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The effect of diethyl pyrocarbonate on chromatophores and isolated pigment--protein complexes of Chromatium minutissimum was studied. It is shown that modification of histidine residues results in the destruction of the core antenna LHI (B880) and in a spectral shift from 850 to 830 nm in the peripheral antenna LHII (B800-850). In the purple sulfur bacterium Chromatium minutissimum the pigment--protein complexes B800-B850 (peripheral antenna, LHII) and B880 (core antenna, LHI) collect and transmit the absorbed light energy to the reaction centers. The composition of pigments and proteins as well as primary structure of the majority of polypeptides in both types of complexes from various photosynthetic bacteria have been determined.  相似文献   
Predators strongly influence species assemblages and shape morphological defenses of prey. Interestingly, adaptations that constitute effective defenses against one type of predator may render the prey susceptible to other types of predators. Hence, prey may evolve different strategies to escape predation, which may facilitate adaptive radiation of prey organisms. Larvae of different species in the dragonfly genus Leucorrhinia have various morphological defenses. We studied the distribution of these larvae in relation to the presence of predatory fish. In addition, we examined the variation in morphological defenses within species with respect to the occurrence of fish. We found that well-defended species, those with more and longer spines, were more closely associated with habitats inhabited by predatory fish and that species with weakly developed morphological defenses were more abundant in habitats without fish. The species predominantly connected to lakes with or without fish, respectively, were not restricted to a single clade in the phylogeny of the genus. Our data is suggestive of phenotypic plasticity in morphological defense in three of the studied species since these species showed longer spines in lakes with fish. We suggest that adaptive phenotypic plasticity may have broadened the range of habitats accessible to Leucorrhinia. It may have facilitated colonization of new habitats with different types of predators, and ultimately, speciation through adaptive radiation.  相似文献   
DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is a key non-homologous-end-joining (NHEJ) nuclear serine/threonine protein kinase involved in various DNA metabolic and damage signaling pathways contributing to the maintenance of genomic stability and prevention of cancer. To examine the role of DNA-PK in processing of non-DSB clustered DNA damage, we have used three models of DNA-PK deficiency, i.e., chemical inactivation of its kinase activity by the novel inhibitors IC86621 and NU7026, knockdown and complete absence of the protein in human breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioblastoma cell lines (MO59-J/K). A compromised DNA-PK repair pathway led to the accumulation of clustered DNA lesions induced by γ-rays. Tumor cells lacking protein expression or with inhibited kinase activity showed a marked decrease in their ability to process oxidatively induced non-DSB clustered DNA lesions measured using a modified version of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis or single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). In all cases, DNA-PK inactivation led to a higher level of lesion persistence even after 24–72 h of repair. We suggest a model in which DNA-PK deficiency affects the processing of these clusters first by compromising base excision repair and second by the presence of catalytically inactive DNA-PK inhibiting the efficient processing of these lesions owing to the failure of DNA-PK to disassociate from the DNA ends. The information rendered will be important for understanding not only cancer etiology in the presence of an NHEJ deficiency but also cancer treatments based on the induction of oxidative stress and inhibition of cluster repair.  相似文献   
Malaria is still a major public health problem in Brazil, with approximately 306 000 registered cases in 2009, but it is estimated that in the early 1940s, around six million cases of malaria occurred each year. As a result of the fight against the disease, the number of malaria cases decreased over the years and the smallest numbers of cases to-date were recorded in the 1960s. From the mid-1960s onwards, Brazil underwent a rapid and disorganized settlement process in the Amazon and this migratory movement led to a progressive increase in the number of reported cases. Although the main mosquito vector (Anopheles darlingi) is present in about 80% of the country, currently the incidence of malaria in Brazil is almost exclusively (99,8% of the cases) restricted to the region of the Amazon Basin, where a number of combined factors favors disease transmission and impair the use of standard control procedures. Plasmodium vivax accounts for 83,7% of registered cases, while Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for 16,3% and Plasmodium malariae is seldom observed. Although vivax malaria is thought to cause little mortality, compared to falciparum malaria, it accounts for much of the morbidity and for huge burdens on the prosperity of endemic communities. However, in the last few years a pattern of unusual clinical complications with fatal cases associated with P. vivax have been reported in Brazil and this is a matter of concern for Brazilian malariologists. In addition, the emergence of P. vivax strains resistant to chloroquine in some reports needs to be further investigated. In contrast, asymptomatic infection by P. falciparum and P. vivax has been detected in epidemiological studies in the states of Rondonia and Amazonas, indicating probably a pattern of clinical immunity in both autochthonous and migrant populations. Seropidemiological studies investigating the type of immune responses elicited in naturally-exposed populations to several malaria vaccine candidates in Brazilian populations have also been providing important information on whether immune responses specific to these antigens are generated in natural infections and their immunogenic potential as vaccine candidates. The present difficulties in reducing economic and social risk factors that determine the incidence of malaria in the Amazon Region render impracticable its elimination in the region. As a result, a malaria-integrated control effort - as a joint action on the part of the government and the population - directed towards the elimination or reduction of the risks of death or illness, is the direction adopted by the Brazilian government in the fight against the disease.  相似文献   
This study examined energy expenditure and physiologic determinants for marathon performance in recreational runners. Twenty recreational marathon runners participated (10 males aged 41 +/- 11.3 years, 10 females aged 42.7 +/- 11.7 years). Each subject completed a V(.-)O2max and a 1-hour treadmill run at recent marathon pace, and body composition was indirectly determined via dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. The male runners exhibited higher V(.-)O2max (ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) values (52.6 +/- 5.5) than their female counterparts (41.9 +/- 6.6), although ventilatory threshold (T-vent) values were similar between groups (males: 76.2 +/- 6.1 % of V(.-)O2max, females: 75.1 +/- 5.1%). The male runners expended more energy (2,792 +/- 235 kcal) for their most recent marathon as calculated from the 1-hour treadmill run at marathon pace than the female runners (2,436 +/- 297 kcal). Body composition parameters correlated moderately to highly (r ranging from 0.50 to 0.87) with marathon run time. Also, V(.-)O2max (r = -0.73) and ventilatory threshold (r = -0.73) moderately correlated with marathon run time. As a group, the participants ran near their ventilatory threshold for their most recent marathon (r = 0.74). These results indicate the influence of body size on marathon run performance. In general, the larger male and female runners ran slower and expended more kilocalories than smaller runners. Regardless of marathon finishing time, the runners maintained a pace near their T-vent, and as T-vent or V(.-)O2max increased, marathon performance time decreased.  相似文献   
Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) are a chronic inflammatory disease that increase the risk of life-threatening aortic rupture. In humans, AAAs have been characterized by increased expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and the inactivation of COX-2 prior to disease initiation reduces AAA incidence in a mouse model of the disease. The current study examined the effectiveness of selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibition on reducing AAA progression when administered after the initiation of AAA formation. AAAs were induced in hyperlipidemic apolipoprotein E-deficient mice by chronic angiotensin II (AngII) infusion and the effect of treatment with the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib was examined when initiated at different stages of the disease. Celecoxib treatment that was started 1 week after initiating AngII infusion reduced AAA incidence by 61% and significantly decreased AAA severity. Mice treated with celecoxib also showed significantly reduced aortic rupture and mortality. Treatment with celecoxib that was started at a late stage of AAA development also significantly reduced AAA incidence and severity. Celecoxib treatment significantly increased smooth muscle alpha-actin expression in the abdominal aorta and did not reduce expression of markers of macrophage-dependent inflammation. These findings indicate that COX-2 inhibitor treatment initiated after formation of AngII-induced AAAs effectively reduces progression of the disease in hyperlipidemic mice.  相似文献   
Objective: The conventional ratio method (milliliters O2 per mass) typically is used to express Vo 2 peak. The goal of the current study was to compare Vo 2 peak of obese girls with normal‐weight girls by ratio and allometric scaling methods. Research Methods and Procedures: We compared Vo 2 peak by ratio and allometric methods in 46 obese and 47 normal‐weight girls. Indirect calorimetry was used to measure Vo 2 peak during either treadmill running or walking. Regression analysis was used to determine coefficients for mass and stature for each group with ANOVA used to compare data between groups. Results: The obese girls were taller and had higher values of body fatness (p ≤ 0.05). Absolute Vo 2 peak (liters per minute) was similar between groups ; however Vo 2 peak relative to mass was 50% lower (p ≤ 0.05) in the obese girls. When Vo 2 peak (milliliters per minute per kilogram) and mass were correlated, r = ?0.48 was found in the obese group. Allometric scaling of logarithmic transformed stature and mass reduced this to r = ?0.002, thus eliminating the bias associated with the ratio method. Adjusting Vo 2 peak allometrically scaled for mass, stature, and the combination of mass and stature reduced the difference between groups from 50% (ratio method) to 10% to 11% (p ≤ 0.05) with higher values found in the normal‐weight girls. Discussion: These results demonstrate the bias associated with the ratio method when comparing Vo 2 peak in obese girls with Vo 2 peak in normal‐weight girls. Allometric scaling eliminated the bias and thus may reflect a truer comparative response.  相似文献   
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