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The pigment epithelial cell of the retina actively participates in two aspects of lipid metabolism: (a) the fatty acid esterification of vitamin A and its storage and transport to the photoreceptors, and (b) the phagocytosis and degradation of the lipoprotein membrane disks shed from the photoreceptor cells. Study of the pigment epithelial cells of adult albino and pigmented rodents has revealed the abundance of an organelle, microperoxisomes, not previously known to exist in this cell type. The metabolism, transport, and storage of lipids are major functions of other cell types which possess large numbers of microperoxisomes associated with a highly developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Microperoxisomes were encountered, but relatively rarely, in Müller cells and vascular endothelial cells. A tubular system in photoreceptor terminals is reactive in the cytochemical procedure used to visualize microperoxisomes.  相似文献   
The soluble Tim9p-Tim10p (Tim, translocase of inner membrane) complex of the mitochondrial intermembrane space mediates the import of the carrier proteins and is a component of the TIM22 import system. The mechanism by which the Tim9p-Tim10p complex assembles and binds the carriers is not well understood, but previous studies have proposed that the conserved cysteine residues in the 'twin CX3C' motif coordinate zinc and potentially generate a zinc-finger-like structure that binds to the matrix loops of the carrier proteins. Here we have purified the native and recombinant Tim9p-Tim10p complex, and show that both complexes resemble each other and consist of three Tim9p and three Tim10p. Results from inductively coupled plasma--mass spectrometry studies failed to detect zinc in the Tim9p-Tim10p complex. Instead, the cysteine residues seemingly formed disulfide linkages. The Tim9p-Tim10p complex bound specifically to the transmembrane domains of the ADP/ATP carrier, but had no affinity for Tim23p, an inner membrane protein that is inserted via the TIM22 complex. The chaperone-like Tim9p-Tim10p complex thus may prevent aggregation of the unfolded carrier proteins in the aqueous intermembrane space.  相似文献   
To identify regulators of AU-rich element (ARE)-dependent mRNA turnover we have followed a genetic approach using a mutagenized cell line (slowC) that fails to degrade cytokine mRNA. Accordingly, a GFP reporter construct whose mRNA is under control of the ARE from interleukin-3 gives an increased fluorescence signal in slowC. Here we describe rescue of slowC by a retroviral cDNA library. Flow cytometry allowed us to isolate revertants with reconstituted rapid mRNA decay. The cDNA was identified as butyrate response factor-1 (BRF1), encoding a zinc finger protein homologous to tristetraprolin. Mutant slowC carries frame-shift mutations in both BRF1 alleles, whereas slowB with intermediate decay kinetics is heterozygous. By use of small interfering (si)RNA, independent evidence for an active role of BRF1 in mRNA degradation was obtained. In transiently transfected NIH 3T3 cells, BRF1 accelerated mRNA decay and antagonized the stabilizing effect of PI3-kinase, while mutation of the zinc fingers abolished both function and ARE-binding activity. This approach, which identified BRF1 as an essential regulator of ARE-dependent mRNA decay, should also be applicable to other cis-elements of mRNA turnover.  相似文献   
The TIM22 protein import pathway of the yeast mitochondrion contains several components, including a family of five proteins (Tim8p, -9p, -10p, -12p, and -13p [Tim, for translocase of inner membrane]) that are located in the intermembrane space and are 25% identical. Tim9p and Tim10p have dual roles in mediating the import of inner membrane proteins. Like the Tim8p-Tim13p complex, the Tim9p-Tim10p complex functions as a putative chaperone to guide hydrophobic precursors across the intermembrane space. Like membrane-associated Tim12p, they are members of the Tim18p-Tim22p-Tim54p membrane complex that mediates precursor insertion into the membrane. To understand the role of this family in protein import, we have used a genetic approach to manipulate the complement of the small Tim proteins. A strain has been constructed that lacks the 70-kDa soluble Tim8p-Tim13p and Tim9p-Tim10p complexes in the intermembrane space. Instead, a functional version of Tim9p (Tim9(S67C)p), identified as a second-site suppressor of a conditional tim10 mutant, maintains viability. Characterization of this strain revealed that Tim9(S67C)p and Tim10p were tightly associated with the inner membrane, the soluble 70-kDa Tim8p-Tim13p and Tim9p-Tim10p complexes were not detectable, and the rate of protein import into isolated mitochondria proceeded at a slower rate. An arrested translocation intermediate bound to Tim9(S67C)p was located in the intermembrane space, associated with the inner membrane. We suggest that the 70-kDa complexes facilitate import, similar to the outer membrane receptors of the TOM (hetero-oligomeric translocase of the outer membrane) complex, and the essential role of Tim9p and Tim10p may be to mediate protein insertion in the inner membrane with the TIM22 complex.  相似文献   
In this report, we examined if the synchronization of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) with muscle contraction is enhanced by limb congestion. To explore this relationship, we applied signal-averaging techniques to the MSNA signal obtained during short bouts of forearm contraction (2-s contraction/3-s rest cycle) at 40% maximal voluntary contraction for 5 min. We performed this analysis before and after forearm venous congestion; an intervention that augments the autonomic response to sustained static muscle contractions via a local effect on muscle afferents. There was an increased percentage of the MSNA noted during second 2 of the 5-s contraction/rest cycles. The percentage of total MSNA seen during this particular second increased from minute 1 to 5 of contraction and was increased further by limb congestion (control minute 1 = 25.6 +/- 2.0%, minute 5 = 32.8 +/- 2.2%; limb congestion minute 1 = 29.3 +/- 2.1%, minute 5 = 37.8 +/- 3.9%; exercise main effect <0.005; limb congestion main effect P = 0.054). These changes in the distribution of signal-averaged MSNA were seen despite the fact that the mean number of sympathetic discharges did not increase over baseline. We conclude that synchronization of contraction and MSNA is seen during short repetitive bouts of handgrip. The sensitizing effect of contraction time and limb congestion are apparently due to feedback from muscle afferents within the exercising muscle.  相似文献   
In congestive heart failure (CHF), themechanisms of exercise-induced sympathoexcitation are poorly defined.We compared the responses of sympathetic nerve activity directed tomuscle (MSNA) and to skin (SSNA, peroneal microneurography) duringrhythmic handgrip (RHG) at 25% of maximal voluntary contraction andduring posthandgrip circulatory arrest (PHG-CA) in CHF patients with those of an age-matched control group. During RHG, the CHF patients fatigued prematurely. At end exercise, the increase in MSNA was similarin both groups (CHF patients, n = 12;controls, n = 10). However, duringPHG-CA, in the controls MSNA returned to baseline, whereas it remainedelevated in CHF patients (P < 0.05).Similarly, at end exercise, the increase in SSNA was comparable in bothgroups (CHF patients, n = 11;controls, n = 12), whereas SSNAremained elevated during PHG-CA in CHF patients but not in the controls (P < 0.05). In a separate controlgroup (n = 6), even high-intensity static handgrip was not accompanied by sustained elevation of SSNAduring PHG-CA. 31P-nuclear magneticresonance spectroscopy during RHG demonstrated significant muscleacidosis and accumulation of inorganic phosphate in CHF patients(n = 7) but not in controls(n = 9). We conclude that in CHFpatients rhythmic forearm exercise leads to premature fatigue andaccumulation of muscle metabolites. The prominent PHG-CA response ofMSNA and SSNA in CHF patients suggests activation of the musclemetaboreflex. Because, in contrast to controls, in CHF patients bothMSNA and SSNA appear to be under muscle metaboreflex control, themechanisms and distribution of sympathetic outflow during exerciseappear to be different from normal.

本文用脑室灌注和Fura2测定细胞内游离钙技术观察了地塞米松(dexamethasone,DEX)对家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热效应和下丘脑细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca2+]i)的影响,借此深入探讨地塞米松解热作用的中枢机制。结果发现:脑室灌注乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸(06nmol)引起家兔结肠温度明显升高,静脉注射地塞米松(5mg/kg)显著抑制家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热,地塞米松(60~120μmol/L)并不影响下丘脑细胞内[Ca2+]i,而事先脑室灌注抑制基因转录的放线菌素D(3nmol)则完全取消了地塞米松对乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热的解热作用。这些结果提示:地塞米松显著抑制家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热,其机制与地塞米松激活脑内某些基因的表达有关,而与下丘脑神经细胞跨膜钙离子流无关。  相似文献   
The main carotenoid of Flavobacterium strain R1560 has been identified as (3R,3R)-zeaxanthin. Also present were small amounts of 15-cis-phytoene, phytofluene, -carotene (7,8,7,8-tetrahydro-, -carotene plus 7,8,11,12-tetrahydro-, -carotene), neurosporene, lycopene, -zeacarotene, -carotene, -carotene, -cryptoxanthin, rubixanthin, 3-hydroxy--zeacarotene and several apo-carotenals. Zeaxanthin production was inhibited by nicotine (10 mM), and lycopene and rubixanthin accumulated. The biosynthesis of zeaxanthin is discussed in terms of pathways and also of half-molecule reaction sequences. The presence of zeaxanthin may be a characteristic of a group of Flavobacterium species, and may thus be useful in the taxonomic classification of these organisms.  相似文献   
Import of carrier proteins from the cytoplasm into the mitochondrial inner membrane of yeast is mediated by a distinct system consisting of two soluble 70-kDa protein complexes in the intermembrane space and a 300-kDa complex in the inner membrane, the TIM22 complex. The TIM22 complex contains the peripheral subunits Tim9p, Tim10p, and Tim12p and the integral membrane subunits Tim22p and Tim54p. We identify here an additional subunit, an 18-kDa integral membrane protein termed Tim18p. This protein is made as a 21.9-kDa precursor which is imported into mitochondria and processed to its mature form. When mitochondria are gently solubilized, Tim18p comigrates with the other subunits of the TIM22 complex on nondenaturing gels and is coimmunoprecipitated with Tim54p and Tim12p. Tim18p does not cofractionate with the TIM23 complex upon immunoprecipitation or nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. Deletion of Tim18p decreases the growth rate of yeast cells by a factor of two and is synthetically lethal with temperature-sensitive mutations in Tim9p or Tim10p. It also impairs the import of several precursor proteins into isolated mitochondria, and lowers the apparent mass of the TIM22 complex. We suggest that Tim18p functions in the assembly and stabilization of the TIM22 complex but does not directly participate in protein insertion into the inner membrane.  相似文献   
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