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The isolation and characterization of cDNA and homologous genomic clones encoding the lignin O-methyltransferase (OMT) from maize is reported. The cDNA clone has been isolated by differential screening of maize root cDNA library. Southern analysis indicates that a single gene codes for this protein. The genomic sequence contains a single 916 bp intron. The deduced protein sequence from DNA shares significant homology with the recently reported lignin-bispecific caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic OMTs from alfalfa and aspen. It also shares homology with OMTs from bovine pineal glands and a purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium. The mRNA of this gene is present at different levels in distinct organs of the plant with the highest accumulation detected in the elongation zone of roots. Bacterial extracts from clones containing the maize OMT cDNA show an activity in methylation of caffeic acid to ferulic acid comparable to that existing in the plant extracts. These results indicate that the described gene encodes the caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase (COMT) involved in the lignin biosynthesis of maize.  相似文献   
Crystallized chicken liver H4 lactatedehydrogenase with PCBM and DTNB, proved to have sic thiol groups per enzyme molecule. Sulphydryl groups seemed necessary for activity since the enzyme became inactive when the groups were blocked by PCMB, DTNB or by Zn (II), Cu (II) or Hg (II). LDH inhibited by Hg (II) recovered its activity after treatment with beta-mercaptoentanol. LDH reversible inactivation, caused by PCMB, was partially impeded by NAD, NADH hand L-lactate but inactivation caused by DTNB was impeded in any way by coenzymes or substrates. PCMB is a competitive inhibitor with the coenzymes but is non-competitive with the substrates whereas DTNB is a competitive inhibitor with NADH or L-lactate. Kinetic studies of the DTNB inactivation suggest the possible formation of a DTNB-LDH-NADH complex. The formation of LDH-NADH and LDH-NAD pyruvate inactive complexes have been detected by U.V. absorbancy measurements. Such inactive complexes have equally been observed experimenting with the PCMB of Hg (II) previously treated enzyme. The results showed that these essential sulphydryl groups are not involved in th attaching of coenzymes or substrates to the chicken liver LDH molecule, but they seem to suggest the participation of --SH groups during the reversible hydrogen transfer between NADH and pyruvate.  相似文献   
Questions: Is light availability the main factor driving forest dynamics in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests? Do pines and firs differ in growth, mortality and morphological response to low light availability? Can differences in shade tolerance affect predictions of future biome changes in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests in the absence of thermal limitation? Location: Montane–sub‐alpine ecotones of the Eastern Pyrenees (NE Spain). Methods: We evaluated morphological plasticity, survival and growth response of saplings of Scots pine, mountain pine and silver fir to light availability in a mixed forest ecotone. For each species, we selected 100 living and 50 dead saplings and measured size, crown morphology and light availability. A wood disk at root collar was then removed for every sapling, and models relating growth and mortality to light were obtained. Results: Fir had the lowest mortality rate (<0.1) for any given light condition. Pines had comparable responses to light availability, although in deep shade Scots pine risked higher mortality (0.35) than mountain pine (0.19). Pines and fir developed opposing strategies to light deprivation: fir employed a conservative strategy based on sacrificing height growth, whereas pines enhanced height growth to escape from shade, but at the expense of higher mortality risk. Scots pine showed higher plasticity than mountain pine for all architectural and morphological traits analysed, having higher adaptive capacity to a changing environment. Conclusions: Our results support the prediction of future biome changes in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests as silver fir and Scots pine may find appropriate conditions for colonizing mountain pine‐dominated stands due to land‐use change‐related forest densification and climate warming‐related temperature increases, respectively.  相似文献   
The translation of genes encoded in the mitochondrial genome requires specific machinery that functions in the organelle. Among the many mutations linked to human disease that affect mitochondrial translation, several are localized to nuclear genes coding for mitochondrial aminoacyl-transfer RNA synthetases. The molecular significance of these mutations is poorly understood, but it is expected to be similar to that of the mutations affecting mitochondrial transfer RNAs. To better understand the molecular features of diseases caused by these mutations, and to improve their diagnosis and therapeutics, we have constructed a Drosophila melanogaster model disrupting the mitochondrial seryl-tRNA synthetase by RNA interference. At the molecular level, the knockdown generates a reduction in transfer RNA serylation, which correlates with the severity of the phenotype observed. The silencing compromises viability, longevity, motility and tissue development. At the cellular level, the knockdown alters mitochondrial morphology, biogenesis and function, and induces lactic acidosis and reactive oxygen species accumulation. We report that administration of antioxidant compounds has a palliative effect of some of these phenotypes. In conclusion, the fly model generated in this work reproduces typical characteristics of pathologies caused by mutations in the mitochondrial aminoacylation system, and can be useful to assess therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
Microbial communities in natural ecosystems are subject to strong ecological rules. The study of local communities along a regional metacommunity can reveal patterns of community assembly, and disentangle the underlying ecological processes. In particular, we seek drivers of community assembly at the regional scale using a large lacustrine dataset (>300 lakes) along the geographical, limnological and physico-chemical gradients in the Pyrenees. By using high throughput amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, and inferring environmental sources of bacterial immigrants, we showed that surface aquatic bacterial assemblages were strongly influenced by terrestrial populations from soil, biofilms or sediments, and primarily selected by a pH-alkalinity gradient. Indeed, source proportions explained 27% of the community variation, and chemistry 15% of the total variation, half of it shared with the sources. Major taxonomic groups such as Verrucomicrobia, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes showed higher aquatic affinities than Parcubacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria or Betaproteobacteria, which may be recruited and selected through different hydrographic habitats. A regional fingerprint was observed with lower alpha diversity and higher beta diversity in the central Pyrenees than in both ends. We suggest an ecological succession process, likely influenced by complex interactions of environmental source dispersal and environmental filtering along the mountain range geography.  相似文献   
1,5-Diphenyl pyrroles were previously identified as a class of compounds endowed with high in vitro efficacy against M. tuberculosis. To improve the physical chemical properties and drug-like parameters of this class of compounds, a medicinal chemistry effort was undertaken. By selecting the optimal substitution patterns for the phenyl rings at N1 and C5 and by replacing the thiomorpholine moiety with a morpholine one, a new series of compounds was produced. The replacement of the sulfur with oxygen gave compounds with lower lipophilicity and improved in vitro microsomal stability. Moreover, since the parent compound of this family has been shown to target MmpL3, mycobacterial mutants resistant to two compounds have been isolated and characterized by sequencing the mmpL3 gene; all the mutants showed point mutations in this gene. The best compound identified to date was progressed to dose-response studies in an acute murine TB infection model. The resulting ED99 of 49 mg/Kg is within the range of commonly employed tuberculosis drugs, demonstrating the potential of this chemical series. The in vitro and in vivo target validation evidence presented here adds further weight to MmpL3 as a druggable target of interest for anti-tubercular drug discovery.  相似文献   
Capsule Following recent introduction in Spain, Red‐billed Leiothrix have the potential to attain a wide distribution in Catalonia and probably in other parts of Europe.

Aim To investigate past, present and potential distribution of this exotic species in Catalonia (northeast Iberian Peninsula).

Methods We collected data on the species’ occurrence over the period 1992–2008 and used information obtained in other regions where it has previously established to produce hypotheses about the ecological processes that affect its population increase and range expansion. We then generated fine‐grained distribution maps covering the entire region for the periods 1992–2001 and 2002–2008, and for the species’ potential range according to its specific habitat requirements.

Results Since being first detected in the wild in the Collserola Park, near the city of Barcelona, Red‐billed Leiothrix have expanded to neighbouring forested areas. The wild population is currently in a phase of exponential growth and, according to our habitat suitability model, the species’ potential distribution in Catalonia might be 36 times greater than at present.

Conclusion Our results suggest that the Red‐billed Leiothrix has the potential to attain a widespread distribution over large regions of Europe in the near future. However, we discuss several factors that might affect these predictions.  相似文献   
Specific activation of amino acids by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) is essential for maintaining fidelity during protein translation. Here, we present crystal structure of malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (Pf-WRS) catalytic domain (AAD) at 2.6 Å resolution in complex with L-tryptophan. Confocal microscopy-based localization data suggest cytoplasmic residency of this protein. Pf-WRS has an unusual N-terminal extension of AlaX-like domain (AXD) along with linker regions which together seem vital for enzymatic activity and tRNA binding. Pf-WRS is not proteolytically processed in the parasites and therefore AXD likely provides tRNA binding capability rather than editing activity. The N-terminal domain containing AXD and linker region is monomeric and would result in an unusual overall architecture for Pf-WRS where the dimeric catalytic domains have monomeric AXDs on either side. Our PDB-wide comparative analyses of 47 WRS crystal structures also provide new mechanistic insights into this enzyme family in context conserved KMSKS loop conformations.  相似文献   
Under normal conditions the brain maintains a delicate balance between inputs of reward seeking controlled by neurons containing the D1-like family of dopamine receptors and inputs of aversion coming from neurons containing the D2-like family of dopamine receptors. Cocaine is able to subvert these balanced inputs by altering the cell signaling of these two pathways such that D1 reward seeking pathway dominates. Here, we provide an explanation at the cellular and biochemical level how cocaine may achieve this. Exploring the effect of cocaine on dopamine D2 receptors function, we present evidence of σ1 receptor molecular and functional interaction with dopamine D2 receptors. Using biophysical, biochemical, and cell biology approaches, we discovered that D2 receptors (the long isoform of the D2 receptor) can complex with σ1 receptors, a result that is specific to D2 receptors, as D3 and D4 receptors did not form heteromers. We demonstrate that the σ1-D2 receptor heteromers consist of higher order oligomers, are found in mouse striatum and that cocaine, by binding to σ1 -D2 receptor heteromers, inhibits downstream signaling in both cultured cells and in mouse striatum. In contrast, in striatum from σ1 knockout animals these complexes are not found and this inhibition is not seen. Taken together, these data illuminate the mechanism by which the initial exposure to cocaine can inhibit signaling via D2 receptor containing neurons, destabilizing the delicate signaling balance influencing drug seeking that emanates from the D1 and D2 receptor containing neurons in the brain.  相似文献   
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