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Effah  Zechariah  Li  Lingling  Xie  Junhong  Liu  Chang  Xu  Aixia  Karikari  Benjamin  Anwar  Sumera  Zeng  Min 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2023,42(2):1120-1133

It is critical for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in the semi-arid Loess Plateau to understand the impact of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on changes in N metabolism, photosynthetic parameters, and their relationship with grain yield and quality. The photosynthetic capacity of flag leaves, dry matter accumulation, and N metabolite enzyme activities from anthesis to maturity were studied on a long-term fertilization trial under different N rates [0 kg ha?1(N1), 52.5 kg ha?1 (N2), 105 kg ha?1 (N3), 157.5 kg ha?1 (N4), and 210 kg ha?1 (N5)]. It was observed that N3 produced optimum total dry matter (5407 kg ha?1), 1000 grain weight (39.7 g), grain yield (2.64 t ha?1), and protein content (13.97%). Our results showed that N fertilization significantly increased photosynthetic parameters and N metabolite enzymes at all growth stages. Nitrogen harvest index, partial productivity factor, agronomic recovery efficiency, and nitrogen agronomic efficiency were decreased with increased N. Higher N rates (N3–N5) maintained higher photosynthetic capacity and dry matter accumulation and lower intercellular CO2 content. The N supply influenced NUE by improving photosynthetic properties. The N3 produced highest chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate, grain yield, grain protein, dry matter, grains weight, and N metabolite enzyme activities compared to the other rates (N1, N2, N4, and N5). Therefore, increasing N rates beyond the optimum quantity only promotes vegetative development and results in lower yields.

【背景】青海省特殊生境孕育了特殊微生物资源。【目的】探究适合生活于高原生境的芽胞杆菌菌源。【方法】采用平板对峙法、显色法对萎缩芽胞杆菌(Bacillus atrophaeus) CKL1的拮抗、产吲哚乙酸活性进行测定,并检测耐低温、耐盐性及菌株对盐胁迫下燕麦品种(Avena sativa)“青燕1号”种子萌发、幼苗生长效应及叶绿素、脯氨酸、丙二醛的含量变化,利用二代测序技术对菌株进行基因组测序并分析相关功能基因。【结果】菌株CKL1对禾谷镰孢菌(Fusarium graminearum)、锐顶镰孢菌(Fusarium acuminatum)表现出显著的拮抗活性(抑菌圈直径>15 mm);与Salkowski比色液反应变红,能在NaCl浓度为13%的LB培养基及4℃低温下生长,表现出一定的产吲哚乙酸、耐盐及耐低温活性;盐胁迫下,菌株CKL1对“青燕1号”种子萌发及幼苗生长具有显著促进作用,叶绿素及脯氨酸含量显著增加,丙二醛含量下降,增强了燕麦的抗盐性。菌株CKL1基因组全长为14 281 280 bp,与GO功能数据库比对注释到3 303个功能基因;基因组编码与脂肽类化合物itur...  相似文献   
杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)是亚热带地区主要造林树种之一,其在区域碳循环和缓解气候变化中起着重要的作用。以亚热带地区6个站点(荆关、马鬃岭、分宜、将乐、东风、高峰)杉木人工林为研究对象,建立树轮标准化年表,分析树木年轮年表与气候因子的关系,解析不同研究区杉木径向生长对气候变化的响应机制,探讨不同站点杉木对干旱事件的响应策略,为该地区杉木人工林的经营管理提供理论依据。研究结果表明,6个研究区杉木树轮宽度对气候变化的平均敏感度大于0.15,样本总体代表性大于0.85,均处于可接受水平,表明6个站点的杉木样本具有区域代表性,适用于进行气候相关分析。杉木径向生长主要与生长季的平均温度和降水量、上一年夏季的最低温度正相关,与当年夏季最高温度负相关,高峰站点的径向生长与7—10月的相对湿度显著正相关,其他地点径向生长与月相对湿度相关性较弱,分宜、东风和高峰站的径向生长与干旱指数显著正相关,其他地点的杉木树轮宽度与干旱指数相关性较弱。干旱事件对6个站点杉木生长均产生了负面影响,胸高断面积增长(Basal area increment, BAI)呈先上升后下降的趋势,在生长后...  相似文献   
李冬青  张明雪  侯玲玲 《生态学报》2024,44(7):2826-2836
因地制宜选择实现模式是建立健全生态产品价值实现机制、践行"两山理论"的重要举措。利用自然资源部和生态环境部推介的生态产品价值实现典型案例文本词频数据,采用随机森林分析方法,从自然资本、生态服务和参与主体三个角度,实证总结了不同价值实现模式的应用场景及其运行机制。研究表明:生态产业化经营模式主要是用于农地自然资本,通过市场手段激励农户等经营主体参与,提升农地供给生态产品的功能。生态资源指标及产权交易模式主要是用于林地自然资本,通过生态权益交易,协调公共和私人部门之间的利益,以保护森林的调节服务功能。生态补偿模式主要是用于水域自然资本,通过建立受益者和保护者之间的补偿机制,提升水域的调节和供给服务功能。生态修复及价值提升模式主要是用于废弃工矿用地自然资本,通过政府部门和市场主体联合开展修复整治,提升废弃工矿用地的文化服务和供给功能。研究结果为因地制宜建立生态产品价值实现推进机制提供政策参考。  相似文献   
Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) play important roles in the spatial and temporal regulation of muscle development and regeneration. Nevertheless, the determination of their biological functions and mechanisms underlying muscle regeneration remains challenging. Here, we identified a lncRNA named lncMREF (lncRNA muscle regeneration enhancement factor) as a conserved positive regulator of muscle regeneration among mice, pigs and humans. Functional studies demonstrated that lncMREF, which is mainly expressed in differentiated muscle satellite cells, promotes myogenic differentiation and muscle regeneration. Mechanistically, lncMREF interacts with Smarca5 to promote chromatin accessibility when muscle satellite cells are activated and start to differentiate, thereby facilitating genomic binding of p300/CBP/H3K27ac to upregulate the expression of myogenic regulators, such as MyoD and cell differentiation. Our results unravel a novel temporal-specific epigenetic regulation during muscle regeneration and reveal that lncMREF/Smarca5-mediated epigenetic programming is responsible for muscle cell differentiation, which provides new insights into the regulatory mechanism of muscle regeneration.  相似文献   
To identify prostate cancer (PCa) patients with a high risk of recurrence is critical before delivering adjuvant treatment. We developed a classifier based on the Enzalutamide treatment resistance‐related genes to assist the currently available staging system in predicting the recurrence‐free survival (RFS) prognosis of PCa patients. We overlapped the DEGs from two datasets to obtain a more convincing Enzalutamide‐resistance‐related‐gene (ERRG) cluster. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier obtained good predictive values in both the training and validation cohorts. The classifier precisely predicted RFS of patients in four cohorts, independent of patient age, pathological tumour stage, Gleason score and PSA levels. The classifier and the clinicopathological factors were combined to construct a nomogram, which had an increased predictive accuracy than that of each variable alone. Besides, we also compared the differences between high‐ and low‐risk subgroups and found their differences were enriched in cancer progression‐related pathways. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier is a practical and reliable predictor, which adds value to the existing staging system for predicting the RFS prognosis of PCa after radical prostatectomy, enabling physicians to make more informed treatment decisions concerning adjuvant therapy.  相似文献   
白茆塘和戚浦塘位于苏州市辖区,水生维管植物十分丰富.对其流域水生维管束植物资源进行了调查,发现共有水生植物99种,隶属于36科76属.同时对水生维管束植物的资源及群落进行了分析探讨,以期为水生植物资源的保护和合理利用等方面提供科学建议.  相似文献   
Adipose tissue hypoxia is an early phenotype in obesity, associated with macrophage infiltration and local inflammation. Here we test the hypothesis that adipocytes in culture respond to a hypoxic environment with the release of pro-inflammatory factors that stimulate macrophage migration and cause muscle insulin resistance. 3T3-L1 adipocytes cultured in a 1% O2 atmosphere responded with a classic hypoxia response by elevating protein expression of HIF-1α. This was associated with elevated mRNA expression and peptide release of cytokines TNFα, IL-6 and the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). The mRNA and protein expression of the anti-inflammatory adipokine adiponectin was reduced. Conditioned medium from hypoxia-treated adipocytes (CM-H), inhibited insulin-stimulated and raised basal cell surface levels of GLUT4myc stably expressed in C2C12 myotubes. Insulin stimulation of Akt and AS160 phosphorylation, key regulators of GLUT4myc exocytosis, was markedly impaired. CM-H also caused activation of JNK and S6K, and elevated serine phosphorylation of IRS1 in the C2C12 myotubes. These effects were implicated in reducing propagation of insulin signaling to Akt and AS160. Heat inactivation of CM-H reversed its dual effects on GLUT4myc traffic in muscle cells. Interestingly, antibody-mediated neutralization of IL-6 in CM-H lowered its effect on both the basal and insulin-stimulated cell surface GLUT4myc compared to unmodified CM-H. IL-6 may have regulated GLUT4myc traffic through its action on AMPK. Additionally, antibody-mediated neutralization of MCP-1 partly reversed the inhibition of insulin-stimulated GLUT4myc exocytosis caused by unmodified CM-H. In Transwell co-culture, hypoxia-challenged adipocytes attracted RAW 264.7 macrophages, consistent with elevated release of MCP-1 from adipocytes during hypoxia. Neutralization of MCP-1 in adipocyte CM-H prevented macrophage migration towards it and partly reversed the effect of CM-H on insulin response in muscle cells. We conclude that adipose tissue hypoxia may be an important trigger of its inflammatory response observed in obesity, and the elevated chemokine MCP-1 may contribute to increased macrophage migration towards adipose tissue and subsequent decreased insulin responsiveness of glucose uptake in muscle.  相似文献   
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