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A method was developed to screen bacteria for synthesis of mutant proteins with altered assembly and solubility properties using bacteriophage MS2 coat protein as a model self-associating protein. Colonies expressing coat protein from a plasmid were covered with an agarose overlay under conditions that caused the lysis of some of the cells in each colony. The proteins thus liberated diffused through the overlay at rates depending on their molecular sizes. After transfer of the proteins to a nitrocellulose membrane, probing with coat protein-specific antiserum revealed spots whose sizes and intensities were related to the aggregation state of coat protein. The method was employed in the isolation of assembly defective mutants and to find soluble variants of an aggregation-prone coat protein mutant.  相似文献   
Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) is a key enzyme in the protection of biomembranes exposed to oxidative stress. We investigated the role of mitochondrial PHGPx in apoptosis using RBL2H3 cells that overexpressed mitochondrial PHGPx (M15 cells), cells that overexpressed non-mitochondrial PHGPx (L9 cells), and control cells (S1 cells). The morphological changes and fragmentation of DNA associated with apoptosis occurred within 15 h in S1 and L9 cells upon exposure of cells to 2-deoxyglucose (2DG). The release of cytochrome c from mitochondria was observed in S1 cells after 4 h and was followed by the activation of caspase-3 within 6 h. Overexpression of mitochondrial PHGPx prevented the release of cytochrome c, the activation of caspase-3, and apoptosis, but non-mitochondrial PHGPx lacked the ability to prevent the induction of apoptosis by 2DG. An ability to protect cells from 2DG-induced apoptosis was abolished when the PHGPx activity of M15 cells was inhibited by diethylmalate, indicating that the resistance of M15 cells to apoptosis was indeed due to the overexpression of PHGPx in the mitochondria. The expression of members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins, such as Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bax, and Bad, was unchanged by the overexpression of PHGPx in cells. The levels of hydroperoxides, including hydrogen and lipid peroxide, in mitochondria isolated from S1 and L9 cells were significantly increased after the exposure to 2DG for 2 h, while the level of hydroperoxide in mitochondria isolated from M15 cells was lower than that in S1 and L9 cells. M15 cells were also resistant to apoptosis induced by etoposide, staurosporine, UV irradiation, cycloheximide, and actinomycin D, but not to apoptosis induced by Fas-specific antibodies, which induces apoptosis via a pathway distinct from the pathway initiated by 2DG. Our results suggest that hydroperoxide, produced in mitochondria, is a major factor in apoptosis and that mitochondrial PHGPx might play a critical role as an anti-apoptotic agent in mitochondrial death pathways.  相似文献   
1. Circulating concentrations of iodothyronines, luteinizing hormone(LH), estradiol(E2), progesterone and corticosterone were measured in hens before, during, and after a forced molt induced by fasting. 2. Corticosterone increased at the onset of molt, peaked at the maximal molt and returned to pre- and post-molt levels. LH, E2 and progesterone declined during the molt, and the decline was coincident with the cessation of egg production. 3. Thyroxine(T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and reverse triiodothyronine(rT3) increased during the molt. The increases of T4 and T3 were not abolished even if the forced molt was conducted in mild weather.  相似文献   
Metabolic and antiproliferative effects of methylglyoxal bis(butylamidinohydrazone) (MGBB) and methylglyoxal bis(cyclopentylamidinohydrazone) (MGBCP), inhibitors for polyamine biosynthetic pathway, on Escherichia coli, Shigella sonnei, Aeromonas sobria, Aeromonas hydrophila and Vibrio cholerae were investigated. MGBB at the concentration of 100 mumol/l depleted intracellular putrescine and spermidine concentrations of E. coli to 25 and 20% of the controls, respectively, while MGBCP depressed their concentrations to 38 and 24%, respectively. In these polyamine-depleted E. coli cells the syntheses of RNA, DNA and protein decreased to 13, 54 and 29% of the control, respectively, with MGBB and to 23, 71 and 55%, respectively, with MGBCP. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of MGBB for the growth of A. sobria, E. coli, A. hydrophila, V. cholerae and Sh. sonnei were estimated to be 50, 160, 240, 285 and 320 mumol/l, respectively, whereas those of MGBCP were slightly higher for respective bacteria.  相似文献   
A highly sensitive and selective method for determining 8-oxoguanine in plasma and urine was developed by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The compound was separated by gradient elution on a C18 reversed-phase column with a mobile phase of acetonitrile and 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 5.2. 8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine was used as internal standard. 8-Oxoguanine was detected electrochemically by setting the potential to +300 mV vs. Pd reference. The sensitivity of the assay was 22 ng/ml with a signal-to-noise ratio of 7:1. The within-day relative standard deviations for 8-oxoguanine quality control samples with concentrations of 3340, 1340 and 84 ng/ml were 3.6, 4.3 and 5.7% for plasma, and 4.1, 4.6 and 6.2% for urine, respectively. The day-to-day relative standard deviations for the same samples were 3.8, 6.8 and 7.1% for plasma, and 3.9, 7.0 and 7.9% for urine, respectively. The method is designed to study the pharmacokinetics and metabolic fate of O6-benzylguanine in a phase I clinical trial. Previously, O6-benzyl-8-oxoguanine was identified as the primary metabolite of O6-benzylguanine in humans. We now demonstrate that 8-oxoguanine is a further metabolite of O6-benzylguanine.  相似文献   
beta-Glucosidase was purified from lysosomal membranes isolated from rat liver. Binding and uptake of the purified beta-glucosidase were mediated via an apparently single binding site on rat peritoneal macrophages. The number of sites and the Kd were 4.20 X 10(4)/cell and 1.00 X 10(-7) M, respectively. Neither of the processes was inhibited by ligands for mannose/fucose receptors, mannose 6-phosphate receptors, or scavenger receptors, or by other glycoproteins and sugar compounds. A portion of the beta-glucosidase taken up into the macrophages was degraded rapidly. These results suggested that liver lysosomal beta-glucosidase was endocytosed via a receptor not previously described.  相似文献   
This paper presents a neural-network-based system that can generate and control movements of the eyes. It was inspired by a number of experimental observations on the saccadic and gaze systems of monkeys and cats. Because of the generality of the approach undertaken, the system can be regarded as a demonstration of how parallel distributed processing principles, namely learning and attractor dynamics, can be integrated with experimental findings, as well as a biologically inspired controller for a dexterous robotic orientation device. The system is composed of three parts: a dynamic motor map, a push-pull circuitry, and a plant. The dynamics of the motor map is generated by a multi-layer network that was trained to compute a bidimensional temporal-spatial transformation. Simulation results indicate (1) that the system is able to reproduce some of the properties observed in the biological system at the neural and movement levels and (2) that the dynamics of the motor map remains stereotyped even when the motor map is subject to abnormal stimulation patterns. The latter result emphasizes the role of the topographic projection that connects the motor map to the push-pull circuitry in determining the features of the resulting movements.  相似文献   
Genetic analysis of a proposed cis-acting temporal locus ( Adh-3t ), which regulates alcohol dehydrogenase C2 (ADH-C2) acitivity in mouse epididymis extracts, among F1 (ddN × BALB/c) × ddN male backcross progeny provided evidence for genetic distinctness between the structural ( Adh-3 ) and temporal ( Adh-3t ) loci on chromosome 3. Genetic analysis also confirmed the close, linkage of Adh-1 (encoding liver and kidney ADH-A2) and Adh-3 (encoding stomach ADH-C2) to within 0.3 centimorgans on the mouse genome. Evidence is presented for a proposed closely linked cis-acting temporal locus (designated Adh-1t ) for the A2 isozyme (encoded by Adh-1 ) controlling the activity of this enzyme in mouse kidney extracts, but having no apparent affect on liver and intestine ADH-A2 activities. An extensive survey of the distribution of Adh-1, Adh-3 and Adh-3t alleles among 65 strains of mice is reported — with the exception of two Japanese strains (ddN and KF), linkage disequilibrium between Adh-3 and Adh-3t was observed. Sex differences in mouse liver and kidney ADH-A2 activities were observed, with male/female ratios of approximately 0.6 and 3 respectively for these tissue extracts.  相似文献   
To investigate the primary defects and development of macrophages in MRL/MpJ-/pr/lpr (MRL/l) mice, we used a pure population of macrophages derived from bone marrow precursor cells cultured in the presence of L-cell conditioned medium (LCM) as a source of colony stimulating factor. Bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM phi) from MRL/l mice had lower antigen presenting activity as detected by the induction of antigen-specific T cell proliferation, than age- and sex-matched control mice (CBA/J). Cell surface antigens (Ia and Mac-1) were determined quantitatively by a cell sorter as markers of macrophage differentiation. The BMM phi from MRL/l contained a much smaller number of Ia antigen-positive macrophages than those from normal mice. Treatment of BMM phi with an Ia-inducing of factor (IFN-gamma) markedly increased the expression of Ia antigens. This increase was significantly greater in BMM phi from MRL/l mice than in BMM phi from control mice. Expression of Mac-1 antigen was not different in BMM phi from the two strains. The Fc-mediated phagocytosis of IgG-coated sheep red blood cells was decreased in BMM phi from MRL/l mice compared with those from control mice. The function of nonspecific phagocytosis as measured by latex-bead incorporation was also impaired in MRL/l mice. The functional defects of MRL/l BMM phi found in these experiments are not secondary defects acquired under the influence of environmental signals during development, but are derived from the primary abnormalities which already exist in myeloid stem cells.  相似文献   
Summary Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, at high and low temperatures, and gel mobilities of circularly permuted DNA segments showed a large bending locus about 50 bp downstream from the right border of the 245 by oriC box, a minimal essential region of autonomous replication on the Escherichia coli chromosome. Bending was strongly enhanced by Dam methylation. In DNA from a Dam strain, the mobility anomaly arising from altered conformation was much reduced, but was raised to the original level by methylation in vivo or in vitro. Enhancement of the mobility anomaly was also observed by hybrid formation of the Dam strand with the Dam+ strand. Near the bending center, GATC, the target of Dam methylase, occurs seven times arranged essentially on the same face of the helix with 10.5 by per turn. We concluded that small bends at each Dam site added up to the large bending detectable by gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   
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