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We describe here a protocol for the detection of epithelial cells in effusions combined with quantification of apoptosis by flow cytometry (FCM). The procedure described consists of the following stages: culturing and induction of apoptosis by staurosporine in control ovarian carcinoma cell lines (SKOV-3 and OVCAR-8); preparation of effusion specimens and cell lines for staining; staining of cancer cells in effusions and cell lines for cell surface markers (Ber-EP4, EpCAM and CD45) and intracellular/nuclear markers of apoptosis (cleaved caspase-3 and caspase-8, and incorporated deoxyuridine triphosphates); and FCM analysis of stained cell lines and effusions. This protocol identifies a specific cell population in cytologically heterogeneous clinical specimens and applies two methods to measure different aspects of apoptosis in the cell population of interest. The cleaved caspase and deoxyuridine triphosphate incorporation FCM assays are run in parallel and require (including sample preparation, staining, instrument adjustment and data acquisition) 8 h. The culturing of cell lines requires 2-3 days and induction of apoptosis requires 16 h.  相似文献   
The Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I peptidome is thought to be generated mostly through proteasomal degradation of cellular proteins, a notion that is based on the alterations in presentation of selected peptides following proteasome inhibition. We evaluated the effects of proteasome inhibitors, epoxomicin and bortezomib, on human cultured cancer cells. Because the inhibitors did not reduce the level of presentation of the cell surface human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules, we followed their effects on the rates of synthesis of both HLA peptidome and proteome of the cells, using dynamic stable isotope labeling in tissue culture (dynamic-SILAC). The inhibitors reduced the rates of synthesis of most cellular proteins and HLA peptides, yet the synthesis rates of some of the proteins and HLA peptides was not decreased by the inhibitors and of some even increased. Therefore, we concluded that the inhibitors affected the production of the HLA peptidome in a complex manner, including modulation of the synthesis rates of the source proteins of the HLA peptides, in addition to their effect on their degradation. The collected data may suggest that the current reliance on proteasome inhibition may overestimate the centrality of the proteasome in the generation of the MHC peptidome. It is therefore suggested that the relative contribution of the proteasomal and nonproteasomal pathways to the production of the MHC peptidome should be revaluated in accordance with the inhibitors effects on the synthesis rates of the source proteins of the MHC peptides.The repertoires and levels of peptides, presented by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)1 class I molecules at the cells'' surface, are modulated by multiple factors. These include the rates of synthesis and degradation of their source proteins, the transport efficacy of the peptides through the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), their subsequent processing and loading onto the MHC molecules within the ER, and the rates of transport of the MHC molecules with their peptide cargo to the cell surface. The off-rates of the presented peptides, the residence time of the MHC complexes at the cell surface, and their retrograde transport back into the cytoplasm, influence, as well, the presented peptidomes (reviewed in (1)). Even though significant portions of the MHC class I peptidomes are thought to be derived from newly synthesized proteins, including misfolded proteins, defective ribosome products (DRiPs), and short lived proteins (SLiPs), most of the MHC peptidome is assumed to originate from long-lived proteins, which completed their functional cellular roles or became defective (retirees), (reviewed in (2)).The main protease, supplying the MHC peptidome production pipeline, is thought to be the proteasome (3). It is also responsible for generation of the final carboxyl termini of the MHC peptides (4), (reviewed in (5)). The final trimming of the n-termini of the peptides, within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), is thought to be performed by amino peptidases, such as ERAP1/ERAAP, which fit the peptides into their binding groove on the MHC molecules (6) (reviewed in (7)). Nonproteasomal proteolytic pathways were also suggested as possible contributors to the MHC peptidome, including proteolysis by the ER resident Signal peptide peptidase (8, 9), the cytoplasmic proteases Insulin degrading enzyme (10), Tripeptidyl peptidase (1113), and a number of proteases within the endolysosome pathway (reviewed recently in (1417)). In contrast to the mostly cytoplasmic and ER production of the MHC class I peptidome, the class II peptidome is produced in a special compartment, associated with the endolysosome pathway (1820). This pathway is also thought to participate in the cross presentation of class I peptides, derived from proteins up-taken by professional antigen presenting cells (21), (reviewed in (1517, 22)).The centrality of the proteasomes in the generation of the MHC peptidome was deduced mostly from the observed change in presentation levels of small numbers of selected peptides, following proteasome inhibition (3, 23). Even the location of some of the genes encoding the catalytic subunits of the immunoproteasome (LMP2 and LMP7) (24) within the MHC class II genomic locus, was suggested to support the involvement of the proteasome in the generation of the MHC class I peptidome (25). Similar conclusions were deduced from alterations in peptide presentation, following expression of the catalytic subunits of the immunoproteasome (26), (reviewed in (5)). Yet, although most of the reports indicated reductions in presentation of selected peptides by proteasome inhibition (3, 2729), others have observed only limited, and sometimes even opposite effects (23, 3032).The matter is further complicated by the indirect effects of proteasome inhibition used for such studies on the arrest of protein synthesis by the cells (3335), on the transport rates of the MHC molecules to the cell surface, and on their retrograde transport back to the vesicular system (36) (reviewed in (37)). Proteasome inhibition likely causes shortage of free ubiquitin, reduced supply of free amino acids, and induces an ER unfolded protein response (UPR), which signals the cells to block most (but not all) cellular protein synthesis (reviewed in (38)). Because a significant portion of the MHC peptidome originates from degradation of DRiPs and SLiPs (reviewed in (2)), arrest of new protein synthesis should influence the presentation of their derived MHC peptides. Taken together, these arguments may suggest that merely following the changes in the presentation levels of the MHC molecules, or even of specific MHC peptides, after proteasome inhibition, does not provide the full picture for deducing the relative contribution of the proteasomal pathway to the production of the MHC peptidome (reviewed in (7)).MHC peptidome analysis can be performed relatively easily by modern capillary chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (reviewed in (39)). The peptides are recovered from immunoaffinity purified MHC molecules after detergent solubilization of the cells (40, 41), from soluble MHC molecules secreted to the cells'' growth medium (42, 43) or from patients'' plasma (44). The purified peptides pools are resolved by capillary chromatography and the individual peptides are identified and quantified by tandem mass spectrometry (40), (reviewed in (4547)). In cultured cells, quantitative analysis can also be followed by metabolic incorporation of stable isotope labeled amino acids (SILAC) (48). Furthermore, the rates of de novo synthesis of both MHC peptides and their proteins of origin can be followed using the dynamic-SILAC proteomics approach (49) with its further adaptation to HLA peptidomics (5052).This study attempts to define the relative contribution of the proteasomes to the production of HLA class I peptidome by simultaneously following the effects of proteasome inhibitors, epoxomicin and bortezomib (Velcade), on the rates of de novo synthesis of both the HLA class I peptidome and the cellular proteome of the same MCF-7 human breast cancer cultured cells. The proteasome inhibitors did not reduce the levels of HLA presentations, yet affected the rates of production of both the HLA peptidome and cellular proteome, mostly decreasing, but also increasing some of the synthesis rates of the HLA peptides and cellular proteins. Thus, we suggest that the degree of contribution of the proteasomal pathway to the production of the HLA-I peptidome should be re-evaluated in accordance with their effects on the entire HLA class-I peptidome, while taking into consideration the inhibitors'' effects on the synthesis (and degradation) rates of the source proteins of each of the studied HLA peptides.  相似文献   
The 2 histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) approved for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) including mycosis fungoides/sezary syndrome (MF/SS), suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) and romidepsin, are associated with low rates of overall response and high rates of adverse effects. Data regarding combination treatments with HDACIs is sparse. Butyroyloxymethyl diethylphosphate (AN-7) is a novel HDACI, which was found to have selective anticancer activity in several cell lines and animal models. The aim of this study was to compare the anticancer effects of AN-7 and SAHA, either alone or combined with doxorubicin, on MF/SS cell lines and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from patients with Sezary syndrome (SPBL). MyLa cells, Hut78 cells, SPBL, and PBL from healthy normal individuals (NPBL) were exposed to the test drugs, and the findings were analyzed by a viability assay, an apoptosis assay, and Western blot. AN-7 was more selectively toxic to MyLa cells, Hut78 cells, and SPBL (relative to NPBL) than SAHA and also acted more rapidly. Both drugs induced apoptosis in MF/SS cell lines, SAHA had a greater effect on MyLa cell line, while AN-7 induced greater apoptosis in SPBL; both caused an accumulation of acetylated histone H3, but AN-7 was associated with earlier kinetics; and both caused a downregulation of the HDAC1 protein in MF/SS cell lines. AN-7 acted synergistically with doxorubicin in both MF/SS cell lines and SPBL, and antagonistically with doxorubicin in NPBL. By contrast, SAHA acted antagonistically with doxorubicin on MF/SS cell lines, SPBL, and NPBL, leaving <50% viable cells. In conclusion, AN-7 holds promise as a therapeutic agent in MF/SS and has several advantages over SAHA. Our data provide a rationale for combining AN-7, but not SAHA, with doxorubicin to induce the cell death in MF/SS.  相似文献   
Green  Amit  Nagel  Noam  Kemer  Lilach  Dagan  Yaron 《Sleep and biological rhythms》2022,20(3):397-401
Sleep and Biological Rhythms - The main study aim was to compare the validity of children sleep apnea data obtained from standard polysomnography (PSG) to a home sleep apnea test (HSAT) accompanied...  相似文献   
The evolution of sex is one of the greatest mysteries in evolutionary biology. An even greater mystery is the evolution of obligate sex, particularly when competing with facultative sex and not with complete asexuality. Here, we develop a stochastic simulation of an obligate allele invading a facultative population, where males are subject to sexual selection. We identify a range of parameters where sexual selection can contribute to the evolution of obligate sex: Especially when the cost of sex is low, mutation rate is high, and the facultative individuals do not reproduce sexually very often. The advantage of obligate sex becomes larger in the absence of recombination. Surprisingly, obligate sex can take over even when the population has a lower mean fitness as a result. We show that this is due to the high success of obligate males that can compensate the cost of sex.  相似文献   
Hypercholesterolemia (HC), a major risk factor for onset and progression of renal disease, is associated with increased oxidative stress, potentially causing endothelial dysfunction. One of the sources of superoxide anion is xanthine oxidase (XO), but its contribution to renal endothelial function in HC remains unclear. We tested the hypothesis that XO modulates renal hemodynamics and endothelial function in HC pigs. Four groups (n = 23) of female domestic pigs were studied 12 wk after either normal (n = 11) or HC diet (n = 12). Oxidative stress was assessed by plasma isoprostanes and oxidized LDL, and the XO system by plasma uric acid, urinary xanthine, and renal XO expression (by immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry). Renal hemodynamics and function were studied with electron beam-computed tomography before and after endothelium-dependent (ACh) and -independent (sodium nitroprusside) challenge, during a concurrent intrarenal infusion of either oxypurinol or saline (n = 5-6 in each group). HC showed elevated oxidative stress, higher plasma uric acid (23.8 +/- 3.8 vs. 6.2 +/- 0.8 microM/mM creatinine, P = 0.001), lower urinary xanthine, and greater renal XO expression compared with normal. Inhibition of XO in HC significantly improved the blunted responses to ACh of cortical perfusion (13.5 +/- 12.1 and 37.2 +/- 10.6%, P = 0.01 and P = not significant vs. baseline, respectively), renal blood flow, and glomerular filtration rate; restored medullary perfusion; and improved the blunted cortical perfusion response to sodium nitroprusside. This study demonstrates that the endogenous XO system is activated in swine HC. Furthermore, it suggests an important role for XO in regulation of renal hemodynamics, function, and endothelial function in experimental HC.  相似文献   
Hemipteran insects of the suborder Sternorrhyncha are plant sap feeders, where each family is obligately associated with a specific bacterial endosymbiont that produces essential nutrients lacking in the sap. Coccidae (soft scale insects) is the only major sternorrhynchan family in which obligate symbiont(s) have not been identified. We studied the microbiota in seven species from this family from Israel, Spain and Cyprus, by high‐throughput sequencing of ribosomal genes, and found that no specific bacterium was prevalent and abundant in all the tested species. In contrast, an Ophiocordyceps‐allied fungus sp.—a lineage widely known as entomopathogenic—was highly prevalent. All individuals of all the tested species carried this fungus. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the Ophiocordyceps‐allied fungus from the coccids is closely related to fungi described from other hemipterans, and they appear to be monophyletic, although the phylogenies of the Ophiocordyceps‐allied fungi and their hosts do not appear to be congruent. Microscopic observations show that the fungal cells are lemon‐shaped, are distributed throughout the host's body and are present in the eggs, suggesting vertical transmission. Taken together, the results suggest that the Ophiocordyceps‐allied fungus may be a primary symbiont of Coccidae—a major evolutionary shift from bacteria to fungi in the Sternorrhyncha, and an important example of fungal evolutionary lifestyle switch.  相似文献   
A new pseudo-disaccharide NB23 with a 3',4'-methylidene protection was designed and its properties were evaluated in comparison to other two structurally related pseudo-disaccharides. The basicity of the 2'-amine was found to be well correlated to acute toxicity data in mice: the increase in the basicity is associated with the toxicity increase. Based on these data, a new pseudo-trisaccharide NB45 was constructed. NB45 exhibited significant antibacterial activity while at the same time retained low acute toxicity.  相似文献   
Apicomplexans are the causative agents of numerous important infectious diseases including malaria and toxoplasmosis. Most of them harbour a chloroplast-like organelle called the apicoplast that is essential for the parasites’ metabolism and survival. While most apicoplast proteins are nuclear encoded, the organelle also maintains its own genome, a 35 kb circle. In this study we used Toxoplasma gondii to identify and characterise essential proteins involved in apicoplast genome replication and to understand how apicoplast genome segregation unfolds over time. We demonstrated that the DNA replication enzymes Prex, DNA gyrase and DNA single stranded binding protein localise to the apicoplast. We show in knockdown experiments that apicoplast DNA Gyrase A and B, and Prex are required for apicoplast genome replication and growth of the parasite. Analysis of apicoplast genome replication by structured illumination microscopy in T. gondii tachyzoites showed that apicoplast nucleoid division and segregation initiate at the beginning of S phase and conclude during mitosis. Thus, the replication and division of the apicoplast nucleoid is highly coordinated with nuclear genome replication and mitosis. Our observations highlight essential components of apicoplast genome maintenance and shed light on the timing of this process in the context of the overall parasite cell cycle.  相似文献   
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