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Testing is recommended for all close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 patients. However, existing pooled testing methods are oblivious to the circumstances of contagion provided by contact tracing. Here, we build upon a well-known semi-adaptive pooled testing method, Dorfman’s method with imperfect tests, and derive a simple pooled testing method based on dynamic programming that is specifically designed to use information provided by contact tracing. Experiments using a variety of reproduction numbers and dispersion levels, including those estimated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, show that the pools found using our method result in a significantly lower number of tests than those found using Dorfman’s method. Our method provides the greatest competitive advantage when the number of contacts of an infected individual is small, or the distribution of secondary infections is highly overdispersed. Moreover, it maintains this competitive advantage under imperfect contact tracing and significant levels of dilution.  相似文献   
Histone octamer transfer by a chromatin-remodeling complex   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Lorch Y  Zhang M  Kornberg RD 《Cell》1999,96(3):389-392
RSC, an abundant, essential chromatin-remodeling complex related to SWI/SNF complex, catalyzes the transfer of a histone octamer from a nucleosome core particle to naked DNA. The newly formed octamer-DNA complex is identical with a nucleosome in all respects. The reaction requires ATP and involves an activated RSC-nucleosome intermediate. The mechanism may entail formation of a duplex displacement loop on the nucleosome, facilitating the entry of exogeneous DNA and the release of the endogenous molecule.  相似文献   
Plasma protein levels of 3-nitrotyrosine and 3-chlorotyrosine were measured by LC-MS/MS at 0 and 72 h after the initiation of inhaled nitric oxide (INO) at 20 ppm in 22 prematurely born infants with clinically documented bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Infants were classified at the time of hospital discharge as either "off mechanical ventilation," "on mechanical ventilation," or "expired/organ failure." These outcomes were tested for association with changes in plasma levels of 3-nitrotyrosine and 3-chlorotyrosine and selected clinical risk factors. Infants whose 3-nitrotyrosine levels decreased over the 72 h period were more likely to wean off of mechanical ventilation (p =.03). There was no significant association between changes in 3-chlorotyrosne levels and outcome. After controlling for other variables, an odds ratio of 8.3 (95% CI: 1.3-54.4) for improved outcomes was observed if the 3-nitrotyrosine levels decreased. These data suggest that nitrative and oxidative stress may be related to the severity of lung disease and, consequentially, the overall outcome in this select group of infants with severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia.  相似文献   
It can be argued from the principle of solvent exclusion that the introduction of hydrophobic residues onto the surface of a protein will not destabilize the folded state because the nonpolar side chain will be at least as exposed in the unfolded state as it is when the protein chain is folded. A comparison of the folding pathway of wild type and 11 site-directed mutants of CD2.d1 shows this to be true. In fact, owing to partial burial of nonpolar groups as folding proceeds, we find that the rapidly formed intermediate state and, to a greater extent, the transition state are generally stabilized by hydrophobic surface mutations. This effect is slightly moderated in the folded state presumably by the perturbation of van der Waals' contacts and/or local electrostatic interactions that have a greater influence in this fully compact structure. The fact that in all but one case we find that stabilization of the rapidly collapsed intermediate is accompanied by a faster acquisition of the folded state refutes the argument that I states are generally "off pathway" conformations or ensembles that lead to the inhibition of otherwise more rapid folding trajectories.  相似文献   
The widespread use of molecular markers to estimate parentagemakes possible a new index of the opportunity for sexual selection.After demonstrating the need for a new measure, I develop onebased on the upper limit on sexual selection. I describe whatsets the upper limit for each sex by showing how maximum fecundityincreases with number of mates, accounting for the amount ofenergy (or critical resources) available for reproduction andlevels of parental care. For females the upper limit on sexualselection is set by the value of paternal investment that comeswith each mating. For males, the upper limit on sexual selectionis set by the fecundity of their mates (including any boostto female fecundity from paternal investment). Sex-roles aremost likely to reverse (making males choosy and females competitive)when the amount of reproductive energy investment made by eachsex is low, irrespective of the level of paternal investment.Finally, I propose that we use the difference between male andfemale upper limits on sexual selection to quantify sex differencesin the opportunity for sexual selection. Using upper limitsto estimate the opportunity for sexual selection is more intuitivethan older methods (e.g., standardized variance in mating success),it is experimentally measurable, and it is valuable in understandingthe evolution of mating systems.  相似文献   
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been proposed as a key modulator of cadherin-containing intercellular junctions, particularly in tumors that overexpress this tyrosine kinase. Here the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor PKI166 and EGFR blocking antibody C225, both of which are used clinically to treat head and neck cancers, were used to determine the effects of EGFR inhibition on intercellular junction assembly and adhesion in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. EGFR inhibition resulted in a transition from a fibroblastic morphology to a more epithelial phenotype in cells grown in low calcium; under these conditions cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion is normally reduced, and desmosomes are absent. The accumulated levels of desmoglein 2 (Dsg2) and desmocollin 2 increased 1.7-2.0-fold, and both desmosomal cadherin and plaque components were recruited to cell-cell borders. This redistribution was paralleled by an increase in Dsg2 and desmoplakin in the Triton-insoluble cell fraction, suggesting that EGFR blockade promotes desmosome assembly. Importantly, E-cadherin expression and solubility were unchanged. Furthermore, PKI166 blocked tyrosine phosphorylation of Dsg2 and plakoglobin following epidermal growth factor stimulation, whereas no change in phosphorylation was detected for E-cadherin and beta-catenin. The increase in Dsg2 protein was in part due to the inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-dependent proteolysis of this desmosomal cadherin. These morphological and biochemical changes were accompanied by an increase in intercellular adhesion based on functional assays at all calcium concentrations tested. Our results suggest that EGFR inhibition promotes desmosome assembly in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells, resulting in increased cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   
Magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR has been used to investigate the location and orientation of five serotonin receptor 1a agonists (serotonin, buspirone, quipazine, 8-OH-DPAT, and LY-163,165) in single component model lipid and brain lipid membranes. The agonist locations are probed by monitoring changes in the lipid proton chemical shifts and by MAS-assisted nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy, which indicates the orientation of the agonists with respect to the 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine lipids. In the single component bilayer, the membrane agonists are found predominantly in the top of the hydrophobic chain or in the glycerol region of the membrane. Most of the agonists orient approximately parallel to the membrane plane, with the exception of quipazine, whose piperazine ring is found in the glycerol region, whereas its benzene ring is located within the lipid hydrophobic chain. The location of the agonist in brain lipid membranes is similar to the 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine lipid bilayers; however, many of the agonists appear to locate close to the cholesterol in the membrane in preference to the phospholipids.  相似文献   
The proteorhodopsin family consists of hundreds of homologous retinal containing membrane proteins found in bacteria in the photic zone of the oceans. They are colour tuned to their environment and act as light-driven proton pumps with a potential energetic and regulatory function. Precise structural details are still unknown. Here, the green proteorhodopsin variant has been selected for a chemical shift analysis of retinal and Schiff base by solid-state NMR. Our data show that the chromophore exists in mainly all-trans configuration in the proteorhodopsin ground state. The optical absorption maximum together with retinal and Schiff base chemical shifts indicate a strong interaction network between chromophore and opsin. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Mark Lorch and Andreas C. Woerner contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
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