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Phytoplankton play a key role in determining the partitioning of CO2 between the atmosphere and the ocean on seasonal, interannual, and millennial time scales. The magnitude of biological draw‐down of atmospheric CO2 and C storage in the oceans is affected by concurrent changes in other environmental factors, like nutrient supply. Furthermore, variations in carbon‐to‐nitrogen (C:N) and carbon‐to‐phosphorus (C:P) assimilation ratios modify the oceanic CO2 storage capacity. Here we show that increased atmospheric CO2 concentration enhances CO2 fixation into organic matter by a noncalcifying strain of Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) Hay & Mohler only under certain conditions, namely high light and nutrient limitation. Enhanced organic matter production was accompanied by marked deviations of the C:N:P ratio from the canonical stoichiometry of marine particulate matter of 106:16:1 (C:N:P) known as the Redfield ratio. Increased cell organic carbon content, C:N, and C:P were observed at high light when growth was either nitrogen or phosphorus limited. Elevated CO2 led to further increases in the particulate C:N and C:P ratios. Enhanced CO2 uptake by phytoplankton such as E. huxleyi, in response to elevated atmospheric CO2, could increase carbon storage in the nitrogen‐limited regions of the oceans and thus act as a negative feedback on rising atmospheric CO2 levels.  相似文献   
The reproduction and growth pattern of Mothocya epimerica (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae), a protandrous hermaphroditic gill parasite of Atherina boyeri (Osteichthyes: Atherinidae), were investigated in the Mesolongi and Etolikon lagoons. The parasite shows an extensive reproductive period. Gravid females were found between April and November, and juveniles between May and December. M. epimerica grew allometrically (slopes of the total weight-total length regressions were >3). Females were significantly heavier than males. The relationship between number of eggs or mancas larvae (F) and total length (TL) was investigated in gravid female parasites in which the marsupium was still closed; the relationship was clearly curvilinear: F = 0.128TL3.18. The number of eggs or mancas larvae held in the marsupia of females increased proportionally with female length, varying from 39 in an isopod of 6.3 mm length to 158 in one of 8.5 mm length. The average number of eggs or mancas larvae was 76.70 +/- 27.8.  相似文献   
In order to have a comprehensive evaluation and classification of the natural biota of Lake Pamvotis, the present study aims at investigating shrimps’ bionomic traits. Information on shrimps’ habitat preferences, abundances, and syntopic species in relation to the physicochemical profile of the lake’s water are investigated for the first time. The study was carried out on a bi-monthly base, at six littoral sites of the lake. Samples’ study from different habitats and seasons revealed that the freshwater shrimp Atyaephyra thyamisensis was the most abundant species, accounting for 44.76% of the total taxa catch, while the grass shrimp Palaemonetes antennarius was less abundant (7.54%). Syntopic fish species in the littoral zone of Lake Pamvotis such as Economidichthys pygmaeus, Gambusia holbrooki, Knipowitschia caucasica and Rutillus panosi showed interannual differences with abundances of 24.12%, 19.13%, 4.26% and 0.20%, respectively. Correspondence analysis revealed clear patterns between species and stations. A. thyamisensis was predominant in shallow, well oxygenated water bodies rich with aquatic vegetation, but it was absent from deeper habitats. P. antennarius was found mainly in lentic water bodies, rocky substratum and deeper habitats. Taking into account the high ecological importance of the freshwater shrimps in ecosystems’ energy flow, ecological and biological data of lake’s shrimps are discussed and presented thoroughly. Threats and conservation measures for both shrimp species are debated also in detail.  相似文献   
Diel C export from source leaves of two Flaveria linearis lines [85-1: high cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (cytFBPase) and 84-9: low cytFBPase] were estimated using three methods, including leaf steady-state (14)CO(2) labelling, leaf metabolite analysis, and leaf dry mass analysis in conjunction with leaf CO(2) exchange measurements. Synthesis and accumulation of starch during the daytime were much higher in 84-9. Relative (14)C-export (export as a % of photosynthesis) in the light was 36% higher in 85-1. The diel export patterns from (14)C-analyses correlated with those based on metabolite or dry weight/gas exchange analyses during the daytime, but not during the night. Night-time export estimated from (14)C-disappearance was 3.6 times lower than those estimated using the other methods. Even though the starch degradation at night was greater for 84-9, night-time export in 84-9 was similar to 85-1, since 84-9 showed both higher respiration and accumulation of soluble sugars (i.e. glucose) at night. Patterns of (14)C allocation to sink organs were also different in the two lines. Main stem growth was less in 84-9, being reduced most in the light when leaf export was lower relative to 85-1. Supplementation with sucrose for 1 h daily via the roots at a time when leaf export in 84-9 was low relative to 85-1 increased the stem growth rate of 84-9 to a level similar with that of 85-1. This study provides evidence that diel C availability predicted by source strength (e.g. C-export rate) influences main stem extension growth and the pattern of sink development in F. linearis.  相似文献   
Age, growth, mortality and exploitation pattern of sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in Trichonis Lake (western Greece) were studied from samples taken from catches of local fishermen. Individuals ranged between 44 and 109.53 mm in total length (TL). Age determinations based on scale readings show that the population has a 4-year life cycle. Sand smelt grows allometrically (b=3.18) and relatively rapidly, achieving 52.3% of the growth during the first year; thereafter the annual growth rate drops quickly. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for all individuals are: L=112.40 mm, k= 0.42 years−1και to=−0.40 years. The total mortality rate was Z=1.65 years−1 and the natural mortality rate M=1.07 years−1. The exploitation rate indicates that the population is rather underexploited (E=0.35).  相似文献   
Photoacclimation involves the modification of components of the light and dark reactions to optimize photosynthesis following changes in available light. All of the energy required for photosynthesis comes from linear electron transport through PSII and PSI and is dependent upon the amount of light harvested by PSII relative to PSI (a*PSII and a*PSI). The amount of light harvested is determined by the effective absorption cross‐sections (σPSII, σPSI) and cellular contents of the PSII and PSI reaction center complexes (RCII, RCI). Here, we examine the effective absorption cross‐sections and reaction center contents for calcifying (B11) and noncalcifying (B92) strains of the globally important coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W. H. Hay et H. Mohler when grown under various photon flux densities (PFDs). The two strains displayed different “strategies” of acclimation. As growth PFD increased, B11 preferentially changed σ and the cellular content of chl a per cell over PSU “size” (the total cellular chl a content associated with the reaction center complexes); strain B92 preferentially changed PSU size over the cellular content of reaction complexes. Neither strategy was specifically consistent with the majority of previous studies from other microalgal species. For both strains, cellular light absorption for PSII and PSI was maintained close to unity across the range of growth PFDs since changes of σPSII and σPSI were reciprocated by those of RCIIs and RCIs per cell. Our results demonstrate a significant adaptive flexibility of E. huxleyi to photoacclimate. Finally, we calculated the amount of chl a associated with either photosystem to consider our interpretations of photoacclimation based on conventional determinations of PSU size.  相似文献   
The length–weight relationships of 13 species from river Nestos (North Greece) were calculated in the present study, seven of which are presented for the first time. Significant length–weight relationships with high correlation coefficient were found for all species. The value of the parameter b varied between 2.36 and 3.27 (mean value ± SE: 3.05 ± 0.06).  相似文献   
Campylobacter jejuni is a major cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, primarily associated with the consumption of contaminated poultry. C. jejuni lineages vary in host range and prevalence in human infection, suggesting differences in survival throughout the poultry processing chain. From 7343 MLST‐characterised isolates, we sequenced 600 C. jejuni and C. coli isolates from various stages of poultry processing and clinical cases. A genome‐wide association study (GWAS) in C. jejuni ST‐21 and ST‐45 complexes identified genetic elements over‐represented in clinical isolates that increased in frequency throughout the poultry processing chain. Disease‐associated SNPs were distinct in these complexes, sometimes organised in haplotype blocks. The function of genes containing associated elements was investigated, demonstrating roles for cj1377c in formate metabolism, nuoK in aerobic survival and oxidative respiration, and cj1368‐70 in nucleotide salvage. This work demonstrates the utility of GWAS for investigating transmission in natural zoonotic pathogen populations and provides evidence that major C. jejuni lineages have distinct genotypes associated with survival, within the host specific niche, from farm to fork.  相似文献   
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