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An ecosystem service is a benefit derived by humanity that can be traced back to an ecological process. Although ecosystem services related to surface water have been thoroughly described, the relationship between atmospheric water and ecosystem services has been mostly neglected, and perhaps misunderstood. Recent advances in land-atmosphere modeling have revealed the importance of terrestrial ecosystems for moisture recycling. In this paper, we analyze the extent to which vegetation sustains the supply of atmospheric moisture and precipitation for downwind beneficiaries, globally. We simulate land-surface evaporation with a global hydrology model and track changes to moisture recycling using an atmospheric moisture budget model, and we define vegetation-regulated moisture recycling as the difference in moisture recycling between current vegetation and a hypothetical desert world. Our results show that nearly a fifth of annual average precipitation falling on land is from vegetation-regulated moisture recycling, but the global variability is large, with many places receiving nearly half their precipitation from this ecosystem service. The largest potential impacts for changes to this ecosystem service are land-use changes across temperate regions in North America and Russia. Likewise, in semi-arid regions reliant on rainfed agricultural production, land-use change that even modestly reduces evaporation and subsequent precipitation, could significantly affect human well-being. We also present a regional case study in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil, where we identify the specific moisture recycling ecosystem services associated with the vegetation in Mato Grosso. We find that Mato Grosso vegetation regulates some internal precipitation, with a diffuse region of benefit downwind, primarily to the south and east, including the La Plata River basin and the megacities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. We synthesize our global and regional results into a generalized framework for describing moisture recycling as an ecosystem service. We conclude that future work ought to disentangle whether and how this vegetation-regulated moisture recycling interacts with other ecosystem services, so that trade-offs can be assessed in a comprehensive and sustainable manner.  相似文献   
Intravenous injection of an endotoxin-free solution of poloxamine-908 to rats can enhance the phagocytic clearance capacity of tissue macrophages, particularly those of the liver and the spleen. Such stimulated cells were able to clear a significant portion of intravenously injected methoxypoly(ethyleneglycol)2000 liposomes (mean size of 87 nm), labelled with technetium-99m via the N-hydroxysuccinimidyl hydrazine nicotinate hydrochloride derivative of distearoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, within 4 h post administration. These liposomes, otherwise, exhibit long circulatory behaviour in control animals, with poor localization to the liver and spleen. We suggest that such technetium-99m-labelled engineered vesicles may be of aid for detection of the liver and spleen macrophages with enhanced phagocytic clearance capacity by gamma scintigraphy. Alterations in the phagocytic activity of liver and spleen macrophages is known to occur during cancer. Therefore, such diagnostic procedures may prove useful for patient selection or for monitoring the progress of treatment with long circulating nanoparticles carrying anti-cancer agents, thus minimizing damage to this important line of body's defence cells, and are discussed.  相似文献   
cDNA sequence of a human heat shock protein HSP27.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Bordetella pertussis, the etiologic agent of whooping cough, produces a calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase which elevates intracellular cAMP in a variety of eucaryotic cells. Exogenous calmodulin added to the partially purified adenylate cyclase has been shown to inhibit invasion of animal cells by this enzyme (Shattuck, R. L., and Storm, D. R. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 6323-6328). In this study, several properties of the calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase are shown to be influenced by Ca2+ in the absence of calmodulin. The presence or absence of Ca2+ during QAE-Sephadex ion exchange chromatography produced two distinct chromatographic patterns of adenylate cyclase activity. Two different forms of the enzyme (Pk1 and Pk2EGTA) were isolated by this procedure. Pk1 adenylate cyclase readily elevated intracellular cAMP levels in mouse neuroblastoma cells (N1E-115) while Pk2EGTA adenylate cyclase had no effect on cAMP levels in these cells. Gel exclusion chromatography of Pk1 adenylate cyclase gave apparent Stokes radii (RS) of 43.5 A (+/- 1.3) in the presence of 2 mM CaCl2 and 33.8 A (+/- 0.94) in the presence of 2 mM EGTA [( ethylenebis (oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid). These Stokes radii are consistent with molecular weights of 104,000 (+/- 6,400) and 61,000 (+/- 3,600), respectively. Pk2EGTA adenylate cyclase had an apparent RS of 33.0 (+/- 1.2) (Mr = 60,600 (+/- 2,800] in the presence of Ca2+ or excess EGTA. At 60 degrees C, Pk1 adenylate cyclase exhibited a Ca2+-dependent heat stability with a half-life for loss of enzyme activity of 10.3 min in 5 mM CaCl2 and a half-life of 2.8 min in the presence of 0.1 microM CaCl2. The stability of Pk2EGTA adenylate cyclase was not affected by changes in free Ca2+. The adenylate cyclase preparations described above were submitted to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and enzyme activity was recovered from gel slices by extraction with detergent containing buffers. The catalytic subunit isolated from SDS-polyacrylamide gels was activated 7-fold in the presence of Ca2+ with maximum activity observed at 1 microM free Ca2+. With both preparations, the apparent molecular weight of the catalytic subunit on SDS gels was 51,000 in the presence of 2 mM CaCl2 and 45,000 in the presence of 2 mM EGTA. The catalytic subunit of the enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity by preparative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and resubmitted to SDS gel electrophoresis in the presence or absence of free Ca2+. The purified catalytic subunit also exhibited a Ca2+-dependent shift in its mobility on SDS gels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Six female and six male adult rhesus macaques were given sticks and nylon balls as an attempt at simple cage enrichment. A latin square design was used to compare behavior during separate 4-week periods with each object and during a control period with no object. Frequency and duration of 15 different behaviors were recorded. Resting was the most common activity which decreased slightly in duration when the stick or nylon ball was present (P less than 0.02). The mean duration of stick use was longer than that of the nylon ball (P less than 0.01). No other behaviors changed significantly, including the frequency of abnormal behaviors such as self-abuse, stereotypic acts, and bizarre postures. Generally, these objects were used infrequently and led to few changes in the behavior of singly-caged adult rhesus macaques. However, they did appear to stimulate activity for some individuals.  相似文献   
The conformation of tetrahydrobiopterin analogues in aqueous solution at 23 degrees C has been determined by analyzing the 200-MHz 1H NMR spectral parameters of the enzymatically active 6-methyltetrahydropterin, 7-methyltetrahydropterin, and cis- and trans-6,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterins. Each of these cofactors, with the exception of the cis-6,7-dimethyl isomer, exhibited an unusually small trans 6H-7H spin-spin coupling (8.5-9.1 Hz). An empirical equation that accounts for the effects of substituent electronegativity and orientation on vicinal couplings [Haasnoot, C. A. G., deLeeuw, F. A. A. M., & Altona, C. (1980) Tetrahedron 36, 2783-2792] predicted this coupling to be 11.3-11.6 Hz. We attribute the discrepancy between the calculated and experimentally observed values of this coupling to hyperconjugation of the axially oriented C7-H bond with the pi orbital of the vinylogous amide protein of the pterin ring (N8-C8a = C4a-C4 = O) rather than conformational averaging. The trans 6H-7H interproton distance in the 6-methyl analogue is calculated to be 3.0 A from the measured decrease in the spin-lattice relaxation rate of the axially oriented C7 proton after specific deuteration at C6. This is consistent with the single-conformer interpretation. Chemical shift comparisons of the methyl resonances of these analogues, NOE measurements from selectively deuterated analogues, and the differential sensitivities of axially vs. equatorially disposed ring protons to protonation at N5 all indicate that (i) the methyl substituents at both the C6 and C7 positions markedly prefer equatorial-like orientations and (ii) the tetrahydropterin ring is, with the exception of a pronounced pucker at C6, nearly planar.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
In a typical Dutch polder landscape the effects of nutrient transport from cultivated grassland to mesotrophic fen communities were studied. In a comparative approach, biomass production and nutrient (N, P and K) uptake were determined monthly in four fens and a hayfield differeing in productivity and species composition. The interstitial ground water was sampled every two weeks for determinations of inorganic nutrient concentrations.The differences in productivity between the fens were clearly reflected in the amount of N, P and K taken up in the above-ground vegetation. N and P proved to be limiting plant growth in the fens, whereas K was the main limiting factor in the hayfield. The ground water welling up from the sandy bottom into the fens proved to be rich in ammonia (3–5 ppm). There are strong indications that this continual seepage leads to a considerable input of N into the fens but not to a higher productivity, as the ammonia is absorbed by the lowermost peat layers covering the sand.At this moment, the differences in productivity between the fens must be caused by differences in the rates of mineralization of the superficial peat layer. The degree of fixation of the floating vegetation mat, determining whether or not low water levels lead to an aerated soil top layer, is important in this respect. Within a period of decades, however, the continuous inflow of ammonia may eventually cause an increase in the productivity and a change in the species composition of the fens.  相似文献   
1. The effects of ATP, PP(i) and EDTA on the skeletal-muscle pyruvate kinase reaction at various concentrations of magnesium (where ;magnesium' refers to total Mg(2+), both free and in the form of complexes) were investigated. The reaction rate was determined as the amount of pyruvate formed in a recorded time of incubation. 2. At 44mm-magnesium the K(m) values for ADP and phosphoenolpyruvate were unaltered by the presence of ATP up to 6.8mm in systems buffered with either tris-hydrochloric acid or glycylglycine-sodium hydroxide, but the K(m) values were different in these systems. The K(m) for one substrate was independent of the concentration of the second substrate. 3. At 10mm-magnesium in the tris-hydrochloric acid system ATP inhibited the reaction competitively with respect to ADP and phosphoenolpyruvate. In the glycylglycine-sodium hydroxide system the inhibition appeared to be non-competitive. At 10mm-magnesium the K(m) values were lower than at 44mm-magnesium and dependent on the system used. 4. In the tris-hydrochloric acid system the reaction rate rose with increasing magnesium concentration up to a maximum at a concentration 10-20 times that of ADP. Further increase inhibited the reaction and at 44mm-magnesium the rate was 25-50% of its maximum. This inhibition paralleled that produced by increasing trimethylammonium chloride concentrations and was not due to a specific effect of the Mg(2+) ion. 5. In the presence of 6.8mm-ATP no reaction occurred below 4-6mm-magnesium, and further increase apparently abolished the inhibition as the reaction rate increased and became equal to those obtained in the absence of ATP at 10-25mm-magnesium. Further increase in magnesium concentration gave reaction rates that were slightly higher in the presence of ATP than in its absence. The maximal rate in the presence of ATP was distinctly lower than in its absence. When 6.8mm-PP(i) or 6.8mm-EDTA was present the variations in reaction rate with rising magnesium concentration were similar to that obtained in the presence of ATP below 6-8mm-magnesium but further increase in the magnesium concentration resulted in an increase in the rate up to a maximum comparable with that of the control. The effect of pure chelation was thus a displacement of the reaction maximum to higher magnesium concentrations without changing the maximal rate. When correction had been made for this effect, ATP gave inhibition at 44mm-magnesium that was competitive with respect to ADP (K(i) 2.1x10(-2)m). This degree of inhibition is far less than was reported earlier and its importance for the mechanism of the pyruvate kinase reaction is discussed.  相似文献   
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