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Polypeptides released into the culture medium of herpesvirus sylvilagus-infected cells were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of extracellular fluid from [35S]methionine- and [3H]glucosamine-labeled cell cultures. Virus-induced glycoproteins 31, 32, and 33 (molecular weights of 62,000, 59,000, and 54,000, respectively) were the most abundant species and appeared predominantly in the culture medium. This observation, together with the known cell-associated nature of herpesvirus sylvilagus, suggested that virus-induced glycoproteins 31, 32, and 33 were specifically released. Immunization of rabbits with virus-induced glycoproteins 13 (molecular weight of 130,000) and 32 resulted in the production of antibodies that neutralized viral infectivity in vitro. Both antiserum to gp13 and antiserum to gp32 immunoprecipitated gp13, gp26, gp33a, gp45, and virus-induced polypeptide 39 (molecular weights of 130,000, 77,000, 49,000, 27,000, and 36,000, respectively) from [35S]methionine-labeled cell extracts as well as virus-induced glycoproteins 31, 32, and 33 from the culture medium. In addition, membrane immunofluorescence assays indicate that an antigen(s) reactive with anti-gp13/32 serum was located on the plasma membrane of infected cells.  相似文献   
Summary Phosphinothricin is a non-selective herbicide which inhibits glutamine synthetase (EC activity causing an overaccumulation of ammonia in higher plants. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) shoot tissue and petiole-derived callus exposed to phosphinothricin show 50 and 70% reductions, respectively, in glutamine synthetase activity with a concomitant rise of 10 and 20 fold, respectively, in endogenous ammonia. The diffusibility of ammonia may limit the use of a detoxifying gene, phosphinothricin acetyltransferase, as a selectable marker for alfalfa transformation. However, the addition of up to 40 times the standard levels of ammonium nitrate to the culture media used in this study had no effect on callus growth, although glutamine synthetase activity was inhibited by 50% and endogenous ammonia increased 27 fold. Therefore, ammonia accumulation may not be the primary cause of cell death in alfalfa after exposure to phosphinothricin. It follows that diffusion of ammonia from cell to cell would not restrict the selection for phosphinothricin acetyltransferase transformed cells, thereby indicating that this enzyme could be used as a selectable marker in transformation experiments.Abbreviations PPT Phosphinothricin - PAT Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase  相似文献   
Regression analysis has been used to study the relationship between age, size, shape, and surface area in two ancestral-descendant populations of the Neogene Caribbean coral Trachyphyllia bilobata. Analyses of the relationship between size and age show that the relationship is isometric and that little difference occurs between populations in mean corallite length or height and in their rates of growth. Onset of columella growth is significantly earlier, however, in the descendant population. Studies of the relationship between size and shape show that growth is allometric, with shape change occurring in both corallum elongation and pinching of the corallite wall during ontogeny. In the descendant population, pinching and elongation initiate earlier in the ontogeny of the coral. These results suggest that the evolutionary development of the meandroid form in freeliving corals has been accomplished by heterochrony, involving a complex set of disassociated peramorphic changes in ontogeny accompanied by paedomorphic changes in astogeny. Further analyses show that the observed heterochronic changes serve to decrease corallum surface area which may in turn enhance sediment removal and nutrition in unstable habitats.  相似文献   
Herpesvirus sylvilagus infects both B and T lymphocytes in vivo.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Herpesvirus sylvilagus infection of cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) was studied as a model of herpesvirus-induced lymphoproliferative disorders. Leukocytosis, splenomegaly, proliferation of T cells and virus production by lymphocytes characterized this infectious mononucleosis-like disease. Approximately two copies of circular herpesvirus sylvilagus genomes per cell were detected in spleen cells at 2 weeks postinfection, and circular genomes could still be observed after 4 months. Circular viral genomes were found in both B and T lymphocytes. Small amounts of linear viral DNA (0.1 to 0.3 copies per cell) were also detected in both B and T cells. These results indicated that the virus did not replicate in the majority of lymphocytes in vivo. Herpesvirus sylvilagus infection in cottontail rabbits could be useful as a model for studying the complex virus-host relationships of lymphotropic herpesviruses and perhaps as an animal model for Epstein-Barr virus infection in humans.  相似文献   
Two monoclonal antibodies have been obtained that recognize antigenic determinants within the C-terminal fps-encoded region of P140gag-fps, the transforming protein of Fujinami avian sarcoma virus (FSV). The hybridomas which secrete these antibodies (termed 88AG and p26C) were isolated after the fusion of NS-1 mouse myeloma cells with B lymphocytes from Fischer rats that had been immunized with FSV-transformed rat-1 cells. FSV P140gag-fps immunoprecipitated by either antibody is active as a tyrosine-specific kinase and is able to autophosphorylate and to phosphorylate enolase in vitro. The fps-encoded proteins of all FSV variants, including the gag- p91fps protein of F36 virus, are recognized by both monoclonal antibodies. However, the product of the avian cellular c-fps gene. NCP98, and the transforming proteins of the recently isolated fps-containing avian sarcoma viruses 16L and UR1 are recognized only by the p26C antibody. The 88AG antibody therefore defines an epitope specific for FSV fps, whereas the epitope for p26C is conserved between cellular and viral fps proteins. The P105gag-fps protein of the PRCII virus is not precipitated by p26C (nor by 88AG), presumably as a consequence of the deletion of N-terminal fps sequences. These data indicate that the fps-encoded peptide sequences of 16L P142gag-fps and UR1 P150gag-fps are more closely related to NCP98 than that of FSV P140gag-fps. This supports the view that 16L and UR1 viruses represent recent retroviral acquisitions of the c-fps oncogene. The P85gag-fes transforming protein of Snyder-Theilen feline sarcoma virus is not precipitated by either monoclonal antibody but is recognized by some antisera from FSV tumor-bearing rats, demonstrating that fps-specific antigenic determinants are conserved in fes-encoded proteins.  相似文献   
After addition of 5 mM sulfite or nitrite to glucose-metabolizing cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae a rapid decrease of the ATP content and an inversely proportional increase in the level of inorganic phosphate was observed. The concentration of ADP shows only small and transient changes. Cells of the yeast mutant pet 936, lacking mitochondrial F1ATPase, after addition of 5 mM sulfite or nitrite exhibit changes in ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate very similar to those observed in wild type cells. They key enzyme of glucose degradation, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was previously shown to be the most sulfiteor nitrite-sensitive enzyme of the glycolytic pathway. This enzyme shows the same sensitivity to sulfite or nitrite in cells of the mutant pet 936 as in wild type cells. It is concluded that the effects of sulfite or nitrite on ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate are the result of inhibition of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and not of inhibition of phosphorylation processes in the mitochondria. Levels of GTP, UTP and CTP show parallel changes to ATP. This is explained by the presence of very active nucleoside monophosphate kinases which cause a rapid exchange between the nucleoside phosphates. The effects of the sudden inhibition of glucose degradation by sulfite or nitrite on levels of ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate are discussed in terms of the theory of Lynen (1942) on compensating phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in steady state glucose metabolizing yeast.Abbreviations ATP adenosine triphosphate - ADP adenosine diphosphate - AMP adenosine monophosphate - Pi inorganic orthophosphate Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans Grisebach on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   
This study examines the hypothesis that PAF stimulates release of PGI2 from inflamed rabbit gallbladder explant cell cultures. New Zealand white rabbits underwent bile duct ligation for 72 h (72 h BDL), or sham operation, Sham and 72 h BDL gallbladder explants were placed in culture, and the cells grown to 75% confluence. The cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of PAF for 60 min. The media analyzed for eicosanoid release by EIA and the cells analyzed for cyclooxygenase and prostacyclin synthase content by immunoblot analysis. PAF increased release of 6-keto-PGF from the 72 h BDL gallbladder cell cultures in a dose-related manner which was inhibited by indomethacin preincubation by 90%. The increased 72 h BDL cell release of 6-keto-PGF was not associated with changes in the content of cyclooxygenase or prostacyclin synthase. PAF did not alter eicosanoid release from sham control cell cultures. These data suggest that PAF can only up-regulate endogenous 6-keto-PGF release from the 72 h BDL cells that had been previously stimulated by inflammation. PAF may thus contribute to gallbladder distention and injury by chronic stimulation of inflamed gallbladder PGI2 release.  相似文献   
Abstract: The present study reports the ion dependency of 2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-fluorophenyl)[3H]tropane ([3H]- CFT) binding to the dopamine transporter in the rat striaturn. The results indicate that [3H]CFT binding to synaptosomal P2 membranes requires low concentrations of Na+ (peak binding between 20 and 50 m M Na+), is stimulated by phosphate anion or l-, but is unaffected or only slightly affected by F-, Cl-, Br-, NO3-, or SO42-, Concentrations of Na+ of >50 m M become inhibitory except in the presence of l-, which shifts peak binding levels toward higher Na+ concentrations and also elevates the peak binding level. K+ strongly decreased [3H]CFT binding with a shallow inhibition curve, and Na+ could not overcome this effect. Saturation analysis of [3H]CFT binding revealed a single binding site changing its affinity for CFT depending on the concentration of sodium phosphate buffer (6, 10, 30, 50, 130, or 200 m M ; 1 mM plus 49 mM NaCIversus 10 m M plus 40 m M NaCI; or 1 mM plus 129 m M Nal versus 10 m M plus 120 m M Nal). No differences were observed in the density of CFT binding sites between any of the conditions examined.  相似文献   
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