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More than 2,000 confirmed cases of food poisoning occurred in the four Atlantic provinces of Canada and in Ontario during the second and third quarters of 1984. Salmonella typhimurium phage type 10 was identified as the etiologic agent, and cheddar cheese was implicated as the source of infection. Strains isolated from infected humans and from cheese were indistinguishable by biotyping, antibiotic resistance typing, and phage typing. Plasmid analysis confirmed cheese as the source of infection and revealed the presence of two molecular subgroups of bacteriophage type 10. Group I strains carried 57-, 22.3-, and 3.4-kilobase (kb) plasmids; group II strains carried 57-, 4.6-, and 3.4-kb plasmids. Digestion with endonucleases HaeIII, HpaII, and AvaIII indicated that the 3.4-kb plasmids were identical. This outbreak was, therefore, caused by a mixed infection with two distinct but related bacteria. Group I strains are fairly common among Canadian S. typhimurium phage type 10 isolates, whereas group II strains appeared to be unique to this outbreak.  相似文献   
A naturally occurring Salmonella mikawasima serologically converted by phage 14 (6,7,14:y:e,n,z15) has been isolated for the first time. An S. tennessee variant seroconverted by phage 14 (6,7,14:z29:-) was also isolated. The source of these salmonellae was the common freshwater aquarium snail Ampullaria. Phage 14 prepared from these serovariants was lytic for S. bovis-morbificans (6,8:r:1,5) and for S. hadar (6,8:z10:e,n,x).  相似文献   
Verotoxin (VT) production was investigated in 11 human isolates of Escherichia coli O113:H21. Only 6 strains were found to produce VT and none produced classic heat-labile (LT) and/or heat-stable (ST) enterotoxins. Neutralization studies demonstrated antigenic heterogeneity of VT produced by these strains of E. coli O113.  相似文献   
Amyloid fiber formation is a specific form of protein aggregation, often resulting from the misfolding of native proteins. Aimed at modeling the crowded environment of the cell, recent experiments showed a reduction in fibrillation halftimes for amyloid-forming peptides in the presence of cosolutes that are preferentially excluded from proteins and peptides. The effect of excluded cosolutes has previously been attributed to the large volume excluded by such inert cellular solutes, sometimes termed "macromolecular crowding". Here, we studied a model peptide that can fold to a stable monomeric β-hairpin conformation, but under certain solution conditions aggregates in the form of amyloid fibrils. Using Circular Dichroism spectroscopy (CD), we found that, in the presence of polyols and polyethylene glycols acting as excluded cosolutes, the monomeric β-hairpin conformation was stabilized with respect to the unfolded state. Stabilization free energy was linear with cosolute concentration, and grew with molecular volume, as would also be predicted by crowding models. After initiating the aggregation process with a pH jump, fibrillation in the presence and absence of cosolutes was followed by ThT fluorescence, transmission electron microscopy, and CD spectroscopy. Polyols (glycerol and sorbitol) increased the lag time for fibril formation and elevated the amount of aggregated peptide at equilibrium, in a cosolute size and concentration dependent manner. However, fibrillation rates remained almost unaffected by a wide range of molecular weights of soluble polyethylene glycols. Our results highlight the importance of other forces beyond the excluded volume interactions responsible for crowding that may contribute to the cosolute effects acting on amyloid formation.  相似文献   
Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures that cap the ends of the linear eukaryotic chromosomes, thus protecting their stability and integrity. They play important roles in DNA replication and repair and are central to our understanding of aging and cancer development. In rapidly dividing cells, telomere length is maintained by the activity of telomerase. About 400 TLM (telomere length maintenance) genes have been identified in yeast, as participants of an intricate homeostasis network that keeps telomere length constant. Two papers have recently shown that despite this extremely complex control, telomere length can be manipulated by external stimuli. These results have profound implications for our understanding of cellular homeostatic systems in general and of telomere length maintenance in particular. In addition, they point to the possibility of developing aging and cancer therapies based on telomere length manipulation.  相似文献   
Distinct families of multipotent heart progenitors play a central role in the generation of diverse cardiac, smooth muscle and endothelial cell lineages during mammalian cardiogenesis. The identification of precise paracrine signals that drive the cell-fate decision of these multipotent progenitors, and the development of novel approaches to deliver these signals in vivo, are critical steps towards unlocking their regenerative therapeutic potential. Herein, we have identified a family of human cardiac endothelial intermediates located in outflow tract of the early human fetal hearts (OFT-ECs), characterized by coexpression of Isl1 and CD144/vWF. By comparing angiocrine factors expressed by the human OFT-ECs and non-cardiac ECs, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A was identified as the most abundantly expressed factor, and clonal assays documented its ability to drive endothelial specification of human embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived Isl1+ progenitors in a VEGF receptor-dependent manner. Human Isl1-ECs (endothelial cells differentiated from hESC-derived ISL1+ progenitors) resemble OFT-ECs in terms of expression of the cardiac endothelial progenitor- and endocardial cell-specific genes, confirming their organ specificity. To determine whether VEGF-A might serve as an in vivo cell-fate switch for human ESC-derived Isl1-ECs, we established a novel approach using chemically modified mRNA as a platform for transient, yet highly efficient expression of paracrine factors in cardiovascular progenitors. Overexpression of VEGF-A promotes not only the endothelial specification but also engraftment, proliferation and survival (reduced apoptosis) of the human Isl1+ progenitors in vivo. The large-scale derivation of cardiac-specific human Isl1-ECs from human pluripotent stem cells, coupled with the ability to drive endothelial specification, engraftment, and survival following transplantation, suggest a novel strategy for vascular regeneration in the heart.  相似文献   
Pineal function is defined by a set of very narrowly expressed genes that encode proteins required for photoperiodic transduction and rhythmic melatonin secretion. One of these proteins is serotonin N-acetyltransferase (arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase, AANAT), which controls the daily rhythm in melatonin production. Here, pineal-specific expression of the zebrafish aanat-2 (zfaanat-2) was studied using in vivo transient expression analyses of promoter-reporter constructs; this revealed that specificity is determined by two regions located 12 kb away from each other. One is the 5'-flanking region, and the other is a 257-bp sequence, located 6 kb downstream of the transcribed region. This 3'-sequence, designated pineal-restrictive downstream module (PRDM), has a dual function: enhancement of pineal expression and inhibition of extrapineal expression. The former is an autonomic property of PRDM whereas the later function requires interaction with the upstream regulatory region of zfaanat-2. Functional analyses of the PRDM sequence revealed that three photoreceptor conserved elements (TAATC) and a single perfect E-box (CACGTG) are crucial for the dual function of PRDM. These results indicate that pineal specificity of zfaanat-2 is determined by the dual functionality of the PRDM and the interaction between upstream regulatory region and downstream photoreceptor conserved elements and E-box element.  相似文献   
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