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Migratory birds are known to be sensitive to external magnetic field (MF). Much indirect evidence suggests that the avian magnetic compass is localized in the retina. Previously, we showed that changes in the MF direction could modulate retinal responses in pigeons. In the present study, we performed similar experiments using the traditional model animal to study the magnetic compass, European robins. The photoresponses of isolated retina were recorded using ex vivo electroretinography (ERG). Blue- and red-light stimuli were applied under an MF with the natural intensity and two MF directions, when the angle between the plane of the retina and the field lines was 0° and 90°, respectively. The results were separately analysed for four quadrants of the retina. A comparison of the amplitudes of the a- and b-waves of the ERG responses to blue stimuli under the two MF directions revealed a small but significant difference in a- but not b-waves, and in only one (nasal) quadrant of the retina. The amplitudes of both the a- and b-waves of the ERG responses to red stimuli did not show significant effects of the MF direction. Thus, changes in the external MF modulate the European robin retinal responses to blue flashes, but not to red flashes. This result is in a good agreement with behavioural data showing the successful orientation of birds in an MF under blue, but not under red illumination.  相似文献   
Colonies of the hydrocoral Millepora dichotoma along the Gulf of Eilat are exhibiting unusual tissue lesions in the form of white spots. The emergence and rapid establishment of these multifocal tissue lesions was the first of its kind reported in this region. A characterization of this morphological anomaly revealed bleached tissues with a significant presence of bacteria in the tissue lesion area. To ascertain possible differences in microbial biota between the lesion area and non-affected tissues, we characterized the bacterial diversity in the two areas of these hydrocorals. Both culture-independent (molecular) and culture-dependent assays showed a shift in bacterial community structure between the healthy and affected tissues. Several 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieved from the affected tissues matched sequences of bacterial clones belonging to Alphaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes members previously associated with various diseases in scleractinian corals.  相似文献   
ATP binding to the first and second NBDs (nucleotide-binding domains) of CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) are bivalent-cation-independent and -dependent steps respectively [Aleksandrov, Aleksandrov, Chang and Riordan (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 15419-15425]. Subsequent to the initial binding, Mg(2+) drives rapid hydrolysis at the second site, while promoting non-exchangeable trapping of the nucleotide at the first site. This occlusion at the first site of functional wild-type CFTR is somewhat similar to that which occurs when the catalytic glutamate residues in both of the hydrolytic sites of P-glycoprotein are mutated, which has been proposed to be the result of dimerization of the two NBDs and represents a transient intermediate formed during ATP hydrolysis [Tombline and Senior (2005) J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 37, 497-500]. To test the possible relevance of this interpretation to CFTR, we have now characterized the process by which NBD1 occludes [(32)P]N(3)ATP (8-azido-ATP) and [(32)P]N(3)ADP (8-azido-ADP). Only N(3)ATP, but not N(3)ADP, can be bound initially at NBD1 in the absence of Mg(2+). Despite the lack of a requirement for Mg(2+) for ATP binding, retention of the NTP at 37 degrees C was dependent on the cation. However, at reduced temperature (4 degrees C), N(3)ATP remains locked in the binding pocket with virtually no reduction over a 1 h period, even in the absence of Mg(2+). Occlusion occurred identically in a DeltaNBD2 construct, but not in purified recombinant NBD1, indicating that the process is dependent on the influence of regions of CFTR in addition to NBD1, but not NBD2.  相似文献   
Universal 16S rRNA gene primers (8F and 518R) bearing inosine substitutions at either the 3??-ultimate or the 3??-ultimate and penultimate base positions were exploited for the first time to study the bacterial community associated with coral polymicrobial Black Band Disease (BBD). Inosine-modified universal primer pairs display some shifting in the composition of 16S rRNA gene libraries, as well as expanding the observed diversity of a BBD bacterial community at the family/class level. Possible explanations for the observed shifts are discussed. These results thus point to the need for adopting multiple approaches in designing 16S rRNA universal primers for PCR amplification and subsequent construction of 16S rRNA gene libraries or pyrosequencing in the exploration of complex microbial communities.  相似文献   
The PI 3-kinase (PI 3-K) signaling pathway is essential for Schwann cell myelination. Here we have characterized PI 3-K effectors activated during myelination by probing myelinating cultures and developing nerves with an antibody that recognizes phosphorylated substrates for this pathway. We identified a discrete number of phospho-proteins including the S6 ribosomal protein (S6rp), which is down-regulated at the onset of myelination, and N-myc downstream-regulated gene-1 (NDRG1), which is up-regulated strikingly with myelination. We show that type III Neuregulin1 on the axon is the primary activator of S6rp, an effector of mTORC1. In contrast, laminin-2 in the extracellular matrix (ECM), signaling through the α6β4 integrin and Sgk1 (serum and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1), drives phosphorylation of NDRG1 in the Cajal bands of the abaxonal compartment. Unexpectedly, mice deficient in α6β4 integrin signaling or Sgk1 exhibit hypermyelination during development. These results identify functionally and spatially distinct PI 3-K pathways: an early, pro-myelinating pathway driven by axonal Neuregulin1 and a later-acting, laminin–integrin-dependent pathway that negatively regulates myelination.  相似文献   
The escape of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 from effects of neutralizing antibodies was studied by using neutralization-resistant (NR) variants generated by growing the neutralization-sensitive (NS) wild-type MN virus in the presence of human serum with neutralizing antibodies, more than 99% of which were directed at the V3 region of gp120. The variants obtained had broad neutralization resistance to human sera, without limitation with respect to the V3 specificity of the sera. The molecular basis for the resistance was evaluated with molecularly cloned viruses, as well as with pseudoviruses expressing envelope glycoproteins of the NS and NR phenotypes. Nucleotide sequence analyses comparing NS and NR clones revealed a number of polymorphisms, including six in the V1/V2 region, two in C4/V5 of gp120, three in the leucine zipper (LZ) domain of gp41, and two in the second external putative α-helix region of gp41. A series of chimeras from NS and NR env genes was constructed, and each was presented on pseudoviruses to locate the domain(s) which conferred the phenotypic changes. The neutralization phenotypes of the chimeric clones were found to be dependent on mutations in both the C4/V5 region of gp120 and the LZ region of gp41. Additionally, interaction between mutations in gp120 and gp41 was demonstrated in that a chimeric env gene consisting of a gp120 coding sequence from an NS clone and a gp41 sequence from an NR clone yielded a pseudovirus with minimal infectivity. The possible significance of predicted amino acid changes in these domains is discussed. The results indicate that polyvalent antibodies predominantly directed against V3 can induce NR through selection for mutations that alter interactions of other domains in the envelope complex.  相似文献   
Catalysis of the disproportionation of superoxide by human manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is characterized by an initial burst of catalysis followed by a much slower region that is zero order in superoxide and due to a product inhibition by peroxide anion. We have prepared site-specific mutants with replacements at His30, the side chain of which lies along the substrate access channel and is about 5.8 A from the metal. Using pulse radiolysis to generate superoxide, we have determined that kcat/K(m) was decreased and product inhibition increased for H30V MnSOD, both by 1-2 orders of magnitude, compared with wild type, H30N, and H30Q MnSOD. These effects are not attributed to the redox potentials, which are similar for all of these variants. An investigation of the crystal structure of H30V Mn(III)SOD compared with wild type, H30Q, and H30N Mn(III)SOD showed the positions of two gamma carbons of Val30 in the active site; Cgamma1 overlaps Cgamma of His30 in wild type, and Cgamma2 extends into the substrate access channel and occupies the approximate position of a water molecule in the wild type. The data suggest that Cgamma2 of the Val side chain has significantly interrupted catalysis by this overlap into the access channel with possible overlap with the substrate-product binding site. This is supported by comparison of the crystal structure of H30V MnSOD with that of azide bound to Mn(III)SOD from Thermus thermophilus and by visible absorption spectra showing that azide binding to the metal in H30V Mn(III)SOD is abolished. Moreover, the presence of Val30 caused a 100-fold decrease in the rate constant for dissociation of the product-inhibited complex compared with wild type.  相似文献   
As in other adenine nucleotide binding cassette (ABC) proteins the nucleotide binding domains of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) bind and hydrolyze ATP and in some manner regulate CFTR ion channel gating. Unlike some other ABC proteins, however, there are preliminary indications that the two domains of CFTR are nonequivalent in their nucleotide interactions (Szabo, K., Szakacs, G., Hegeds, T., and Sarkadi, B. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 12209-12212; Aleksandrov, L., Mengos, A., Chang, X., Aleksandrov, A., and Riordan, J. R. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 12918-12923). We have now characterized the interactions of the 8-azido-photoactive analogues of ATP, ADP, and 5'-adenyl-beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) with the two domains of functional membrane-bound CFTR. The results show that the two domains appear to act independently in the binding and hydrolysis of 8-azido-ATP. At NBD1 binding does not require a divalent cation. This binding is followed by minimal Mg(2+)-dependent hydrolysis and retention of the hydrolysis product, 8-azido-ADP, but not as a vanadate stabilized post-hydrolysis transition state complex. In contrast, at NBD2, MgN(3)ATP is hydrolyzed as rapidly as it is bound and the nucleoside diphosphate hydrolysis product dissociates immediately. Confirming this characterization of NBD1 as a site of more stable nucleotide interaction and NBD2 as a site of fast turnover, the non-hydrolyzable N(3)AMP-PNP bound preferentially to NBD1. This demonstration of NBD2 as the rapid nucleotide turnover site is consistent with the strong effect on channel gating kinetics of inactivation of this domain by mutagenesis.  相似文献   
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