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The amino acid sequence G(1)-P(2)-P(3)-P(4)-H(5)-P(6)-G(7)-K(8)-P(9) occurs twice in the proline-rich glycoprotein (PRG) found in human parotid saliva. As part of our efforts to elucidate the structure-function relationships of PRG, this nonapeptide sequence (PRG9) was synthesized for the purpose of conformational analyses by high-resolution proton n.m.r. spectroscopy and computer-modeling. The empirical n.m.r. spectrum differed from the simulated spectrum in that the overall chemical shift locations were displaced from their random coil positions and the five proline residues had non-degenerate C alpha H alpha protons. Other n.m.r. data indicated that no intramolecular hydrogen-bonding was present in the PRG. In conjunction with X-ray crystallographic data on a triproline-containing model compound (Kartha, g., Ashida, T. & Kakudo, M. (1974) Acta Cryst. B30, 1861-1866), four energy-minimized PRG9 structures were obtained. Two of the structures were energetically unfavorable, while the other two conformations were reasonable. The two most likely structures gave all prolines an S-type ring pucker, the P(2)-P(3)-P(4) sequence as a poly-L-proline II helix, the H(5) phi = -90.3 degrees, P(6) and P(9) with trans peptide bond orientation, G(7) in an extended state, and the K(8) phi = -93.2 degrees or -146.8 degrees for structures #1 and #2, respectively.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that computer simulations of processes that generate selectively advantageous changes together with random duplications and deletions give rise to genomes with many different genes embedded in a large amount of dispensable DNA sequence. We now explore the consequences of neutral changes on the evolution of genomes. We follow the consequences of sequence divergences that are neutral when they occur in dispensable sequences or extra copies of genes present in multigene families. We find that when divergence occurs at about the same frequency as duplication/deletion events, genomes carry repetitive sequences in proportion to their size. Inspection of the genomes as they evolved showed that multigene families were generated by relatively recent duplications of single genes and so would be expected to be highly homogeneous.  相似文献   
Cell-cell adhesion in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three separate mechanisms of cell-cell adhesion have been shown to appear at different stages of development in Dictyostelium discoideum. During the first few hours of development, the cells synthesize and accumulate a glycoprotein of 24,000 daltons (gp24) that is positioned in the membrane. The time of appearance of gp24 correlates exactly with the time of appearance of cell-cell adhesion in two strains in which temporal control varies by several hours. Antibodies specific to gp24 are able to block cell-cell adhesion during the first few hours of development but not during later development. By 8 hr of development, another glycoprotein, gp80, that is not recognized by antibodies to gp24 accumulates on the surface of cells. This membrane protein mediates an independent adhesion mechanism during the aggregation stage that is resistant to 10 mM EDTA. Antibodies specific to gp80 can block EDTA-resistant adhesion during this stage. During subsequent development, gp80 is removed from the cell surface and replaced by another adhesion mechanism that is insensitive to antibodies to either gp24 or gp80. A lambda gt11 expression vector carrying a Dictyostelium cDNA insert was isolated that directs the synthesis of a fusion protein recognized by antibodies specific to gp24. This cDNA was used to probe a genomic library. A clone carrying a 1.4-kb insert of genomic DNA was recognized by the cDNA and shown to hybridize to a 0.7-kb mRNA that accumulates early in development. This unusually small RNA could code for the small protein, gp24. Southern analysis of restriction fragments generated by various enzymes on Dictyostelium DNA with both the cDNA and genomic clones indicated the presence of two tandem copies of the gene. This may account for the failure to recover mutations resulting in the lack of gp24. Mutations have been recovered that result in the lack of accumulation of gp80, and cells carrying these mutations have been shown to be missing the second adhesion mechanism. These mutant strains are able to complete development because the other adhesion mechanisms are not impaired. Sequential addition of adhesion mechanisms provides a means for the formation of multicellular organisms from previously solitary cells.  相似文献   
Chemistry and biology of boron.   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
Boron is an essential nutrient for certain organisms, notably vascular plants and diatoms. Cyanobacteria require boron for formation of nitrogen-fixing heterocysts and boron may be beneficial to animals. Boron deficiency in plants produces manifold symptoms: many functions have been postulated. Deficiency symptoms first appear at growing points, within hours in root tips and within minutes or seconds in pollen tube tips, and are characterized by cell wall abnormalities. Boron-deficient tissues are brittle or fragile, while plants grown on high boron levels may have unusually flexible or resilient tissues. Borate forms cyclic diesters with appropriate diols or polyols. The most stable are formed with cis-diols on a furanoid ring. Two compounds have this structure physiologically: ribose in ribonucleotides and RNA, and apiose in the plant cell wall. Germanium can substitute for boron in carrot cell cultures. Both boron and germanium are localized primarily in the cell wall. We postulate that borate-apiofuranose ester cross-links are the auxin-sensitive acid-growth link in vascular plants, that the cyanobacterial heterocyst envelope depends on borate cross-linking of mannopyranose and/or galactopyranose residues in a polysaccharide-lipid environment, and that boron in diatoms forms ester cross-links in the polysaccharide cell wall matrix rather than boron-silicon interactions. Complexing of ribonucleotides is probably a factor in boron toxicity.  相似文献   
The solution-state conformations of eight proline-containing peptide fragments found in human salivary proline-rich glycoprotein (PRG) were investigated in 2 x distilled water (treated with metal ion chelating resin) using 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The peptide sequences and acronyms were as follows: PRG9-2 = NH2-G(1)-P(2)-CONH2, PRG9-3 = NH2-G(1)P(2)-P(3)-CONH2, PRG9-4 = NH2-G(1)-P(2)-P(3)-P(4)-CONH2, PRG9-5 = NH2-G(1)-P(2)-P(3)-P(4)-H(5)-CONH2, PRG9-6 = NH2-G(1)-P(2)-P(3)-P(4)-H(5)-P(6)-CONH2, PRG9-7 = NH2-G(1)-P(2)-P(3)-P(4)-H(5)-P(6)-G(7)-CONH2, PRG9-8 = NH2-G(1)-P(2)-P(3)-P(4)-H(5)-P(6)-G(7)-K(8)-CONH2 and PRG9-9 = NH2-G(1)-P(2)-P(3)-P(4)-H(5)-P(6)-G(7)-K(8)-P(9)-CONH2. Sequence-specific resonance assignments from the 13C-NMR spectra indicated that the trans proline isomer dominated the conformations of the peptides. CD results clearly showed the presence of the poly-L-proline II helix as the major conformation in PRG9-3----PRG9-5, supplemented by beta- and/or gamma-turns in PRG9-6----PRG9-9. These data suggest that in "metal free" water, native PRG could contain several small poly-L-proline II helices along with beta- and/or gamma-turns. Since proline is the major amino acid present in native PRG, these localized conformations may contribute to PRG's global conformation and act as a primary force in determining its biological activities.  相似文献   
A simple enzymatic method for the quantitation of the mass of sn-1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) present in crude lipid extracts was developed to assess the function of DAGs as intracellular "second messengers" of extracellular agents and of oncogene products. The assay employed Escherichia coli DAG kinase which constituted approximately 15% of the membrane protein of a plasmid-bearing strain and defined mixed micellar conditions to solubilize the DAG present and allow its quantitative conversion to [32P]phosphatidic acid. The assay was proportional with the amount of DAG added over the range of 25 pmol to 25 nmol. The rapid rise of DAG in platelets stimulated with thrombin (210% over basal) and in hepatocytes stimulated with vasopressin (230% over basal) was quantitated and the values agreed with previous measurements. The amounts of DAG in normal rat kidney (NRK) cells grown at 34 and 38 degrees C, respectively, were 0.47 and 0.61 nmol/100 nmol of phospholipid. In K-ras-transformed NRK cells grown at 34 or 38 degrees C, DAG levels were elevated 168 or 138%, respectively. When a temperature-sensitive K-ras NRK cell line was investigated, the amount of DAG present was elevated at the permissive but not at the restrictive temperature. These data are consistent with the K-ras protein functioning in transmembrane signalling by activating phospholipase C. Protein kinase C (Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent enzyme) activation by DAG may play an important role in cellular transformation.  相似文献   
When developing cultures of Dictyostelium discoideum are disaggregated and resuspended in nutrient medium, they lose the capacity to rapidly reaggregate after 90 min, in a rapid and synchronous step referred to as the "erasure event." They then proceed to lose remaining developmentally acquired functions in a program of dedifferentiation culuminating with the loss of EDTA-resistant cohesion roughly 5 hr later. Immediately following the erasure event, cells can be stimulated to reenter the developmental program even though they still possess a number of developmentally acquired functions. These cells therefore appear to undergo dedifferentiation and redifferentiation simultaneously (D. R. Soll and L. H. Mitchell, 1982, Dev. Biol. 91, 183-190). In this report, we have employed an antiserum made against a developmentally acquired membrane glycoprotein, gp80, to examine whether gp80 is lost during dedifferentiation and whether it is either reutilized or resynthesized during redifferentiation. Results are presented which demonstrate that (1) when 9-hr developing cells are disaggregated and resuspended in nutrient medium, gp80 continues to accumulate for several hours after the erasure event, then is lost at roughly the same time as EDTA-resistant cohesion; (2) when cells are stimulated to reenter the developmental program immediately after the erasure event, both gp80 and EDTA-resistant cohesion are still lost according to the program of dedifferentiation, but are then reacquired soon afterwards according to the program of redifferentiation; (3) during redifferentiation, cells do not reutilize gp80 which had been synthesized during initial development; rather they synthesize gp80 de novo; and (4) developing cells of a dedifferentiation-defective variant, HI4, when disaggregated and resuspended in nutrient medium, retain gp80, EDTA-resistant cohesion, and the capacity to rapidly reinitiate aggregation for at least 12 hr. This last result indicates that the loss of gp80 is regulated by the dedifferentiation process and is not an independent response to disaggregation or the reintroduction of nutrients. Together, these results reinforce the conclusion that dedifferentiation and redifferentiation can function independently and simultaneously in the same cells.  相似文献   
WE have raised a monoclonal antibody, designated E28D8, which reacts with an 80,000-dalton membrane glycoprotein (gp80) of Dictyostelium discoideum. gp80 has been implicated in the formation of the EDTA-resistant adhesions ("contact sites A") which appear during development. The monoclonal antibody reacted with other developmentally regulated proteins of D. discoideum, confirming previous results indicating the presence of common antigenic determinants recognized by polyclonal rabbit antibodies directed to gp80. Periodate sensitivity of the determinants suggests that carbohydrate may be necessary for reactivity. Thus, the determinant recognized by E28D8 may result from a posttranslational modification common to a number of proteins. Some of the proteins that carry the determinant were preferentially localized to posterior cells in slugs. Monoclonal antibody E28D8 did not inhibit contact-sites-A-mediated intercellular adhesion. However, gp80 affinity purified on immobilized monoclonal antibody was able to neutralize the adhesion-blocking effect of rabbit antiserum to gp80. Although gp80 itself may not be essential for cell-cell adhesion, it appears to carry the determinants associated with adhesion.  相似文献   
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