mice.Main methodsPeritonitis was induced in males of C57BL/6J, BALB/c and CBA mice by intraperitoneal injection of zymosan (40 mg/kg) or zymosan supplemented with riboflavin (50 mg/kg). During the first 45 min of inflammation the pain symptoms were scored. At the selected time points (4, 6, 8, 10, 24, and 30 h) the mice were sacrificed and peritoneal exudates were retrieved. Leukocytes, among them polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) and macrophages (Mac3+ cells) were counted. Levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were measured in cell pellets while supernatants were used for measurements of nitric oxide, cytokine/chemokines (IL-6, IL-10, MCP-1, IFNγ, TNF-α, and IL-12p70), and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9).Key findingA riboflavin ip injection induced pain symptoms itself, but reduced zymosan-induced pain in C57BL/6J and CBA strains of mice when coinjected with zymosan. In comparison with the mice injected with zymosan only, riboflavin coinjection prolonged inflammation in C57BL/6J mice due to prolonged macrophage accumulation; inhibited peritoneal leukocytes (PTL) accumulation in BALB/c due to inhibited influx of macrophages and PMNs; and inhibited PTL accumulation in CBA mice due to delayed PMN influx. These effects corresponded with the delayed (C57BL/6J) or inhibited (BALB/c and CBA) expression of iNOS in PTL lysates, and with the prolonged (C57BL/6) or inhibited (BALB/c) intraperitoneal accumulation of MMP-9. Moreover, cytokine accumulation was affected in a strain-specific way.SignificanceRiboflavin is antinociceptive during yeast-induced peritonitis, but its anti-inflammatory effects are strain-specific.  相似文献   
Two hookworm vaccine candidates, Na-GST-1 and Na-APR-1, formulated with Glucopyranosyl Lipid A (GLA-AF) adjuvant, have been shown to be safe, well tolerated, and to induce antibody responses in a Phase 1 clinical trial (Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02126462) conducted in Gabon. Here, we characterized T cell responses in 24 Gabonese volunteers randomized to get vaccinated three times with Na-GST-1 and Na-APR-1 at doses of 30μg (n = 8) or 100μg (n = 10) and as control Hepatitis B (n = 6). Blood was collected pre- and post-vaccination on days 0, 28, and 180 as well as 2-weeks after each vaccine dose on days 14, 42, and 194 for PBMCs isolation. PBMCs were stimulated with recombinant Na-GST-1 or Na-APR-1, before (days 0, 28 and 180) and two weeks after (days 14, 42 and 194) each vaccination and used to characterize T cell responses by flow and mass cytometry. A significant increase in Na-GST-1 -specific CD4+ T cells producing IL-2 and TNF, correlated with specific IgG antibody levels, after the third vaccination (day 194) was observed. In contrast, no increase in Na-APR-1 specific T cell responses were induced by the vaccine. Mass cytometry revealed that, Na-GST-1 cytokine producing CD4+ T cells were CD161+ memory cells expressing CTLA-4 and CD40-L. Blocking CTLA-4 enhanced the cytokine response to Na-GST-1.In Gabonese volunteers, hookworm vaccine candidate, Na-GST-1, induces detectable CD4+ T cell responses that correlate with specific antibody levels. As these CD4+ T cells express CTLA-4, and blocking this inhibitory molecules resulted in enhanced cytokine production, the question arises whether this pathway can be targeted to enhance vaccine immunogenicity.  相似文献   
The oral cavity is colonized by microorganisms growing in biofilms in which interspecies interactions take place. Streptococcus mutans grows in biofilms on enamel surfaces and is considered one of the main etiological agents of human dental caries. Candida albicans is also commonly found in the human oral cavity, where it interacts with S. mutans. C. albicans is a polymorphic fungus, and the yeast-to-hypha transition is involved in virulence and biofilm formation. The aim of this study was to investigate interkingdom communication between C. albicans and S. mutans based on the production of secreted molecules. S. mutans UA159 inhibited C. albicans germ tube (GT) formation in cocultures even when physically separated from C. albicans. Only S. mutans spent medium collected in the early exponential phase (4-h-old cultures) inhibited the GT formation of C. albicans. During this phase, S. mutans UA159 produces a quorum-sensing molecule, competence-stimulating peptide (CSP). The role of CSP in inhibiting GT formation was confirmed by using synthetic CSP and a comC deletion strain of S. mutans UA159, which lacks the ability to produce CSP. Other S. mutans strains and other Streptococcus spp. also inhibited GT formation but to different extents, possibly reflecting differences in CSP amino acid sequences among Streptococcus spp. or differences in CSP accumulation in the media. In conclusion, CSP, an S. mutans quorum-sensing molecule secreted during the early stages of growth, inhibits the C. albicans morphological switch.The oral cavity is colonized by many different microbial species, where most reside in biofilms. Because of its multispecies nature, the oral microbial community is one of the best biofilm models for studying interspecies interactions (17). The gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus mutans shows a high prevalence in dental biofilms, and it is considered to be the major etiological agent involved in human dental caries (21). The fungal species Candida albicans constitutes a minor part of the total microbial flora (19) and can be isolated as a commensal from the oral cavity of 50% to 60% of healthy adults (33). However, in immunocompromised individuals (for example, due to human immunodeficiency virus infection or as a result of chemotherapy) and elderly patients, this fungus often leads to candidiasis (24). C. albicans is a polymorphic fungus that can exist in three morphotypes: budding yeast, pseudohypha, and true hypha (5). The morphological switch from yeast to hyphal cells is important in many processes, such as virulence (22) and biofilm formation (10, 18), and is therefore the subject of many studies.Bacteria and yeasts are often found together in vivo, and there is growing evidence that interspecies, and even interkingdom, interactions occur within these populations (7). These interactions can be mediated through signaling molecules (40), as recently described for the interaction between C. albicans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic bacterial pathogen (15). N-3-oxo-C12 homoserine lactone (HSL), a signaling molecule involved in bacterial quorum sensing, completely represses C. albicans hypha formation without altering the growth rate. Although many gram-negative bacteria produce HSLs with shorter acyl chains (e.g., C4-HSL), the inhibition of C. albicans hypha formation is caused specifically by long-chained HSL molecules. In addition, related, non-HSL molecules with long acyl chains, such as dodecanol and farnesol, also inhibit the hypha formation of C. albicans (8).A recent report described the coculturing of C. albicans and S. mutans in model oral biofilms on hydroxyapatite (26). It was shown that S. mutans increased the growth of C. albicans by stimulating coadhesion while simultaneously suppressing the formation of hyphae. S. mutans is a gram-positive bacterium and does not produce HSL-type molecules, and the nature of the interaction with C. albicans is presently unknown. In this study, the interaction between S. mutans and C. albicans was investigated by studying the effect of secreted molecules of S. mutans on C. albicans hypha formation.  相似文献   
The effect of growth hormone (GH) on insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) secretion and the effects of GH and IGF-I on [(3)H] thymidine incorporation and estradiol (E2) secretion by theca interna (Tc) and granulosa cells (Gc) cultured alone and in coculture were studied in cultured porcine follicular cells, prepared from small (SF), medium (MF) and large (LF) preovulatory follicles. We demonstrated that both Tc and Gc secrete IGF-I and that GH had no effect on IGF-I secretion by Tc but, increased IGF-I secretion by Gc isolated from SF and cultured alone or in coculture. IGF-I stimulated secretion of E2 by all cells, except in Tc derived from SF in which the effect was not statistically significant. The only stimulatory effect of concurrent treatment with GH on E2 secretion was noted in Tc derived from MF. IGF-I increased the [(3)H] thymidine incorporation in all Tc cells but GH did not augment this effect. In Gc, IGF-I stimulated [(3)H] thymidine incorporation in cells derived from SF and MF but not from LF. GH had no stimulatory effect except on Gc derived from LF and grown alone. The highest stimulatory effect was observed in SF. This was smaller in MF and no effect was noted in LF. In conclusion, our work shows that both Gc and Tc are sites of IGF-I production and for the first time shows the stimulatory role of IGF-I in proliferation of Tc cells derived from all types of follicles and augmentation of E2 secretion in Tc derived from MF and LF. The promotion of the mitogenic activity in Tc by IGF-I during all stages of follicular development suggests an important role for theca cells in follicular growth.  相似文献   
A solid-phase radio immunoassay was developed for total immunoreactive transcobalamin II (TC II). Rabbit antihuman TC II antiserum (which recognizes both apo- and holo-TC II), was immobilized by covalent binding to acrylamide-acrylic acid copolymer beads. A normal mean and SD for immunoreactive TC II in serum was determined in 130 healthy adult individuals and found to be 1150 ± 250 ng/liter cobalamin equivalent. Mean holo-TC II (N = 30), estimated by substraction of apo-TC II from total TC II, was 137 ng/liter bound cobalamin (or 12% of total TC II). Three patients with lack of functional TC II had immunoreactive TC II levels between 22 and 39% of normal mean, which demonstrated that the solid-phase bound antiserum recognized deficient TC II molecules, whereas the same antiserum in its soluble form did not. Eight out of nine individuals, recognized as heterozygous for TC II deficiency, had TC II levels below the normal range, on the order of 50% of the normal mean. The stability of immunoreactive TC II was strongly enhanced by the presence of an unknown serum factor not corresponding to serum albumin.  相似文献   
Although differences in immunological responses between populations have been found in terms of vaccine efficacy, immune responses to infections and prevalence of chronic inflammatory diseases, the mechanisms responsible for these differences are not well understood. Therefore, innate cytokine responses mediated by various classes of pattern-recognition receptors including Toll-like receptors (TLR), C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) and nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain-like receptors (NLRs) were compared between Dutch (European), semi-urban and rural Gabonese (African) children. Whole blood was stimulated for 24 hours and the pro-inflammatory tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and the anti-inflammatory/regulatory interleukin-10 (IL-10) cytokines in culture supernatant were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Gabonese children had a lower pro-inflammatory response to poly(I:C) (TLR3 ligand), but a higher pro-inflammatory response to FSL-1 (TLR2/6 ligand), Pam3 (TLR2/1 ligand) and LPS (TLR4 ligand) compared to Dutch children. Anti-inflammatory responses to Pam3 were also higher in Gabonese children. Non-TLR ligands did not induce substantial cytokine production on their own. Interaction between various TLR and non-TLR receptors was further assessed, but no differences were found between the three populations. In conclusion, using a field applicable assay, significant differences were observed in cytokine responses between European and African children to TLR ligands, but not to non-TLR ligands.  相似文献   
Transcobalamin 2 is the only vitamin B12-binding protein found in mouse serum. Two allelic forms of mouse transcobalamin 2 are described. The two forms differ in their mobilities on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The slowly migrating form has been found in serum from 25 inbred mouse strains. The more rapidly migrating form was detected in 3 inbred mouse strains (NZB, ST/bJ, and CPB-WV). Both parental variants were expressed in F1 progeny of appropriate interstrain crosses, showing codominant expression of the transcobalamin 2 alleles. In backcrosses between F1 and parental individuals, the two electrophoretic variants were inherited as single Mendelian traits. The strain distribution pattern of the two variants in recombinant inbred lines likewise suggested a single-gene mode of inheritance and indicated a lack of close linkage with a number of genetic loci on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, and 17. We propose the symbol Tcn-2 for the polymorphic gene locus coding for transcobalamin 2 in the mouse and Tcn-2 s and Tcn-2 f for the two alleles.  相似文献   
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