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Sequence context may profoundly alter the character of structural transitions in supercoiled DNA (Sullivan, K. M., and Lilley, D. M. J. (1986) Cell 47, 817-827). The A + T-rich sequences of ColE1, which flank the inverted repeat, are responsible for cruciform extrusion following a mechanistic pathway which proceeds via a relatively large denatured region. This C-type mechanism results in kinetic properties which are very different from those of the S-type pathway, the normal mechanism of cruciform extrusion in the absence of the ColE1 flanking sequences. We have analyzed the sequence requirements for the induction of the C-type pathway. The 100-base pair left side sequence of ColE1 (colL) was subjected to systematic deletion using Bal31 exonucleolysis, showing that removal of 30 base pairs from its right end abolished extrusion by the C-type process. A cloned oligonucleotide of the same 30-base pair sequence was sufficient to confer C-type cruciform extrusion on an adjacent inverted repeat. An A + T-rich sequence from Drosophila was found to act like the ColE1 sequences. We have studied the effects of introducing sequences between the A + T-rich colL, and the inverted repeat on which it acts. A range of such fragments was found, from those which augment the effect of colL to those which block it completely. In general, it appears that the ability of a sequence to block the effect of colL depends on both the length and G + C content of the fragment. The sequences which are responsible for the extrusion by the C-type pathway are termed C-type inducing sequences, while sequences which are interposed between the inducing sequence and the inverted repeat, and which may either augment or attenuate the effect, but which cannot function as inducing sequences in isolation, are termed transmitting sequences. The results of these studies are most readily consistent with long range destabilization of DNA structure via telestability effects.  相似文献   
Book reviewed in this article: Philip Taylor . Goddess on the Rise: Pilgrimage and Popular Religion in Vietnam  相似文献   
We have carried out fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements on four-way DNA junctions in order to analyze the global structure and its dependence on the concentration of several types of ions. A knowledge of the structure and its sensitivity to the solution environment is important for a full understanding of recombination events in DNA. The stereochemical arrangement of the four DNA helices that make up the four-way junction was established by a global comparison of the efficiency of FRET between donor and acceptor molecules attached pairwise in all possible permutations to the 5' termini of the duplex arms of the four-way structure. The conclusions are based upon a comparison between a series of many identical DNA molecules which have been labeled on different positions, rather than a determination of a few absolute distances. Details of the FRET analysis are presented; features of the analysis with particular relevance to DNA structures are emphasized. Three methods were employed to determine the efficiency of FRET: (1) enhancement of the acceptor fluorescence, (2) decrease of the donor quantum yield, and (3) shortening of the donor fluorescence lifetime. The FRET results indicate that the arms of the four-way junction are arranged in an antiparallel stacked X-structure when salt is added to the solution. The ion-related conformational change upon addition of salt to a solution originally at low ionic strength progresses in a continuous noncooperative manner as the ionic strength of the solution increases. The mode of ion interaction at the strand exchange site of the junction is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Penicillium chrysogenum spores have been immobilized by adsorption on two grades of wet or dry diatomaceous earth particles, Chromosorb-W and Celite R-633. Almost 90% of the spores were adsorbed within 2 h and those remaining in suspension were removed by washing to minimise the growth of free mycelia. After germination the immobilized biomass was almost independent of the spore loading on the particles and whether or not the spore suspension was added to wet or dry particles. The free biomass obtained was less than 5% of the immobilized biomass.  相似文献   
The causes of the instability of a multicopy plasmid, pCT70, which directs the expression of calf prochymosin in Escherichia coli, were investigated. Plasmid pAT153 and its derivative, pCT54, were stable for more than 90 generations in continuous culture with glucose limitation. The multicopy plasmid pCT66, which expressed very low levels of prochymosin due to poor translational efficiency, and low copy number plasmids which efficiently expressed the prochymosin gene, were also stable. These results indicated that high level translation of the recombinant gene was the cause of the instability of pCT70. The maximum specific growth rate of E. coli(pCT70) was reduced by 30% compared with E. coli(pCT66). To fulfil the requirements of a production system, a dual origin plasmid with controllable copy number was developed. Both this plasmid (pMG165) and a derivative which contained the prochymosin gene (pMG168) were stable when maintained at low copy number. When the copy number of plasmid pMG168 was increased by putting replication under the control of the lambda PR promoter and the cI857 temperature sensitive repressor, expression of prochymosin was achieved. This strategy enables large-scale production of prochymosin without the need for antibiotic selection or other methods of preventing plasmid loss.  相似文献   
The single-stranded character of cytosine bases in three cruciform structures has been assessed by an examination of reactivity towards sodium bisulphite. Unpaired cytosine residues undergo deamination at C4 to give deoxyuracil, and propagation in an ung Escherichia coli host results in C-G----T-A transition mutations, detectable by restriction cleavage or sequence analysis. Very high frequencies of such mutations have been found at cruciform loops, confirming their unpaired character, with almost zero background mutation frequencies elsewhere. A low level of modification was observed at the four-way junction of a cruciform. The results indicate that the optimal cruciform loop size is four bases, with loose 'breathing' at the first base pair at the top of the cruciform stem at 37 degrees C, and little or no opening of base pairs at the four-way junction.  相似文献   
Diethyl pyrocarbonate reacts with the single-stranded loops of cruciform structures with great selectivity. Adenine bases are carbethoxylated, as a result of which the backbone may be cleaved with piperidine, and the level of chemical modification at each base may be determined. We have studied the ColE1 and (A-T)34 cruciforms of pColIR315 and pXG540. In each case we observe maximal modification at the most central adenosine of the loop, and an overall pattern of modification corresponding to a total loop size of about six bases. The results may be interpreted in terms of a model in which the loop has a defined tertiary structure. No modification was detected at either cruciform four-way junction, suggesting that this region is fully base-paired.  相似文献   
Bromoacetaldehyde, a reagent which modifies unpaired adenine residues, selectively modifies supercoiled DNA in the region of inverted repeats which are known targets for single-strand-specific nucleases. The reaction is dependent upon the topological state of the molecule, and the absolute importance of the inverted repeat has been demonstrated. Finer mapping of the distribution of the modification pattern reveals significant and interesting differences from the S1 nuclease target positions. Bromoacetaldehyde modification is distributed over a wider region covering the whole inverted repeat, with greatest extent of reaction in the regions which flank the inverted repeat. It is suggested that an altered conformation may be propagated into these sequences. These results further support the contention that inverted repeats adopt an altered conformation when negatively supercoiled, for which the principal suggestion remains the cruciform structure.  相似文献   
13C n.m.r. spectra have been obtained for aqueous solutions of histones F2a1 and F2a2, for the group F2a, for the appropriate amino acid mixturesand for the corresponding hydrolysates. These, when compared with computer simulated spectra give good agreement for secondary structure with that calculated from the known primary structure of the proteins. Evidence based on the spectra obtained at various salt concentrations leads to the conclusion that F2a is not a simple mixture but an interacting heterologous group of histones F2a1 and F2a2.  相似文献   
Manipulation of the opportunity to spawn was used to investigate the relationship between endocrine events, egg viability and spawning behaviour in female rainbow trout. Females were prevented from spawning by isolating them from males and gravel for up to 21 days after ovula- tion. Blood samples were taken before pairing with a male, at the onset of nesting activity, and at the completion of spawning. Plasma hormone levels of gonadotropin (GtH) and 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,2OP) were measured by specific radioimmunoassays. There were no qualitative or quantitative differences in the spawning behaviour of females paired on the day of ovulation or 7. 14, or 21 days after ovulation. There was a general decrease in the viability of eggs with increasing retention times. In females paired on the day of ovulation, or after 7 or 14 days, GtH levels increased with the onset of nesting behaviour and declined as fish reached the post-spawning condition. By day 21, GtH levels before pairing were significantly higher than prepairing levels in the other three treatment groups, and did not increase at the onset of nesting, or decrease in post-spawning fish. Plasma 17,20P remained high in prepairing and nesting samples of all four groups and declined to low levels in fish in post-spawning condition. In females paired on the day of ovulation there was a significant increase in 17,20P from the prepairing to the nesting stage. These results suggest that 17,20P plays a key role in the synchronization of behavioural and maturational events at the time of spawning.  相似文献   
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