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The primary purpose of this investigation was to secure select anatomical and physiological measurements from hypophysectomized rats and their sham-operated control to determine how various endocrine influences could be modified by conditions of simulated microgravity. The focal point of the study was the exercise responses after head-down suspension; however, we were also interested in obtaining insights on nonexercise-related mechanisms. Since more details and information concerning this study will be published elsewhere, we will highlight those findings which warrant further research.  相似文献   
Allen, David L., Jon K. Linderman, Roland R. Roy, Richard E. Grindeland, Venkat Mukku, and V. Reggie Edgerton. Growth hormone/IGF-I and/or resistive exercise maintains myonuclearnumber in hindlimb unweighted muscles. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(5): 1857-1861, 1997.In the presentstudy of rats, we examined the role, during 2 wk ofhindlimb suspension, of growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor I(GH/IGF-I) administration and/or brief bouts of resistance exercise in ameliorating the loss of myonuclei in fibers of the soleusmuscle that express type I myosin heavy chain. Hindlimb suspensionresulted in a significant decrease in mean soleus wet weight that wasattenuated either by exercise alone or by exercise plus GH/IGF-Itreatment but was not attenuated by hormonal treatment alone. Both meanmyonuclear number and mean fiber cross-sectional area (CSA) of fibersexpressing type I myosin heavy chain decreased after 2 wk of suspensioncompared with control (134 vs. 162 myonuclei/mm and 917 vs. 2,076 µm2, respectively). NeitherGH/IGF-I treatment nor exercise alone affected myonuclear number orfiber CSA, but the combination of exercise and growth-factor treatmentattenuated the decrease in both variables. A significant correlationwas found between mean myonuclear number and mean CSA across allgroups. Thus GH/IGF-I administration and brief bouts of muscle loadinghad an interactive effect in attenuating the loss of myonuclei inducedby chronic unloading.

The vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi of commercially grown Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) were studied. Soil and root samples were collected monthly from March through September 1975 from five fields in the coastal area of southern Oregon and northern California. Soil seivings were inoculated onto clover, onion, and lily to cause infections resulting in the production of many new mycorrhizal spores facilitating identification. Four VA mycorrhizal species were found: Acaulospora trappei, A. elegans, Glomus monosporus, and G. fasciculatus. All four VA species infected Easter lily, clover, and onion. Acaulospora trappei and G. fasciculatus were the most commonly isolated species from all five fields. Mycorrhizal infections in roots of field-grown lilies were sparse and presumably young in March and gradually increased in size and number until September when bulbs were harvested. Over 75% of each root system became infected with mycorrhizae in fields with all four fungal species, and those levels were reached by July. In fields with only two mycorrhizal species, usually 50% or less of each root system was infected, even by the end of the growing season.  相似文献   
Influenza viruses routinely acquire mutations in antigenic sites on the globular head of the hemagglutinin (HA) protein. Since these antigenic sites are near the receptor binding pocket of HA, many antigenic mutations simultaneously alter the receptor binding properties of HA. We previously reported that a K165E mutation in the Sa antigenic site of A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (PR8) HA is associated with secondary neuraminidase (NA) mutations that decrease NA activity. Here, using reverse genetics, we show that the K165E HA mutation dramatically decreases HA binding to sialic acid receptors on cell surfaces. We sequentially passaged reverse-genetics-derived PR8 viruses with the K165E antigenic HA mutation in fertilized chicken eggs, and to our surprise, viruses with secondary NA mutations did not emerge. Instead, viruses with secondary HA mutations emerged in 3 independent passaging experiments, and each of these mutations increased HA binding to sialic acid receptors. Importantly, these compensatory HA mutations were located in the Ca antigenic site and prevented binding of Ca-specific monoclonal antibodies. Taken together, these data indicate that HA antigenic mutations that alter receptor binding avidity can be compensated for by secondary HA or NA mutations. Antigenic diversification of influenza viruses can therefore occur irrespective of direct antibody pressure, since compensatory HA mutations can be located in distinct antibody binding sites.  相似文献   
To investigate relationships between pituitary function and gender on skeletal muscle growth and hypertrophy, fiber cross sectional area (CSA) and type were assessed in the plantaris muscle of normal and dwarf (Dw) male and female Lewis rats after 6 weeks of functional overload (FO). Serum growth hormone levels were 70-80% less in Dw rats of both genders, and body mass was 62% greater in normal rats when compared to their Dw counterparts. Muscle weight was affected by gender, dwarfism, and FO as well as a significant gender*Dw*FO interaction. FO increased Type I, IIA, and IIX/B fiber CSA 120%, 102%, and 75%, respectively. Only type 1H fibers exhibited a reduction in CSA as a function of gender or dwarfism. Both type IIA and IIX/B fibers were affected by a significant gender*Dw*FO interaction. Our results suggest that the growth of type II fibers is sensitive to gender and pituitary function, while hypertrophy of type II muscle fibers is a function of the interaction between mechanical load, gender, and pituitary function.  相似文献   
Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) are GTPase-accelerating proteins (GAPs), which can inhibit heterotrimeric G protein pathways. In this study, we provide experimental and theoretical evidence that high concentrations of receptors (as at a synapse) can lead to saturation of GDP-GTP exchange making GTP hydrolysis rate-limiting. This results in local depletion of inactive heterotrimeric G-GDP, which is reversed by RGS GAP activity. Thus, RGS enhances receptor-mediated G protein activation even as it deactivates the G protein. Evidence supporting this model includes a GTP-dependent enhancement of guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTPgammaS) binding to G(i) by RGS. The RGS domain of RGS4 is sufficient for this, not requiring the NH(2)- or COOH-terminal extensions. Furthermore, a kinetic model including only the GAP activity of RGS replicates the GTP-dependent enhancement of GTPgammaS binding observed experimentally. Finally in a Monte Carlo model, this mechanism results in a dramatic "spatial focusing" of active G protein. Near the receptor, G protein activity is maintained even with RGS due to the ability of RGS to reduce depletion of local Galpha-GDP levels permitting rapid recoupling to receptor and maintained G protein activation near the receptor. In contrast, distant signals are suppressed by the RGS, since Galpha-GDP is not depleted there. Thus, a novel RGS-mediated "kinetic scaffolding" mechanism is proposed which narrows the spatial range of active G protein around a cluster of receptors limiting the spill-over of G protein signals to more distant effector molecules, thus enhancing the specificity of G(i) protein signals.  相似文献   
Long-term treatment with a drug to a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) often leads to receptor-mediated desensitization, limiting the therapeutic lifetime of the drug. To better understand how this therapeutic window might be controlled, we created a mechanistic Monte Carlo model of the early steps in GPCR signaling and desensitization. Using this model we found that the rates of G-protein activation and receptor phosphorylation can be partially decoupled by varying the drug-receptor dissociation rate constant, k(off), and the drug's efficacy, alpha. The maximum ratio of G-protein activation to receptor phosphorylation (GARP) was found for drugs with an intermediate k(off) value and small alpha-value. Changes to the cellular environment, such as changes in the diffusivity of membrane molecules and the G-protein inactivation rate constant, affected the GARP value of a drug but did not change the characteristic shape of the GARP curve. These model results are examined in light of experimental data for a number of GPCRs and are found to be in good agreement, lending support to the idea that the desensitization properties of a drug might be tailored to suit a specific application.  相似文献   
Cunningham JJ  Nikolovski J  Linderman JJ  Mooney DJ 《BioTechniques》2002,32(4):876, 878, 880 passim
As the role of mechanical force in cellular signaling gained recognition, investigators designed a number of devices to deliver controlled regimens of mechanical force to cultured cells. One type of device uses thin silicone-rubber membranes to support monolayer cell adhesion and to transmit mechanical force in the form of biaxial strain. We have observed that cell attachment and spreading are impaired on these membranes compared to polystyrene, even when both are passively coated with identical amounts of extracellular matrix. The purpose of these studies was to quantify the efficiency and stability of passive matrix adsorption onto commercially available elastic culture substrates. A theoretically saturating density (1 microg/cm2) of fibronectin was added to each well, and the initial efficiency of adsorption to the walls and elastic membranes was found to be 31 +/- 2% of the protein added. Strikingly, when the protein adsorbed specifically to the membranes was quantified after seven days, only 10-26 ng/cm2 fibronectin were present, revealing that most of the adsorption is to the sides of the wells. These results indicate that the adsorption of matrix proteins to silicone-rubber substrates is relatively inefficient and that investigators who use these systems must be aware of this fact and design their experiments accordingly.  相似文献   
Protein-protein dimerization is ubiquitous in biology, but its role in self-organization remains unexplored. Here we use Monte Carlo simulations to demonstrate that under diffusion-limited conditions, reversible dimerization alone can cause membrane proteins to cluster into oligomer-like structures. When multiple distinct protein species are able to form dimers, then heterodimerization and homodimerization can organize proteins into structured clusters that can affect cellular physiology. As an example, we demonstrate how receptor dimerization could provide a physical mechanism for regulating information flow by controlling receptor-receptor cross talk. These results are physically realistic for some membrane proteins, including members of the G-protein coupled receptor family, and may provide a physiological reason as to why many proteins dimerize.  相似文献   
Threshold behavior is an important aspect of signal transduction pathways that allows for responses to be turned on or off. Human neutrophil responses to N-formyl peptides, including oxidant production and release, exhibit threshold behavior with respect to the number of G proteins available for signaling; progressive treatment of neutrophils with pertussis toxin causes the conversion of responding cells to nonresponding cells. To quantify the threshold level of G proteins required for signaling of N-formyl peptide stimulated oxidant production in a neutrophil population, we used a plasma membrane associated G protein quantification assay in conjunction with a sorting flow cytometer and measured differences in the average number of G proteins available for signaling per cell in both the responding and the nonresponding subpopulations after pertussis toxin treatment. Although there appeared to be a threshold separating responding cells and nonresponding cells for a given sample, no discrete threshold was measured across multiple treatment conditions. A mathematical model of the early steps in signaling suggests that cell-to-cell variability in signal parameters, such as numbers of signal components and values of kinetic rate constants, obscures the measurement of a discrete threshold and leads to an apparent decrease in the threshold level of G proteins available for signaling as the total G proteins are decreased.  相似文献   
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