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2010年冬季寒冷天气对闽江口3种红树植物幼苗的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年10月8日-2011年2月26日,跟踪监测了闽江河口互花米草治理试验区人工种植的秋茄(Kandelia candel)、无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)和拉关木(Leguncalaria racemosa)1年生幼苗叶片相溶性物质含量以及活性氧代谢等生理生化指标.结果表明:可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量均随气温的逐步降低而增加,秋茄可溶性糖含量最高,拉关木脯氨酸含量最高;整个监测期无瓣海桑和拉关木幼苗叶片超氧阴离子(O2)产生速率显著高于秋茄(P<0.01),而超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性显著低于秋茄(P<0.01);3种植物叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量及电解质渗透率均随着气温的降低而增加,其中无瓣海桑和拉关木MDA含量及电解质渗透率与日最低气温为显著和极显著的负相关关系.2010年冬季持续寒冷天气对闽江河口湿地1年生土著种秋茄幼苗无破坏,对引进种无瓣海桑和拉关木造成了严重的低温胁迫并使幼苗基本全部死亡.  相似文献   
生源要素有效性及生物因子对湿地土壤碳矿化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张林海  曾从盛  仝川 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5387-5395
湿地土壤是全球碳存储的重要场所,湿地生态系统的碳循环过程对全球变化有重要指示作用。土壤碳矿化是湿地生态系统碳循环的重要环节,对于认知湿地生态系统生物地球化学循环过程具有重要的意义。综述了生源要素及生物因素对湿地土壤碳矿化的内在作用机制。土壤活性有机碳库通过调节土壤能源物质和微生物活性影响土壤碳库的有效性,是表征土壤碳矿化的敏感指标。湿地其它养分如N、P、S等元素的有效性也是影响土壤碳矿化的关键要素。电子受体(NO3-、SO42-、Fe3+、Mn4+等)对湿地土壤碳矿化和有机碳转变的影响主要通过电子受体的还原过程完成,在厌氧分解过程中,湿地土壤利用难溶性电子受体可能是土壤C矿化的更重要途径。动物、植物、微生物群落和区系等则是土壤碳矿化的主要驱动因子。土壤动物区系在有机态养分矿化为无机态养分的过程有着独特的功能,能显著增加土壤碳矿化。土壤微生物的活性,决定着土壤中有机碎屑的降解速率,是土壤有机碳分解周转的主要诱导因素。湿地植物则通过影响根系、微生物呼吸底物的供应以及对小气候和土壤因子的调节而影响土壤有机质的分解。湿地生源要素和生物因子还极易与土壤理化性质如温度、水分、pH值和质地等环境因素形成交互和制约,共同影响土壤碳矿化。最后,提出了进一步研究生源要素和生物因素与湿地土壤碳矿化关系需要解决的一些重要问题。  相似文献   
It is generally predicted that global warming will stimulate primary production and lead to more carbon (C) inputs to soil. However, many studies have found that soil C does not necessarily increase with increased plant litter input. Precipitation has increased in arid central Asia, and is predicted to increase more, so we tested the effects of adding fresh organic matter (FOM) and water on soil C sequestration in an arid region in northwest China. The results suggested that added FOM quickly decomposed and had minor effects on the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool to a depth of 30 cm. Both FOM and water addition had significant effects on the soil microbial biomass. The soil microbial biomass increased with added FOM, reached a maximum, and then declined as the FOM decomposed. The FOM had a more significant stimulating effect on microbial biomass with water addition. Under the soil moisture ranges used in this experiment (21.0%–29.7%), FOM input was more important than water addition in the soil C mineralization process. We concluded that short-term FOM input into the belowground soil and water addition do not affect the SOC pool in shrubland in an arid region.  相似文献   
The carbohydrate of Gal-alpha1,3-Gal is thought to be the major antigenic epitope present on pig vascular endothelium. The peptides that mimic the binding of antigenic epitope (Gal-alpha1,3-Gal) to lectin BS-I-B4 were identified from screening a filamentous phage-displayed random library. A phage bearing the peptide NCVSPYWCEPLAPSARA has been identified to bind the lectin strongly. Melibiose was able to inhibit the binding of the human natural anti-alpha Gal antibody to the peptide competitively. Our experiments show that the peptide mimetic of Gal-alpha1,3-Gal is able to inhibit the agglutination of pig RBCs by human natural antibody or lectin BS-I-B4. The peptide inhibitor of human natural antibodies may prove useful in pig-to-human xenotransplantation.  相似文献   
Strigolactones play crucial roles in regulating plant architecture and development, as endogenous hormones, and orchestrating symbiotic interactions with fungi and parasitic plants, as components of root exudates. rac-GR24 is currently the most widely used strigolactone analog and serves as a reference compound in investigating the action of strigolactones. In this study, we evaluated a suite of debranones and found that 2-nitrodebranone (2NOD) exhibited higher biological activity than rac-GR24 in various aspects of plant growth and development in Arabidopsis, including hypocotyl elongation inhibition, root hair promotion and senescence acceleration. The enhanced activity of 2NOD in promoting AtD14–SMXL7 and AtD14–MAX2 interactions indicates that the molecular structure of 2NOD is a better match for the ligand perception site pocket of D14. Moreover, 2NOD showed lower activity than rac-GR24 in promoting Orobanche cumana seed germination, suggesting its higher ability to control plant architecture than parasitic interactions. In combination with the improved stability of 2NOD, these results demonstrate that 2NOD is a strigolactone analog that can specifically mimic the activity of strigolactones and that 2NOD exhibits strong potential as a tool for studying the strigolactone signaling pathway in plants.  相似文献   
~~Induction of HLA-G expression in a melanoma cell line OCM-1A following the treatment with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine@Chien Chung CHANG$Department of Immunology,Roswell Park Cancer Institute,Buffalo.NY 14263,USA @Soldano FERRONE$Department of Immunology,R…  相似文献   
本文以2012年青海省玉树州治多县登额曲下游河段调查所得的细石核为研究对象,尝试分析该流域的细石叶工艺。研究表明,石制品原料为通天河两岸的河滩砾石,主要为硅质岩。流域内楔形细石核为主要类型,细石核原型以石片为主,台面更新频繁,可见局部更新和全部更新两种方式,局部更新表现为沿台面周缘向内打下浅平、细小的片疤,全部更新表现为将原台面全部修掉。细石核楔状缘预制包括两面加工和单面加工两种方式。作业面更新可见局部更新、全部更新和作业面转移三种方式。局部更新表现为修掉原有作业面的一部分,全部更新即将原有作业面全部修掉,作业面转移表现为转向细石核后缘继续剥取细石叶。细石叶工艺对比研究显示,该区域细石叶工艺与"阳原技术"和"拉乙亥技术"在细石核原型选择、毛坯制作、台面更新以及细石叶剥取等方面表现出较高的相似性。  相似文献   
Food resources are often not sufficient to satisfy the nutritional and energetic requirements during winter conditions at high latitudes. Dietary analysis is a prerequisite to fully understanding the feeding ecology of a species and the nature of trophic interactions. Previous dietary studies of Asian Great Bustard (Otis tarda dybowskii) relied on behavioral observations, resulting in categorization of diet limited to broad taxonomic groupings. Here, we applied a high‐throughput sequencing meta‐barcoding approach to quantify the diet of resident and migratory Asian Great Bustard in three wintering sites during early winter and late winter. We detected 57 unique plant taxa in the bustard diet, among which 15 species were confirmed by a local plant database we generated. Both agricultural and natural foods were detected, indicating a relatively broad dietary niche. Spatiotemporal dietary changes were discovered, revealing diet differences among wintering sites and a general shift toward lower plant diversity later in winter. For the nonmigratory population, we detected a significantly more diverse array of plant species in their diet. We hypothesize that dietary variation between resident and migratory populations could be involved in the recent transition to partial migration in this species, although climate change can not be excluded. Collectively, these results support protecting unharvested grain fields and naturally unplowed lands to help conserve and promote population growth of Asian Great Bustard.  相似文献   
闽江河口湿地植物枯落物立枯和倒伏分解主要元素动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾从盛  张林海  王天鹅  张文娟  仝川 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6289-6299
采用分解袋法,对闽江河口湿地2种挺水植物——芦苇(Phragmites australis)和互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)花和叶枯落物的立枯和倒伏分解过程及C、N、P元素动态进行研究。结果表明:(1)立枯分解是2种湿地盐沼植物重要的分解阶段,干物质损失率在13.26%—31.89%之间。多项式模型能较好描述2种植物花和叶的枯落物分解残留率动态。(2)立枯分解阶段,芦苇花和叶的C含量主要为波动下降,互花米草较为稳定;倒伏阶段后期,2种植物都以升高为主。立枯分解阶段2种植物枯落物N含量略有下降,而倒伏阶段逐渐上升。分解过程中枯落物P含量的波动较大。(3)2种植物花和叶C、N的NAI值在分解过程中<100%。芦苇的花和叶中P的NAI值在立枯和倒伏分解阶段都经历了明显下降和升高的过程,而互花米草在立枯阶段变化不大,倒伏阶段下降较为明显。(4)与芦苇相比,互花米草的花和叶枯落物C库较高,N库较低,P库差异不大。  相似文献   
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