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Organisms modify their development and function in response to the environment. At the same time, the environment is modified by the activities of the organism. Despite the ubiquity of such dynamical interactions in nature, it remains challenging to develop models that accurately represent them, and that can be fitted using data. These features are desirable when modeling phenomena such as phenotypic plasticity, to generate quantitative predictions of how the system will respond to environmental signals of different magnitude or at different times, for example, during ontogeny. Here, we explain a modeling framework that represents the organism and environment as a single coupled dynamical system in terms of inputs and outputs. Inputs are external signals, and outputs are measurements of the system in time. The framework uses time-series data of inputs and outputs to fit a nonlinear black-box model that allows to predict how the system will respond to novel input signals. The framework has three key properties: it captures the dynamical nature of the organism–environment system, it can be fitted with data, and it can be applied without detailed knowledge of the system. We study phenotypic plasticity using in silico experiments and demonstrate that the framework predicts the response to novel environmental signals. The framework allows us to model plasticity as a dynamical property that changes in time during ontogeny, reflecting the well-known fact that organisms are more or less plastic at different developmental stages.  相似文献   

Benthic marine flora of Tuscan Archipelago has been studied. Several samples were collected along five islands and some rocks. This paper is a compendium of new and already published data, in which 267 species, varieties, forms and stadia of algae and seagrasses are listed: 5 Bangiophyceae, 182 Florideophyceae, 45 Phaeophyceae, 6 Chlorophyceae, 28 Bryopsidophyceae, 1 Angiospermae.  相似文献   
Beta diversity can provide insights into the processes that regulate communities subjected to frequent disturbances, such as flood pulses, which control biodiversity in floodplains. However, little is known about which processes structure beta diversity of amphibians in floodplains. Here, we tested the influence of flood pulses on the richness, composition, and beta diversity of amphibians in Amazonian floodplain environments. We also evaluated indicator species for each environment. We established linear transects in three environments: low várzea, high várzea, and macrophyte rafts. Species richness decreased and beta diversity increased according to the susceptibility of habitats to flood pulses. Indicator species differed among environments according to forest succession promoted by the flood pulse. The decrease in species richness between high and low várzea is due to non‐random extinctions. The higher rates of species turnover between várzeas and macrophyte rafts are driven by the colonization of species adapted to open areas. Our results highlight that the maintenance of complex environments is needed to protect biodiversity in floodplains.  相似文献   
Lorences, E. P., Suárez, L. and Zarra, I. 1987. Hypocotyl growth of Pinus pinaster seedlings. Changes in the molecular weight distribution of hemicellulosic polysaccharides.
The changes in the molecular weight distribution of water-soluble hemicelluloses and xyloglucan during hypocotyl growth of intact seedlings of Pinus pinaster Aiton were investigated. The mass-average molecular weight of total polysaccharides of the hemicellulose fraction soluble in 4% KOH dramatically increased during hypocotyl growth while xyloglucan slightly decreased. These phenomena were due to an increase in the degree of polymerization of an arabinogalactan and a slight depolymer-ization in the xyloglucan present in this fraction. In the hemicellulose fraction soluble in 24% KOH, xyloglucan increased its degree of polymerization from day 7 to 10 after which it decreased slightly. The xyloglucan of the hemicellulose fraction soluble in 4% KOH may thus be involved in cell wall loosening which makes cell wall expansion possible during hypocotyl growth.  相似文献   
Specific [3H]MK801 binding to rat brain NMDA receptors after the administration of the convulsant drug 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MP) and the adenosine analogue cyclopentyladenosine (CPA) was studied by means of a quantitative autoradiographic method. MP administration (150 mg/kg, i.p.) caused significant decreases in [3H]MK801 binding in several hippocampus subareas and layers, mainly in CA1 and CA3 at seizure (11–27%) and postseizure (8–16%) and in cerebral occipital cortex at seizure (18–22%). In nucleus accumbens, a rise was observed at postseizure (44%) and a tendency to increase at seizure (24%). CPA (2mg/kg, i.p.) decreased ligand binding in hippocampus (CA1, CA2, CA3) (17–22%) and in occipital cerebral cortex (18–24%). When CPA was administered 30 minutes before MP (which delayed seizure onset) and rats were sacrified at seizure, decreases in [3H]MK801 binding in several layers of CA1 and CA3 of hippocampus (11–27%) and in CA1, CA2, CA3 (24–35%) after CPA+MP postseizure, and an increase in CA2 after CPA and CPA+MP postseizure (20–34%), were observed. A drop was found in the occipital subarea (18–24%) after CPA and in the frontal and occipital subarea after CPA+MP postseizure (24–34%) while no changes were observed in any treatment involving the other cerebral cortex regions, thalamic nuclei, caudate putamen and olfactory tubercle. These results show that [3H]MK801 binding changes according to drug treatment and the area being studied, thus indicating a different role in seizure activity.  相似文献   
Rat CNS adenosine A2A receptors were studied after administration of the convulsant drug 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MP) and the adenosine analogue cyclopentyladenosine (CPA) by means of a quantitative autoradiographic method. Specific binding was quantified in striatum only. The highest density was found in caudate-putamen (2.50 fmol/mm2), followed by nuclei accumbens (1.85 fmol/mm2) and the lowest values in the olfactory tubercle (1.26 fmol/mm2). These differerences were statiscally significant. MP administration (150 mg/kg) caused significant increases (12–18%) in caudate-putamen and nuclei accumbens in both stages: seizure and postseizure and no changes in the olfactory tubercle. CPA administration (2 mg/kg) originated a rise of 16% in nuclei accumbens but no change in the other two regions. When CPA was injected 30 minutes before MP, an increase (18 to 45%) in caudate-putamen and nuclei accumbens at seizure and postseizure stages was observed. Saturation results, in striatal membrane fraction, indicate that receptor sites increased their maximal binding capacity (Bmax) while the apparent dissociation constant (Kd) remained unchanged. These results suggest the involvement of the adenosine A2A receptors in convulsant activity and that CPA administration at the dose selected brings about a rise in neuronal excitability in this area.  相似文献   
A new enantiornithine bird, Intiornis inexpectatus gen. et sp. nov, is described here. It is based on a partial hind limb found in beds of the Upper Cretaceous Las Curtiembres Formation (Campanian), North-West Argentina. The new taxon is referred to the family Avisauridae on the basis of its cranially convex third metatarsal. Several features suggest close relationships between Intiornis and the avisaurid Soroavisaurus, from the Lecho Formation (Maastrichtian; North-West Argentina). Intiornis was the size of a sparrow, thus representing the smallest Enantiornithes known from South America. The new species shows adaptations for a perching mode of life. Moreover, the hypothesis suggesting that the flying pterosaur reptiles decrease in taxonomic diversity due to competitive interaction with birds is discussed. The new species shows adaptations for a perching mode of life. Moreover, the hypothesis suggesting that the flying pterosaur reptiles decrease in taxonomic diversity due to competitive interaction with birds is discussed.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa phosphorylcholine phosphatase (PChP), the product of the PA5292 gene, is synthesized when the bacteria are grown with choline, betaine, dimethylglycine, or carnitine. In the presence of Mg2+, PChP catalyzes the hydrolysis of both phosphorylcholine (PCh) and p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP). PCh saturation curve analysis of the enzyme with or without the signal peptide indicated that the peptide was the fundamental factor responsible for decreasing the affinity of the second site of PChP for PCh, either at pH 5.0 or pH 7.4. PChP contained three conserved motifs characteristic of the haloacid dehalogenases superfamily. In the PChP without the signal peptide, motifs I, II, and III correspond to the residues 31DMDNT35, 166SAA168, and K242/261GDTPDSD267, respectively. To determine the catalytic importance of the D31, D33, T35, S166, K242, D262, D265, and D267 on the enzyme activity, site-directed mutagenesis was performed. D31, D33, D262, and D267 were identified as the more important residues for catalysis. D265 and D267 may be involved in the stabilization of motif III, or might contribute to substrate specificity. The substitution of T35 by S35 resulted in an enzyme with a low PChP activity, but conserves the catalytic sites involved in the hydrolysis of PCh (Km1 0.03 mM, Km2 0.5 mM) or p-NPP (Km 2.1 mM). Mutating either S166 or K242 revealed that these residues are also important to catalyze the hydrolysis of both substrates. The substitution of lysine by arginine or by glutamine revealed the importance of the positive charged group, either from the amino or guanidinium groups, because K242Q was inactive, whereas K242R was a functional enzyme.  相似文献   
Alpha-synuclein (αS), a 140 amino acid presynaptic protein, is the major component of the fibrillar aggregates (Lewy bodies) observed in dopaminergic neurons of patients affected by Parkinson's disease. It is currently believed that noncovalent oligomeric forms of αS, arising as intermediates in its aggregation, may constitute the major neurotoxic species. However, attempts to isolate and characterize such oligomers in vitro, and even more so in living cells, have been hampered by their transient nature, low concentration, polymorphism, and inherent instability. In this work, we describe the preparation and characterization of low molecular weight covalently bound oligomeric species of αS obtained by crosslinking via tyrosyl radicals generated by blue-light photosensitization of the metal coordination complex ruthenium (II) tris-bipyridine in the presence of ammonium persulfate. Numerous analytical techniques were used to characterize the αS oligomers: biochemical (anion-exchange chromatography, SDS-PAGE, and Western blotting); spectroscopic (optical: UV/Vis absorption, steady state, dynamic fluorescence, and dynamic light scattering); mass spectrometry; and electrochemical. Light-controlled protein oligomerization was mediated by formation of Tyr-Tyr (dityrosine) dimers through -C-C- bonds acting as covalent bridges, with a predominant involvement of residue Y39. The diverse oligomeric species exhibited a direct effect on the in vitro aggregation behavior of wild-type monomeric αS, decreasing the total yield of amyloid fibrils in aggregation assays monitored by thioflavin T (ThioT) fluorescence and light scattering, and by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Compared to the unmodified monomer, the photoinduced covalent oligomeric species demonstrated increased toxic effects on differentiated neuronal-like SH-SY5Y cells. The results highlight the importance of protein modification induced by oxidative stress in the initial molecular events leading to Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
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