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We address the taxonomic position of the southern European individuals of pike, performing a series of tests and comparisons from morphology, DNA taxonomy and population genetics parameters, in order to support the hypothesis that two species of pike, and not only one, exist in Europe. A strong relationship emerged between a northern genotype supported by COI, Cytb, AFLP and specific fragments, and a phenotype with round spot skin colour pattern and a large number of scales in the lateral line, clearly separated from a southern genotype with other skin colour pattern and a low number of scales in the lateral line. DNA taxonomy, based on a coalescent approach (GMYC) from phylogenetic reconstructions on COI and Cytb together with AFLP admixture analysis, supported the existence of two independently evolving entities. Such differences are not simply due to geographic distances, as northern European samples are more similar to Canadian and Chinese samples than the southern Europe ones. Thus, given that the differences between the two groups of European pike are significant at the phenotypic, genotypic and geographical levels, we propose the identification of two pike species: the already known northern pike (Esox lucius) and the southern pike (E. flaviae n.sp.). The correct identification of these two lineages as independent species should give rise to a ban on the introduction of northern pikes in southern Europe for recreational fishing, due to potential problems of hybridisation.  相似文献   
A set of 11 polymorphic markers (1 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS), 2 sequence-characterized amplified regions (SCARs), and 8 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-derived markers) was obtained for olive cultivar identification by comparing DNA sequences from different accessions. Marker development was more efficient, using sequences from the database rather than cloning arbitrary DNA fragments. Analyses of the sequences of 3 genes from 11 diverse cultivars revealed an SNP frequency of 1 per 190 base pairs in exons and 1 per 149 base pairs in introns. Most mutations were silent or had little perceptible effect on the polypeptide encoded. The higher incidence of transversions (55%) suggests that methylation is not the major driving force for DNA base changes. Evidence of linkage disequilibrium in 2 pairs of markers has been detected. The set of predominantly SNP-based markers was used to genotype 65 olive samples obtained from Europe and Australia, and was able clearly to discriminate 77% of the cultivars. Samples, putatively of the same cultivar but derived from different sources, were revealed as identical, demonstrating the utility of these markers as tools for resolving nomenclature issues. Genotyping data were used for constructing a dendrogram by UPGMA cluster analysis using the simple matching similarity coefficient. Relationships between cultivars are discussed in relation to the route of olive's spread.  相似文献   
Biomanipulation, or management actions aimed to structure biological communities to achieve certain goals, has often been used in the restoration of aquatic ecosystems. In 2000, The Nature Conservancy acquired the Emiquon Preserve, which included two former Illinois River floodplain lakes, to restore these ecosystems. Restoration included stocking to establish a native fish community commensurate with historical records. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides, bass) were also introduced to control poor water clarity and invasive common carp (Cyprinus carpio, carp). We summarized fish community characteristics and tested whether bass contributed to water clarity maintenance and limited carp during 2007–2014. The fish community was dominated by species stocked in greatest abundance, 13 of 32 species initially stocked have not been collected, and species diversity increased. No carp were observed in bass diets, water clarity declined significantly, and carp relative abundance increased. Increasing water levels during 2008–2009 diffused bass predation potential upon zooplanktivorous fishes and carp and weakened potential trophic cascading interactions. Our findings suggest that water level management, greater stocking of piscivores to maintain predator densities, prevention of gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) introduction, and/or a more diverse fish community including other native piscivores may be required to achieve long-term restoration goals.  相似文献   
Using light microscopy the morphology, the mitotic index and levels of erythroid cell types were detected from 48 h pike Esox lucius embryos before hatching to adult specimens. At the same developmental stages, the haemoglobins and globin chains expressed were electrophoretically characterized. The erythroid cells of the primitive generation were the most abundant from 48 h before hatching until 15–20 days after hatching, then their number decreased and only rare cells remained in the 3 month‐old juvenile specimens. These cells divided and differentiated in the blood and were substituted by the definitive erythrocyte series. As in other vertebrates, the immature cells of the two generations differed in morphological properties and in the synthetized haemoglobin. The circulating erythroid cells of the definitive population cell lineage were, at all differentiation stages, smaller than those of the primitive generation. The definitive erythrocytes appeared in blood smears of 7 days post‐hatching larvae, they increased rapidly and at 20 days they represented the predominant red blood cell population in the circulation of young pike. Electrophoretic analysis of haemolysates obtained from different developmental stages indicated the presence of distinct embryonic, larval and adult haemoglobins. The embryonic haemoglobins differed from those of the older larva and juvenile specimens and were detectable within the first week of post‐hatching development when only primitive erythrocytes were present in the blood.  相似文献   
The purification and partial characterization of low molecular weight phosphotyrosine phosphatase (LMW-PTP) was reported for the first time in PC12 cells. In addition, the expression levels during neuronal phenotype induction by nerve growth factor (NGF) and during neurogenesis in chick embryos were investigated. LMW-PTP was purified to homogeneity and showed a single band of about 18 kDa with sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A native molecular mass of 20.1 kDa was determined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 column. The LMW-PTP from PC12 cells displays structural and biochemical characteristics similar to the enzyme isolated for normal tissues. It was specifically immunoprecipitated by an affinity purified antibody directed against the bovine liver enzyme. The enzyme is present in the cytosolic and cytoskeletal cell compartment where is tyrosine phosphorylated. Time course expression of LMW-PTP in PC12 cells was investigated after NGF treatment and showed an increase of about 30% in the basal level of LMW-PTP from 0 to 72 h. These changes were related to the appearance in PC12 cells of neuronal processes and to a decrease in cell proliferation. An increase of the LMW-PTP expression was also observed in vivo during chick embryo neurogenesis from 8-day-old embryos to adult chicks. The protein level, assayed by immunoblotting, increases from 14-day-old embryos to the hatched chicks reaching the adult levels within the first week after birth. These data indicate that the neurogenesis process is accompanied by a physiological increment of LMW-PTP expression in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
European (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) and American (Dermatophagoides farinae) house dust mite species are considered the most common causes of asthma and allergic symptoms worldwide. Der p 1 protein, one of the main allergens of D. pteronyssinus, is found in high concentration in mites faecal pellets, which can became easily airborne and, when inhaled, can cause perennial rhinitis and bronchial asthma. Here we report the isolation of the Der p 1 gene from an Italian strain of D. pteronyssinus and the PVX-mediated expression of its mature form (I-rDer p 1) in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Human sera from characterized allergic patients were used for IgE binding inhibition assays to test the immunological reactivity of I-rDer p 1 produced in N. benthamiana plants. The binding properties of in planta produced I-rDer p 1 versus the IgE of patients sera were comparable to those obtained on Der p 1 preparation immobilized on a microarray. In this paper we provide a proof of concept for the production of an immunologically active form of Der p 1 using a plant viral vector. These results pave the way for the development of diagnostic allergy tests based on in planta produced allergens.  相似文献   
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