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Banana is one of the most important subtropical crops. The genetic system, however, is relatively unknown and is complicated by specific interhybridization, heterozygosity, and polyploidy, which are common in most clones. These factors make identification of closely related banana cultivars difficult, particularly when sterile. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis using eight primer combinations was carried out on 16 banana cultivars. Results showed that AFLP could be used to distinguish the different cultivars by their unique banding patterns. Unique AFLP molecular markers were detected for 12 banana cultivars, which can be used to develop specific probes for identification purposes. The cluster analysis also revealed the need for a link between genotype studies using molecular techniques and the current system of classification of Musa cultivars based purely on morphological traits.  相似文献   


Cytomegalovirus (CMV) congenital infection is the major viral cause of well-documented birth defects in human. Because CMV is species-specific, the main obstacle to developing animal models for congenital infection is the difference in placental architecture, which preludes virus transmission across the placenta. The rat placenta, resembling histologically to that of human, could therefore facilitate the study of CMV congenital infection in human.


In this report, we present clear evidences of the transplacental property of a new rat CMV (RCMV), namely ALL-03, which had been isolated from placenta and uterus of the house rat. Our study signifies the detection of infectious virus, virus particles, viral protein and DNA as well as immune response to demonstrate a natural model of acute CMV infection including the immunocompetent and immunocompromised host associated with or without pregnancy. It is characterized by a full range of CMV related clinical signs; lesions and anatomical virus distribution to uterus, placenta, embryo, fetus, neonate, lung, kidney, spleen, liver and salivary gland of the infected rats in addition to the virus-specific seroconversion. The preference of the virus for different organs mimics the situation in immunocompromised man. Most interestingly, the placenta was observed to be involved in the maternofetal infection and hence confirmed the hypothesis that the RCMV strain ALL-03 is capable to cross the placenta and infect the offsprings congenitally.


The maternal viremia leading to uterine infection which subsequently infecting to the fetus through the placenta is the most likely phenomenon of CMV vertical transmission in our study.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The use of herbs as ergogenic aids in exercise and sport is not novel. Ginseng, caffeine, ma huang (also called 'Chinese ephedra'), ephedrine and a combination of both caffeine and ephedrine are the most popular herbs used in exercise and sports. It is believed that these herbs have an ergogenic effect and thus help to improve physical performance. Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of these herbs on exercise performance. Recently, researchers have also investigated the effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack on endurance cycling and running performance. These investigators have reported no significant improvement in either cycling or running endurance after supplementation with this herb. As the number of studies in this area is still small, more studies should be conducted to evaluate and substantiate the effects of this herb on sports and exercise performance. For instance, future research on any herbs should take the following factors into consideration: dosage, supplementation period and a larger sample size.  相似文献   
Banana is one of the most important subtropical crops. The genetic system, however, is relatively unknown and is complicated by specific interhybridization, heterozygosity, and polyploidy, which are common in most clones. These factors make identification of closely related banana cultivars difficult, particularly when sterile. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis using eight primer combinations was carried out on 16 banana cultivars. Results showed that AFLP could be used to distinguish the different cultivars by their unique banding patterns. Unique AFLP molecular markers were detected for 12 banana cultivars, which can be used to develop specific probes for identification purposes. The cluster analysis also revealed the need for a link between genotype studies using molecular techniques and the current system of classification of Musa cultivars based purely on morphological traits.  相似文献   
Musa acuminata Colla (Musaceae), the wild progenitor of thecultivated banana, is highly variable in Malaysia and presentsseveral unresolved nomenclatural problems. AFLP was employedto distinguish among three subspecies of Musa acuminata(subsp.truncata and subsp. malaccensis from peninsular Malaysia andsubsp. microcarpa from Borneo) and to examine whether subsp.truncata is a distinct taxon. Eight primer combinations revealedmolecular markers specific for each of the three taxa. UPGMAcluster analysis showed the three taxa were distinct. Subspeciesmalaccensis which is endemic in peninsular Malaysia and subsp.microcarpa which is endemic in Borneo were found to be moresimilar to each other in their DNA patterns than they are tosubsp. truncata, which is endemic to peninsular Malaysia. Sincesubsp. truncata is genetically separate from subsp. malaccensisand subsp.microcarpa , it cannot be regarded as synonymous witheither of these subspecies. This paper sheds light on the nomenclatureof the three subspecies of Musa acuminata. Copyright 2001 Annalsof Botany Company Musa acuminata Colla, truncata, malaccensis, microcarpa, Musaceae, wild banana, genetic diversity, AFLP, DNA fingerprinting  相似文献   
Taxonomic and systematic studies of the woody bamboos are traditionallybased on floral morphology, which can cause problems in identificationdue to the lack of, or infrequent, flowering. Limited studieshave been conducted using molecular techniques to overcome thisproblem. In this study, we used amplified fragment length polymorphisms(AFLPs) to conduct a study of four genera of bamboos (Bambusa,Dendrocalamus, Gigantochloa andThyrsostachys ) in the subtribeBambusinae. AFLP analysis using eight primer combinations wascarried out on 15 species of bamboo. Results showed that AFLPsdistinguish the different species by their unique banding patterns.Unique AFLPs were detected in 13 of the 15 species examined.The six Bambusa species examined separated into two clusters.The sixGigantochloa species studied formed a discrete clusterdiverging from one of the Bambusa clusters, whileThyrsostachyswas less similar to the Bambusa clusters. The similarity indexbetween B. lako and G. atroviolacea was the highest, suggestingthat B. lako is more appropriately included within the genusGigantochloarather than the genus Bambusa. The two Dendrocalamus speciesexamined were very different with D. brandisii clustering withinone of the Bambusa clusters and D. giganteus appearing as avery distant species. These results support the contention thatcritical study of the genus Dendrocalamus is required. The useof AFLPs for identification of particular bamboo species, aswell as for the study of relationships within the subtribe,will be useful for industrial purposes and for systematic studies.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Bamboo, Bambusinae, Bambusa, Gigantochloa, Dendrocalamus, Thyrsostachys, AFLP, diversity, AFLP markers  相似文献   
Fractional factorial design (FFD) was applied to evaluate the effects of various process parameters in influencing the extraction efficiency of pepsin soluble collagen (PSC) from muscles of cultured catfish (Clarias gariepinus×C. macrocephalus). Result of the first order factorial design showed that acetic acid concentration, acid extraction time, acetic acid to muscles ratio, and stirring speed posed significant effect (P<0.05) on the yield of PSC obtained at the end of the extraction process. Two different artificial intelligence techniques namely artificial neural network (ANN) and genetic algorithm (GA) were then integrated for optimizing the extraction conditions to obtain the highest yield of PSC. The ANN was trained using the back propagation algorithm. A model was successfully generated with R 2 value of 0.9527 and MSE value of 0.1672 for unseen data set, implying a good generalization of the network. Input parameters of the established ANN model were subsequently optimized using GA. The hybrid of ANN-GA model predicted a maximum extraction yield of PSC at 238.25 mg/g under the following conditions: an acetic acid concentration of 0.70 M, the acetic acid to muscles ratio of 25.78 mL/g, and the stirring speed of 432.50 rpm. Verification of the optimization showed the percentage error differences between the experimental and predicted values were less than 5%, indicating excellent modeling, predicting ability and optimization by the ANN-GA model.  相似文献   
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