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The surface anatomy of normal and vitreous leaves of plantlets obtained from Datura insignis Barb Rodr nodal segment cultures was compared using scanning electron microscopy. Normal and vitrified leaves are similar in several ways. They are both amphistomatic, and have similar distributions of glandular and non-glandular trichomes. Stomata have similar length, diameter and distribution in normal and vitreous plants. Immature stomata, which have closed pores, and plugged stomata, which contain an amorphous material between their guard cells, occur in both normal and vitrified leaves. Normal and vitreous leaves differ in the frequency of normal and abnormal stomata. Normal stomata have kidney-shaped guard cells and resemble closely those found in field-grown plants, whereas abnormal stomata have deformed guard cells. Normal stomata represent approximately 80% of the total number of stomata in normal leaves, but only 7% of the total number of stomata in vitreous leaves. Abnormal stomata represent 90% of the total number in vitreous leaves. The deformation of guard cells could possibly be a mechanical impediment to stomatal function.  相似文献   
Natural mating and mass spawning in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., Moronidae, Teleostei) complicate genetic studies and the implementation of selective breeding schemes. We utilized a two‐step experimental design for detecting QTL in mass‐spawning species: 2122 offspring from natural mating between 57 parents (22 males, 34 females and one missing) phenotyped for body weight, eight morphometric traits and cortisol levels, had been previously assigned to parents based on genotypes of 31 DNA microsatellite markers. Five large full‐sib families (five sires and two dams) were selected from the offspring (570 animals), which were genotyped with 67 additional markers. A new genetic map was compiled, specific to our population, but based on the previously published map. QTL mapping was performed with two methods: half‐sib regression analysis (paternal and maternal) and variance component analysis accounting for all family relationships. Two significant QTL were found for body weight on linkage group 4 and 6, six significant QTL for morphometric traits on linkage groups 1B, 4, 6, 7, 15 and 23 and three suggestive QTL for stress response on linkage groups 3, 14 and 23. The QTL explained between 8% and 38% of phenotypic variance. The results are the first step towards identifying genes involved in economically important traits like body weight and stress response in European sea bass.  相似文献   
FAS/FASL altered expression may cause tumor protecting immunomodulation, with a direct impact on patient prognosis. FAS expression was studied in 60 squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity. FAS expression did not show a significant association with tumor histopathological characteristics, but was significantly associated with lymph node positivity. FAS expression was significantly associated with disease specific death and negative FAS expression was an independent risk factor, increasing risk 4 times when compared to positive expression. When FAS and FASL expression results were combined, we were able to define high, intermediate and low risk profiles. Disease-free and disease-specific survival were significantly correlated with FAS/FASL expression profiles. The high risk category was an independent marker for earlier disease relapse and disease-specific death, with approximately 4- and 6-fold increased risk, respectively, when compared to the low risk profile. Risk profiles based on FAS/FASL expression showed that high risk was significantly associated with increased disease relapse and death, as well as shorter disease-free or disease-specific survival. This categorization, added to patient clinical data, may facilitate the choice of therapy, minimizing treatment failure and increasing disease control.  相似文献   
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, previously associated with genomic instability. Our aim was to analyze microsatellite markers in order to determine patterns and levels of instability, as well as possible correlations with histopathological parameters. Polymerase chain reaction was used to characterize microsatellite instability (MSI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 107 breast carcinomas at twelve microsatellite loci. Some of the markers were selected because of their relation to steroid hormone metabolism, which seems to be related to sporadic breast cancer risk. D5S346 and D17S250 markers showed a statistically significant frequency of MSI. LOH in D3S1611, D17S250, AR and ER-β were associated with some parameters of worse prognosis. Marker group analysis showed that CYP19, AR and ER-β were related to histological grade III, ER-negative and PR-negative cases. Our results suggest that marker group analysis may be preferred to the single marker strategy, being predictive of worst prognosis when single markers are unable to provide such information. A further evaluation of steroid metabolism genes and their association with low penetrance genes in breast cancer may be useful.  相似文献   
Vitamin C is one of the most abundant exogenous antioxidants in the cell, and it is of the utmost importance to elucidate its mechanism of action against radicals. In this study, the reactivity of vitamin C toward OH and \( {HO}_2/{O}_2^{-} \) radicals in aqueous medium was analyzed by ab initio molecular dynamics using CPMD code. The simulations led to results similar to those of static studies or experiments for the pair of \( {HO}_2/{O}_2^{-} \) radicals but bring new insights for the reactivity with hydroxyl radical: the reaction takes place before the formation of an adduct and consists of two steps: first an electron is transferred to hydroxyl radical and then the ascorbyl radical loses a proton.
Graphical Abstract Reactivity of vitamin C toward hydroxyl and \( {HO}_2/{O}_2^{-} \) radicals
Amorphous SiC tandem heterostructures are used to filter a specific band, in the visible range. Experimental and simulated results are compared to validate the use of SiC multilayered structures in applications where gain compensation is needed or to attenuate unwanted wavelengths. Spectral response data acquired under different frequencies, optical wavelength control and side irradiations are analyzed. Transfer function characteristics are discussed. Color pulsed communication channels are transmitted together and the output signal analyzed under different background conditions. Results show that under controlled wavelength backgrounds, the device sensitivity is enhanced in a precise wavelength range and quenched in the others, tuning or suppressing a specific band. Depending on the background wavelength and irradiation side, the device acts either as a long-, a short-, or a band-rejection pass filter. An optoelectronic model supports the experimental results and gives insight on the physics of the device.  相似文献   
Zn(II) complexes with norfloxacin (NOR) in the absence or in the presence of 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) were obtained and characterized. In both complexes, the ligand NOR was coordinated through a keto and a carboxyl oxygen. Tetrahedral and octahedral geometries were proposed for [ZnCl2(NOR)]·H2O (1) and [ZnCl2(NOR)(phen)]·2H2O (2), respectively. Since the biological activity of the chemicals depends on the pH value, pH titrations of the Zn(II) complexes were performed. UV spectroscopic studies of the interaction of the complexes with calf-thymus DNA (CT DNA) have suggested that they can bind to CT DNA with moderate affinity in an intercalative mode. The interactions between the Zn(II) complexes and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were investigated by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy at pH 7.4. The experimental data showed static quenching of BSA fluorescence, indicating that both complexes bind to BSA. A modified Stern–Volmer plot for the quenching by complex 2 demonstrated preferential binding near one of the two tryptophan residues of BSA. The binding constants obtained (K b ) showed that BSA had a two orders of magnitude higher affinity for complex 2 than for 1. The results also showed that the affinity of both complexes for BSA was much higher than for DNA. This preferential interaction with protein sites could be important to their biological mechanisms of action. The analysis in vitro of the Zn(II) complexes and corresponding ligand were assayed against Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease and the data showed that complex 2 was the most active against bloodstream trypomastigotes.  相似文献   
Cell metabolism relies on energy transduction usually performed by complex membrane-spanning proteins that couple different chemical processes, e.g. electron and proton transfer in proton-pumps. There is great interest in determining at the molecular level the structural details that control these energy transduction events, particularly those involving multiple electrons and protons, because tight control is required to avoid the production of dangerous reactive intermediates. Tetraheme cytochrome c(3) is a small soluble and monomeric protein that performs a central step in the bioenergetic metabolism of sulfate reducing bacteria, termed "proton-thrusting," linking the oxidation of molecular hydrogen with the reduction of sulfate. The mechano-chemical coupling involved in the transfer of multiple electrons and protons in cytochrome c(3) from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 is described using results derived from the microscopic thermodynamic characterization of the redox and acid-base centers involved, crystallographic studies in the oxidized and reduced states of the cytochrome, and theoretical studies of the redox and acid-base transitions. This proton-assisted two-electron step involves very small, localized structural changes that are sufficient to generate the complex network of functional cooperativities leading to energy transduction, while using molecular mechanisms distinct from those established for other Desulfovibrio sp. cytochromes from the same structural family.  相似文献   
The nitrosylation of two water-soluble iron-porphyrins, the anionic Fe(III)-meso-tetrakis(p-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin (FeTPPS(4)) and the cationic Fe(III)-meso-tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridiniumyl)porphyrin (FeTMPyP), by the nitric oxide donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) was studied using optical absorption spectroscopy. The influence of ionic and non-ionic micelles on rates of nitric oxide transfer was investigated. Initially, the effect of the micelles on the pH-dependent equilibrium between monomeric and micro-oxo-dimeric species of the iron-porphyrins was examined. It is not affected in micelle-porphyrin systems with electric charges identical in sign. The non-ionic micelles of polidocanol induce a small negative pK shift. In contrast, the dimerization equilibrium of porphyrins in oppositely charged micellar phases is displaced to lower pH by approximately 2 units. Nitric oxide binding to monomers and micro-oxo-dimers was examined at pH 5.0 and 8.0, respectively. Contrary to nitrosylation by NO gas, SNAP induces reductive nitrosylation. There was no observed NO-Fe(III)porphyrin intermediate. Nitrosylation rates were obtained and compared in aqueous buffer and in micellar systems. Monomers nitrosylate much faster than micro-oxo-dimers. Oppositely charged micelles prevent nitrosylation of the iron-porphyrins or considerably enhance nitrosylation times. Nitrosylation rates are comparable to transnitrosylation rates between several S-nitrosothiols and thiol-containing proteins, suggesting biological relevance for the process.  相似文献   
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