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Sucrose Metabolism in Netted Muskmelon Fruit during Development   总被引:40,自引:10,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
Sugar content and composition are major criteria used in judging the quality of netted muskmelon (Cucumis melo L. var reticulatus) fruit. Sugar composition and four enzymes of sucrose metabolism were determined in `Magnum 45' muskmelon fruit at 10-day intervals beginning 10 days after pollination (DAP) until full-slip (35 DAP). Sugar content increased in both outer (green) mesocarp and inner (orange) mesocarp between 20 and 30 DAP. The major proportion of total increase in sugar was attributed to sucrose accumulation. The large increase in sucrose relative to glucose and fructose was accompanied by a dramatic decrease in acid invertase activity, which was highest in both tissues at 10 and 20 DAP, and increases in sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and sucrose synthase activities. The green tissue had a lower proportion of total sugar as sucrose, greater invertase activity, and less SPS activity than the orange tissue. Changes in relative sucrose content were highly correlated with changes in enzyme activity. The results strongly suggest that increases in the proportion of sucrose found in melon fruit were associated with a decline in acid invertase activity and an increase in SPS activity approximately 10 days before full-slip. Therefore, these enzymes apparently play a key role in determining sugar composition and the quality of muskmelon fruit.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of ionizing radiation on the morphology of the pulmonary circulation using an in vivo rat model and an in vitro pulmonary artery endothelial cell model. Gamma radiation was given as either an acute (30 Gy) or fractionated (5 X 6 Gy) dose to one hemithorax of rats. An acute 30-Gy dose delivered resulted in a 70% decrease in pulmonary arterial perfusion, using technetium-99m microaggregated albumin (99mTc-MAA), in the irradiated lung by 2-3 weeks after irradiation. Pulmonary microradiographs, using a barium sulfate perfusion method, obtained 2-3 weeks after irradiation demonstrated widespread loss of capillary filling and segmentation of the vessels. Histologic examination demonstrated intact capillaries, suggesting that the alterations in pulmonary perfusion were at the precapillary level. Similar abnormalities in lung perfusion and morphology were found after delivery of fractionated doses of radiation, but the onset of the changes was delayed, occurring 4-6 weeks postirradiation. Using cultured pulmonary endothelial cell monolayers, cell sloughing and retraction from the surface substrate were observed within 24 h after in vitro delivery of 30 Gy. Similar findings occurred in monolayers given fractionated doses (5 X 6 Gy) of radiation 2-3 days after the final dose. The in vivo animal and in vitro endothelial cell models offer a useful means of examining the morphologic alterations involved in radiation lung vascular damage.  相似文献   
Evidence for the uptake of sucrose intact into sugarcane internodes   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Application of [14C]fructosyl sucrose was used to determine whether sucrose cleavage was necessary for sucrose uptake by sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) internode tissue. Although approximately 25% of 14C in the apoplast was present as fructose, indicating some sucrose cleavage, less than 15% of the label was randomized in the sucrose that remained in the tissue after a 30 minute osmoticum rinse. This is insufficient to support cleavage and resynthesis as the sole sucrose transport scheme. The lack of randomization of label between the glucose and fructose moieties of the sucrose molecule was taken as presumptive evidence that sucrose does not have to be cleaved prior to uptake by parenchyma cells in sugarcane internode tissue.  相似文献   
The levels and cell-type distribution of late embryogenesis abundant (Lea) proteins D-7 and D-113 have been determined in mature cotton embryos by immunochemical methods. The two proteins were expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli and utilized for antibody production in rabbits. The antiserum to each protein was found to interact with all members of each protein family in cotton extracts by protein gel blotting. Using these antibodies in quantitative "rocket" immunoelectrophoreses, D-7 proteins were found to accumulate to ~8 x 1015 molecules per embryo, which is equivalent to ~109 molecules per "average cell." D-113 proteins accumulate to ~1016 molecules per embryo, which equates to ~1.3 x 109 molecules per average cell. These values calculate to concentrations of about 226 and 283 [mu]M, respectively, in the cell aqueous phase immediately prior to seed desiccation. In immunocytochemical studies using the fluorophor rhodamine linked to the secondary antibody, both proteins appeared to be evenly present in the cytosol of all cell types present in the embryo, including both cotyledon and axis epidermal cells. Thus, their function does not appear related to unique functions of specific cell or tissue types. The very high molar concentrations of the two proteins, coupled with their unusual predicted structure and their cytosol location, would seem to reduce the number of their conceivable functions.  相似文献   
The results described in the accompanying article support the model in which glucosylphosphoryldolichol (Glc-P-Dol) is synthesized on the cytoplasmic face of the ER, and functions as a glucosyl donor for three Glc-P-Dol:Glc0-2Man9-GlcNAc2-P-P-Dol glucosyltransferases (GlcTases) in the lumenal compartment. In this study, the enzymatic synthesis and structural characterization by NMR and electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry of a series of water-soluble beta-Glc-P-Dol analogs containing 2-4 isoprene units with either the cis - or trans - stereoconfiguration in the beta-position are described. The water- soluble analogs were (1) used to examine the stereospecificity of the Glc-P-Dol:Glc0-2Man9GlcNAc2-P-P-Dol glucosyltransferases (GlcTases) and (2) tested as potential substrates for a membrane protein(s) mediating the transbilayer movement of Glc-P-Dol in sealed ER vesicles from rat liver and pig brain. The Glc-P-Dol-mediated GlcTases in pig brain microsomes utilized [3H]Glc-labeled Glc-P-Dol10, Glc-P-(omega, c )Dol15, Glc-P(omega, t,t )Dol20, and Glc-P-(omega, t,c )Dol20as glucosyl donors with [3H]Glc3Man9GlcNAc2-P-P-Dol the major product labeled in vitro. A preference was exhibited for C15-20 substrates containing an internal cis -isoprene unit in the beta-position. In addition, the water-soluble analog, Glc-P-Dol10, was shown to enter the lumenal compartment of sealed microsomal vesicles from rat liver and pig brain via a protein-mediated transport system enriched in the ER. The properties of the ER transport system have been characterized. Glc- P-Dol10was not transported into or adsorbed by synthetic PC-liposomes or bovine erythrocytes. The results of these studies indicate that (1) the internal cis -isoprene units are important for the utilization of Glc-P-Dol as a glucosyl donor and (2) the transport of the water- soluble analog may provide an experimental approach to assay the hypothetical "flippase" proposed to mediate the transbilayer movement of Glc-P-Dol from the cytoplasmic face of the ER to the lumenal monolayer.   相似文献   
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of four harvesting methods on juice quality and storability in sweet sorghum. Three cultivars (Dale, Theis, and M81-E) were harvested at 90, 115, and 140 days after planting. Stalks were stripped of leaves and topped at the peduncle, then divided into four treatments (whole stalk, 20- or 40-cm billets, or chopped). The sorghum was stored outside at ambient temperature in a shade tent, and juice was extracted from samples removed at 0, 1, 2, and 4 days after harvest. Changes in juice Brix and sugars were reported in an earlier paper (Lingle, Tew, Rukavina, Boykin, Post-harvest changes in sweet sorghum I: Brix and sugars, BioEnergy Research 5:158–167, 2012). In this paper, we report changes in juice pH, titratable acidity (TA), and protein, starch, and mannitol concentrations. Juice pH dropped rapidly after harvest in chopped sorghum, but changed little during 4 days of storage in whole stalks or billets. Similarly, TA increased with storage time in chopped samples, but was unchanged in whole stalks and billets. Protein concentration was highly variable, and no pattern with treatment or storage time could be discerned. In whole stalks and billets, starch content slowly decreased during storage, while in chopped samples starch appeared to increase. This was most likely a result of an increase in dextran synthesized by microorganisms in those samples, which was also detected by the enzymatic starch assay. The concentration of mannitol increased with storage time in chopped samples, but not in whole stalks or billets. Within a harvest date, pH was highly correlated with total sugar, while TA and mannitol were highly negatively correlated with total sugar. The results confirm that whole stalks and billets were little changed over 4 days of storage, while chopped sorghum was badly deteriorated 1 day after harvest. Changes in pH, TA, or mannitol could be used to measure deterioration in sweet sorghum after harvest.  相似文献   
During passage through the female reproductive tract, mammalian sperm undergo a maturation process termed capacitation that renders sperm competent to produce fertilization. Capacitation involves a sequence of changes in biochemical and electrical properties, the onset of a hyperactivated swimming behavior, and development of the ability to undergo successful fusion and penetration with an egg. In mouse sperm, the development of hyperactivated motility is dependent on cytosolic alkalization that then results in an increase in cytosolic Ca2+. The elevation of Ca2+ is thought to be primarily driven by the concerted interplay of two alkalization-activated currents, a K+ current (KSPER) composed of pore-forming subunits encoded by the Kcnu1 gene (also termed Slo3) and a Ca2+ current arising from a family of CATSPER subunits. After deletion of any of four CATSPER subunit genes (CATSPER1–4), the major remaining current in mouse sperm is alkalization-activated KSPER current. After genetic deletion of the Slo3 gene, KSPER current is abolished, but there remains a small voltage-activated K+ current hypothesized to reflect monovalent flux through CATSPER. Here, we address two questions. First, does the residual outward K+ current present in the Slo3 −/− sperm arise from CATSPER? Second, can any additional membrane K+ currents be detected in mouse sperm by patch-clamp methods other than CATSPER and KSPER? Here, using mice bred to lack both SLO3 and CATSPER1 subunits, we show conclusively that the voltage-activated outward current present in Slo3 −/− sperm is abolished when CATSPER is also deleted. Any leak currents that may play a role in setting the resting membrane potential in noncapacitated sperm are likely smaller than the pipette leak current and thus cannot be resolved within the limitation of the patch-clamp technique. Together, KSPER and CATSPER appear to be the sole ion channels present in mouse sperm that regulate membrane potential and Ca2+ influx in response to alkalization.  相似文献   
Rhodamines were first produced in the late 19th century, when they constituted a new class of synthetic dyes. These compounds since have been used to color many things including cosmetics, inks, textiles, and in some countries, food products. Certain rhodamine dyes also have been used to stain biological specimens and currently are widely used as fluorescent probes for mitochondria in living cells. The early history and current biological applications are sketched briefly and an account of the ambiguities, complications and confusions concerning dye identification and nomenclature are discussed.  相似文献   
Both beta1 and beta2 auxiliary subunits of the BK-type K(+) channel family profoundly regulate the apparent Ca(2)+ sensitivity of BK-type Ca(2)+-activated K(+) channels. Each produces a pronounced leftward shift in the voltage of half-activation (V(0.5)) at a given Ca(2)+ concentration, particularly at Ca(2)+ above 1 microM. In contrast, the rapidly inactivating beta3b auxiliary produces a leftward shift in activation at Ca(2)+ below 1 microM. In the companion work (Lingle, C.J., X.-H. Zeng, J.-P. Ding, and X.-M. Xia. 2001. J. Gen. Physiol. 117:583-605, this issue), we have shown that some of the apparent beta3b-mediated shift in activation at low Ca(2)+ arises from rapid unblocking of inactivated channels, unlike the actions of the beta1 and beta2 subunits. Here, we compare effects of the beta3b subunit that arise from inactivation, per se, versus those that may arise from other functional effects of the subunit. In particular, we examine gating properties of the beta3b subunit and compare it to beta3b constructs lacking either the NH(2)- or COOH terminus or both. The results demonstrate that, although the NH(2) terminus appears to be the primary determinant of the beta3b-mediated shift in V(0.5) at low Ca(2)+, removal of the NH(2) terminus reveals two other interesting aspects of the action of the beta3b subunit. First, the conductance-voltage curves for activation of channels containing the beta3b subunit are best described by a double Boltzmann shape, which is proposed to arise from two independent voltage-dependent activation steps. Second, the presence of the beta3b subunit results in channels that exhibit an anomalous instantaneous outward current rectification that is correlated with a voltage dependence in the time-averaged single-channel current. The two effects appear to be unrelated, but indicative of the variety of ways that interactions between beta and alpha subunits can affect BK channel function. The COOH terminus of the beta3b subunit produces no discernible functional effects.  相似文献   
An auxiliary beta2 subunit, when coexpressed with Slo alpha subunits, produces inactivation of the resulting large-conductance, Ca(2+) and voltage-dependent K(+) (BK-type) channels. Inactivation is mediated by the cytosolic NH(2) terminus of the beta2 subunit. To understand the structural requirements for inactivation, we have done a mutational analysis of the role of the NH(2) terminus in the inactivation process. The beta2 NH(2) terminus contains 46 residues thought to be cytosolic to the first transmembrane segment (TM1). Here, we address two issues. First, we define the key segment of residues that mediates inactivation. Second, we examine the role of the linker between the inactivation segment and TM1. The results show that the critical determinant for inactivation is an initial segment of three amino acids (residues 2-4: FIW) after the initiation methionine. Deletions that scan positions from residue 5 through residue 36 alter inactivation, but do not abolish it. In contrast, deletion of FIW or combinations of point mutations within the FIW triplet abolish inactivation. Mutational analysis of the three initial residues argues that inactivation does not result from a well-defined structure formed by this epitope. Inactivation may be better explained by linear entry of the NH(2)-terminal peptide segment into the permeation pathway with residue hydrophobicity and size influencing the onset and recovery from inactivation. Examination of the ability of artificial, polymeric linkers to support inactivation suggests that a variety of amino acid sequences can serve as adequate linkers as long as they contain a minimum of 12 residues between the first transmembrane segment and the FIW triplet. Thus, neither a specific distribution of charge on the linker nor a specific structure in the linker is required to support the inactivation process.  相似文献   
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