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Purification and preservation of potato virus X from leaf sap of tobacco plants before lyophilization was carried out by two methods: 1) precipitation by polyethylene glycol and ultracentifugation, and 2) precipitation by ammonium sulphate, chromatography on Sephadex G-50 and ultracentrifugation. The first method is preferable to the second because the final preparation contains more virus antigen. Both preparations were strongly infectious and maintained antigenic properties after lyophilization. To achieve a more gentle course of lyophilization of virus preparations, addition of urotropine and dextran T-10 to the virus suspension, purified by the precipitation by polyethylene glycol-6000, was examined. Addition of urotropine was proved unsatisfactory, because only antigenic properties were maintained after lyophilization while the infectivity disappeared. But we can recommend addition of dextran T-10 up to a concentration of 6% to the preparation of virus antigen before lyophilization. The course of lyophilization is much rapider, the lyophilized product can be very easily dissolved in water and is not hygroscopic. The product is strongly infectious and gives the serological precipitation reaction in a dilution four times that of X virus antigen lyophilized without addition of dextran T-10.  相似文献   
Abstract: The aim was to study the extent to which leu-cine furnishes α-NH2 groups for glutamate synthesis via branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase. The transfer of N from leucine to glutamate was determined by incubating astrocytes in a medium containing [15N]leucine and 15 unlabeled amino acids; isotopic abundance was measured with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The ratio of labeling in both [15N]glutamate/[15N]leucine and [2-15N]glutamine/[15N]leucine suggested that at least one-fifth of all glutamate N had been derived from leucine nitrogen. At the same time, enrichment in [15N]leucine declined, reflecting dilution of the 16N label by the unlabeled amino acids that were in the medium. Isotopic abundance in [16N]-isoleucine increased very quickly, suggesting the rapidity of transamination between these amino acids. The appearance of 15N in valine was more gradual. Measurement of branched-chain amino acid transaminase showed that the reaction from leucine to glutamate was approximately six times more active than from glutamate to leucine (8.72 vs. 1.46 nmol/min/mg of protein). However, when the medium was supplemented with α-ketoisocaproate (1 mM), the ketoacid of leucine, the reaction readily ran in the “reverse” direction and intraastrocytic [glutamate] was reduced by ~50% in only 5 min. Extracellular concentrations of α-ketoisocaproate as low as 0.05 mM significantly lowered intracellular [glutamate]. The relative efficiency of branched-chain amino acid transamination was studied by incubating astrocytes with 15 unlabeled amino acids (0.1 mM each) and [15N]glutamate. After 45 min, the most highly labeled amino acid was [15N]alanine, which was closely followed by [15N]leucine and [15N]isoleucine. Relatively little 15N was detected in any other amino acids, except for [15N]serine. The transamination of leucine was ~17 times greater than the rate of [1-14C]leucine oxidation. These data indicate that leucine is a major source of glutamate nitrogen. Conversely, reamination of a-ketoisocaproate, the ketoacid of leucine, affords a mechanism for the temporary “buffering” of intracellular glutamate.  相似文献   
A novel method for insertion/deletion mutagenesis in meningococci was devised. This consisted of ligating a digest of total chromosomal DNA to a 1.1 kb restriction fragment containing an erythromycin-resistance marker ( ermC ), and subsequent transformation of the ligation mixture into the homologous meningococcal strain H44/76. Southern blotting of a number of the resulting erythromycin-resistant transformants demonstrated that all carried the ermC gene inserted at different positions in the chromosome. Mutants with a specific phenotype were identified by screening with the anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) monoclonal antibody MN4A8B2, which is specific for immunotype L3. In this way, two independent L3-negative mutant strains were isolated. In transformation experiments with chromosomal DNA from these mutants, erythromycin-resistance and lack of MN4A8B2 reactivity were always linked, showing that the insertion/deletion was in a locus involved in LPS biosynthesis. On SDS–PAGE, the mutant LPS displayed an electrophoretic mobility intermediate between that produced by the previously isolated galE and rfaF mutant strains. Chemical analysis of the mutant LPS revealed that the structure was probably lipid A–(KDO)2–(Hep)2. Chromosomal DNA flanking the ermC insertion in these two mutant strains was cloned, and used as probe for the isolation of the corresponding region of the wild-type strain. From hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, it could be concluded that both mutations map to the same locus. The affected gene probably encodes the glycosyltransferase necessary for adding N -acetylglucosamine to heptose.  相似文献   
The minimum concentration of polyethyleneglycol (PEG) with molecular weights 4000, 6000, and 15000 necessary for precipitation of S, M, X and Y potato viruses was determined. An excessive amount of PEG causes the precipitation of other protein compounds from potato leaf cell sap. In order to obtain highly purified samples, it is necessary to use just the minimum sufficient amount of PEG. Using the minimum quantity of PEG is, also, advisable from an economical point of view. The minimum concentration of PEG of given molecular weight differs for different potato disease viruses. The concentration of PEG necessary for precipitation of a given potato virus depends on the molecular weight of PEG used—4000, 6000 and 15000. As the molecular weight increases, the concentration of PEG necessary for precipitation decreases.  相似文献   
A subset of human tumors ensures indefinite telomere length maintenance by activating a telomerase-independent mechanism known as Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT). Most tumor cells of ALT origin share a constellation of unique characteristics, which include large stores of extra-chromosomal telomeric material, chronic telomere dysfunction and a peculiar enrichment in chromosome ends with 5′ C-rich overhangs. Here we demonstrate that acute telomere de-protection and the subsequent DNA damage signal are not sufficient to facilitate formation of 5′ C-overhangs at the chromosome end. Rather chromosome ends bearing 5′ C-overhangs are a by-product of rapid cleavage events, processing of which occurs independently of the DNA damage response and is partly mediated through the XRCC3 endonuclease.  相似文献   
Measuring selection acting on microbial populations in natural or even seminatural environments is challenging because many microbial populations experience variable selection. The majority of rhizobial bacteria are found in the soil. However, they also live symbiotically inside nodules of legume hosts and each nodule can release thousands of daughter cells back into the soil. We tested how past selection (i.e., legacies) by two plant genotypes and by the soil alone affected selection and genetic diversity within a population of 101 strains of Ensifer meliloti. We also identified allelic variants most strongly associated with soil‐ and host‐dependent fitness. In addition to imposing direct selection on rhizobia populations, soil and host environments had lasting effects across host generations. Host presence and genotype during the legacy period explained 22% and 12% of the variance in the strain composition of nodule communities in the second cohort, respectively. Although strains with high host fitness in the legacy cohort tended to be enriched in the second cohort, the diversity of the strain community was greater when the second cohort was preceded by host rather than soil legacies. Our results indicate the potential importance of soil selection driving the evolution of these plant‐associated microbes.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of spermatozoa of the acotylean Phaenocelis peleca and the cotylean Boninia divae is described. All spermatozoa are filiform and biflagellate with a 9+"1" microtubular pattern in the axoneme. Sperm characters in P. peleca follow the morphologies described for other acotyleans, with axonemes exiting the sperm shaft at the distal end and remaining in close contact with the sperm membrane. The nucleus occupies the proximal region of the shaft, and two types of dense bodies and mitochondria are located at the distal end. Unlike other members of the Cotylea, the axonemes of B. divae spermatozoa are incorporated into the sperm shaft, leaving the shaft at some distance from the distal end and then remaining free. This type of morphology is characteristic for acotyleans. Additionally, the spermatozoa of B. divae contain only one type of dense bodies plus a unique structure, which we call a central core. The nucleus in this species is unique as well; it shows periodic constrictions and rings of electron-dense granules, characters that further contribute to the distinct status of Boniniidae.  相似文献   
Regeneration of new shoots in plant tissue culture is often associated with appearance of abnormally shaped leaves. We used the adventitious shoot regeneration response induced by decapitation (removal of all preformed shoot apical meristems, leaving a single cotyledon) of greenhouse-grown cotyledon-stage seedlings to test the hypothesis that such abnormal leaf formation is a normal regeneration progression following wounding and is not conditioned by tissue culture. To understand why shoot regeneration starts with defective organogenesis, the regeneration response was characterized by morphology and scanning electron and light microscopy in decapitated cotyledon-stage Cucurbita pepo seedlings. Several leaf primordia were observed to regenerate prior to differentiation of a de novo shoot apical meristem from dividing cells on the wound surface. Early regenerating primordia have a greatly distorted structure with dramatically altered dorsoventrality. Aberrant leaf morphogenesis in C. pepo gradually disappears as leaves eventually originate from a de novo adventitious shoot apical meristem, recovering normal phyllotaxis. Similarly, following comparable decapitation of seedlings from a number of families (Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Convolvulaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Cruciferae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Papaveraceae, and Solanaceae) of several dicotyledonous clades (Ranunculales, Caryophyllales, Asterids, and Rosids), stems are regenerated bearing abnormal leaves; the normal leaf shape is gradually recovered. Some of the transient leaf developmental defects observed are similar to responses to mutations in leaf shape or shoot apical meristem function. Many species temporarily express this leaf development pathway, which is manifest in exceptional circumstances such as during recovery from excision of all preformed shoot meristems of a seedling.  相似文献   
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