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The opposite modes of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) inheritance were found to operate in the reciprocal crossings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and mountain dwarf pine (Pinus mugo Turra). The crossings were found to be partially compatible. In P. sylvestris × P. mugo crossing, the paternal transmission of cpDNA to the offspring takes place corroborating the generally acknowledged concept of the paternal cpDNA inheritance in gymnosperms. On the contrary, in P. mugo × P. sylvestris crossing the seed progeny exhibited P. mugo haplotype of the mother tree deviating conspicuously from the above concept. In the open pollination offspring of the putatively hybrid individuals of the Scots and mountain dwarf pines, a biparental inheritance of cpDNA was revealed in mother tree with P. mugo haplotype indicating a loosened control of the maternal inheritance of cpDNA in the putative hybrids. Implications and impacts of this finding for further studies are discussed.  相似文献   
Oilseed rape is considered relatively recalcitrant for genetic modification. This work was performed to establish conditions for effective transformation and regeneration of commercially used cultivars Campino, Haydn, Heros, Hunter and Topas (Brassica napus L.). Cotyledonary petioles and hypocotyls (obtained from the seedlings grown under dark conditions) as a source of explants were used. Our experiments revealed that a lower selection pressure in combination with postponing of selection by 14 days after co-cultivation resulted in recovery of transgenic plants from all cultivars. Transformants were obtained with efficiency from 1 to 5.5%. Histochemically GUS-positive plants were analysed by PCR using primers corresponding to the internal fragments of gus and nptII genes. The transgenic nature was confirmed by Southern blot analyses using a specific nptII probe. This work enriches the list of oilseed rape cultivars available for genetic modification.  相似文献   
The influence of the CaMV 35S promoter/enhancer on expression profiles of four Arabidopsis thaliana pollen- and/or embryo-specific promoters, APRS, ESL, MXL, and DLL, was tested in transgenic tobacco plants. Individual promoters were fused to the gus reporter gene and cloned in head-to-head orientation with the CaMV 35S:hpt expression unit within the same T-DNA. With the exception of the TATA-less promoter DLL, all other combinations generated interactions between the promoter under investigation and 35S promoter/enhancer resulting in ectopic β-glucuronidase (GUS) expression in vegetative organs and tissues, the most susceptible being the stem, followed by callus, leaf, and root. To eliminate this crosstalk, DNA spacers of length 1, 2 and 5 kb were cloned between the interacting sequences. Ectopic GUS staining was dependent on the affected promoter as well as the distance between the 5′-end of the CaMV 35S promoter and the reporter gene translation start site. When this distance was less than 1 kb strong ectopic GUS staining was observed in all vegetative tissues, similar to the CaMV35S:gus expression profile in transgenic tobacco plants. Insertion of spacer DNA sequences of increasing length resulted in gradual reduction of ectopic GUS staining in tested plants. Of the tissues and organs related to plant reproduction, only anthers and seed coats in the early stages of seed development showed ectopic GUS staining. Developing pollen and embryos showed a pattern of GUS activity consistent with the predicted role of a developmental stage-specific promoter in transgenic tobacco plants.  相似文献   
Plant transgenesis often requires the use of tissue-specific promoters to drive the transgene expression exclusively in targeted tissues. Although the eukaryotic promoters are expected to stay silent in Escherichia coli, when the promoter-transgene units within the plant transformation vectors are constructed and propagated, some eukaryotic promoters have been reported to be active in prokaryotes. The potential activity of plant promoter in E. coli cells should be considered in cases of expression of proteins that are toxic for host cells, environmental risk assessment or the stability in E. coli of plant vectors for specific Cre/loxP applications. In this study, DNA fragments harbouring four embryo- and/or pollen-specific Arabidopsis thaliana promoters were investigated for their ability to drive heterologous gene expression in E. coli cells. For this, they were fused to gfp:gus reporter genes in the pCAMBIA1304 vector. Although BPROM, bacterial sigma70 promoter recognition program identified several sequences with characteristics similar to bacterial promoters including -10 and -35 sequences in each of tested fragments, the experimental approach showed that only one promoter fragment was able to drive relatively strong- and one promoter fragment relatively weak-GUS expression in E. coli cells. Remaining two tested promoters did not drive any transgene expression in bacteria. Our results also showed that cloning of a shorter plant promoter sequence into vectors containing lacZ α-complementation system can increase the probability of gene expression driven by upstream located lac promoter. This should be considered when cloning of plant expression units, the expression of which is unwanted in E. coli.  相似文献   
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