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Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangerad 11–32(90) (−), which exhibits C3 properties, and Anacystis nidulans (Strain no. UTEX 625), which exhibits C4 properties, were used to study the effects of triacontanol on growth, photosynthesis and photorespiration. Photosynthetic rate was measured as CO2 uptake and the O2 inhibition of photosynthesis was used as a measure of photorespiration. Triacontanol dissolved in chloroform and dispersed in Tween-20 and triacontanol colloidally dispersed in an aqueous solution of sodium tallow alkyl sulfate were tested. Chlamydomonas cultures increased significantly in cell number after 4 days, and in chlorophyll content after 3 days of treatment with 2.3 × 10−8 M TRIA in chloroform/Tween-20. In cultures of Anacystis the chlorophyll content became significantly higher 3 days after treatment with 2.3 × 10−9 M TRIA and the cell number was noticeably higher than the controls.
CO2 uptake by triacontanol-treated Chlamydomonas cultures was about the same in both 2 and 21% O2, and the O2 inhibition was significantly reduced as compared with the controls. Photosynthesis in Anacystis was O2-insensitive under the experimental condition used. When Anacystis was treated with triacontanol there was no change in the rate of CO2 uptake and no change in the O2 sensitivity of its CO2 uptake. It appears that triacontanol affects some process which regulated the balance between photosynthesis and photorespiration, but other processes which result in increased growth are probably also affected.  相似文献   
Patterns of genetic diversity were examined in five endemic subspecies of the Lobularia canariensis complex from six of the Canary Islands. The taxa are interfertile, insect-pollinated outbreeders with wind dispersal. Electrophoretic analysis revealed a high level of genetic polymorphism at ten loci coding soluble enzymes, with a mean of 2.38 alleles per locus, 73.7 % polymorphic loci, and a mean heterozygosity of 0.279. Excesses of homozygotes, indicating inbreeding, were observed in small populations. The average total diversity was high, F.,=0.518. Among-population diversity, FST=0.318, contributed more to the total diversity than within-population diversity, FIS=0.222. Little geographic or taxonomic patterning of the allozyme variation was observed. The mean genetic identitity for pairwise comparisons of the 19 populations was 0.76, with a range of 0.51–0.96 and c. 17 % of the comparisons below 0.67 and c. 8 % above 0.90. The results contrast with the many cases of high genetic identities reported for populations of endemic plants on oceanic islands. High levels of allozyme divergence suggest a relatively old origin of the L. canariensis complex and a long period of isolation of some of the populations.  相似文献   
Leukocyte populations within the kidney, spleen, posterior intestine and gills of Atlantic halibut were investigated using a panel of histological, enzyme- and immunohistochemical methods. In the kidney and spleen, a diverse population of leukocytes was associated with the extensive network of sinusoids and larger blood vessels present in these tissues. IgM+ cells (B-cells, plasma cells and IgM-bearing macrophages) and large mononuclear cells showing reactivity for non-specific esterase (NSE) and acid phosphatase (ACP), representing macrophage populations, were often associated with vessel walls that were also the site of trapping of fluorescent microspheres. In the kidney, trapping of 0.1 and 0.5 microm diameter microspheres occurred at these sites but in the spleen, the 0.1 microm diameter microspheres were retained in ellipsoids. The lymphoid tissues of the kidney and spleen possessed a spread population of 5'-nucleotidase+ (5'N+) cells but compartmentalisation of the splenic white pulp was suggested by an absence of these 5'N+ reticular cells in areas associated with melanomacrophage accumulations and in areas rich in IgM+ cells. A striking feature of the mucosal tissues was the diversity of leukocyte populations within the epithelium particularly of the posterior intestine, including IgM+ cells and NSE+, ACP+ and 5'N+ mononuclear cells. Although limited in numbers in the posterior intestine, IgM+ cells were more common in the epithelium than in the lamina propria. In the gills, leukocytes as detected by enzymatic reactivity were scarce, but IgM+ cells were very abundant in the stratified epithelium of the gill arch and filaments. The difference in distribution of these leukocyte populations between the intestines and gills suggested a compartmentalisation of the mucosal immune system and the need to assess the immunological competence of mucosal tissues in Atlantic halibut.  相似文献   

Research Notes on Avian Biology 1994: Selected Contributions from the 21st International Ornithological CongressGeneral Biology: Migration

Subject: Migration  相似文献   
Development of the alphabeta and gammadelta T cell lineages is dependent upon the rearrangement and expression of the TCRalpha and beta or gamma and delta genes, respectively. Although the timing and sequence of rearrangements of the TCRalpha and TCRbeta loci in adult murine thymic precursors has been characterized, no similar information is available for the TCRgamma and TCRdelta loci. In this report, we show that approximately half of the total TCRdelta alleles initiate rearrangements at the CD44highCD25+ stage, whereas the TCRbeta locus is mainly in germline configuration. In the subsequent CD44lowCD25+ stage, most TCRdelta alleles are fully recombined, whereas TCRbeta rearrangements are only complete on 10-30% of alleles. These results indicate that rearrangement at the TCRdelta locus can precede that of TCRbeta locus recombination by one developmental stage. In addition, we find a bias toward productive rearrangements of both TCRdelta and TCRgamma genes among CD44highCD25+ thymocytes, suggesting that functional gammadelta TCR complexes can be formed before the rearrangement of TCRbeta. These data support a model of lineage commitment in which sequential TCR gene rearrangements may influence alphabeta/gammadelta lineage decisions. Further, because TCR gene rearrangements are generally limited to T lineage cells, these analyses provide molecular evidence that irreversible commitment to the T lineage can occur as early as the CD44highCD25+ stage of development.  相似文献   


As Sierra Leone celebrates the end of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak, we can begin to fully grasp its impact on already weak health systems. The EVD outbreak in West Africa forced many hospitals to close down or reduce their activity, either to prevent nosocomial transmission or because of staff shortages. The aim of this study is to assess the potential impact of EVD on nationwide access to obstetric care in Sierra Leone.

Methods and Findings

Community health officers collected weekly data between January 2014—May 2015 on in-hospital deliveries and caesarean sections (C-sections) from all open facilities (public, private for-profit and private non-profit sectors) offering emergency obstetrics in Sierra Leone. This was compared to official data of EVD cases per district. Logistic and Poisson regression analyses were used to compute risk and rate estimates. Nationwide, the number of in-hospital deliveries and C-sections decreased by over 20% during the EVD outbreak. The decline occurred early on in the EVD outbreak and was mainly attributable to the closing of private not-for-profit hospitals rather than government facilities. Due to difficulties in collecting data in the midst of an epidemic, limitations of this study include some missing data points.


Both the number of in-hospital deliveries and C-sections substantially declined shortly after the onset of the EVD outbreak. Since access to emergency obstetric care, like C-sections, is associated with decreased maternal mortality, many women are likely to have died due to the reduced access to appropriate care during childbirth. Future research on indirect health effects of health system breakdown should ideally be nationwide and continue also into the recovery phase. It is also important to understand the mechanisms behind the deterioration so that important health services can be reestablished.  相似文献   
Recent studies from mountainous areas of small spatial extent (<2500 km2) suggest that fine‐grained thermal variability over tens or hundreds of metres exceeds much of the climate warming expected for the coming decades. Such variability in temperature provides buffering to mitigate climate‐change impacts. Is this local spatial buffering restricted to topographically complex terrains? To answer this, we here study fine‐grained thermal variability across a 2500‐km wide latitudinal gradient in Northern Europe encompassing a large array of topographic complexities. We first combined plant community data, Ellenberg temperature indicator values, locally measured temperatures (LmT) and globally interpolated temperatures (GiT) in a modelling framework to infer biologically relevant temperature conditions from plant assemblages within <1000‐m2 units (community‐inferred temperatures: CiT). We then assessed: (1) CiT range (thermal variability) within 1‐km2 units; (2) the relationship between CiT range and topographically and geographically derived predictors at 1‐km resolution; and (3) whether spatial turnover in CiT is greater than spatial turnover in GiT within 100‐km2 units. Ellenberg temperature indicator values in combination with plant assemblages explained 46–72% of variation in LmT and 92–96% of variation in GiT during the growing season (June, July, August). Growing‐season CiT range within 1‐km2 units peaked at 60–65°N and increased with terrain roughness, averaging 1.97 °C (SD = 0.84 °C) and 2.68 °C (SD = 1.26 °C) within the flattest and roughest units respectively. Complex interactions between topography‐related variables and latitude explained 35% of variation in growing‐season CiT range when accounting for sampling effort and residual spatial autocorrelation. Spatial turnover in growing‐season CiT within 100‐km2 units was, on average, 1.8 times greater (0.32 °C km?1) than spatial turnover in growing‐season GiT (0.18 °C km?1). We conclude that thermal variability within 1‐km2 units strongly increases local spatial buffering of future climate warming across Northern Europe, even in the flattest terrains.  相似文献   
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