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Polyclonal antibodies have been raised against endonuclease V from the bacteriophage T4. This rabbit serum, from which endemic E. coli antibodies have been removed, reacts with a single protein from T4-infected E. coli with a molecular weight of 16078 dalton. It was confirmed that these antibodies were directed against endonuclease V through the inhibition of the pyrimidine dimer specific nicking activity of endonuclease V in an in vitro nicking assay. A phage lambda gt11 T4 dC DNA library was screened for phage which produced a beta-galactosidase-endonuclease V fusion protein. Immunopositive clones were detected at a frequency of 0.25% of the plaques in the library. Restriction enzyme analyses of the DNA from 45 of these phage showed that all contained a 1.8 kb T4 EcoRI fragment which had been inserted within lambda gt11 in a single orientation. Western analysis of proteins which were produced from an induction of lysogens made from these phage reveals a single fusion protein band with a molecular weight slightly larger than native beta-galactosidase.  相似文献   
1. The preparation of lactate dehydrogenase covalently attached to anion-exchange cellulose particles and sheets by use of a dichloro-sym-triazinyl dyestuff, Procion brilliant orange MGS, is described. 2. The stability and kinetic properties of these preparations were investigated. 3. An equation is derived to describe the change in concentration of a substrate when passed through a uniform bed of a substrate-inhibited enzyme. A number of theoretical curves are shown to illustrate the system. 4. A titrimetric assay for lactate dehydrogenase is described, and shown to be stoicheiometric over the range pH5.0-9.2. 5. The results are discussed in relation to previous work, and the effects of charged groups on the support, and of the diffusion film surrounding any particle in suspension, are treated qualitatively.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of water-miscible cosolvents on biotransformations of poorly water-soluble substrates by immobilized cells was investigated, using 1-dehydrogenation of hydrocortisone by Arthrobacter simplex as a model. Criteria for solvent selection on the basis of retention of enzymic activity were postulated and tested. Diols were considered to be the most suitable group of solvents. Substrate solubility increased tenfold in 30% (v/v) ethylene glycol, but reaction rates were significantly slower in such solutions. This was mainly caused by a decrease of oxygen solubility in the presence of the cosolvent and conformational changes imposed on the intracellular enzyme by cosolvent molecules penetrating the cell. The inhibition could be eliminated by the addition of an artificial electron acceptor, phenazine methosulphate (PMS). Reaction rates faster than those for substrate suspensions (no cosolvent added) could thus be achieved. Immobilization of Arthrobacter simplex in cross-linked polyacrylamide hydrazide gave high retentions of activity. PMS exhibited toxic effects on the entrapped cells, leading to reduced activity after extended use.  相似文献   
The DNA sequences associated with a very high-frequency, spontaneous deletion event have been determined to be two 11-base direct repeats which also contain an internal 6-base palindrome. A parental M13 replicative form (RF) DNA harboring DNA fragments of the T4 denV gene contained these direct repeats and could only be maintained at 5% of the total RF DNA within an infected cell. The remaining RF DNA was deleted for all intervening sequences between the direct repeats (2.2-kb), but one copy of the direct repeat was retained after the deletion had occurred. This site-specific deletion was highly reproducible in that if parental-sized M13 RF DNA was gel purified and transformed back into cells, the deletion occurred at precisely the same sequence as before. Electron microscopic analyses of DNA extracted from cells transformed with parental-sized DNA revealed the presence of excised 2.2-kb double-stranded circular DNA molecules. This observation thus rules out a copy choice replication/deletion mechanism to account for this high-frequency deletion event.  相似文献   
An immobilized lipase suitable for fat interesterification has been prepared by precipitation with acetone of a commercial lipase from Rhizopus arrhizus onto diatomaceous earth. As observed previously with a less active enzyme from Aspergillus sp., the interesterification activity was enhanced by addition of purified lipase or by high loadings of commercial enzyme. The interesterification activities reached maximum values in both cases. For immobilized preparations with purified enzyme, interesterification activity was also enhanced by the presence of a precoat of glutaraldehyde cross-linked commercial lipase. A 2.9-L column of immobilized lipase was used to interesterify batches of shea oleine (67 kg) and shea oil (40 kg). Little activity was lost processing shea oleine, but slow poisoning of the bed occurred when shea oil was fed to the column.  相似文献   
Summary Penicillium chrysogenum spores have been immobilized by adsorption on two grades of wet or dry diatomaceous earth particles, Chromosorb-W and Celite R-633. Almost 90% of the spores were adsorbed within 2 h and those remaining in suspension were removed by washing to minimise the growth of free mycelia. After germination the immobilized biomass was almost independent of the spore loading on the particles and whether or not the spore suspension was added to wet or dry particles. The free biomass obtained was less than 5% of the immobilized biomass.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody, which recognizes the refractile body of Eimeria sporozoites, was used to study the developmental fate of this organelle during asexual development of E. tenella and to determine the effect of this monoclonal antibody on in vitro development of the parasite. Through use of immunofluorescent antibody and gold-labeling techniques at the light and electron microscopy level, the refractile body at 48 to 96 hr postinoculation was found to separate into 6 to 10 small globules, then diffuse throughout the schizont cytoplasm, and eventually reconcentrate as a small dot of material in each of the mature first-generation merozoites. The schizont did not develop to maturity if diffusion of the refractile body did not occur. The refractile body material was quickly lost as the merozoite left the schizont and invaded new cells and was not detected in any later developmental stages. The in vitro development of first- and second-generation schizonts of E. tenella was greatly inhibited (up to 100%) with exposure to the monoclonal antibody. There was an increase in the number of schizonts with nondispersed refractile body in the monoclonal antibody-treated cells when compared to the untreated controls, and the few mature schizonts seen had up to a 50-fold decrease in the number of merozoites. Immunofluorescent antibody labeling of the refractile body of intracellular sporozoites and schizonts treated in vitro with the monoclonal antibody for 24-96 hr postinoculation indicated that the antibody had crossed the host cell and parasite plasma membrane during incubation.  相似文献   
In this study we have used a density perturbation method to isolate anti-Thy-1 antibody-induced Thy-1 caps from mouse T-lymphoma cells in the absence of detergents, and then compared the phospholipid composit on of these capped membranes with that of uncapped membranes. Initial phospholipid analysis by two-dimensional thin layer chromatography (2-D TLC) reveals a significant increase in the amount of 32P-labeled phosphatidylcholine in the Thy-1 capped membrane. In contrast, no significant changes are observed in the labeling of phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, or the sphingomyelins. Therefore, it is suggested that phosphatidylcholine may be involved in the organization and/or regulation of Thy-1 antigen redistribution. The composition of phosphoinositide in uncapped and capped membranes was analysed separately using one-dimensional thin layer chromatography (1-D TLC) to resolve phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), and phosphatidylinositol 4, 5-bisphosphate (PIP2) from all other phospholipids. This analysis reveals a significant reduction in levels of PIP and PIP2, but not PI, in Thy-1 caps. Through the use of ion exchange column chromatography, we have found an increased production of all three species of inositol phosphates during anti-Thy-1 antibody-induced capping. Inositol 1, 4, 5 -triphosphate (IP3) shows the most significant increase, compared to the much smaller increases in inositol 4, 5-bisphosphate (IP2) and inositol monophosphate (IP). These results suggest that the binding of anti-Thy-1 antibody to Thy-1 antigen activates phospholipase C which, in turn, initiates polyphosphoinositide turnover and IP3 production. It is proposed that these observed effects are the result of early signal transducing events which are prerequisite steps in Thy-1 receptor cap formation.  相似文献   
Previous studies showed that molecules of in vitro-cultured primary turkey kidney cells bound to 23-, 40-, and 60- to 65-kDa antigens of sodium dodecyl sulfate-solubilized sporozoites of Eimeria adenoeides. Similar binding to antigens of three other species of avian Eimeria, E. tenella, E. acervulina, and E. meleagrimitis, is now reported. Strips containing the most avidly bound sporozoite antigen (approximately 40 kDa) were excised from the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels on which E. adenoeides antigens had been electrophoretically separated. The strips were homogenized and injected into mice to produce hybridoma cell lines. Twelve cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies (McAb) that reacted with E. adenoeides sporozoites were detected. One of these McAb, H11C3, reacted with structures in the anterior tip of sporozoites of E. adenoeides and five other species of avian Eimeria. When included in the inoculation medium, this McAb significantly inhibited invasion of cultured kidney cells by sporozoites of E. adenoeides and E. tenella. In contrast, when the sporozoites were pretreated with McAb H11C3 and then washed free of the antibody, no inhibition of invasion was observed.  相似文献   
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