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A large number of trafficking steps occur between the last compartment of the Golgi apparatus (TGN) and the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To date, two intracellular routes from the TGN to the vacuole have been identified. Carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) travels through a prevacuolar/endosomal compartment (PVC), and subsequently on to the vacuole, while alkaline phosphatase (ALP) bypasses this compartment to reach the same organelle. Proteins resident to the TGN achieve their localization despite a continuous flux of traffic by continually being retrieved from the distal PVC by virtue of an aromatic amino acid–containing sorting motif. In this study we report that a hybrid protein based on ALP and containing this retrieval motif reaches the PVC not by following the CPY sorting pathway, but instead by signal-dependent retrograde transport from the vacuole, an organelle previously thought of as a terminal compartment. In addition, we show that a mutation in VAC7, a gene previously identified as being required for vacuolar inheritance, blocks this trafficking step. Finally we show that Vti1p, a v-SNARE required for the delivery of both CPY and ALP to the vacuole, uses retrograde transport out of the vacuole as part of its normal cellular itinerary.  相似文献   
A comparison of the amino acid sequence of one human recombinant IFN-α (IFLrA) with either human β-endorphin or ACTH reveals only a minimal and insignificant degree of homology. Also, synthetic ACTH, β-endorphin and β-endorphin-(1–15) have no antiviral protective effects on human fibroblasts and cannot inhibit the neutralization of the antiviral effects of natural IFN-α by an antiserum directed against the interferon. Anti ACTH and Anti β-endorphin do not neutralize the antiviral effects of IFLrA, and radioimmunoassays of partially purified natural IFN-α and pure IFLrA do not reveal any evidence of α-MSH or β-endorphin-like material in the interferons. These results demonstrate an absence of functional and structural homology of natural and recombinant IFN-α with ACTH and β-endorphin.  相似文献   
Kilham rat virus (KRV) was grown in a rat nephroma cell line and was purified by two isopycnic centrifugations in cesium chloride. The virus contains single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) with a molecular weight of approximately 1.6 x 10(6). The DNA was extracted from the virion by both phenol extraction and by 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate at 50 C. KRV DNA, extracted by both procedures, was observed in an electron microscope by using a cytochrome c or diethylaminoethyldextran monolayer. The DNA was also exposed to exonuclease I, an enzyme which hydrolyzes specifically linear, single-stranded DNA. Hydrolysis of 70 to 80% of the DNA was observed. Both the enzymatic and the electron microscope studies support the conclusion that extracted KRV DNA is a single-stranded, linear molecule. The length of the DNA was measured in the electron microscope and determined to be 1.505 +/- 0.206 mum.  相似文献   
Surface Antigens of Smooth Brucellae   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
Surface antigens of smooth brucellae were extracted by ether-water, phenol-water, trichloroacetic acid, and saline and examined by immunoelectrophoresis and gel diffusion with antisera from infected and immunized rabbits. Ether-water extracts of Brucella melitensis contained a lipopolysaccharide protein component, which was specific for the surface of smooth brucellae and was correlated with the M agglutinogen of Wilson and Miles, a polysaccharide protein component devoid of lipid which was not restricted to the surface of smooth brucellae and was not correlated with the smooth agglutinogen (component 1), and several protein components which were associated with internal antigens of rough and smooth brucellae. Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of ether-water extracts of B. abortus revealed only two components, a lipopolysaccharide protein component, which was correlated with the A agglutinogen, and component 1. Component 1 from B. melitensis and B. abortus showed identity in gel diffusion tests, whereas component M from B. melitensis and component A from B. abortus showed partial identity with unabsorbed antisera and no cross-reactions with monospecific sera. Attempts to prepare monospecific sera directly by immunization of rabbits with cell walls or ether-water extracts were unsuccessful. Absorption of antisera with heavy fraction of ether-water extracts did not always result in monospecific sera. It was concluded (as has been described before) that the A and M antigens are present on a single antigenic complex, in different proportions depending upon the species and biotype, and that this component is a lipopolysaccharide protein complex of high molecular weight that diffuses poorly through agar gel. Components 1, A, and M were also demonstrated in trichloroacetic acid and phenol-water extracts. With all extracts, B. melitensis antigen showed greater diffusibility in agar than B. abortus antigens. After mild acid hydrolysis, B. abortus ether-water extract was able to diffuse more readily.  相似文献   
When larvae of the fly Phormia terraenovae were fed on diets containing fats with different melting points and degrees of saturation, the fat laid down in the depots were effected, though the range of the depot fats was much narrower than that of the fat in the diet. Larvae reared at high temperatures also laid down fat which had a higher melting point and a lower iodine number than did larvae reared at low temperatures.No relation between the properties of the fat and the thermal death point was discovered, though the temperature of rearing had an effect.
Zusammenfassung Larven der Fliege Phormia terraenovae R.-D. wurden im Insektarium bei annähernd 18° C gezogen und mit folgenden Nährstoffen gefüttert: Hefe/Milch, Schweine-, Hammel-, Rindfleisch, Hering.Wenn die Larven völlig erwachsen waren, wurden sie getötet und analysiert. Die Larven wiesen nach allen Ernährungsformen ähnliche Zusammensetzung auf, mit Ausnahme der Jodzahl des Fettkörpers. Diese variierte folgendermaßen: Milch-Hefe-Diät=62, Schwein =70, Hammel=71, Rind=69, Hering=90. Die Unterschiede zwischen mit Schwein, Hammel und Rind ernährten Larven waren nicht signifikant, die anderen Differenzen jedoch stark signifikant.Die Unterschiede zwischen den Jodzahlen der Fette in den verschiedenen Nährstoffen waren größer als diejenigen, die in den mit ihnen gefütterten Larven gefunden wurden (Milch-Hefe=30, Schwein=60, Hering=130).Mit Hammelfleisch bei 35° C ernährte Larven enthielten Fett mit einer Jodzahl von 64 (gegenüber 71 bei den unter 18° C gehaltenen).Der thermale Todespunkt war für alle bei 18° C gezüchteten Larven unabhängig von ihrer Ernährung ungefähr der gleiche. Die bei 35° C gehaltenen Larven wiesen einen annähernd um einen Grad höheren Todespunkt auf.Es scheint also wenig oder gar keine Beziehung zwischen der Zusammensetzung des Fettkörpers der Phormia-Larven und ihrer Resistenz gegen höhere Temperaturen zu bestehen.
Synopsis We have examined the concentrations of reproductively-related steroid hormones in 5 species of carcharhinid sharks, marine fishes possessing the unique attribute of placental viviparity. Measurements of serum estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, dihydrotestosterone, and corticosterone have provided baseline data for these hormones in both immature and adult male and female placental sharks. Our studies include: (1) changes in hormonal levels during maturation, (2) concentrations of circulating steroid hormones during peak breeding season, and (3) hormonal levels during gestation, including the collection of serial samples through and beyond birth from free-ranging lemon sharks. Our data suggest that steroids, important in regulating reproduction in higher mammals, are also essential in these cartilaginous fishes.  相似文献   
A 450-m(3) multiplate anaerobic reactor (MPAR) has been started-up in April 1992 for treating wastewater (whey permeate and domestic wastewater) at the Nutrinor (Lactel) cheese factory in Chambord (Québec, Canada). The MPAR consists of four superimposed sections. The liquid flows upwards from one section to the next, while the gas is collected below each plate and evacuated through side-outlets. The wastewater is concurrently distributed at the bottom of the first, second, and third sections, as 50%, 33%, and 17% of the total influent stream, respectively. Granular anaerobic sludge at an initial concentration of 30 kg of volatile suspended solids (VSS) per cubic meter of reactor liquid volume was used to inoculate the reactor. Under normal operation of the factory, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration of the influent ranged from 20 to 37 kg COD m(-3). The reactor organic loading rate (OLR) fluctuated between 9 and 14.7 kg COD m(-3) d(-1) for hydraulic retention times (HRT) maintained between 55 and 68 h. At the highest OLR, the MPAR showed an efficiency of 98% and 92% for soluble and total COD removal, respectively, and a methane production rate averaging around 4 m(3) m(-3) d(-1).Biomass-specific activities ranged between 7 and 51, 1.3 and 8.5, 5.3 and 12.2, 60 and 119, and 119 and 211 mmol g(-1) VSS d(-1) for glucose, propionate, acetate, formate, and hydrogen, respectively. Average equivalent-diameter of the granules was around 0.65 mm. The MPAR reactor generally showed a large capacity for solid retention with a biomass content between 32 and 37 kg VSS m(-3). (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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