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Alfvén waves in a dipole magnetosphere with a rotating plasma are studied theoretically. The plasma-motion-related properties of azimuthally small-scale standing Alfvén waves having nearly poloidal or nearly toroidal polarization are analyzed. Equations are obtained that describe the longitudinal (along the magnetic field) structure and spectra of the waves having such polarizations. The equations obtained are then solved both analytically (in the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation) and numerically. Attention is focused on the polarization splitting of the spectrum—the difference between the eigenfrequencies of the toroidally and poloidally polarized Alfvén waves. The distribution of this difference in a direction across the magnetic shells is analyzed. It is shown that, unlike in the models in which the plasma is assumed to be at rest, taking into account rotation of the magnetosphere plasma results in an additional splitting of the spectrum of the poloidal Alfvén waves due to the difference in their azimuthal mode numbers.  相似文献   
Studies of the ereynetal organ by means of light microscopy in mites Ereynetes exilis Fain et Prasse, 1973, Laurenacarus eweri dahuricus Zabludovskaya, 1992, Coboydaya nigra Fain, 1985, and Paraspeleognathopsis bakeri (Fain, 1955), and also by methods of scanning and transmitting electron microscopy in the mite Ricardoella oudemansi Thor, 1932 demonstrated that the submerged solenidion, the main part of the organ, is characterized by fine structural features typical of olfactory sensilla.  相似文献   
A comparative study of the changes in the components of the antioxidant defense system (ADS), the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase and the level of extractable SH-groups, during the growth of wild-type and mutant (white collar-1 and white colar-2) Neurospora crassa strains was performed. Oxidative stress developing during spore germination and upon the transition to a stationary growth phase was accompanied in all strains by an increase in the level of extractable SH-groups and SOD activity, whereas the total catalase activity decreased during growth. However, in contrast to the wild-type strain, the activity of the catalase in the mutant strains wc-1 and wc-2 slightly increased upon the transition to the stationary phase. In the wc-2 mutant, SOD activity and the level of extractable SH-groups in the exponential growth phase were always lower than in the wild-type and wc-2 strains. The role of wc-1 and wc-2 genes in the level regulation of reactive oxygen species is discussed.  相似文献   
The first tarsal segment of the taiga tick bears 4 general types of sensilla (except for sensilla forming the Haller's sensory organ on the dorsal surface of the tarsus): tactile mechanoreceptor sensilla of 3 types, contact chemo-mechanoreceptor sensilla of 2 types, and double-walled pore sensilla. One of these types, the chemo-mechanoreceptor upper-pore sensilla, was found only in the Ixodinae, and not found in the examined representatives of the Amblyomminae. This type of sensilla was also found in the palpal receptor organ of the ixodid and argasid ticks.  相似文献   
A study of Haller's organ regeneration in nymphs and adults of Haemaphysalis turturis and parthenogenetic females of H. longicornis, from which the forelegs had been amputated during the previous instar, revealed structural changes in regenerated organs. The adult regenerates reestablished atavistic structural features, while the nymphal regenerates retained larval features, which is typical of regenerates of two other genera examined previously (Ixodes and Hyalomma). Data on regeneration of Haller's sensory organ testify to an ancient character of the genus, standing closely to the base of the phylogenetic tree of hard ticks.  相似文献   
The tarsal sensory complex of the red chicken mite Dermanyssus gallinae is situated on dorsal surface of each fore leg near the claw. It comprises 28 sensilla of 5 morphological types: 4 SW-UP (single-wall upper-pore) (gustatory organs), 8 SW-WP (single-wall wall-pore) (olfactory organs), 8 DW-WP (double-wall wall-pore) of two subtypes (thermo-chemoreceptory organs), 6 NP-TB (no pore--tubular body) (tactile organs), and 2 reduced sensilla. No sex or stage dimorphism was revealed. Morphological data point to the fact that tarsal sensory complex of the red chicken mite is mainly an organ detecting temperature changes and olfactory stimula.  相似文献   
The main complication sensory organs (the palpal organ and the tarsal sensory complex) of several species of gamasid mites were studied in scanning electron microscope. The species examined included permanent ectoparasites (Laelaps agilis, Laelaptidae), parasites of the nasal cavity and respiratory tract of birds (Sternostoma tracheocolum and Ptilonyssus reguli, Rhinonyssidae), dwellers of the sea littoral zone (Parasitus kempersi, Parasitus immanis, Parasitidae), and mites found on soil and on plants (Amblyseius barkeri, Parasitidae). Similar sensillar types, including olfactory SW-WP sensilla, contact chemo-mechanosensory (SW-UP and DW-UP) sensilla, termo-chemo-mechanosensitive (DW-WP) sensilla of two types, and tactile (NP) sensilla were found in all these species, excluding endoparasites, where some sensillar types (in particular, DW-WP sensilla with slit-like pores) are absent. It was shown that the topography of olfactory SW-WP sensilla of the tarsal complex reflects taxonomic position and phylogenetic history of mite genera, whereas the number of certain sensillar types and the degree of their development reflect ecological specialization of species. The palpal organ is characterized by rather uniform structure in mites of different families, dwellers of different environments, except for the endoparasites of the family Rhinonyssidae, where this organ is strongly reduced.  相似文献   
The structure of the sensory organs situated on palps and chelicerae of the quill mite Syringophilopsis fringilla (Fritsch, 1958) was examined with the use of scanning and transmitting electron microscopy. The tarsal segment of the palps bears 8 sensilla of three types: two contact chemo-mechanoreceptor sensilla, a single chemoreceptor (olfactory) sensillum, and five tactile mechanoreceptor sensilla. All other sensilla situated on basal palpal segments and on cheliceral stylets are represented exclusively by tactile mechanoreceptors. A proprioceptor sensillum was revealed in the movable digit of chelicerae; the modified cilia of dendrites of 5 sensory neurons of this sensillum run inside the inner non-sclerotized core of the stylet and end at different levels in its apical part, attaching to electron-dense rods connected with a sclerotized sheath of the stylet. The authors assume that the proprioceptor sensillum of the stylet detects the strength of the pressure of the stylet of the movable digit on the quill wall during its piercing, and palpal sensilla determine the optimal place for this process.  相似文献   
Addition of -mercaptoethanol at a concentration of 2–3 mM to media containing methanol, glucose, or yeast extract caused a 50% inhibition of the growth of wild-type yeastPichia methanolica; mercaptoethanol at a concentration of 0.7 to 25 mM inhibited the growth of the mutant strain ecr1. The mutation mth1 of P. methanolica repressed its ability to consume methanol and was accompanied by the loss of alcohol oxidase (EC activity. -Mercaptoethanol restored the ability of mth1 mutant cells to grow on methanol and stimulated their growth under derepression conditions. The growth effect of -mercaptoethanol during derepression was accompanied by partial restoration of alcohol oxidase activity.  相似文献   
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