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Incubation of potato tuber tissue discs on B5 medium supplemented with 1-naphtyl-acetic acid (NAA) led to callus formation, irrespective of the presence of kinetin; without NAA no callus formation occurred. Incubation in the presence of abscisic acid (ABA) reduced the increases in fresh weight and dry weight both in callus-forming and in non-callus-forming tissue. Mitochondrial respiration was lowered by ABA as well. The induction of the alternative, CN-resistant pathway was inhibited by the presence of ABA, especially in mitochondria from non-callus-forming tissue.The in vivo respiration of the callus-forming tissue was higher than that of the non-callus-forming tissue. Total respiration, cytochrome pathway activity and the capacity of the alternative pathway were all lowered in callus-forming tissue by treatment with ABA. The in vivo activity of the alternative pathway was low in all tissue types, especially after ABA-treatment. The slight stimulation by hydroxamates of the oxygen uptake of callus-forming tissue incubated on medium with NAA and ABA indicates the involvement of a hydroxamate-activated peroxidase in the oxygen uptake of this tissue; this peroxidase seemed not to participate in the oxygen uptake of the other tissues types.In non-callus-forming tissue the oxygen uptake of ABA-treated tissue was very low and almost completely resistant to the combined addition of inhibitors of both the cytochrome and the alternative pathway, indicating that the in vivo activity of the mitochondria in the oxygen uptake of the tissue was very low. The possible causes for this ABA-effect are discussed. In non-callus-forming tissue the treatment with ABA creates a situation which is comparable with that observed in intact potato tubers. This situation is characterized by a tissue respiration lower than that of the isolated mitochondria and an alternative pathway capacity that is low or absent.  相似文献   
The variation in two sets of morphological characters of the flowers of the highly inbreedingScleranthus annuus (Caryophyllaceae) was assessed using 15–20 plants from each of 20 natural populations from the southernmost region of Sweden. The stamen fertility data set consisted of 10 characters describing the degree of fertility of the ten stamens/staminoids, while the sepal/gynoecium data set comprised 10 sepal characters, together with style and stigma length. Substantial variation was found in both the degree of development and the fertility of the stamens, the degree of variability in stamen fertility being related to stamen position within the flower. Considerable variation was found in the characters of the sepal and the gynoecium. Hierarchical analyses of variance indicated that 29% of the variation in total male reproductive effort was distributed among populations, 28% among plants within populations and 43% represented within-plant variation. The corresponding averages for the characters from the sepal/gynoecium data set are 26, 38, and 35%: a greater proportion of the total variance in female reproductive characters is accounted for by among individual variation than is the case with the male reproductive characters. Significance tests of Mahalanobis distances derived by canonical variate analyses indicated that all populations were significantly separated using the sepal/gynoecium data set, while only 50% of the pairwise comparisons on the basis of the stamen fertility data set were significant. Cluster analysis did not reveal any aggregation of the populations. The incongruence of the two data sets and their ability to discriminate between the populations is discussed.  相似文献   
In onion ( Allium cepa L.) postponement of sprouting is necessary to achieve long term storage. We studied the factors determining sprouting during dry storage at 16°C. The period to visible sprouting depends on the length of the dormancy period, if present, and on the growth rate of the sprout. In the three cultivars tested, sprouts were initiated within 2 weeks after harvest indicating the absence of a real dormancy period. Sprout length increased linearly during storage. The mitotic activity of the apex decreased before harvest, was low at the transition from scale to leaf formation, and increased again when the sprout was initiated. From a few weeks before harvest, the initially high fructan content of the scales decreased, leading to a large increase in fructose. The sprout always contained enough carbohydrates for growth (between 50 and 60 mg g−1 dry weight, of which 30% was fructan). The activity of sucrose synthase (EC increased as the sprout grew, indicating an increase in sink strength. Invertase (EC was absent in all bulb organs, during the various developmental stages. Although carbohydrates and enzymes were available for fast sprouting, sprout growth was still linear instead of exponential during dry storage at temperatures favorable for growth (16°C). The relative importance of factors determining sprouting are discussed.  相似文献   
A variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors contribute to the altered efficiency of CTLs in elderly organisms. In particular, the efficacy of antiviral CD8+ T cells responses in the elderly has come back into focus since the COVID‐19 pandemic outbreak. However, the exact molecular mechanisms leading to alterations in T cell function and the origin of the observed impairments have not been fully explored. Therefore, we investigated whether intrinsic changes affect the cytotoxic ability of CD8+ T cells in aging. We focused on the different subpopulations and time‐resolved quantification of cytotoxicity during tumor cell elimination. We report a surprising result: Killing kinetics of CD8+ T cells from elderly mice are much faster than those of CD8+ T cells from adult mice. This is true not only in the total CD8+ T cell population but also for their effector (TEM) and central memory (TCM) T cell subpopulations. TIRF experiments reveal that CD8+ T cells from elderly mice possess comparable numbers of fusion events per cell, but significantly increased numbers of cells with granule fusion. Analysis of the cytotoxic granule (CG) content shows significantly increased perforin and granzyme levels and turns CD8+ T cells of elderly mice into very efficient killers. This highlights the importance of distinguishing between cell‐intrinsic alterations and microenvironmental changes in elderly individuals. Our results also stress the importance of analyzing the dynamics of CTL cytotoxicity against cancer cells because, with a simple endpoint lysis analysis, cytotoxic differences could have easily been overlooked.  相似文献   
Infections caused by Extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing E. coli are an emerging global problem, threatening the effectiveness of the extensively used β-lactam antibiotics. ESBL dissemination is facilitated by plasmids, transposons, and other mobile elements. We have characterized the plasmid content of ESBL-producing E. coli from human urinary tract infections. Ten diverse isolates were selected; they had unrelated pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) types (<90% similarity), were from geographically dispersed locations and had diverging antibiotic resistance profiles. Three isolates belonged to the globally disseminated sequence type ST131. ESBL-genes of the CTX-M-1 and CTX-M-9 phylogroups were identified in all ten isolates. The plasmid content (plasmidome) of each strain was analyzed using a combination of molecular methods and high-throughput sequencing. Hidden Markov Model-based analysis of unassembled sequencing reads was used to analyze the genetic diversity of the plasmid samples and to detect resistance genes. Each isolate contained between two and eight distinct plasmids, and at least 22 large plasmids were identified overall. The plasmids were variants of pUTI89, pKF3-70, pEK499, pKF3-140, pKF3-70, p1ESCUM, pEK204, pHK17a, p083CORR, R64, pLF82, pSFO157, and R721. In addition, small cryptic high copy-number plasmids were frequent, containing one to seven open reading frames per plasmid. Three clustered groups of such small cryptic plasmids could be distinguished based on sequence similarity. Extrachromosomal prophages were found in three isolates. Two of them resembled the E. coli P1 phage and one was previously unknown. The present study confirms plasmid multiplicity in multi-resistant E. coli. We conclude that high-throughput sequencing successfully provides information on the extrachromosomal gene content and can be used to generate a genetic fingerprint of possible use in epidemiology. This could be a valuable tool for tracing plasmids in outbreaks.  相似文献   
Neph proteins are evolutionarily conserved members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion proteins and regulate morphogenesis and patterning of different tissues. They share a common protein structure consisting of extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains, a transmembrane region, and a carboxyl terminal cytoplasmic tail required for signaling. Neph orthologs have been widely characterized in invertebrates where they mediate such diverse processes as neural development, synaptogenesis, or myoblast fusion. Vertebrate Neph proteins have been described first at the glomerular filtration barrier of the kidney. Recently, there has been accumulating evidence suggesting a function of Neph proteins also outside the kidney. Here we demonstrate that Neph1, Neph2, and Neph3 are expressed differentially in various tissues during ontogenesis in mouse and chicken. Neph1 and Neph2 were found to be amply expressed in the central nervous system while Neph3 expression remained localized to the cerebellum anlage and the spinal cord. Outside the nervous system, Neph mRNAs were also differentially expressed in branchial arches, somites, heart, lung bud, and apical ectodermal ridge. Our findings support the concept that vertebrate Neph proteins, similarly to their Drosophila and C. elegans orthologs, provide guidance cues for cell recognition and tissue patterning in various organs which may open interesting perspectives for future research on Neph1-3 controlled morphogenesis.  相似文献   
Potato tuber ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) callus shows a decrease in fresh weight and an increase in dry weight upon transfer to nutrient medium supplemented with 0.3 or 0.5 M mannitol. The osmolarity of the intracellular fluid increases simultaneously. Probably mannitol is taken up from the medium till the osmolarity of the tissue is in equilibrium with that of the medium. After osmotic adaptation, on a medium with 0.5 M mannitol, growth is negligible, although the tissue retains its viability.
Respiration increases upon transfer to medium with extra mannitol, especially when expressed on a fresh weight basis. On this basis cytochrome and alternative pathway capacities do not change appreciably. The respiratory increase is exclusively caused by an increased engagement of the alternative pathway. The participation of this pathway in uninhibited respiration increases from about 10 to 90% upon transfer to medium with extra mannitol. The increase in respiration is partly correlated with the decrease in fresh weight upon transfer. Per disc, the capacities of the cytochrome and alternative pathway decline. Yet, total respiration per disc significantly increases due to the increased participation of the alternative pathway. This results in an almost equal ATP-production per disc before and after transfer. We suggest, that the alternative pathway functions as a reserve capacity in potato callus, which is switched on when ATP-production coupled to the cytochrome pathway is impaired.  相似文献   
To identify genes involved in plant programmed cell death (PCD), changes in gene expression during PCD in a model system of suspension-cultured tomato cells were studied. In this system, cell death is triggered by treatment with camptothecin, an inhibitor of topoisomerase I. Cell death was accompanied by internucleosomal DNA degradation, indicating that the cell death process shares similarities with apoptosis in animals. Tomato homologues of DAD1 and HSR203, two genes that have been implicated in PCD, were isolated. During camptothecin-induced PCD tomato DAD1 mRNA levels roughly halve, while tomato HSR203 mRNA levels increase 5-fold. A differential display approach was used to identify novel genes that show changes in expression levels during camptothecin-induced PCD. This resulted in isolation of two up-regulated (CTU1 and CTU2) and four down-regulated (CTD1, CTD2, CTD4, and CTD5) cDNA clones. CTU1 shows high homology to various gluthatione S-transferases, whereas CTU2 is as yet unidentified. CTD1 is highly similar to Aux/IAA early-auxin-responsive genes. CTD2 corresponds to the tomato RSI-1 gene, CTD4 is an unknown clone, and CTD5 shows limited homology with a proline-rich protein from maize. Addition of the calcium channel blocker lanthanum chloride prevented camptothecin-induced cell death. The effect of lanthanum chloride on camptothecin-induced gene expression was studied to discriminate between putative cell death genes and general stress genes. The possible role of the various predicted gene products in plant PCD is discussed.  相似文献   
The growth (fresh and dry weight increase) of potato tuber ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) callus discs was stimulated by incubation in air with 500 ppm 2,5-norbornadiene (NBD, a competitive inhibitor of ethylene action) and inhibited by incubation in air with 4 000 ppm NBD. Ethylene formation by the callus was stimulated by NBD. The development of the alternative pathway, measured in isolated mitochondria was inhibited by NBD in a concentration-dependent way. The alternative pathway capacity, measured in vivo, was inhibited by 4 000 ppm NBD, but not by 500 ppm. Uninhibited in vivo respiration, which consists of cytochrome path activity and alternative path activity, was stimulated by the treatment with 500 ppm NBD. The main contribution to this stimulation was made by the cytochrome pathway. In 4 000 ppm NBD-treated callus, uninhibited respiration seemed to be unaffected as a consequence of an inhibited cytochrome path activity, which was compensated by a stimulated alternative path activity. Both in 500 and 4 OIK) ppm NBD-treated callus the alternative path activity in vivo was stimulated.
The regulatory role for endogenous ethylene in potato tuber callus is discussed in relation to: 1) The induction of respiratory pathways, 2) the supply of reduction equivalents in vivo and 3) growth.  相似文献   
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