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Epidemiological evidence has suggested an association between meat consumption and the risk of breast cancer. 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), a heterocyclic amine found in cooked meat, has been implicated in the aetiology of breast cancer and has been shown to induce tumour formation in rodent mammary glands. In addition, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) which has also been shown to induce tumour formation at a number of sites in rodents including the breast, are produced during the cooking of meat through the pyrolysis of fats. The aim of this study was to examine the bioavailability of these compounds to human breast tissue and their ability to bind to DNA to form DNA adducts. Patients undergoing breast surgery at York District Hospital were orally administered prior to surgery a capsule containing 20 μg of 14C PhIP (182 kBq, specific activity 2.05 GBq/mmol) or 5 μg of 14C B[a]P (36 kBq, specific activity 1.81 GBq/mmol). At surgery, normal and tumour breast tissue was resected and tissue concentrations of carcinogen measured by liquid scintillation counting and DNA adduct levels by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) were subsequently determined. It was found that both 14C PhIP and 14C B[a]P were able to reach the target organ where they had the ability to form DNA adducts. The level of adducts ranged from 26.22–477.35 and 6.61–208.38 adducts/1012 nucleotides following administration of 14C PhIP and 14C B[a]P, respectively, with no significant difference observed between levels in normal or tumour tissue. In addition, the data obtained in this study were comparable to adduct levels previously found in colon samples following administration of the same compounds to individuals undergoing colorectal surgery. This is the first report that these two carcinogens bind to human breast DNA after administration of a defined low dose.  相似文献   
The dynamics of enzyme cooperativity are examined by studying a homotropic dimeric enzyme with identical reaction sites, both of which follow irreversible Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The problem is approached via scaling and linearization of the governing mass action kinetic equations. Homotropic interaction between the two sites are found to depend on three dimensionless groups, two for the substrate binding step and one for the chemical transformation. The interaction between the two reaction sites is shown capable of producing dynamic behavior qualitatively different from that of a simple Michaelis-Menten system; when the two sites interact to increase enzymatic activity over that of two independent monomeric enzymes (positive cooperativity) damped oscillatory behavior is possible, and for negative cooperativity in the chemical transformation step a multiplicity of steady states can occur, with one state unstable and leading to runaway behavior. Linear analysis gives significant insight into system dynamics, and their parametric sensitivity, and a way to identify regions of the parameter space where the approximate quasi-stationary and quasi-equilibrium analyses are appropriate.  相似文献   
Summary We tested the hypothesis that herbivorous insects on desert shrubs contribute to short-term nitrogen cycling, and increase rates of nitrogen flux from nutrient rich plants. Creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) shrubs were treated with different combinations of fertilizer and water augmentations, resulting in different levels of foliage production and foliar nitrogen contents. Foliage arthropod populations, and nitrogen in canopy dry throughfall, wet throughfall and stemflow were measured to assess nitrogen flux rates relative to arthropod abundances on manipulated and unmanipulated shrubs over a one-month period during peak productivity. Numbers and biomass of foliage arthropods were significantly higher on fertilized shrubs. Sap-sucking phytophagous insects accounted for the greatest numbers of foliage arthropods, but leaf-chewing phytophagous insects represented the greatest biomass of foliage arthropods. Measured amounts of bulk frass (from leaf-chewing insects) were not significantly different among the various treatments. Amounts of nitrogen from dry and wet throughfall and stemflow were significantly greater under fertilized shrubs due to fine frass input from sap-sucking insects. Increased numbers and biomass of phytophagous insects on fertilized shrubs increased canopy to soil nitrogen flux due to increased levels of herbivory and excrement. Nitrogen excreted by foliage arthropods accounted for about 20% of the total one month canopy to soil nitrogen flux, while leaf litter accounted for about 80%.  相似文献   
Introduction and expression of foreign genes in bacteria often results accumulation of the foreign protein(s) in inclusion bodies (IBs). The subsequent processes of refolding are slow, difficult and often fail to yield significant amounts of folded protein. RHG1 encoded by rhg1 was a soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) transmembrane receptor-like kinase (EC with an extracellular leucine-rich repeat domain. The LRR of RHG1 was believed to be involved in elicitor recognition and interaction with other plant proteins. The aim, here, was to express the LRR domain in Escherichia coli (RHG1-LRR) and produce refolded protein. Urea titration experiments showed that the IBs formed in E. coli by the extracellular domain of the RHG1 protein could be solubilized at different urea concentrations. The RHG1 proteins were eluted with 1.0-7.0M urea in 0.5M increments. Purified RHG1 protein obtained from the 1.5 and 7.0M elutions was analyzed for secondary structure through circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Considerable secondary structure could be seen in the former, whereas the latter yielded CD curves characteristic of denatured proteins. Both elutions were subjected to refolding by slowly removing urea in the presence of arginine and reduced/oxidized glutathione. Detectable amounts of refolded protein could not be recovered from the 7.0M urea sample, whereas refolding from the 1.5M urea sample yielded 0.2mg/ml protein. The 7.0M treatment resulted in the formation of a homogenous denatured state with no apparent secondary structure. Refolding from this fully denatured state may confer kinetic and/or thermodynamic constraints on the refolding process, whereas the kinetic and/or thermodynamic barriers to attain the folded conformation appeared to be lesser, when refolding from a partially folded state.  相似文献   
The iconic orange clownfish, Amphiprion percula, is a model organism for studying the ecology and evolution of reef fishes, including patterns of population connectivity, sex change, social organization, habitat selection and adaptation to climate change. Notably, the orange clownfish is the only reef fish for which a complete larval dispersal kernel has been established and was the first fish species for which it was demonstrated that antipredator responses of reef fishes could be impaired by ocean acidification. Despite its importance, molecular resources for this species remain scarce and until now it lacked a reference genome assembly. Here, we present a de novo chromosome‐scale assembly of the genome of the orange clownfish Amphiprion percula. We utilized single‐molecule real‐time sequencing technology from Pacific Biosciences to produce an initial polished assembly comprised of 1,414 contigs, with a contig N50 length of 1.86 Mb. Using Hi‐C‐based chromatin contact maps, 98% of the genome assembly were placed into 24 chromosomes, resulting in a final assembly of 908.8 Mb in length with contig and scaffold N50s of 3.12 and 38.4 Mb, respectively. This makes it one of the most contiguous and complete fish genome assemblies currently available. The genome was annotated with 26,597 protein‐coding genes and contains 96% of the core set of conserved actinopterygian orthologs. The availability of this reference genome assembly as a community resource will further strengthen the role of the orange clownfish as a model species for research on the ecology and evolution of reef fishes.  相似文献   
This protocol provides multiple methods for the analysis and quantification of predatory feeding behaviors in nematodes. Many nematode species including Pristionchus pacificus display complex behaviors, the most striking of which is the predation of other nematode larvae. However, as these behaviors are absent in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, they have thus far only recently been described in detail along with the development of reliable behavioral assays 1. These predatory behaviors are dependent upon phenotypically plastic but fixed mouth morphs making the correct identification and categorization of these animals essential. In P. pacificus there are two mouth types, the stenostomatous and eurystomatous morphs 2, with only the wide mouthed eurystomatous containing an extra tooth and being capable of killing other nematode larvae. Through the isolation of an abundance of size matched prey larvae and subsequent exposure to predatory nematodes, assays including both "corpse assays" and "bite assays" on correctly identified mouth morph nematodes are possible. These assays provide a means to rapidly quantify predation success rates and provide a detailed behavioral analysis of individual nematodes engaged in predatory feeding activities. In addition, with the use of a high-speed camera, visualization of changes in pharyngeal activity including tooth and pumping dynamics are also possible.  相似文献   
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