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We analyzed the pattern of correlations among fitness components, herbivory, and resin characteristics in a natural all-aged stand of ponderosa pine, to infer the strength and mechanism of natural selection on plant chemistry. Male and female cone production were monitored yearly for 15 years, and levels of herbivory for 9 years in 165 trees. Resin flow rate and monoterpene composition were determined for these same trees. Multiple regression of fitness components on resin characteristics showed significant associations consistent with directional selection for increased resin flow rates and increased proportions of α- and β-pinene, myrcene and terpinolene. However, negative correlations among monoterpene fractions of the resin constrained the overall selection. Selective herbivory by aphids approached statistical significance and monoterpenes showed some (non-significant) effect as deterrents against deer browse. Resin characteristics were not correlated with attack by cone insects or porcupines. However, the association between resin characteristics and fitness is significantly different from that predicted by the path coefficients involving herbivores. Therefore the hypothesis that these herbivores mediate selection on the resin is not supported by the observed pattern of correlations among resin characteristics, herbivory, growth and fecundity. In this population, most of the association between resin characteristics and fitness appears to be mediated by some other factor independent of attack by herbivore species present. Received: 18 March 1996/Accepted: 18 July 1996  相似文献   
Plants provide feeding sites for a broad range of parasites, commensals and symbionts. In the process, they can be subjected to selection whenever feeding choices are based upon heritable traits of the plants and the feeding affects plant fitness. The outcome of such selection depends on the correlation between choices made by various taxa. Recent work suggests that this multispecies selection, although common in natural communities, now needs to be incorporated more fully into ecological and evolutionary perspectives.  相似文献   
The roles of intraspecific and interspecific competition in producing differentiation within populations of Veronica peregrina were studied in two populations under controlled, greenhouse conditions. In nature, each population spans an environmental gradient across the center and sides of a temporary, vernal pool in California. Individuals at the center are subjected to intense intraspecific competition produced by high densities (to 30 seedlings/cm2) generated by quasi-simultaneous germination (90% of seeds germinate in one week). Individuals at the periphery are subjected to interspecific competition with grasses, which shade out the Veronica 4–6 weeks after the onset of winter growth. I predicted that 1) when grown under immediate intraspecific competition in the greenhouse, offspring of plants from the central subpopulation (C) would perform better (i.e., grow larger and produce more seeds) than those from the periphery (P) and that 2) when grown under delayed interspecific competition provided by Agrostis tenuis and Lollium multiflorum, offspring of plants from the periphery would perform better than those from the center. Both predictions were confirmed. The center-periphery differences were pronounced and statistically significant in an undisturbed population (V-2), while in a population disturbed by yearly plowing (V-3), the differences tended to be consistent with those in V-2 but seldom significant. Distribution of variability tended to be positively skewed and/or leptokurtic in subpopulations grown under “foreign” competition (i.e., intraspecific for P plants and interspecific for C plants) but was normally distributed following exposure to “familiar” competition. Timing of competition affected many results. There were four additional significant differences between the central and peripheral subpopulations. 1) Germination rate: the faster rate in central plants can be advantageous under immediate intraspecific competition. The slower rate in peripheral plants can be advantageous under conditions of erratic and unpredictable soil moisture. 2) Response to nutrient competition: central plants were more sensitive to N-deficiency and peripheral plants were more sensitive to P-deficiency. 3) Allocation of biomass: central plants allocated a greater proportion of biomass to seeds, while peripheral plants allocated a greater proportion of biomass to leaves under all growing conditions. 4) Root elongation: at the seedling stage, central plants have longer roots, while at the adult stage, peripheral plants have longer roots (but not more root mass). Most components of this complex pattern of differentiation are interpretable in an adaptive context. Other results defy simple explanations and underline the importance of phenotypic plasticity, which was pronounced in the competition experiments.  相似文献   
An accurate capillary gas chromatographic method using different internal standards for determining free fatty acids, cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, and triacylglycerols in plasma and other biological sources is described. It is designed to give information about species composition and, consequently, more detailed information about changes in lipid metabolism of patients suffering from metabolic disorders. After plasma extraction the lipids, except phospholipids, are directly examined without any further derivatization. For free fatty acid determination the programmed temperature vaporizer (PTV) injector was heated from 40 degrees C (sample introduction) to 190 degrees C. In a second gas chromatographic run the PTV-injector system was heated from 60 degrees C (sample introduction) to 400 degrees C, enabling the determination of free cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, and triacylglycerol species, differing in the number of carbon atoms. Evaluation of the values obtained resulted in coefficients of variation (%) of 1.0-2.8, 2.0, 1.29-2.24, and 2.8, for free fatty acid standards, plasma free fatty acids, cholesterol and cholesteryl ester standards, and plasma total cholesterol, respectively. Free fatty acids, cholesterol, and cholesteryl esters were not influenced by storage of plasma at -24 degrees C up to 4 days prior to extraction. The results of the gas chromatographic method and the enzymatic methods correlated well. Determination by gas chromatography yielded higher total cholesterol and lower triacylglycerol values than those values obtained by enzymatic methods.  相似文献   
The transmembrane HIV‐1 envelope protein gp41 has been shown to play critical roles in the viral mucosal transmission and infection of CD4+ cells. Gag is a structural protein configuring the enveloped viral particles and has been suggested to constitute a target of the cellular immunity that may control viral load. We hypothesized that HIV enveloped virus‐like particles (VLPs) consisting of Gag and a deconstructed form of gp41 comprising the membrane proximal external, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains (dgp41) could be expressed in plants. To this end, plant‐optimized HIV‐1 genes were constructed and expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana by stable transformation, or transiently using a Tobamovirus‐based expression system or a combination of both. Our results of biophysical, biochemical and electron microscopy characterization demonstrates that plant cells could support not only the formation of enveloped HIV‐1 Gag VLPs, but also the accumulation of VLPs that incorporated dgp41. These findings provide further impetus for the journey towards a broadly efficacious and inexpensive subunit vaccine against HIV‐1.  相似文献   
Abstract. In the Colorado Front Range, disturbances and climatic variation influence stand structure of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) along the lower timberline ecotone. Over the past 100 years there has been a shift to a greater density and extent of ponderosa pine at the forest-grassland boundaries. Ponderosa pine regeneration at lower timberline appears to be influenced by fires in the 1860s and decreased grazing pressure in the 1970s–1980s. Climatic variation may also have influenced age structure, even though analyses of age structure at a 10-year class scale prevented the detection of climatic influences occurring at a finer scale. These changes in disturbance regimes, possibly together with moister springs/early summers, created favourable conditions for the increase in density and extent of ponderosa pine at lower timberline ecotone.  相似文献   
Linhart O  Rodina M  Cosson J 《Cryobiology》2000,41(3):241-250
In this study, fish sperm cryopreservation methods were elaborated upon for ex situ conservation of nine strains of Bohemian common carp. Common carp sperm were diluted in Kurokura medium and chilled to 4 degrees C and dimethyl sulfoxide was added. Cryotubes of sperm with media were then cooled from +4 to -9 degrees C at a rate of 4 degrees C min(-1) and then from -9 to -80 degrees C at a rate of 11 degrees C min(-1), held for 6 min at -80 degrees C, and finally transferred into liquid N(2). The spermatozoa were thawed in a water bath at 35 degrees C for 110 s and checked for fertilization yield, hatching yield of embryos, and larval malformations. Fresh and frozen/thawed sperm were evaluated for the percentage and for the velocity of motile sperm from video frames using image analysis. The percentage and velocity of sperm motility at 15 s after activation of frozen/thawed sperm was significantly lower than that of fresh sperm (nine males). ANOVA showed a significant influence of fresh vs frozen/thawed sperm on fertilization rate (P < 0.0001), but differences in hatching rate and in larval malformation (0-6.8%) were not significant, and different males had a significant influence on fertilization and hatching rate (P < 0.003 and P < 0.007, respectively). Multiple range analysis (LSD) showed significant differences between fresh and frozen/thawed sperm regarding fertilization rate (68 +/- 11 and 56 +/- 10%, respectively) and insignificant differences between fresh and frozen/thawed sperm on the hatching rate (50 +/- 18 and 52 +/- 9%, respectively). The percentage and velocity of fresh sperm motility were correlated, respectively, with the fertilization yield of frozen/thawed sperm at the levels r = 0.51 and r = 0.54.  相似文献   
DNA/RNA methylation plays an important role in lung cancer initiation and progression. Liquid biopsy makes use of cells, nucleotides and proteins released from tumor cells into body fluids to help with cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Methylation of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has gained increasing attention as biomarkers for lung cancer. Here we briefly introduce the biological basis and detection method of ctDNA methylation, and review various applications of methylated DNA in body fluids in lung cancer screening, diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring and treatment prediction. We also discuss the emerging role of RNA methylation as biomarkers for cancer.  相似文献   
The viability of spermatozoa has been assessed using SYBR 14 staining for DNA of living cells and propidium iodide staining for DNA of degenerate cells. This dual staining was performed on four fish species (Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii; common carp, Cyprinus carpio; tench, Tinca tinca and wels, Silurus glanis) and the proportions of live and dead spermatozoa were assessed by epifluorescence microscopy and image cytometry. Ten phase contrast and epifluorescent images were recorded per sample, corresponding images were overlaid, and the blended images were evaluated for live and dead spermatozoa, represented by green and red fluorescence signals. Live/dead proportions were assessed, after dual thresholding, by imaging software that counted absolute numbers of objects and computed their frequencies. All sperm heads were found to be labelled, emitting either green or red light. Mean numbers of spermatozoa per image were in the ranges 32-113, 61-105, 48-104 and 29-91 for Siberian sturgeon, common carp, tench and wels, respectively. The corresponding proportions of live spermatozoa were in the ranges 83.56-94.59%, 93.92-97.02%, 76.14-97.76% and 79.45-83.76%. Standard deviations did not exceed 5% of the means. The image cytometric system using dual staining with SYBR 14 and propidium iodide was clearly suitable for assessing the viability of freshwater fish spermatozoa.  相似文献   
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