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The antiviral protein kinase R (PKR) is an important host restriction factor, which poxviruses must overcome to productively infect host cells. To inhibit PKR, many poxviruses encode a pseudosubstrate mimic of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2), designated K3 in vaccinia virus. Although the interaction between PKR and eIF2α is highly conserved, some K3 orthologs from host-restricted poxviruses were previously shown to inhibit PKR in a species-specific manner. To better define this host range function, we compared the sensitivity of PKR from 17 mammals to inhibition by K3 orthologs from closely related orthopoxviruses, a genus with a generally broader host range. The K3 orthologs showed species-specific inhibition of PKR and exhibited three distinct inhibition profiles. In some cases, PKR from closely related species showed dramatic differences in their sensitivity to K3 orthologs. Vaccinia virus expressing the camelpox virus K3 ortholog replicated more than three orders of magnitude better in human and sheep cells than a virus expressing vaccinia virus K3, but both viruses replicated comparably well in cow cells. Strikingly, in site-directed mutagenesis experiments between the variola virus and camelpox virus K3 orthologs, we found that different amino acid combinations were necessary to mediate improved or diminished inhibition of PKR derived from different host species. Because there is likely a limited number of possible variations in PKR that affect K3-interactions but still maintain PKR/eIF2α interactions, it is possible that by chance PKR from some potential new hosts may be susceptible to K3-mediated inhibition from a virus it has never previously encountered. We conclude that neither the sensitivity of host proteins to virus inhibition nor the effectiveness of viral immune antagonists can be inferred from their phylogenetic relatedness but must be experimentally determined.  相似文献   
Flagella and cilia are two very similar organelles that "beat" to move cells and to propel fluid over tissues. They are highly conserved, being found in organisms ranging from prokaryotes to plant and animal eukaryotes. In humans, cilia are present in almost every organ, and several human conditions involve dysfunctional cilia; for example, lateralization defects, where the positions of organs are reversed, and primary ciliary dyskinesia, a rare condition where patients suffer from recurrent respiratory infections. In this article, we will discuss how information gained from studies on algae has aided research into these human diseases. These studies found a variety of functions that was previously unsuspected, renewing interest in cilia.  相似文献   
The influence of age and sex on the bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Apodemus sylvaticus was studied in Merja Zerga lagoon in northern Morocco. Five trace metal elements (Zn, Pb, Cr, Cu and Fe) were quantitatively analyzed by Varian AA 240 atomic absorption spectroscopy with graphite furnace in three organs (Liver, Kidney and Heart) from animals of different age and sex. The maximum metal level of the analyzed samples was recorded in adults and was limited to 46.62 μg/g for Pb and 35.1 μg/g for Cu, while it reached 22.69 μg/g, 7.59 μg/g and 6.78 μg/g for Cr, Zn and Fe, respectively. Highly significant differences were found for bioaccumulation of heavy metals according to animal ages and no significant differences were observed between the two sexes among the studied animals. Our results revealed also the existence of a strong correlation (r > 0.65) between the majority of biometric parameters and the trace element concentrations. In general, we found that age is a critical factor in estimating the level of heavy metal pollution. Other characteristics such as habitat, feeding habits and anti-predator behavior of the species need to be studied.  相似文献   
The role of peripheral dendritic cells (DCs) in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is unclear. To determine if persistent infection exerts an inhibitory pressure on HCV-specific innate responses, we analyzed DC function in blood through quantification of cell-associated HCV RNA levels in conjunction with multiparametric flow cytometry analysis of pathogen recognition receptor-induced cytokine expression. Independently of the serum viral load, fluorescence-activated cell sorter-purified total DCs had a wide range of cell-associated HCV genomic RNA copy numbers (mean log(10), 5.0 per 10(6) cells; range, 4.3 to 5.8). Here we report that for viremic patients with high viral loads in their total DCs, the myeloid DC (MDC) subset displayed impaired expression of interleukin-12 (IL-12) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) but normal IL-6 or chemokine CCL3 expression in response to poly(I:C) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). IL-6-expressing cells from this subgroup of viremic patients demonstrated a significant increase (sixfold more) in TNF-alpha(-) IL-12(-) cell frequency compared to healthy donors (mean, 38.8% versus 6.5%; P < 0.0001), indicating a functional defect in a subpopulation of cytokine-producing MDCs ( approximately 6% of MDCs). Attenuation of poly(I:C) and LPS innate sensing was HCV RNA density dependent and did not correlate with viremia or deficits in circulating MDC frequencies in HCV-infected patients. Monocytes from these patients were functionally intact, responding normally on a per-cell basis following stimulation, independent of cell-associated HCV RNA levels. Taken together, these data indicate that detection of HCV genomic RNA in DCs and loss of function in the danger signal responsiveness of a small proportion of DCs in vivo are interrelated rather than independent phenomena.  相似文献   
The replication enzyme of RNA viruses must preferentially recognize their RNAs in an environment that contains an abundance of cellular RNAs. The factors responsible for specific RNA recognition are not well understood, in part because viral RNA synthesis takes place within enzyme complexes associated with modified cellular membrane compartments. Recombinant RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) from the human norovirus and the murine norovirus (MNV) were found to preferentially recognize RNA segments that contain the promoter and a short template sequence for subgenomic RNA synthesis. Both the promoter and template sequence contribute to stable RdRp binding, accurate initiation of the subgenomic RNAs and efficient RNA synthesis. Using a method that combines RNA crosslinking and mass spectrometry, residues near the template channel of the MNV RdRp were found to contact the hairpin RNA motif. Mutations in the hairpin contact site in the MNV RdRp reduced MNV replication and virus production in cells. This work demonstrates that the specific recognition of the norovirus subgenomic promoter is through binding by the viral RdRp.  相似文献   


Replicate experiments are often difficult to find in evolutionary biology, as this field is inherently an historical science. However, viruses, bacteria and phages provide opportunities to study evolution in both natural and experimental contexts, due to their accelerated rates of evolution and short generation times. Here we investigate HIV-1 evolution by using a natural model represented by monozygotic twins infected synchronically at birth with an HIV-1 population from a shared blood transfusion source. We explore the evolutionary processes and population dynamics that shape viral diversity of HIV in these monozygotic twins.  相似文献   
In the livers of humans and many other mammalian species, beta2-adrenergic receptors (beta2-ARs) play an important role in the modulation of glucose production by glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. In male mice and rats, however, the expression and physiological role of hepatic beta2-ARs are rapidly lost with development under normal physiological conditions. We previously described a line of transgenic mice, F28 (Andre C, Erraji L, Gaston J, Grimber G, Briand P, and Guillet JG. Eur J Biochem 241: 417-424, 1996), which carry the human beta2-AR gene under the control of its own promoter. In these mice, hepatic beta2-AR levels are shown to increase rapidly after birth and, as in humans, be maintained at an elevated level in adulthood. F28 mice display strongly enhanced adenylyl cyclase responses to beta-AR agonists in their livers and, compared with normal mice, have increased basal hepatic adenylyl cyclase activity. In this report we demonstrate that, under normal physiological conditions, this increased beta2-AR activity affects the expression of the gluconeogenic and glycolytic key enzymes phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and l-pyruvate kinase and considerably decreases hepatic glycogen levels. Furthermore, we show that the effects of beta-adrenergic ligands on liver glycogen observed in humans are reproduced in these mice: liver glycogen levels are strongly decreased by the beta2-AR agonist clenbuterol and increased by the beta-AR antagonist propranolol. These transgenic mice open new perspectives for studying in vivo the hepatic beta2-AR system physiopathology and for testing the effects of beta-AR ligands on liver metabolism.  相似文献   
CrtJ from Rhodobacter capsulatus is a regulator of genes involved in the biosynthesis of haem, bacteriochlorophyll, carotenoids as well as structural proteins of the light harvesting‐II complex. Fluorescence anisotropy‐based DNA‐binding analysis demonstrates that oxidized CrtJ exhibits ~ 20‐fold increase in binding affinity over that of reduced CrtJ. Liquid chromatography electrospray tandem ionization mass spectrometric analysis using DAz‐2, a sulfenic acid (–SOH)‐specific probe, demonstrates that exposure of CrtJ to oxygen or to hydrogen peroxide leads to significant accumulation of a sulfenic acid derivative of Cys420 which is located in the helix–turn–helix (HTH) motif. In vivo labelling with 4‐(3‐azidopropyl)cyclohexane‐1,3‐dione (DAz‐2) shows that Cys420 also forms a sulfenic acid modification in vivo when cells are exposed to oxygen. Moreover, a Cys420 to Ala mutation leads to a ~ 60‐fold reduction of DNA binding activity while a Cys to Ser substitution at position 420 that mimics a cysteine sulfenic acid results in a ~ 4‐fold increase in DNA binding activity. These results provide the first example where sulfenic acid oxidation of a cysteine in a HTH‐motif leads to differential effects on gene expression.  相似文献   
The accumulation of the apocarotenoid neurosporaxanthin and its carotene precursors explains the orange pigmentation of the Neurospora surface cultures. Neurosporaxanthin biosynthesis requires the activity of the albino gene products (AL-1, AL-2 and AL-3), which yield the precursor torulene. Recently, we identified the carotenoid oxygenase CAO-2, which cleaves torulene to produce the aldehyde β-apo-4'-carotenal. This revealed a last missing step in Neurospora carotenogenesis, namely the oxidation of the CAO-2 product to the corresponding acid neurosporaxanthin. The mutant ylo-1 , which exhibits a yellow colour, lacks neurosporaxanthin and accumulates several carotenes, but its biochemical basis is unknown. Based on available genetic data, we identified ylo-1 in the Neurospora genome, which encodes an enzyme representing a novel subfamily of aldehyde dehydrogenases, and demonstrated that it is responsible for the yellow phenotype, by sequencing and complementation of mutant alleles. In contrast to the precedent structural genes in the carotenoid pathway, light does not induce the synthesis of ylo-1 mRNA. In vitro incubation of purified YLO-1 protein with β-apo-4'-carotenal produced neurosporaxanthin through the oxidation of the terminal aldehyde into a carboxyl group. We conclude that YLO-1 completes the set of enzymes needed for the synthesis of this major Neurospora pigment.  相似文献   
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